Latest Statistics and Studies, Norse Mythology Children's Book Reviews For Pagan Families, The Law of Attraction: How Can It Help Your Practice, Rodnovery: Animal Totems And Spirit Guides, How to Setup a Norse Pagan Altar ( Complete list of supplies needed ), Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of the Underworld and Moon, Full Moons Throughout The Year 2023: Names and Meanings, Heng - o (Ch'ang-o): Chinese Moon Goddess, 21 Best Pagan Names For Cats (Including Meanings). I have a question about Norse-Pagan and Beards. Trading activities are carried out by Pagan Federation, a not for profit company limited by guarantee and registered in England number 04056879 Although it also addressed stipulations for headscarves, hijabs, hair braids, cornrows, twists and locks, it seemed most directed at male Sikh service members, whose religion requires them to grow beards. The vikings didn't grow large beards very often. Incidentally the Christian God, whose followers do believe to be perfect, is also generally believed to be bearded, particularly when he takes on human form as Jesus. I agree. There's not much to choose though between you two. var alS = 2021 % 1000; Any thought about what Loki looks like is only within the perception of people who claim to have "seen" them. All rights reserved. Lokiis the least favorite of all sir, and a Norse god typically associated with negative behavior as well as the dark side of humans. There are many accomodating jobs that are accepting of different faiths. The Nevada Army Guard's first religious accommodation waiver granted a Norse Pagan soldier permission to grow a beard. I think that thy father the beardless carle must have given it. Physical description. We aren't trying to sell you on some kind of self-improvement course. No. Paganism is not an ancient dead religion. Next, vaccines are based off of *the previous year's strain," especially in cases like flu shots. And therein lies an interesting idea. cycle to work scheme 2020; aquaculture short courses; buffalo jeans costco women's; diggy simmons and chloe bailey dave and busters; Other challenges may come from inside paganism and include racism or persons that tell you how pagans should worship. The Telegraph:Facial hair's formative years: what the Vikings and Romans did for male grooming. Author, Erik studied Anthropology in college and is currently completing an internship with the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Thursday (Thor's Day) is named in his honor. forgot How do we then deny anyone claiming their God or gods told them to do anything? Who will avenge it? The Sikh Coalition, the largest Sikh civil rights organization in the. Copyright 1977 - 2023 Universal Life Church Ministries. sued the state in federal court, saying that his religious right to grow a beard had been violated. The Havamal does not mention beards. Beards are a popular fashion right now across society, regardless of religious belief. Enjoy! Moreover, it is our view that focusing on this issue not only detracts from far more important issues, but also makes Pagans appear foolish and uneducated in our own religious beliefs in the eyes of wider society. As for Muslims, they are monotheistic, which makes them a sister faith to Judeo-Christianity. It is also worth noting that Royal Navy and Royal Airforce dress code regulations allow the wearing of beards for anyone who can grow a full set regardless of religious beliefs. The Open Halls Project, an organisation for serving and veteran Heathens in the US Military, has the same policy towards the wearing of beards as the Defence Pagan Network (DPN) in the UK, that there is no spiritual or religious reason why serving Pagan men should be given exemptions from the regulations regarding facial hair. The importance of beards as a defining feature of Normenn is also very well expressed in medieval Norse laws, including Guta Lag (The Law of the Gotlanders). Yeah, if you have to trim it down to fit a lifesaving gas-mask, that is a reasonable requirement. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Some Christians such as Amish and Mennonite men, also wear beards as part of their religious practice or beliefs. In 2017, the Defense Department expanded the number of faiths covered under religious exemptions to include atheists, agnostics, shaman, humanist and pagans. This is real, modern and vibrant religion with people who are genuinely passionate about our faith. We have faith that our Gods return "a gift for a gift" and that if we sacrifice to Them, They will return with a gift to us. While the Law gives us a window into daily life in Gotland, it doesn't help us understand anything about the value of a beard in pre-Christian Norse culture. So once just like the medieval Christian laws above this is actually a far more compelling argument for Christian servicemen to be allowed to wear a beard than it is for Pagans. The wonderful thing about the Norse and many other pagan Sect's is there's very little