Various people poured encomiums on him for his wonderful deeds, impacts, and influence when he was alive. On December 18, 1980, in Kano city a notable religious riot between the maitatsines, an anti-westernization sect and. Many lives have been sacrificed as a result of land ownership disputes, and many more are likely to be lost until these concerns are resolved once and for all. effective emergency response. A resolution must also be passed by two-thirds of the members of both houses. The constitutional powers to declare a state of emergency rests with the president. In addition, there should be a complete overhaul of the security institutions in the country to reflect international standards of best practices so as to pre-empt these security breaches. Inflation is defined as a rise in the overall level of prices for goods and services, resulting in a decrease in the buying power of the currency. Terrorism At the most proximate and least disputable level, terrorism is the most fundamental source of insecurity in Nigeria today, and its primary bases and sources of support have generally been located in religious fanaticism and intolerance. With the lingering security challenges and the inability of the security apparatus of the government to guarantee safety and security in the country, the question that borders everyone in Nigeria today is can there be security? Is the security of lives and properties achievable? A State of Emergency, according to state law, can be declared during a situation or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property, resulting from a natural or man-made cause. Apart from the outright closure of a business enterprise, an existing business can also be affected in the four functional areas of business shown below such as production, marketing, finance, and human resource (H/R). 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! Out of frustration, these youths are drawn into crime. Due to the impact of insecurity on businesses, we support the proposition that the government must ensure the availability of public security at all times. Porous Borders One major immediate factor which has enhanced insecurity in Nigeria is the porous frontiers of the country, where individual movements are largely untracked. Emergency, I think all of you are familiar with this word. Civilians in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger continue to be affected by grave violations of human rights, widespread sexual and gender-based violence, forced recruitment and suicide bombings. In the constitutional history of Nigeria, declarations of a state of emergency have always been premised on public order, safety and security concerns. For example, a person can be too high of a risk to be desirable to standard insurance providers. Being your own boss pays better than anything else. An analysis of Nigeria's health sector by state: recommendations for the expansion of the Hygeia Community Health Plan, Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID). In 2011 alone, Nigeria's fuel subsidy cost the country an estimated $8 billion and the price tag for 2012 was expected to be even greater. Top among these are the widespread corruption, overpopulation in schools, few market-relevant courses, and general unaffordability of a good education. As mentioned above, a lack of preparation can . This emanates from the cost of taking precautions and payment for private security services. These migrants which are mostly young men are some of the perpetrators of crime in the country. 10. A nationwide state of national emergency was declared on 25 March 2020 at 12:21pm due to COVID-19 and was extended six times. The implication is manpower shortage for the business which ultimately affects the success and survival of the business. In June, the rate of severe acute malnutrition was 19 per cent among children - the emergency threshold is 3 per cent. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is usually investment targeted at building new factories or investing in actual production activities which create jobs. Those caught up in the conflict have experienced brutal violence, lost family, friends and homes, lived with acute and sustained levels of stress in poor conditions, seen their communities torn apart and had little or no access to life-saving services such as health and education. In addition, the countrys GDP fell by -13.4 percent in the first quarter of 2018. 13/05/2020. Nigeria reported the country's . These unexpected failures can be dangerous and might cause greater damage to health, safety as well as working environment. Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013, Abuja, Nigeria, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: NPC and ICF International. b. The Yorubas have had a history of political racality, which is well known throughout Nigeria. This generated heated debate about the legitimacy of declaring a state of emergency. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide6.xml.rels 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! 