Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" refers to: E) HIPPA. Our pilot agents are able to find information in a timely manner. Vivian has just been promoted to management after years of working at the company. As you begin to wrap up the initiative, consider the implications your efforts will have on your organizations future. D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products. Political, social and legal environment: The environment of the organization is also an influencing factor for the recruiting. "Since using Helpjuice, we've seen a lower AHT for our calls. D) locks managers into stable spending arrangements. B) manufacturing quality C) gross profit percentage Furthermore, you can also have your team get instant answers to the questions they need without having to email themselves all using knowledge base software. A) e-commerce. B) Phishing B) It seems like it will require a lot of paperwork. E) to quantify the performance level for a given goal, D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits. A strategy map helps employees to feel engaged because it shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. To achieve our firm's vision and strategy: 8) Identify the best description of the balanced scorecard's internal business processes perspective. C) encouraging good communication and mutual participation. D) efficient. Although everyone is different, some financial concerns are common to or typical of the different stages of adult life. C) MIS C) external audit. B) Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies. E) Enabling inventory and supply chain management, Enabling business functions and departments to share information, ________ prohibits an organization from collecting any personal information unless the individual specifically takes action to approve information collection and use. I now know what not to do in my next job. What will you advise as the first step? A) Kant's categorical imperative His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family. B) acts as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the organization. In fact, 84% of teams surveyed by Camunda in 2020 plan on investing more into automation technology for those specific purposes. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. will have a direct impact on their overall experience with your brand. E) enabling the development of new services. D) regulating its behavior. A) to help employees understand how their work contributes to the company's goals The flattening of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries. A) providing better reporting facilities. Cliche as it may be, theres a ton of truth to the old moving parts metaphor. A strategy map helps employees to feel engaged because it Using the above example, you can transform the basic goal of decreasing invoice errors by answering the following questions: On top of giving you clear goals to strive for, being this comprehensive will help you assess your improvement efforts over time. A) internal business process perspective B) physical A) Control of the supply chain influences the work processes and levels of performance through a set of accepted norms. D) percentage of bids won B) overemphasis on paperwork As needed, expand upon your current documentation to provide more clarity and insight into your current operations. At the very least, youll be minimizing the number of resources wasted. True or False, The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following? B) Today, most firms are fully digital. Walmart's attempt to increase its online presence is an example of a firm using information systems to: E) expense contracting systems. In the beginning M&Ms were all brown; more recently they were produced in red, green, blue, orange, brown, and yellow. The internal environment. A business process is a series of inter-connected tasks performed for a specific purpose. 1) ________ translates an organization's mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provide the framework for implementing its strategy. C) It identifies all measures, whether significant or small, that help to implement strategy. See Figure 4-4. Start by looking at things from the top down. C) Middle management B) positioning Work Place Environment. B) P3P B) customer satisfaction He is meeting with a head hunter later in the week. E) customers, suppliers, new market entrants, and substitute products. A) performed by CPAs C) Spamming ________ is the amount of acceptable deviation from a standard, determined when the standard was established. This, of course, means theyll be delivering the most value they possibly can to your business. Healthy eating habits C. Adolescent daughters of mothers who are employed hold more traditional gender role attitudes. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. A) to compare measured performance against the standards established E) matrix, At Hamilton Hardware, employees were asked how the quality of the company's customer service could best be measured, and management then implemented a survey system based on the feedback. D) P3P E) CIO. D) Enabling cost-effective e-business processes D) feedback. Project closing guidelines. Better yet, youll be allocating resources more effectively allowing your team to squeeze even more value out of them than youd anticipated. A) cloud computing. E) ethical. Which of the following is a primary function of management? C) decentralized D) the mobile digital platform. Techniques for improving quality include all of the following EXCEPT Business process improvement (BPI) can also help you zero in on the root cause of problems within your workflows. A) checking the customer's credit. Similarly, you might choose to slowly unroll the new process to different teams or departments as needed. A) market share B) income statement. A) HIPAA C) access. Acknowledge when there has been a previous breach of trust. Whats more, enabling and empowering your employees will make them happier and more loyal to your company. A) dashboard E) They require controls at many different points. C) employee-satisfaction ratings B) information systems manager. A) programmer. E) business intelligence. Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies. She has noticed that one of her employees submits via the computer system the same suggestions for continuous improvement multiple times, knowing that performance is evaluated on the number of suggestions only. Several characteristics unique to our personalities can affect how we see others. D) Video Privacy Protection Act A) ESS C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. All of the following are competitive forces in Porter's model except: From there, youll switch to a bottom-up approach. The internal environment of an organization refers to events, factors, people, systems, structures and conditions inside an organization that are generally under the direct control of the company.. Corporate mission, corporate culture, and leadership style are factors that are typically associated with an organization's internal environment. B) direct As shown above, organizations typically invest in technology to: The following, then, are all but essential to your BPI efforts: While we touched on some of the key steps for improving business processes when discussing methodologies, lets now take a more comprehensive look at what these all entail. C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. Regardless of the specifics, your efforts to improve should adhere to the following. D) physical E) innovation and learning perspective, ________ perspective helps top management focus on what the organization must excel at to effectively meet its financial objectives and customers' expectations. As time goes on, its important to keep close tabs on your teams efforts to improve. B) external processes The principles of agile software development have also been applied to the world of business process improvement. A) New products and services B) End-user E) balance sheet. C) ratio analysis C) The Internet D) taking corrective action D) a philosophy of small continuous improvement that seeks to involve everyone at every level of the organization One characteristic of incremental budgeting is that it E) unawareness of performance drop. B) Improved decision making C) Satellite radio Where are they in the control process? True or False, Which of the following would a company employ to measure and compare its business processes to similar processes of other companies within their industry? E) COPPA. D) Targeting What would be good advice for her? Provide the journal entry for the revaluation of equipment. F The goal of open-book management is to get every employee thinking and acting like a business owner. 2. D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies. Charging less for superior products c. internal influences Hannah believes that Mac computers are better than Windows-based computers because they are not as vulnerable to computer viruses.This thinking or mental processes that Hannah is engaged in represents which psychological element? D) safety. D) personality tests True or False, A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when it has access to resources that others do not. A) taking corrective action C) realistic, positive, and understandable Which of the following is part of Deming's PDCA cycle? Ideally, youll already have created process documentation for your current processes in clear detail. A) bureaucratic A) They cannot hold inventory. All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on business firms except: In ________, raw data is systematically acquired and transformed during various stages that add value to that information. B) doing a cost-benefit analysis Obviously, working to improve your customer-facing processes (e.g., sales engagements, user onboarding, customer service, etc.) E) fine-tune merchandise availability. E) shipping the product. 29. Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT B) quantifiable. Monitoring performance to ensure that day-to-day goals are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed is known as ________ control. C) A business firm is a collection of business processes. What is the dominant approach for budgeting used today? A) market share A) unitary D) Improved employee morale B) They develop personal relationships. B) creating educational opportunities for management. B. True or False, A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives? Anchor Resort and Casino requires its casino dealers to have licenses, observes them using closed-circuit TV, and requires detailed reports at the end of each shift. Types of media that can influence ones social . On top of considering the severity of the myriad issues youre facing, you also want to think about: Similarly, consider the downside of not taking action on your operations and on your business. B) shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. C) career readiness C) manufacturing and production Examples of external EEFs are political and . Values that influence decision-making. Nike's use of celebrities to market their products, TRUSTe is an example of which of the following? Develop a chart depicting this information and write a paragraph summarizing the results. A) feedforward. Why is it important to control the supply chain? E) identifying the potential consequences of your options. E) Spyware, In relationship to total capital investments for organization, for the past 15 years Information technology capital investments have. E) Machines. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! C) ERP, SCM, DSS, and CRM. Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed? A) operating E) variable. E) Evaluate performance and take action. C) overemphasis on means instead of ends. B. The U.S. Department of Commerce developed a ________ framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to legally use personal data from EU countries. When a cookie is created during a website visit, it is stored: Role Perception 5. C) identifying the options you can reasonably take. D) FIP A) Span of exception B) low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy. He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. E) The Internet increases switching costs. D) sales and marketing This will help to not only reduce company costs but also the costs passed down to its consumers. Position influence. E) Survival. E) human resources, Kimberli manages employees at Mountaintop Ski Resorts. q = p(r + s), for p. Which of the following statements about business processes is not true? B) new market entrants. Ethics describes the principles of right and wrong that can be used by individuals to make choices to guide their behavior. Even if the process seems to be going smoothly, there might still be small changes you can make now that could have long-lasting implications for the future. D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: E) replication of business models in multiple countries. Along the same line, strategically improving your business processes will help keep your team error-free and will reduce the damage caused when things do go wrong. E) They require controls at many different points. True or False, One example of a business process is shipping a product to a customer. Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using synchronous collaboration tools. The fee quoted is so low that it may be difficult to perform the engagement. Essentially, the agile approach to BPI involves: The idea behind agile is to make the most immediately practical and impactful improvement possible at any given moment. A) employee education and skill level C) external environment. Projects are influenced by factors internal and external to the organization, these are known as EEF Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF). A) Establish standards. The internal factors are Size of organization Recruiting policy Image of organization Image of job Size of Organization The size of the organization is one of the most important factors affecting the recruitment process. If he finds any, he makes adjustments to various pieces of equipment in his area. What signs should she watch for from him? C) keep costs low. A) market share As a result, they admitted many students who were marginally qualified and who performed poorly in classes. Giving them additional time and resources to improve, Introducing new technology to your tech stack, How you can improve the process even further, How other processes have been enabled by your efforts, Where you should shift your focus to next. B) sales forecast D) They provide services on demand. True or False, The law of diminishing returns only applies to digital products. Spam is legally defined as any e-mail that is unsolicited. It addresses providing service and support to the customer after the sale. B) processing. Staying focused also keeps all controllable variables to a minimum, increasing the reliability of your performance data. D) too little employee participation Education influences health outcomes through ALL of the following mechanisms EXCEPT. D) focus on market niche. A) a strategic map Finally, think about the ripple effects of improving each of these areas and whether fixing certain issues in a specific order might be most beneficial. E) Online seal program, Which of the following restricts the information that the U.S. federal government can collect about an individual and regulates what it can do with the information? B) market share There are a number of subsets to lean BPI, such as kaizen, PDCA, and 5S. D) innovation and learning (This is especially true of informal processes. A) standardized C. Domineering influence. D) locks managers into stable spending arrangements. E) graphic interface, A(n) ________ budget allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point. Political (Citizen) Involvement. B) defining the business and developing a mission. C) They are detecting opportunities and increasing innovation. D) people orientation and improvement orientation. Indicate which digit in 2,345,925 has place value Which of the following is a primary function of management? 18) Which of the following is NOT true of a good balanced scorecard? Competence 3. Justin Lionel and Courtney Morehouse share net income in a 2:1 ratio. E) 1, 2, and 3. Practically speaking, it can lead to better internal communication and company culture in direct and indirect ways. E) focus on components of service success: tangibles, questions, and margins. E) Zero-based control. B) technology, people, culture, and structure. Ask yourself: (Note: You may already have this background info in hand from previous steps.). True or False. In a literal sense, though, your organization does muchmore than that. True or False. A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and information technology. E) A clothes manufacturer expanding its offerings to new styles. C) production schedule Regarding auditor remuneration, a self-interest threat to professional competence and due care is created if: A gift from a client is accepted. B) new product development time B) He expects assignments to be done according to the directions given. Ironically, this means formalizing as many of your processes as possible over time as needed to truly get your organization running like a finely-tuned machine. C) develop synergies. A) Copyright law King Power and Light has a goal of reducing its electric costs by installing solar panels on all of its building and supporting an increase of solar farms in the area. b. 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