centralized DOGMA and cast in stone rules on how each person must adhere . Maybe you try to do a 5K but get gassed only 1K in and you feel like you're not as fit as you used to be. that si the military if you want to join a club then do not join the us military weirdest. Attending a Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving. Its authenticity was later confirmed by a Missouri spokeswoman to the Army Times. I was lucky to work as an intern with the Smithsonian during college. The idea that the Old Norse had large and wild beards was invented for stages and in national anthems about 150 years ago. (Hint - nope) There is a noticeable difference between acknowledging a god and worshiping it. Complete application instructions and support are only available to members of Forn Sir or those affiliated with us as of 20 May 2020. This sort of thing creates a false image of our religion and sets a poor precedent. It doesnt get in the way and isnt a health hazard, so its fine with me. In observance of your Heathen, Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodations provided in Army Regulation (AR) 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, stated a memo, authenticated by an Army spokeswoman, that circulated on social media. Upon joining the military individuals swear an oath to the Monarch to follow the rules of the service they have joined. It is admirable this soldier is showing his respect for Thor! The difference in Islam and Sikhism is that there is a specific Religious rather than social requirement. Without an explicit religious requirement to wear a beard, the likelihood of the military changing the regulations that were Oathed to uphold for Pagans to keep beards, is very unlikely. Sikh soldiers seeking to preserve religious traditions. clean shaven and short hair cuts are the name of the game . Requirements for beards as a general practice? I'm a Pagan hippy,and go with the gods and goddesses of Greece, Rome, and Egypt, but if I joined the army, to save my beard, I wouldn't have a problem switching to the Norse pantheon during my enlistment. Looking to celebrate pagan holidays? They argue that religious facial hair could be hazardous to the health of other employees. Historically the Norse liked wild hair cuts. A soldier serving in Afghanistan with the Nevada Army Guard has been granted a religious accommodation to grow a beard in accordance with a Norse pagan faith that traces its origins to Scandinavia. This Icelandic saga not only encompasses all the fundamental and essential Norse values that form the basis of Forn Sir, but the saga has also established the foundation of Icelandic culture for the past millennium. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); Market data provided by Factset. In order for religious beliefs to qualify as a religious belief under Title VII, an employee must believe that: The practice is required by his religion or mandated by his religious community and cannot be modified even if the result is discipline from their employer. There is no excuse for obtuseness anymore with such an abundance of knowledge available these days. Are Norse Pagans Required to Grow a Beard? "You Growing a Beard Sailor or You Just Lazy?" Answering questions about beard policy is a regular occurrence for the Pagan Federation, DPN, Open Halls Project and many other organisations, but to date there is no compelling evidence that Pagans of any path should be allowed to wear a beard in contravention of any organisations dress codes or uniform regulations. The Hadith in Islam specifies that Mohmmads followers must wear a beard. Its all about your personal choice of which god or goddess you give your allegiance too . This is because the Norse gods are seen as our ancestors, they are ideals we strive to achieve, they are ourselves, they are us. But consider a couple philosophical things first. The U.S. Army granted a religious accommodation to a soldier for his "Heathen; Norse Pagan faith" to be able to grow a beard. But Thorvald, thy husband was not beardless and yet thou plottedst his death No mention of any spiritual connotation of beards. And Yet! I see it as a phase very similar to when the Army authorized the wear of black socks during the fitness test. While his beard blushed red for shame? Has a beard, no religious relevance. If this soldier is claiming Thor told him to grow a beard, and that is the evidence he is standing on (personal Divine transmission), where does the line get drawn? Heathen, with a capital, refers to Norse Paganism, unless it is starting a sentence, with a small "h" refers to someone who lives on the heath, much like pagan refers to someone who lives in the countryside, rather than a city dweller. The fact that he is beardless is an easy way to identify someone in an era where most people had beards, but it doesnt imply any religious requirement to do so. Beards are seen as sacred and as a defining feature of the sirin ancient texts such as Konungsbk Eddukva. Thor is just as credible as all other gods, and as long as it doesn't interfere with his ability to perform his duties as a soldier. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; container.appendChild(ins); Therefore was he called Most-Beard, and he was the noblest man on the island. Proof that some men had big beards at the time. However, we are not actively promoting a trend in this direction or seeking to normalize it.. This includes Eyrbyggja saga (The Saga of the People of Eyri): He was a big man and strong, fair to look on, and had a great beard. 2 Samuel 10:4-5 So Hanun seized Davids envoys, shaved off half of each mans beard, cut off their garments at the buttocks, and sent them away. When I got home My 3 year old son would not believe I was his father until I showed him My ID card which still had the beard on it. Sgt. I've seen some beards that should be condemned as a hazard to health. I respect my servicemen, and I respect their God-given and American-given right to believe and practice. Amazingly, it seems that the United States military agrees with me, having allowed a soldier to wear a full face beard as he claims that it is a requirement of his Norse pagan faith, reports . There is no mention of any Heathen practice in the document. Legal Statement. Your guess is as good as mine. Today, many are abandoning the foreign religion and alien gods of Christianity and going back to their indigenous original "religion",as other peoples throughout the world still have and practice their authentic, indigenous religions. No checks, please. This might include a letter from a religious leader or another official document that shows that the practice is required or preferred by the religion. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'celebratepaganholidays_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-celebratepaganholidays_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');On a side note, The Hammer of Thor, the emblem of the Norse Pagan Faith, is authorized for military headstones. If the pagan wants to stand out, more power to him. Now, it is considering two similar requests from Pagan soldiers,. Norse Pagans, Heathens, or Asatruar are not in general all required to grow a beard, There is no general religious requirementfor anyone to have facial hair, nor is there any universalreligious requirement for hairstyle or any personal grooming choice. Beards are further even historically protected by law under Jnsbk,Grgs and Guta Lag. But those rules have evolved with warfare. During training theres many good reasons to eliminate hair mostly having to do with how much times wasted on cleaning and grooming . Chaplains cannot officially approve or deny requests, but recommendations based on perceived sincerity can be made on the service members behalf. In addition, Section 19/25-30 uses beards as a point of reference for an offense, causing a scar on the face between hat and beard, resulting in specific penalties, half a mark in silver or a mark in silver if the scar is very noticeable. Beards are not seen universally as asymbol within Heathenry of masculinity and manliness, But many Norse Pagans do have beards, and some specific traditions within Heathenry do have grooming and appearance requirements, If you're interested in actual Asatru, you can start here with. They are our religion. Why would the army want manly looking soldiers? I don't really see an issue with this, Religious views aside. This points yet again to the prevalence of beards in Norse culture. You should get some if that's something you're into. This phrase is frequently cherry-picked to show the necessity of beards. Thor is called red beard. We, as Heathens, have no such religious requirement with regards to hair.. The religious belief is sincerely held, whether or not the employee has discussed it with others or attempted to convince other employees of its truthfulness. They're perceptions. For many years there has been a recurring discussion regarding the right of Pagans, and in particular Heathens, in the armed forces and other uniformed organisations to grow a Beard. Maybe you're lonely. In Afghanistan, meanwhile, Hopper keeps his waiver on him at all times in case any superiors question the facial feature he refers to as a sacred and defining feature of masculine men. Regulations specify a beard can be no longer than 2 inches in length. I recently saw an article about some Norse-Pagan US Army soldiers being allowed to keep their beards due to their religion. Still has one ;) ifthere are Specific Jobs that one Can not wear a Beard. If not for the forced conversion of the pagan people (pagan means country dweller), there would be a lot more, but more and more are waking up. More recently, in August of 2021, Airman 1st Class Braxton Comer, a practicing Norse Pagan at Maxwell Air Force Base received religious accommodation for a beard. Sikhs are allowed to wear beards and turbans because it actually is a religious requirement of their faith that