But it will give you a better idea or what NOT to look for. Among other unethical issues I have had. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But in reality, this isnt always the case. Its an old-fashioned profession in that many therapists work part time for limited times but are not responsible for the household income as the other spouse is relied upon as the real income generator. Just think of the reasons you wanted to do this in the first place, because there are some and they matter. Hybrid remote. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a subreddit to celebrate all things Occupational Therapy. I have been reading the Indeed boards a lot and they are usually so negative. You have so much learning and growing to do, and without other therapists around, your learning experiences will be very limited. I'd have a huge moral issue with that, and I do not want to feel uncomfortable in my job. Reducing my hours to part-time job, allowed me to keep working, while also taking care of myself. Because of this, your application has to be really strong to stand out among the massive number of applicants. It seems many new grads jump into the first job they can get, since it can be really hard to get your first job. You can read more about ethical dilemmas in my post titledEthical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy. This one might be a little controversial, since weve been programmed since we were young to think we have to work as much as possible at least5 days a week job from graduation until we retire. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. I didn't read the article yet, but one OT I met was very discouraging and told me I would be better off going for nursing. Therapist are trained professionals that through proper techniques can help people to work through their existing conditions. I worked in a school and realized that it's definitely not for me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Prepare for your Exam. The post covers the most prevalent situations that occupational therapists may find themselves in, especially as new grads. But just know that everyone has rough days (or weeks, or months!) If youre wondering if your city is saturated, check Indeed.com regularly and see if new job postings are listed, in addition to seeing how many OT and OTA programs exist in the city. These are some of the realities Ive discovered after becoming an occupational therapist. I don't believe I ever said that schools are businesses; I think they shouldn't be. I taught, I educated, and hopefully, I inspired those who attended to make changes and take control of their rehabilitative process. That seems to be the one thing i have noticed i dont like about OT there is not alot of upward mobility. I stood up in front of a group every so often and I discussed how to prevent back injuries. "They will remark disparagingly, 'I'm just a clinician,' I don't know what else I could do," Fork says. Tips to Reclaim your Practice (OT Flourish Podcast). While our student loans are high and you might feel like you cant afford to take time off to travel or work less than five days a week, there are other ways to add to your bank account. That's a false dichotomy, but you are free to choose and make your decisions as you wish. Alternatively, if you have already completed an undergraduate degree, complete a masters degree in occupational therapy. Im going on my 4th year in schools and constantly feel lost. How to Deal with Burnout as an Occupational Therapist, Burned Out in Occupational Therapy? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Remote in Norwich NR7. This school often takes students with or without IEPs. Luckily, therapy usually happens between 9-5 on weekdays. If you are asking a question, don't forget to check the sub FAQs, or do a search of the sub to see if your question has been answered already. One of the most rewarding things I did when I was in the clinic was teach the "Back School Clinic" for small groups. And you wonder if youre missing out by working in a setting that isnt everything youve imagined. There is so little mentorship and guidance, and I honestly feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support. I have 20+ years as an OT. Almost every setting has productivity requirements, with some settings less strict than others. It's easier that way because he's more willing to cooperate. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. 2. Let me know what you guys think about this. If this is your first time posting, please read the sub rules. Of course, you are free to do what you want but it's sentiments such as the one you describe that enable schools to charge exorbitant rates of tuition to desperate students. I hate how OT services are viewed as a "privilege," creating a lack of accessibility, especially for clients living in rural areas. If youre going for the OTR (Masters or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. become an ot/ota. Writing is awesome, though. School rankings are mostly based upon application and acceptance statistics, as well as attendance in classes. