4, Reykjavik, on the 3rd and proceeded out of the channel under orders to locate SS Collis P. Huntington, which was in the vicinity of Sangerdi Light and without navigational information on Iceland. Attempting various methods, including using a pulling boat and various rubber rafts from both the cutter and the flying boat, three passengers of the latter volunteered, only two hours before sunset, to attempt to make it to the cutter using one of the flying boat's small rafts. Obtaining permission to leave the ocean station and return to Boston with all of the souls who had been on board the Queen, the cutter arrived to a hero's welcome. On 10 November 1984 she seized the Turkish motor vessel SS Captain Joe 100 miles east of Honduras for carrying 11.5 tons of marijuana. He, like the other officers who commanded these cutters, knew his business. On 1 March 1945 she released the drydock to Tug ATA-225 and proceeded to Manzanillo, Mexico. The Iceland convoy was formed by 0900 and got underway, Bibb screening the rear. Enforces maritime and other laws pertaining to protection of life and property at sea, suppression of smuggling and illicit drug trafficking, and protection of the marine environment. The Bibb also transited the Panama Canal and crossed the equator and the international date line, with appropriate ceremonies for her crew. The Bibb remained moored at Bizerte until 11 May 1944, and then was underway as flagship of Task Force 60 relieving HMS Pheasant of convoy GUS-39 in the vicinity of Bizerte swept channel. Proceeding to the area she searched with Modoc without results. A second message followed an hour later adding that the vessel was now on fire. On the 13th she stood down Chesapeake Bay swept channel and maneuvered while awaiting the formation of the convoy. Fourteen minutes later a bogey consisting of probably two planes at low altitude, was reported as closing rapidly. Again on the 29th Bibb opened fire on an enemy aircraft identified as a Japanese bomber. On 2 September 1944, Bibb stood down Chesapeake Bay channel and departed for North African ports as flagship of Task Force 60, escorting, convoy UGS-53. 1941: 16 officers, 5 warrants, 202 enlisted; The USCGC Bibb (WPG-31) was a 327-foot (100m) Secretary-Class (also known as "Treasury Class") Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. On the 27th friendly aircraft were sighted screening the convoy. The Bibb departed Boston on 8 November 1943 in company with Ingham en route San Juan, Puerto Rico, for duty with Task Group 26.4 and arrived there on the 13th. The, The star shells marked the successful attack by a U-boat. Another Val, taken under fire by naval units, westward of Geruma Shim was brought down. The New York section, with the commander Task Force 60 in, On 4 June 1944, CDR H. T. Diehl, USCG, relieved CDR C .A. The Bibb was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for her participation in "Operation Sea Lords" from October to December 1968. After flying beyond Bibb, the pilot of the flying boat, Captain Charles M. Martin, decided to return to the cutter to attempt an emergency landing because unexpectedly strong head winds had caused the aircraft to consume too much fuel for them to make landfall safely. Once in South Vietnamese waters, she operated under the Cruiser-Destroyer Group of the U.S. The Bibb left Toltec at the swept channel buoy No. Bibb commenced making smoke at 0354, even before SOPA ordered it 14 minutes later. The healthy sheer forward and the high slope in the deck in the wardrooms was known as the "Hunnewell Hump." A place for old 327 BENO sailors to meet, swap sea stories and tall tales, and share photos. The cutter Bibb was named for George Motier Bibb, a prominent lawyer and jurist in Kentucky. The contact was not regained after the last attack. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1982. In October of 1950 she served on Ocean Station Dog and in December it was duty on Ocean Station Easy. On the 20th a Liberator was sighted screening the convoy. During these visits, Dr. John Bulette, the on-board medical officer assigned to Bibb by the U.S. Public Health Service, treated over 220 persons. On 25 October the New York and Delaware sections broke off, escorted six vessels and the others continued to Norfolk. Although many of the Mallorys 498 passengers and crew died from hypothermia, the Bibbs crew pulled 202 survivors from the frigid water, while the Inghams crew saved 33. . Capt. 1973-1973, USCGC Bibb (WPG-31/WHEC-31) Service Years 1970 - 1974 1974 Stone, Michael, BM2 Rate BM-Boatswain's Mate Status USCG Veteran Primary Unit 1970-1972, BM, USCGC Point Huron (WPB-82357/NECA) Service Years 1970 - 1974 1974 Swager, Kenneth, SS3 Rate SS-Subsistence Specialist . History Another joined on the 29th. This PAGE is dedicated to the memory and preservation of the USCGC George M. Bibb WHEC-31 (W-31, WPG-31) that served from 1937 till 1985 and presently lies as an artificial reef of the coast of Key West, Fl. One convoyed vessel detached for