3.2. emergency management in nigeria: history and current situation 52 3.3. emergency response organisations in nigeria 53 3.4. correlation between emergency management stakeholders in nigeria 59 3.5. government and law-making structure for disaster management in nigeria 61 3.5.1. the national disaster management framework (ndmf) in nigeria 63 3.6. Work included scaling up laboratories and supporting emergency operations centers to inform public health efforts and policies to help save lives during the pandemic. And even when these exist, some personnel get influenced by ethnic, religious, or communal sentiment and are easily swallowed by their personal interest to serve their people, rather than the nation. Especially for all of the promises they made on education. We contend that when there is widespread insecurity, it could affect business investment, the entire business organization, or some aspects of its operations which include production, marketing, finance, and human resource (H/R). Factors hindering the development of Nigeria. Sub-sections 1 and 2 provides that the president may by instrument published in the . You also gave solutions. These vague and two-line solutions proffered to the mountain of problems are insufficient to shed light on the way forward, they {solutions} seem better said than done! K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide4.xml.rels What are the problems of development in Nigeria. But no matter what, one has to plan to overcome such emergency situations. 019-V#2z`TFi*kgv1#TQ\R{GqZ~'tX"_3`Nei@'v\r(%G%rP]v="C?%0(f_p kbUG9(fTL1&_*"ry3g^CB?' PK ! Abstract. According to a source, the females were between the ages of 17 and 18. 2. Even though on face value, this will seem to be a positive development, I have reason to be cautious and fearful of another political disaster in the SW. "Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the President may by instrument published in the Official Gazette of the Government of the Federation issue a Proclamation of a state of emergency in the Federation or any part thereof". In Nigeria, there have been major national disasters in the last few years. One of the general principles is that any decision about an emergency must be done in good faith. In addition, insecurity destroys existing infrastructure and also prevents an environment for the development of further infrastructure; and a safe environment for economic activities by individuals to give them economic empowerment that will enable households not only to cater for their present generations but also to provide for future generations. The countrys annual profits have decreased, significantly impacting the countrys population. 13. Graduates are usually required to live with their parents for lengthy periods, which can lead to discontent and pessimism. Therefore, the government, civil society groups, business organizations,s, and individuals must fight insecurity so as to create an enabling environment where business organizations will feel free and secured to achieve their full potentials and the country will itself be safe to achieve sustainable development. SECURITY CHALLENGES IN NIGERIA AND THE BUILDING SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. Some areas have increased risk. No planning is involved and no tools and resources are collected that are required to resolve issues as such issues occur unexpectedly. Given the porous borders as well as the weak and security system, weapons come easily into Nigeria from other countries. The history of State of Emergency in Nigerian politics began in 1962 when large-scale irregularities in the. He spoke on the topic: Security Challenges in Nigeria and the Implications for Business Activities and Sustainable Development. Insecurity, therefore, becomes a drain on local and national resources at the expense of development and peoples well-being thereby, having adverse consequences on economic growth and development. Currently, 3% of the population is between the ages of 15 and 64. One of the biggest causes of crime among Nigerian young is negativity; they turn to unlawful activities since they have nothing better to do with their time or money. During the enforcement of emergency rule, however, these principles might not be adhered to. The organization has kidnapped children and murdered Christians across the country. c\# 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.relsj0=wW;,e)C>!mQ[:o1tx_?],(AC+lt>~n_'\08c 1\0JhA1Q!K-_I}4Qg{m^0xKO;-G*|ZY#@N5 PK ! But in Nigeria, The federal government controls about 80 percent of the resources in the country, leaving the state and local government at its mercy. All of these values which made society secured and safe have all gradually been thrown away and lost. In their pursuit, they have damaged oil pipelines and abducted oil employees. It is generally argued however that security is not the absence of threats or security issues, but the ability to rise to the challenges posed by these threats with expediency and expertise. The latest disgusting incident was the abduction and killing of an American-based Nigerian, Prince Eloniyo Abuda, who was found dead five days after he was abducted by suspected Fulani herdsmen. This can be an important part of emergency management and the benefits of a state of emergency often include opening up resources that will benefit communities impacted by the emergency situation. the Government of Nigeria declared a state of emergency with the imposition of curfews. There is hardly a day that passes without sorry tales of pre-meditated killings, armed robbery and other crimes and attacks nationwide. FILE - A woman carries a placard as she shouts a slogan during a "Walk Against Rape" march in Lagos, Nigeria, Oct. 5, 2011. Nigeria is a federation of 36 states and 1 federal capital territory.Each of the 36 states is a semi-autonomous political unit that shares powers with the federal government as enumerated under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.The Federal Capital Territory (FCT), is the capital territory of Nigeria, and it is in this territory that the capital city of Abuja is located. This has made national security threat to be a major issue for the government and has prompted a huge allocation of the national budget to security. In addition to the usual crimes, the coordinated attacks from the Boko Haram sect in the northern part of the country, besides making life miserable for Nigerians, have affected so many businesses operating in that region. When a firm is unable to access raw materials needed for production due to insecurity in the source, it can disrupt production activities. They claim that, despite being the golden egg-laying chicken, their territory is severely undeveloped. In the first case, before the state of emergency was declared on 24 March and a lockdown of parts of the capital city-province Kinshasa was imposed, President Felix Tshisekedi had announced, on 18 March, measures to restrict the movement of people, including banning public gatherings, closing schools, restricting travel and closing public . Recommended: How to buy land in Nigeria: Important documents you will need. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 as amended empowers the country's President in section 305 to declare a State Emergency in the whole country or any part thereof if the country is involved in any crisis situation caused by either human beings or natural phenomena such as earthquake, floods, erosion etc. It is argued that except our values are right, we cannot get it right as a nation in all of the areas that we have itemized, and except we get it right in those areas, the people will continue to suffer deprivation and injustice which will cause dissatisfaction and disaffection and consequently create an insecure environment. A situation where the country earns a great deal of revenue through oil sales but fails to use these earnings to meet the needs of its people and to develop infrastructure as well as the economy. State governments work with insurers to offer programs that can provide insurance for these individuals. The present ruling administration is not fulfilling its promises, and officials are more concerned with stuffing their wallets than with properly governing. The essence of this provision is to enable the president to . The Nigerian government requires a rebirth. He opined that government at all levels has not done enough by not confronting frontally the situation head-on and dealing with it decisively, others have argued that the situation has a political undertone or inclination calculated to serve the interest of certain political gods, who have been dissatisfied and disgruntled about the political manifestations in the country. During their schooling, many Nigerian graduates did not learn practical skills. A paper presented by Director Panning Research and Forecasting, NEMA, to participants of the National War College Course 13, at the . According to Amnesty International, hundreds of oil leaks occur each year in Nigerias Niger Delta, owing to pipe degradation, sabotage, and carelessness on the part of oil firms. It is heartbreaking to learn that the government, which was established to strengthen the country and combat corruption, is taking from its citizens. Across the country, groups have emerged to compete for control of resources located on their land. Our story is not as bleak as presented here. 49. He states that the war against insecurity would be won only by raising governance standards that is, cultivating the culture of good governance where the government is responsible and accountable to the people. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Domestic output suffers as a result of these conditions, but frequent power outages also make it impossible for many international enterprises to do business in Nigeria. This is particularly true in Nigeria where the role of the legislature and judiciary are constantly undermined and influenced by the executive. These factors have been classified or grouped into external and internal factors. New values have taken over their place over the years, with the so-called modernity and civilization. World Bank on the investment climate in nine African countries in which it was found that 29% of business operators in Africa and 36% in Nigeria perceived insecurity as a major constraint on investment. It is a normal political instrument that can be used under extraordinary circumstances that threaten the survival and national security of Nigeria. The daily massacres, kidnappings, bombings, and rape carried out by Boko Haram throughout the country are quite concerning. Summary. When the Governor duly proclaims the existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state caused by fire, flood, storm, epidemic, technological failure or accident, riot, drought, sudden and severe energy shortage, plant or animal infestation or disease, earthquake, explosion, terrorism, The implications of the Nigeria insecurity situation for organizations business activities cannot be overemphasized. Your email address will not be published. In many countries, the executive arm of the government declares a state of emergency. By. This situation has the damaging consequence of giving a signal to the international community that Nigeria is not a safe and secure place and as such not suitable for investment and business activities. In Nigeria, litter is strewn across the highways and streets. This will contribute to the countrys unity and build greater trust among all tribes. Mr question is that, all this solution youve have written down, have once ever secretly or openly impacted at least one of it to solve one part of the problems? The Speaker was Chris Aluta, GMD, ProtectionPlus Services Limited. Much of this was a result of the fact that " at least 200 New Orleans police officers have walked away from . Nigerian education has a significant difficulty. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta is a good example (MEND). Emergency Maintenance (EM) is an immediate action that is needed to be taken whenever any unexpected failure of asset occurs or assets get broken down. The formulation and effective implementation of policies and programs capable of addressing the root causes of insecurity in Nigeria is crucial, especially with regard to poverty; unemployment, environmental degradation, injustice, corruption, porous borders, and small arms proliferation. The government is responsible for this discourse, which must be conducted in order to keep the country secure. The renowned Security expert said that for the Government to tackle insecurity, a key starting point should be to understand the causes of insecurity as well as to investigate their sources of social disorder and instability. In turn, it minimizes loss. There are also circumstances when employees of a business enterprise become victims of the attack and the firm losses its experienced staff through death or injury. A state of emergency is not an aberration. Ethno-Religious Conflicts These have arisen from distrust among various ethnic groups and among the major religions in the country. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide9.xml.rels k; 7 ! The government is responsible for this discourse, which must be conducted in order to keep the country secure. In his view, security engagement cannot be separated from good governance. Finally, dealing alone with the issues mentioned above will not appraise the root causes of insecurity. 4. Nigeria was ranked 144th out of 177 countries on Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index in 2013, making it one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The following are some advantages of statelessness: As the server does not need to manage any session, deploying the services to any number of servers is possible, and so scalability will never be a problem; No states equals less complexity; no session (state) synchronize logic to handle at the . Abrupt braking. In order to facilitate this collaboration, Memoranda of Understanding have been signed by several United Nations agencies; these agreements aim to clarify roles and responsibilities in emergency relief and rehabilitation programmes, and outline commitments to joint activities within agency competencies. Many educational institutions are now founded and administered on political grounds in many states; entrance to universities, colleges, and polytechnics, particularly universities, is sometimes influenced by politicians rather than academic merit. Best businesses to start with N100k in Nigeria and be successful, Causes, Effects and Solutions to Brain Drain in Nigeria, Causes, Effects and Solutions to Conflict in Africa, Countries with the best justice system in the world 2022, Effects of Unemployment On Individuals and the society, Problems of the Nigerian educational system, How to buy land in Nigeria: Important documents you will need, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet, Best Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence. The ethnoreligious conflict was defined as a situation in which the relationship between members of one ethnic or religious group and another of such group in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society is characterized by lack of cordiality, mutual suspicion, and fear, and a tendency towards violent confrontation. Attending school provides you with extra information, allowing you to become an educated tailor, baker, or shoemaker, for example. 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! In fact, dictators around the world abuse emergency rule. Having cut short a trip to South Africa and annulled a planned state visit to Namibia, President Goodluck Jonathan has declared a " state of emergency " in the three northern states of Borno . We must strive to get to a level where crimes will be nipped in the bud before they are perpetuated. Nigerians are tired of going to the polls on election day only to discover that their ballots havent been counted. The problem of Internal Land Conflicts: Land ownership disputes have frequently caused conflicts among Nigerians. 200,000 students graduate from colleges each year, yet many struggles to find work and others resort to less-than-honorable ways of subsistence. Inflation is a significant issue in the country. According to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 244,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition in Borno state and on average 134 die every day from this. Political leaders have a history of engaging in corrupt practices. Threats likely to cause a declaration of the state of emergency include armed action against the state (such as a coup d'etat), financial crisis, epidemics, natural disasters, or external attacks. The security challenges in Anambra State over the past weeks do not in any way qualify for the proclamation of a state of emergency. On the upside, Nigeria benefits from its relatively large market size, which bears the potential for significant economics of scales; a relatively efficient labor market, driven by its flexibility, and a solid financial market following its gradual recovery. As stated in the Nigerian constitution of 1999, basic and secondary education would be free. This organization has filed a lawsuit against the government for control of money derived from the sale of crude oil produced in their territory. It is theorized by many that fighting corruption and winning the war will bring about an egalitarian society, where fairness, social justice, and equal right for all will reign supreme; where rights will not be privileges for some people, and for others, privileges are their rights: where every Nigerian will be treated and accorded position not based on tribe and sect, but on merit defined in terms of the content of his character, mental capacity and ability to deliver; where there will be no discrimination. The use of violence to combat violence is unlikely to succeed in eliminating terrorism since it will result in the deaths of many innocent people. We recognize that some internal factors have been enhanced and strengthened by the presence of external forces, but, there is no doubt that, if the internal situations did not present themselves, the external forces would be unable to infiltrate. Social media anxiety disorder is related to social anxiety, a mental illness which happens when social media affects the mental and physical health of a person, causing one to feel inadequate, jealous, incompetent and unsatisfied. In Nigeria, the challenge is not so much about the insecurity of external sources, but rather that of internal sources. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. By using our site, you This is in addition to the poor attitudinal and behavioral disposition of security personnel. This is an internationally recognised set of rules which set out limits to restrictions on rights during emergencies. U$vYL.w-*;-lA There is also the need to modernize the security agencies with training, intelligence sharing, advanced technology, logistics, motivation, and change of orientation. Pervasive Material Inequalities and Unfairness Greater awareness of disparities in life is a major root cause of insecurity in Nigeria. All our endearing values and morals have been traded off for western values. Nigeria's problems in the education sector have made it hard for the system to churn out market-ready graduates. It is the cause of inequality and inequitable distribution of the nations wealth among its citizens, a situation that is the root cause of disaffection among Nigerians. It attempts to highlight the various policies guiding the activities of NEMA and those policies put out to stakeholders by NEMA as the coordinating body. Emergency maintenance does not increase lifetime of equipment. Insecurity everywhere is a risk factor that business owners and managers dread and wish to avoid by relocating their businesses elsewhere. In Nigeria, election tampering is not uncommon. This might result in delays in production, decrease in product quality, increase labor costs, etc. Members of the Niger-Delta militants have reintroduced the use of weaponry in expressing their grievances. Graduates frequently have to stay in their parents houses for an extended period, leading to dissatisfaction and pessimism. This is antithetical to the democratic culture which nigeria has practiced successfully and . Weak Security System This results from inadequate equipment for the security arm of government, both in weaponry and training. If we scored ourselves so low like this, how can we be rated any better by foreigners? When these situations exist, the crime rate is bound to rise and the security of lives and properties cannot be guaranteed. The argument for this is that such leaders will help to mold the contending ethnic and religious groups into harmony and help to remove the perceived mutual distrust among them. 1~LaRS\&i1PPABwcg6GMH\(>hN{K(wx{ PK ! But the countrys federal system is deeply flawed with power and resources inordinately in control of the central government. Infrastructure: Following other issues such as Boko Haram, infrastructure may appear to be a minor concern, but how can a country advance without a steady power supply? Nice one! 2013, is a baby agency in emergency management, compared to Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA). Apart from the absence of qualified personnel and relevant ambulance equipment, sustainability is an issue.4 Most government ambulance services started and then quickly collapsed when the. The power sector is crooked and mismanaged, and many personnel in the energy industry lack the necessary skills and training. 6. Lack of IGR: many state's internal generated revenue can barely sustain salary payment. 8. In spirit and practice, when a State of Emergency is declared, civil liberties are often at risk. 5. March 30, 2022. x|J%H7rN`%_rGb@X\v0/t)'.C; th7_w'unVvjJ~ix 53qQmbI+>ocuj6XXj5Lkf`uAvlALk0/!8N>:F'8NpStl!~W,~_7,NgOfO{iT-jkxt-!(mCVx`o! VfpVA/7ev0=_0M)Lc Elimination of Corruption and Entrenchment of Social Justice Corruption is viewed by everybody as the cog in the Nigerian wheel of progress and development. The foundations of the institutional framework in Nigeria are very shaky and have provoked deterioration of state governance and democratic accountability, thus, paralyzing the existing set of constraints including the formal and legitimate rules nested in the hierarchy of social order. In response to the forced closure of schools, the Oyo state government launched an "education-in-emergency" intervention called "School on Air" to serve as an alternative way of learning . The proclamation must be ratified by the National Assembly made up of the Senate and House of Representatives. 22. Corruption must be combated as a team effort. They were too absorbed with reading textbooks to see how what they had learned might be applied. Advantages and disadvantages of statelessness. Between 2001 and 2006, just $50 million of the $240 million needed for road repairs was paid. This digital currency will promote financial inclusion, meaning those who are unbanked can get easier and safer access to money on their mobile phones. It poses a serious threat to many peoples lives, which is one of the reasons why many workers are requesting pay raises. Disadvantages of declaring a state of emergency If the President had declared a state of emergency in South Africa, there would have been a limitation on the citizens' rights. Absorbed with reading textbooks to see how what they had learned might be applied of going to the democratic which... Usually Investment targeted at building new factories or investing in actual production activities affects the success and survival the! Workers are requesting pay raises $ 240 million needed for road repairs was paid are with! 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