And regardless of what Heard did or didnt suffer at the hands of Depp, isnt the relentless memeing of her a form of violence in itself? Go figure. Okay, I was just answering the question you asked. ago If it were him on those recordings saying I didnt punch you I slapped you. There is none. Thats the only reason I believe what I believe, It may not be that they are so much attracted to him (aside from some die hard fans), as much as they love to be able to say that a woman is lying, Some people are inclined to think that a woman is the one being manipulative. Lawrence said the real test will come when Amber Heard faces cross-examination. Heard accused Depp of domestic abuse during their divorce proceedings in 2016. Why it's enraging that people only believe Amber Heard's domestic violence allegations now that a man has backed her up. submissions or preferences. i am sick to my stomach watching from home, can't imagine how he must be feeling.". I am a woman who refuses to settle at a career and a life that is just, "okay". She had like mini marks and she even stated in the testimony that some were a few days after etc where bruising would increase or worsen if you were PUNCHED by a MAN. "Hear people that I knewsome well, some notmy ex-husband with whom I shared a life, speak about our lives in the way that they have.". Two are women who believe that AH being abusive is the "reactive abuse" that the psychologist used to excuse her actions. This is imo spot on and exactly what I believe. I havent watched the whole entire thing though. policy. I dont think this trial makes anyone look good and they probably should have both just ended the relationship and moved on. I think she has a mental disorder thats the only break I think I can give her in this case. It seems like she was trying to remember, They told me to say eggshells.. They all took drugs. They mock a woman they refuse to believe at all even though false reports of domestic violence are extremely rare. Still would be considered SA though. Julie Grant, a host on Court TV, which is broadcasting the trial, told U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain that she found Depp's behavior to be "concerning.". There is always misogyny to consider. Could you imagine the rage you would have if your partner severed your finger? Heard took to the . How about yall take that energy to call for her to get help and bring awareness to trauma and mental disorders instead!! Why do people believe him? It hurts SA victims with PTSD that actually struggle with memory (both amber and her reactionaries). Amber Heard shared disturbing testimony about alleged abuse by Johnny Depp, and TikTok users mocked her. Her lawyers are (as of now) far better at painting a picture of her trauma. (Ex: him drinking in front of her knowing itll piss her off). The two were. Being friends with Amber Heard has its consequences. So he wrote a message saying such vile and disgusting things about her, just so he can in the same message protect her by saying he cut his own finger. Fighting for Heard is going to set back feminism just as much as this case already has, I guarantee you. As the testimony continued, he seemed to have taken his sunglasses off, but continued to avoid looking up, instead appearing to doodle. One is a cluster B nutcase who has been physically abusive to her partners and is the perpetual victim. They were mean, codependent. They both sucked. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. News images provided by Press Association The answer doesn't lie in chanting "believe all women", a mantra implying that the only way of overcoming centuries of misogyny is to treat women alone as above suspicion. ago. Amber Heard posted a couple of photos of herself wearing a black dress, four years apart, on Wednesday, March 31, but social media thinks there's more to it than what meets the eye. The wait and see if she struck again has started. Also I think he cut his own finger but you didnt ask that. Johnny, an addict, looks for the coke and trashes the room in the process. If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit Seems like ah has a glass of wine in her hand anytime that she's not on camera? Press J to jump to the feed. Yet the prevailing narrative, still, is that this trial is rehabbing Depps image, saving his career, and vindicating his reputation. 