Horta, Azores on the 20th and two joined. A few seconds later the plane crashed in to the USS Terror (CM-5) starboard amidships. Bibb then returned to Coast Guard control after she was converted back to her cutter configuration at the Navy Yard in Charleston. One merchant vessel was detached for St. John's. $29.99. ALCOAST 090/18: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters Update; ALCOAST 364/17: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters; SF180: Request Pertaining to Military Records; Coast Guard Cutters Constructed Prior to 1991 and In Service from 1990 to 2017; Information for CG Veterans/Retirees Filing for VA Disability Compensation . In 1981 Bibb conducted a six-week patrol that included two training stops and several rescues. On the 20th Bibb investigated a sound contact, which proved to be non-submarine and was probably due to fish. A U.S. Army liaison officer boarded, In another significant action on 13 September 1968, In addition to her patrol duties this cutter also performed civic action functions in the form of medical assistance and search and rescue. During these missions she fired 2,760 rounds from her 5"/38 main battery, destroying 30 structures, 11 sampans, and four bunkers, while damaging 145 structures, 11 sampans and four bunkers--killing three and wounding 30 of the enemy. Part I [Escorts]. Washington, DC: U.S. Coast Guard, 1 March 1949. pp. The Bibb was relieved of escort duty on 8 August and proceeded independently to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and moored. Saw lots of mail bags, boxes, wood, wood splinters, empty life jackets, oars, upturned boats, empty life rafts, bodies, parts of bodies, clothes, cork, and a million other things that ships have in them. The Task Force was escorting convoy UGS-33, consisting of 78 merchant vessels to North African ports and also USS Brant (ARS-32) and six LCIs to the Azores. . CG-71) was built at the Charleston Navy Yard, Charleston, South Carolina, and was launched in 1937. Later that year Bibb joined a destroyer squadron for the assistance of shipping in the North Atlantic. The target was taken under fire by vessels in the anchorage but apparently escaped, damaged, and disappeared flying north toward Geruma Shima. Disposition: Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, Builder: Charleston Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA, Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. A distress message from the disabled SS Agenor gave the Bibb an opportunity to resume its customary peace-time job of search and rescue. In the words of one naval historian, John M. Waters, Jr., they were truly their nations maritime workhorses. Waters continued: the 327s battled, through the Bloody Winter of 1942-43 in the North Atlanticfighting off German U-boats and rescuing survivors from torpedoed convoy ships. Most recently, these ships-that-wouldnt-die have done duty in fisheries patrol and drug interdiction. Between the 8th and 12th, Bibb took aboard crew members from three merchant vessels in convoy for medical treatment. The 5" battery expended seven rounds. This method would prove impossible for the women and children on board, so the cutter launched her motor surfboat that towed a 15-man raft to the Queen. On the 26th, the escort duty completed, Bibb proceeded to South Boston Navy Yard Annex, mooring there on the 28th and remaining through the balance of October. In 1984 she participated in a multifaceted law enforcement operation code-named "Operation Wagon Wheel" in the Caribbean. An hour later, another ship in convoy fired at an unidentified object and soon afterwards the lookout on Bibb reported a wake crossing the bow from port to starboard at a distance of about 500 yards, which faded. That operation involved several different agencies including the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and others. As they cleared the flying boat, Bibb drifted as close a practicable and threw lines to the men, bringing them safely aboard. The convoy arrived at New York on the 30th and Bibb moored at Brooklyn Navy Yard with an availability period until 10 June 1944. On 14 April she departed for Guam where she arrived on the 15th and on the 19th rendezvoused with USS Aaron Ward (DD-132) which acted as her escort to Okinawa. MK-2 Browning MG, 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. Next day, due to high seas, only four ships remained in the convoy while three had passed from the radar range and were scattered. On 1 May 1965 the Treasury class vessels were re-designated as High Endurance Cutters or WHEC. If a type of glove had been incorporated in the suit instead of the tight fitting wrist bands, this edema, it is believed, would not have occurred. On the 19th she proceeded to Casco Bay, Maine, where she engaged in various drills and exercises until tie 28th. An official website of the United States government, The "Treasury" class Coast Guard cutters (sometimes referred to as the "Secretary" or 327-foot class) were all named