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. He might be the one who melts you quicker than snow in June. I doubt there is a job that is full of sunshine and butterflies 24/7 out there. Why. I do not feel that my FW or school prepared me at all. I am working through my BA at the age of 34. The school wants to collect all the federal funding they get for these children with special needs, but they wont provide them the help they need within the school setting. Or narrow your search. Or do a lot of on-line con Ed. Thanks for the article. Fewer and fewer settings are paying for this, so expect to pay for the courses. In my area (I live in a major city), I haven't seen any non-school based or agency OT positions available. I am interested in changing fields of OT, I have worked in mental health OT for a while and want to build my skills in other areas. This is SUPER stressful since you dont have anyone to guide you or answer questions, and you really are thrown to the wolves.. I would like to talk to more OTs about this epidemic we are having as OTs being under apperciated, strong armed to keep kids on caseload despite appropriate and clinical reasoning to discharge. Its okay to leave. Is it possible for the field to phase out? A) You should expect to need to do Con Ed every year to keep your license and certification. If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. Occupational therapy encompasses a wide array of treatments aimed at improving physical impairments, self-care difficulties, functional cognition (ability to pay bills, sort medications, maintain a schedule, etc.) Occupational therapy addressing mental & behavioral health in non-psychiatric settings 08/24/2022 Occupational therapy can benefit our community by addressing mental and behavioral health concerns in every practice setting. Global health through occupation is contingent upon our understanding of the human as an occupational being. This is what Ive done for the several years, and I really like the ability to have the change of pace. I wish there were more OT forums out there. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mostly I am just worried about being a "glorified CNA." The is NO accountability, no ethics, and certainly no remorse over the illegal activity. I agree with OTROX, if the majority of your exposure to OT is coming from these forums then you need to do a little more research on the career. Before asking yourself, "is being a physical therapist worth it?" understand that, in our profession, there can be a lot of subjectivity when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. To become an occupational therapist, you'll need a degree in occupational therapy, which usually takes three years full time or up to six years part time. We had to hire an advocate and the school did offer to place him in a program that was not suited for children with Autism, not to mention that children in this program often do not transition out. You're just "go go go" all day long. Almost every OT setting has productivity requirements, with some settings having less strict standards than others. Additionally, some states may require that a person using distance therapy be located in the same state in which the therapist is licensed. If you're going for the OTR (Master's or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. Occupational therapy is not always the sunshine and rainbows that you read about in the countless news articles touting its frequent rating in the top 10 happiest and least stressful jobs. I don't feel like the person 3 years ago that wanted to be an OT. So, without further ado, here are 10 things I hate about occupational therapy: 1. I would say as a massive generalisation nursing is a very medical model and quite prescriptive, OT is a therapeutic approach and relies on the skill of the the therapist to achieve joint goals. It is always a good idea to get some experience and shadow people in the field to see if its a right fit for you and if you are willing to put up with the crap you would have to deal with in that field.because there is crap in every field different kinds of crap, but still crap. MOT4ME, you've offered some helpful advice on these forums but this particular comment was very condescending and unnecessary. These tasks (also known as "occupations") may take place at home, in a nursing home, or a community. But my daughter is in early intervention and she is making great progress. You can check an occupational therapist is qualified and registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) using its online register of health and care professionals. Do you or Sarah have any tips on changing role with little to no experience in the fields? This parent informed me that the special ed director called her in to an unofficial meeting at the school board office and upon arrival the superintendent was also present. Being an OT is definitely not equal to being a glorified CNA. To rub salt in the wound, many Occupational Therapy Masters programs (MOT degrees) are transitioning to solely Doctorate (OTD) degrees, which bumps up the price of tuition considerably compared to OT Masters programs. What an interesting forum. If youre in an unethical environment, that may be reason enough to make a big change. To be a licensed speech-language pathologist, you need to complete an undergraduate degree, a master's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders, pass a Praxis exam, complete 400 hours of supervised clinical hours, and complete a 9-month (paid) clinical fellowship. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. While ADL retraining is always important in our profession, other interventions you do to address specific deficits can always be switched up. Heather Fork is an authority on physician burnout. You have your toolbox, and know what interventions work for you. Ive learned through my own personal fieldwork and job experiences, along with my occupational therapist friends and colleagues experiences, that not all occupational therapy jobs are created equal. I have been an OT in the state of Virginia since 1999. And it is these goals that, like gay conversion therapy, do long-term damage to the human psyche. In any profession there are upsides and downsides. 