they do so. = '100%'; Thor is worshipped, honored and believed in today as he has always been by Germanic people of old and by modern decendants of those people. And the same principle as above applies here too. Ironically, Whitsel had worked at his job as a hospital security guard for 12 years when a new employee rule went into effect stating no facial hair. The Law of the Gotlanders doesn't say why it's not cool to mess with someone's beard. It is not an official policy of the US military. An employee should not have to choose between his faith and his livelihood.. Let Us Knowso we can help. Says Hallgerda and so we will call you always from this day forth, but your father we will call the beardless carle. -Has beard, and yet still is insulted. A notable exception is Loki (Mischief, lies). . Some Say Yes. They are simply physical descriptions of the people in the sagas. The TV show Vikings has characters change their hair annually. Many religious groups require men to grow a beard, including Muslims and Orthodox Jews. The DPN has also been presented with an argument that being clean shaven is unmanly in a Heathen, and that warriors should have beards. In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh spiritual leader, is supposed to have said My Sikh shall not use the razor. The Open Halls Project, an advocacy group for heathens serving in the military, sought to clarify any existing confusion in a 2017 post about beard exemptions. There are many pagan religions that consider it important for one to have facial hair in order to express the person's religious identity. Thrond was a big man of growth, and red haired he was, and red bearded. A physical description of someone who had a beard. So be it But Mask Tech is Way Beyond what it was During WW 1 for that Matter due to Geneva Convention Etc There should be no need for gas masks.. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Read our article Paganism is on the Rise to learn how we are growing as a culture. I'm talking murder for breaking religious beliefs, cutting off someone's hand for stealing, etc. "Heathen" simply means a person who does not conform to christian norms in some way. Most ancient depictions of gods have beards. And, no I'm not talking about what military does killing people. Are Norse Pagans Required to Grow a Beard? It is something new and authorized, and you will always encounter people who do not like change. Thou hast hangnails on every finger and Njal is beardless., But Thorvald, thy husband was not beardless and yet thou plottedst his death, Who will avenge it? American soldiers and Peace Officers didn't even adopt the custom until around the American Revolution, if not after. Whether we go to Heaven, Nirvana, Valhalla, or wherever, when we DIE IN SERVICE TO THIS COUNTRY, in this life we protect the American ideal and in fact, part of that ideal is respecting the diversity this country defends! This is because they believe him to be perfect, and so attempting to emulate him is a quest for perfection. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Viking Warriors are Men. John Hoskins applied for a beard exemption as part of his proclaimed devotion to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster a faith also known as Pastafarianism., This request is based on my deeply and sincerely held belief in the Pastafarian faith, Hoskins wrote in his request to the Army. In fact, Command Sgt. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Norse Pagans may. This document is generally accepted to be the codification of the oral tradition of the early Christian period in Iceland, not the Heathen period. Nothing is mentioned about Loki having a beard or not. These requirements may in fact require men to wear beards or have a certain length and style facial hair. Other sagas still make various references to the importance of beards for a Normar. This is a question that many religious people have been asking themselves lately. As with the sir perspective, a beard is again always associated with masculinity as well as the value that form the foundation of Forn Sir. We're all children of the same universe. It is published by West Coast Publishing, a firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard. In stanza 11, another connection is made between beard and wisdom, reading The wolf shall rule the Niflungs' heritage, O bearded sages. They are often either just a physical description of people in the sagas who have beards. 1987-2023 The Troth The king said, Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back.. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); But now, with so much attention being focused on workplace safety and company image, more and more companies are starting to say no to religious facial hair in the workplace. No. Finally, some companies suggest allowing religious people to wear religious facial hair, but only if the beard is kept very short and trimmed. 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