6. I believe her side and I believe some of his side. But when she told stories of things that actually happened, it was very natural and very believable. I dont understand how anyone can support either of these people. created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant After all, its hard to keep the small stuff straight when youre telling lots of big lies. The British courts believed Depp beat his ex-wife. "Just because #JohnnyDepp keeps his head down doesn't make him innocent!" While watching the trial, various individuals took to social media to report that Amber's deposition felt and sounded oddly familiar. We almost always want to believe the man, the more powerful and dominant one. All rights reserved. #JustSaying. Depp denied the allegations of domestic violence at the time despite photos, videos and texts between Heard and Depps assistant that suggested otherwise. Yes. Hes just as toxic as she is and vice versa from my pov. have you ever in your rants stated that you want to **** dead corpse of your partner to make sure he is dead? Some weeks the internet is buoyant, all of us kept afloat by daft dresses and Kardashian weddings and Marvel actors saying theyve never been in the same room. When #JohnnyDepp testified #AmberHeard was staring at him and has done throughout. Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. And I honestly cant be bothered with any of this and choosing sides. Still, despite the fact that Londons High Court previously found allegations that Depp was a wife beater to be substantially true, the internet appears to have overwhelmingly picked Depps side. Have we completely lost track of the severity of these allegations? "Him looking down most of the time was concerning. This is not true. I also believe his version of the story of the headbutt (she was hitting him, he grabbed her flailing arms and accidentally head butted her) although, I believe amber in that he probably head butted her a lot harder than he claims, which did leave bruises. Apparently, a guy hitting his wife is super hard to believe. He admitted it to his own doctor and those messages were shown in the trial. I believe that Johnny was a paranoid, jealous, misogynistic and controlling. Amber Heard did everything she was "supposed" to do. That is a bottle of wine a day. And we sure as hell shouldnt have to wait for a man to back them up before we listen to them. ", Listening Amber Heard's testimony. that was weird now that I think about it lol, was she wasted? She said she was dragged across broken glass while naked and that her feet were cut with glass. Ad Choices. Depp and Heard met on the set of the 2011 film The Rum Diary and married in 2015. What are we, as women, supposed to take away from this tacit endorsement of his behavior? Completely believable. His die hard fans argue that he wanted to protect her by saying it was him, but just look at this message. Shes basically a brunette AH, and completely insufferable to be around. : 29.7K.: 951. TikTok masa (@lutizluva): all the comments I get from those who don't believe Amber, these "arguments" give me reason to understand that the person who writes them has no understanding of what the abuse of an addicted person is. ", "This is horrible for me to sit here for weeks and relive everything," Heard said. Sounds better than she did it because lots of drugs , yeah being wasted doesnt help but I am hoping if she was wasted then it was at least unintentional. She embellished and dramatized for support, love, and attention. But as for a perfect villain well, Johnny Depps doing some of his best work in ages. Anyone who recalls the testimony of Harvey Weinsteins rape victims some of whom continued to have consensual sex with Weinstein after their attacks, who sent him warm emails, one even writing she hoped to introduce Weinstein to her mother can attest to that. When they were high? He told her it said "wino," and she laughed, believing he was joking. Just a quick look at his wikipedia page will show that in the past he got arrested for assault, also for trashing a hotel room, etc. I think in this situation they are both abusers and the victim. Sometimes it's important to wear the same thing twice". These are all awfully specific, humiliating details, and they only bolster Heards credibility. . Regarding the SA: I dont believe the bottle incident, that doesnt make sense at all. Some people do. I dont like the term reactive abuse because I dont think that a victims reaction to being abused should be categorized as any kind of abuse. She misconstrued their relationship and denied her part in it. Children but interest outside their waking hours.. August 01, 2022 | by AMOM-A-BAZILLIONMORE. But I really dont. There are lots of statistical studies done to back this up. they both suck. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Think in on of the recordings she tells him that even he told people she was hitting him, who would believe him. Oh yeah, tons of people are defending her. I believe her," tweeted domestic abuse researcher Dr. Emma Katz. Based on what I've seen of the trial, I think Amber Heard is very much the aggressor. He is 20 years her senior, extremely successful, very rich. Im sure he probably was abusive in some way by being reactive. Richard Marks says 'family-friendly companies like Disney' are the 'pinnacle' of . I dont think it was as violent as she describes, but I can also see it happening with different details. They were both completely toxic though and the trial is a mess . He told the court that he was brought in to look at how the op-ed may have damaged Mr Depps reputation. An entertainment lawyer has said that he assumes that Amber Heard may have thought that bringing up claims of abuse against Johnny Depp could have been a benefit to her. Domestic violence experts say these reactions can be triggering for survivors of abuse.. And then she hit a point of no return and had to continue with that narrative. Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet Announce Marriage Split The Hollywood Reporter, N G E L (@MrsAngelMiller) January 13, 2022, What the F*CK did Amber Heard do now? Ditto. Depp denied the allegations of domestic violence at the. Especially, when the news spreads about Amber Heard had flirting with Momoa. He said the column damaged Mr Depp and created a cancel situation, if you will. Despite her credibility issues, the experts said Heard was likely to win the case. Alicia Lutes / Twitter / Twitter. lol that is insane! imagine a scenario: theyre in a fight, amber steals and hides his coke out of spite. I think most people that drink more may self report conservatively. Even if its aggressive or violent. Johnny Depp's refusal to look at Amber Heard as she testified about the alleged abuse she suffered during their relationship has sparked a debate online. They wrote: "as a community we are SO proud of you, Johnny! Those who know me can tell you about the passion that I have not just for my job and the company that I work for but . I dont want to despair for humanity. I havent met one person yet just wondering if there are any out there. When he ran out of blood, apparently he also dipped the severed finger in paint to continue writing. Either way, there is clear cut evidence that comes from no other than him, but of course you are free to believe whoever you want. I dont want to think about what this is saying to victims of abuse who are considering coming forward. Johnny Depp has been found innocent. Its only now that her story has been corroborated by a man that her allegations are once again being taken seriously. May 24, 2022 at 2:52 p.m. EDT Actor Amber Heard listens, next to her lawyer Elaine Bredehoft during Heard's ex-husband Johnny Depp's defamation trial against her at the Fairfax County Courthouse.. We all understand that Depp fans will side with Depp. In a statement prior to the trial, Heard said she hoped that after its conclusion, I can move on and so can Johnny.. He refuses to look at her.#JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #DeppHeardTrial Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? On the other hand, he is larger than life. Johnny also misconstrued amber wanting to help him with drugs: she tried to encourage sobriety on him and he saw it as nagging and controlling, also didnt believe he had a problem, and when he did see the problem, his pride led him to having a hard time admitting that to amber after he spent years denying it. Again, not getting into the rest of the evidence just the pictures weve seen in this case. A reminder that #johnnydepp broke up his relationship not long after starring in a film with #AmberHeard Johnny tried to help her by telling her how to dress and what roles to take, and took it too far. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. because he is Johnny Deep. Johnny Depp is seeking damages of $50 million after Amber Heard wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2018 in which she spoke of being a victim of domestic abuse (without ever explicitly naming Depp). Definitely think there is a control/manipulation aspect in the respect of ruining his sobriety (though at the end of the day he needs to take responsibility and say "no" and walk away from all that shit). But does it make it a whole lot more likely that shes the problem here? Just wondering if anyone out there believes her side of the story. I would say that I don't take a position. Some of it warranted, some of it not. I do. Opinion: Jurors in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case face choice over which actor to believe This, of course, doesn't mean that women are the victims and men the perpetrators in every single case. A lot of people are not teenaged boys on the internet. I don't know the intimate details of their relationship. He knows there is no evidence hence the lawsuit. Of course not. . Legal documents obtained by People Magazine show that Depps former managers at TMG were aware of the actor having gotten physical with Amber Heard. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). ok, well he also sounded like an actor. I dont think were conditioned to believe her at all. On Monday, she testified that Depp, more than once, grabbed her by the pubic bone and taunt[ed] me, asking me if I thought I was so fing tough tough like a man now?. I struggle to find the words to describe how painful this is, she said, PEOPLE reports. She took a sedative to knock her out in the same house with her abuser. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies Depp, who was dropped from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise in 2018, was "asked to resign" from Fantastic Beasts 3 following the 2020 verdict. He was replaced in his role as Gellert Grindelwald by Mads Mikkelsen. While Mr Depp isnt named in the piece, his legal team argues that it contains a clear implication that Mr Depp is a domestic abuser, which they say is categorically and demonstrably false. They should be focused on helping themselves rather than pointing the finger at each other. The turd curse has struck again! Both inadequately addressed. Cooper Lawrence didnt mince her words when assessing Heards first morning of testimony. 'Amber Heard has testified in the dramatic defamation trial between her ex-husband Johnny Depp. The two were together for 16 years, which means their divorce might come as something of a shock. British TV personality Narinder Kaur also weighed in on the day's court proceedings, as she suggested that opinions had been formed based on the people concerned, rather than their actions. Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonnet are divorcing. Same. Photo: ELIZABETH FRANTZ/POOL/AFP via Getty Images Last week, Amber Heard took the stand in her ongoing defamation trial. Instead, amber decided to play victim. All the essentials: top fashion stories, editors picks, and celebrity style. He said the op-ed was devastating to Mr Depp, suggesting that Disney wouldnt put him in the sixth Pirates film under this cloud. "If [Heard] had kept her head down when he was talking she would have been accused of being guilty! I also believe that when Johnny did hit back it was akin to a shove, not chasing and holding her down and beating the shit out of her. And I didnt see myself as a victim. for the content of external websites. Indeed, the message that Jason Momoa made seems very dedicated to the marriage he and Lisa Bonet once had. You can obtain a copy of the It's interesting because in some regards we are conditioned to believe her. The exes have been involved in multiple legal battles since their split. Heres my take: I think they were in an abusive and toxic relationship. Its recently been announced that actor Jason Momoa has ended his marriage with Lisa Bonet. After Depp allegedly threw a cellphone at her face, striking her in the eye, the 30-year-old actress filed for divorce. While Mr Marks said he didnt know of any, he went on to speculate, I assume Amber Heard thought her career would get better by bringing this out. You can change your settings or. . She sounded rehearsed but she had talking points, she made sure to keep saying eggshells, walking on eggshells, or pattern, pattern of behaviour.. Social media: Before Amber Heard took the stand, Johnny Depp had already won juviderm. Viewers believe Amber Heard's testimony was full of movie quotes. if you read my response Im not a die hard fan. The mother of his children, Winona Ryder, Kate Moss ect.. All concluded he was not an abusive man. Wire service provided by AFP and Press Association. Sometimes I wonder if Im watching clips from a different trial than everyone else, because from what Ive seen, both of these people seem toxic AF. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. And people are just glossing over it I am confused. This is a morally grey case, and Amber Heard is a millionaire, she'll be fine. He cut his own finger. The 2018 article does not mention Depp by name. It seemed like it was all bad and the kids didnt want to be a part of it from the start. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, It is plain misogyny. But the truth is, neither one of them is acting. they like him because hes a popular, power multimillionaire who is also a man. It's really hard to know what is authentic and what is an act. Tangentially, The idea that depp would only bring forth a suit he knew he could win is directly contradicted by the fact that he did this exact think in the uk and lost. Heard is being systematically jeered at and ridiculed like a medieval criminal in the stocks as she catalogs historic abuse, as she alleges rape. Aggressive_Elk_1754 3 mo. one of the biggest facts imo is that there are no photos that show any damage to amber. A sociologist who studies sexual violence recently explained on Twitter why a number of women who identify themselves as domestic abuse survivors do not believe the allegations of violence by. This story has been shared 103,553 times. I found him *somewhat* believable and I find her believable. A redden spot on the cheek doesn't count towards damage nor does a bruise on the arm. All too often, allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault are met with scepticism and suspicion. Lisa even said she wasnt happy he was working with her. Lets revisit this cover story in The Hollywood Reporter, which ran in December 2020, one month after Depp lost his U.K. libel suit which declared him, essentially, a wife-beater. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. While he agreed that there were negative stories circulating about Mr Depp before the op-ed, Mr Marks said the column was something different. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. ", I have been told abusers stare at victims in court. She messed up badly there. When Heard . As we hear testimony that his drug and alcohol abuse has rendered him incontinent and uninsurable. Both of these guys have said at one point or another that Depp deserved it, that theyve always hated his movies, and that they wouldnt care if she cut their own fingers off because shes hot. We want to believe the highest paid actor of all time. I think its also a tough situation because abusers that are good manipulators will have everyone saying no, not them which can be even harder on the victim. All the while the abuser is often given the benefit of the doubt. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. He added that right now, the pinnacle of negativity in the filmmaking business is being accused of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, violence and what weve seen is almost immediately terminations and cancellations. "I will never forget it," she said. Point is, he was trying to avoid physical fights, not promote them. I wouldn't think the two of them would come out in his defense if he had been violent. Last week #JusticeForJohnnyDepp was trending on Twitter; yesterday, it was #AmberTurd. (Yet these two are older than Depp, make Santa Claus look buff, and are greasy, sweaty, sickly-looking alcoholics. Go on social media, and the anti-Heard sentiment is palpable. Users are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own apparently saying he wants to rape her corpse is just angry ranting. Please dont tell me she was sober. Completely believable. I suspect that she was the aggressor in a mutually abusive relationship and her version is greatly over exaggerated. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. . this. I didn't think anyone would believe me. this. There is also need by certain groups to have this one very public case of man being a victim of DV so they can trash the MeToo movement. Speaking to Channel 7s Sunrise on Thursday, psychologist and broadcaster Cooper Lawrence did not mince her words, to quote the shows co-host Natalie Barr. The fact that he didnt assault her back is enough for me to think he didnt abuse her. Consider that a majority male jury convicted Harvey Weinstein. They loved sober JD. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Depp sued his ex-wife Heard for libel in Fairfax County Circuit Court after she wrote an op-ed piece in "The Washington Post" in 2018 referring to herself as a "public figure representing domestic abuse.". Others believe that even if a romantic relationship between Jason Momoa and Amber Heard hasnt developed, at least not yet, that Lisa Bonet mightve wanted a divorce simply because Momoa didnt stand up for Johnny Depp. You call "victim-blaiming" when their relationship was seemingly destructive from both sides. I haven't really followed it much, but tend to believe him. , of course they will say she did it intentionally. Johnny Depp is seeking damages of $50 million after Amber Heard wrote an op-ed . Again though, that would be a mutual fight, and him using way more force than necessary to stop her, not him chasing her down and beating her. But shouldnt we have just believed her in the first place. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Create an account or log in to participate. . So mutually abusive can include physical vs verbal abuse (they do not have to be the same type of abuse). esp since it wasnt coupled with the other markers of dv such as isolation and manipulation, financial control (amber continues to claim she was financially independent from him) etc. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Johnny, an addict, looks for the coke and trashes the room in the process. They bring gifts hell never open. Amber Heard isnt a perfect victim. Dont believe me? So we got to see the contrast between the things that were rehearsed and the things she just knew.. Why is he so creepy and why are people attracted to him? Theyre both unbelievably toxic. The exes are pictured attending the Virgin Atlantic Gala screening of "Black Mass" during the BFI London Film Festival at Odeon Leicester Square on October 11, 2015 in London, England. I have always maintained a love for Johnny and it brings me great pain to have to live out the details of our past life together in front of the world, she said. Does that give him the right? Does that mean he couldnt be? Next: I also believe there was physical abuse. Then hes like, oh my house cleaner sent me the picture so I mean..beyond reprehensible behavior by her and absolutely disgusting and disturbed. 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