1. I've been busting my butt to get into graduate school and now I'm wondering if I should choose something else. At speech therapy, Nathan goes back without me. I'm just ranting in confusion, but any feedback would be appreciated. Loved every minute. Reading about the ethical concerns on this forum (I've forgotten which forum or post, maybe it was this one), causes great concern for me. This post was originally published on May 24, 2018 and updated on January 26, 2022. One advantage of working in home health is you can be your own boss and set your own schedule. I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. Hearing about running into problems with ethics to make more money for your boss, yet risking losing your job, is a huge issue for me. Just saying. Thank you for your contribution. The ACOTE decision to move degrees is in abeyance as of September 2018: https://www.aota.org/Education-Careers/Accreditation/acote-doctoral-mandate-2027.aspx. I agree with this. Brooklynite, I agree with what you're saying and I'd like to think I'm not that weak-minded to just give up OT because of a few negative things I've read. Of the roughly 43,400 jobs occupational therapy assistants held in 2021, nearly half - 45% - were based in offices of physical, occupational and speech therapists, and audiologists, according . Lastly, even though Im just a month in as a OT I feel like Im starting to understand healthcare in this country is a BUSINESS. Requesting support and further information. If so, Ive absolutely been there (multiple times) and I first want you to know that Im so sorry that youre feeling this way! Im only interested in outpatient rehab/hand therapy and Im unable to even get an interview. And just because you are struggling doesn't mean that you are failing! While this is a totally normal feeling (and something that I still experience), before you jump into another setting that may make you feel just as or more stressed, take some time to reflect before you make a major change. Good luck everyone! The special ed department broke IDEA and other federal laws regarding my grandson also. What would be most helpful for you? ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. I think it is fine to feel like a bad practitioner the first couple years. Becoming an occupational therapist is expensive. OT came to me like an epiphany and for the past two years I thought I was preparing for my dream career. I still love working in rehab and acute care over eight years later. Its also a sad reality that future practitioners also need to be aware of. B) Depending on your setting, you may be the only OT in the department. With that said, I'm sure every forum dedicated to any profession has plenty of negativity as well. Add in If youre a new grad in this situation, I recommend taking the time to find a mentor or a new position where there are other OTs around to help guide you. He might make your heart soar. When interviewing for a new position, be sure to ask about productivity requirements, expected caseload, hours you will actually get, mentorship, etc. in Counseling & Mental Health, Life Coach. The therapeutic relationship can be difficult if there is a personality clash. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. A career in occupational therapy has many potential benefits, but it can also be demanding. 5 out of 10 are bored out of their mind. This way you get the variety of two different settings part time instead of only one setting full time. Your training as an OT was about learning to identify and solve problems in holistic ways most others cant. Make a new food more appetizing by pairing it with something you enjoy. 24.3 miles away from Apple Massage Therapy. THAT SPEAKS VOLUME!!!!!!!! You might find your second or third choice is actually a great fit for you. I dont mind educating the general population on what we do at all, but I imagine after doing this for your entire career it could get tiring. W wave06 Full Member 10+ Year Member 5+ Year Member Joined Jun 25, 2007 Messages 43 Reaction score 1 Apr 2, 2010 #7 I just like to be open-minded and hear all sides and weigh it all out. This generally takes 4 years of full-time study. I have been an OT for over 36 years, and although I enjoy working with clients, I find the paperwork excessive and unnecessary for quality of care. It will make you a more well rounded applicant. Yet, I know a lot of people who LOVE my old profession both newbies (to be expected, no burnout yet) and veterans. But, this is especially applicable in home health therapy. Ive certainly been in this situation. Occupational therapy could definitely use a gender-diversity facelift. Every career has its ups and downs. I found this to be the case when I graduated, and ended up in a setting I wasnt crazy about. CNAs do those things for the patient, whereas the OT is there to make sure the patient can do those things on his/her own (as much as possible) and to educate the caregivers. even when they continually show me otherwise. The top non-clinical occupational therapy jobs of 2022 1) Clinical/rehab liaison Pros Cons 2) Clinical educator/trainer Pros Cons 3) Educator/professor Pros Cons 4) Clinical informatics specialist Pros Cons 5) Management and operations Pros Cons 6) Telehealth Pros Cons 7) Utilization reviewer Pros Cons These cookies do not store any personal information. Any particular reason why you want to ditch and what you might go into? in this field, and I hope this post can give you some comfort and clarity of why you might be feeling like this. Maybe you need to think about how to leverage that skillset outside of traditional healthcare? Non-profits supporting people with disabilities? Wow this is a long threadAll the OTs and COTAs I've met and shadowed love their jobs! Also I got into an MOT but plan to get my post professional doctorate so I can possibly teach someday. I'm not sure it is wise but I'm excited about a career in OT. This sounds right up my alley! What type of sites/jobs would be the best fit? Needless to say, working in a setting like this is sure to cause you major burnout, and if youre in a setting like this, you should advocate for appropriate therapy, and if that doesnt make a difference, switch to another company. I cant imagine doing anything else. Whats the setting? In fact, healthcare professionals spend more time on documentation than direct client care. No particular college major is mandatory for admission to OT school, Tyminski says. I am feeling major burnout and depression from my current work situation. This is will improve your odds of getting into a program. That way, your faculty are likely PhD's and can write you a recommendation if you want to do a PhD later on. If anyone can provide further insight on that, I'd appreciate it. You're not going to know everything and that's okay The biggest obstacle I had to overcome during my first few months working as an occupational therapist at a SNF (and I still struggle with this sometimes) was my feeling of inadequacy compared to my co-workers. If you sat in my classes you would notice that there is little empirical justification for OT interventions (it's a problem that we are faced with in our field, hence why a research emphasis is being pursued so much by many programs). Ive never been so finished. Others work in schools, nursing homes, and home health services. Im doing travel right now and its hot. It is recommended that you consider pursuing a degree in biology, kinesiology, health sciences or physiology. Completely different roles. Thanks! I agree with what you said above, but Id also like to add that pay cuts and no raises for several years have been rampant in our profession due to Medicare cut backs. It's always good to go into a profession knowing the downsides of it. 4. Thats part of being a novice. What OT topics are you most interested in? Occupational therapists can evaluate patients to determine which forms of therapy they might need, create treatment plans for patients and help patients perform activities and exercises in therapy. I have to say, do listen to the people from indeed. I have a 7 yr. old grandson who has Autism, ADHD, and sensory dysfunction. Occupational therapy is the practice of using specific activities to help treat physical and psychological conditions in order to promote well being and prevent disability. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . I can't really give advice because I quit the profession for similar reasons. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you will likely have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. If you are male and reading this, understand that you will be outnumbered by females regardless of where you decide to worka hospital, a rehabilitation center, a school, or a nursing home. JavaScript is disabled. Join us, and you'll help more people live better lives by achieving their individual breakthroughs. In the end, my gf has decided not to pursue OT for other reasons. I have contracted to local schools with very low rates. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do you hate the phrase, "that's not my job!"? Getting the degree is an investment. Additional job details. Are You a Burned Out OT? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 10. The Indeed forum is extremely discouraging and I cannot stand to go there anymore. Medicare Benefits and Costs of Occupational Therapy. How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? If you would like to request support for a child from the Occupational Therapy Service, please complete this form>. Thats where I got my mentorship. Thank you so much! Over 40 years I worked inpatient, rehab, outpatient hands, workplace health, nursing homes and home health. Thats vocational rehab! Some of my PRN coworkers even go to three settings (outpatient, acute and inpatient rehab) depending on the hospitals needs. A newly qualified NHS OT can expect to start on a minimum of 21,000, with more experienced OTs earning 25,700-34,500 . Your therapist might be an ultimate sweetheart. No, we actually dont work on getting people jobs. Many spokes on a wheel: Using our training, expertise, & skills to meet our clients' needs Our Values OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. I believe in you, OP. You'll . 5. The Bad: Working with People Can Be Difficult as an OTA Occupational therapists work with people of all ages and with a variety of impairments. before jumping in to a job situation that might be worse than your current job. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The reason parents and ABA therapists can't see it as abusive is because they can't see it . Some institutions may require you to have completed set prerequisite subjects in your undergraduate degree. I never would have anticipated how sick I would get during my pregnancy. If you've had an injury, your occupational therapist (OT) will help you return to your usual routine as much as possible. All resources are student and donor supported. The disparity in financial compensation is just awful, honestly. While skilled nursing positions might pay well (as an example), if your heart isnt into it you definitely wont be happy. Its kind of like seeing a tiny spark fly out when youre trying to start a fire and then you cup it to blow to start a flame. For Valentines Day, my grandson told his aunt that he needed to buy his new teachers a box of chocolates each because at his new school, they like him. Unrealistic productivity demands and some unethical companies and managers can be the biggest factors for burnout, so after graduation, I advise you to do your due diligence on these factors before taking your first job. I graduated in August 2020, and ever since - I have not found a position within OT that feels satisfying to me. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. This list isnt meant to scare you away from becoming an OT! Occupational therapists help people who have difficulties caused by physical or mental illness, disability, accidents or ageing. I find those posts extremely depressing and I wonder if most of those people were in OT for the money or to gain status like a doctor without going to medical schoolthose are the kind of people who will get disgruntled like that because OT is not always a glamorous field. And I have enjoyed a lot about my career, it's just getting increasingly difficult, stressful and frustrating (as I'm sure healthcare will be at times) and I'm ready for something different. Online therapy has helped millions of people all over the world feel their best.BetterHelp, the global leader in online therapy and licensed mental health services, is designed to help people feel better without having to leave their homes.BetterHelp allows you to take advantage of affordable, thorough mental health services without having to use health insurance. This is important to consider when your student loans from OT graduate programs alone might be well over $100,000, not including interest. Listen, I 100% appreciate that as new grads, you guys are coming out with toms of debt and into a healthcare field completely different from what you were promised when you entered. It's always best to work with a therapist you connect with. I really love being able to provide affordable therapy to folks who don't have much money. 2. And yet, despite making ABA therapy fun and positive, the underlying goals of ABA have not changed. I've heard of this notorious indeed forum from Reddit and people say to pay it no mind. Oh man, I really feel you buddy. Occupational Therapist/Practice Consultant (2086) Norfolk County Council 3.7. If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. Ive found that hospital and clinic settings are the best for learning and for being around other therapists to help show you the ropes. Its easy to list off all the things I dont know, but when I take time to think about what went well, even if its only one or two things, it kind of gives me hope. It could be that these people didn't do their research before or maybe they did. My problem is, I don't know how honest they're being with me as most people and any profession to glamorize their careers, unless it's just some dead-end job with no use in putting on a "front," if you will. I am feeling discouraged and jaded about the field of OT. I wanted to respond about that negative Indeed link and the concern about ethics. Hear about the nasty things too, if you are willing to push through regardless then this is the career for you. Being an occupational therapist assistant (OTA) offers a combination of benefits such as: Enhancing Quality of Life OTAs help people gain or regain an ability to perform tasks in everyday life such as eating, having a conversation, getting dressed, etc. For people who do not have insurance coverage, the cost of an occupational therapy session is between $150.00 and $200.00 for the initial evaluation, and between $40.00 and $200.00 for each therapy session. These settings will typically have considerably less physical demands. ugh, that horrid Indeed forum. That way my total compensation isnt lower as a result of working a few less hours. In my 40 years I never regretted my career choice. You will find a Job that you like, I really believe in you OP! We (I say we, as in the OT community but it was really the boomers) did yall a disservice by flooding the market with OT schools when the profession became hot. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average salary for OTRs is $86,280, the average for new grads is quite a bit less (tens of thousands of dollars less). Most ABA therapists don't set out to hurt children. As an occupational therapist, you have the opportunity to help people get their lives back when they cannot do it on their own. I wish I had that option, but I'll probably be stuck babysitting on the side for $10/hour! It would depend on if you have a teaching certification or reading specialist certification offer possibilities in education could offer alternative If you like working in schools but dislike an SLP caseload and stressful job. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. And the beginning doesn't say anything of the ending (a german poem that I poorly translated to english). 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