for former secretaries of the Treasury Department. After she returned to service, The following year brought a number of notable seizures for drug and fisheries charges. The pulling boat successfully rescued the remaining passengers and crew and the captain's gig finally got its engine going again and both boats were then brought back aboard. On March 2nd four merchant vessels detached for Gibraltar and Task Force 66 was relieved of escorting the convoy by a British task force. At 0250 on the 7th she sighted four star shells in the vicinity of the convoy and a vessel was reported torpedoed. Again on the 13th, off Skagie Point, Iceland, a charge was dropped on a doubtful contact. It was a combination ocean station patrol and search and rescue operation that brought Bibb and her crew international recognition when, while operating on Ocean Station Charlie on 14 October 1947, the transoceanic airliner Bermuda Sky Queen was forced to make a landing during a gale with high winds and in rough seas when the flying boat ran low on fuel. Electronics:HF/DF: (1943)Radar: (1945) SK, SG-1; (1966) AN/SPS-29D, AN/SPA-52.Fire Control Radar: (1945) Mk-26; (1966) Mk-26 MOD 4Sonar: (1945) QC series; (1966) SQS-11. Because the air passenger trade was expanding both at home and overseas, the Coast Guard believed that cutter-based aircraft would be essential for future high-seas search and rescue. On the 22nd she broke off from convoy HXL-229A and began screening ahead of convoy HXL-229. 1936:3 x 5"/51 (single); 2 x 6-pounders. At 0115. Books and Government Publications. Bibb continued at anchor in Kerama Retto until 7 July 1945 when she proceeded to Buckner Bay, where she anchored remaining through the 16th. The Mallory had been torpedoed at 0600. Seventh Fleet, RADM Rudden, send her a message: "As you depart the Cruiser-Destroyer Group, Seventh Fleet, your performance is noted with pleasure. The three left onboard Vigilant had to abandon their efforts and they took to a second life raft and Bibb's small boat again set out and successfully rescued them. During May-June 1949 she served on Ocean Station Able. CG-71) was built at the Charleston Navy Yard, Charleston, South Carolina, and was launched in 1937. Rescue operations continued throughout forenoon, 202 survivors being taken from three lifeboats and numerous rafts. Although a leader of the successful War Hawk faction in Congress, Bibb resigned from the Senate in 1814, before the end of the War of 1812, and returned to Kentucky. He returned to his unit after treatment and we expect him to recover completely.". She remained underway except for three days, until 11 October, carrying out typhoon plan X-RAY. Next day she fired her port K-guns on a contact with negative results. Modifications included the removal of one of her 5-inch 50 caliber main batteries, the addition of a total of four 3-inch 50 caliber dual-purpose batteries, lighter anti-aircraft armament (including 20mm cannons and .50 caliber machine guns), Y gun depth charge projectors, two depth charge tracks at the stern and at some point in the coming months, a British-made high-frequency direction finder (known as HF/DF or Huff-Duff), and a surface search radar set. In the winter of 1939 she was part of the Grand Banks Patrol. On 7 February 1943, the U-402 torpedoed SS Henry S. Mallory, a troop transport, bound for Iceland, after the Mallory straggled behind the convoy. By 0305 the rescue ships had completed operations and were underway to rejoin the convoy. The torpedo struck in a hold occupied by Marines, which probably accounted for the relatively small number of Marines rescued. CGC Bibb & an 83-foot PB PRINT | E-MAIL The "Treasury" class Coast Guard cutters (sometimes referred to as the "Secretary" or 327-foot class) were all named for former secretaries of the Treasury Department. Much credit was given to the smoke screen for warding off possible air torpedo attacks. Every branch of the military used asbestos during the 20th century. On 1 May seven merchant vessels were detached under escort of a destroyer escort for Algiers. Ten minutes later a kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony" fighter aircraft was sighted at about 5,000 yards, and Bibb commenced firing, but the firing was checked as the bearing became foul. Seventh Fleet as a part of Coast Guard Squadron Three. She anchored in Palermo outer harbor, moving next morning to the breakwater. At 1340 on that date the smoke of the main body of Convoy ONS-169 was sighted and two of the escorted vessels joined that convoy. Four hours later Orbis was underway to rejoin. Then she departed for Norfolk and moored there for the rest of August. Robert Scheina. Various members of the Task Force departed as escorts for detachments and others joined for temporary duty. The Penmar had been torpedoed about 2200 on 22 September 1942 and had sunk in about 10 minutes. .The U.S. Coast Guard Gunboat Bibb (WPG-31) departs Pearl Harbor.; The Bibb departs for duty in Vietnamese waters, where she served from 4 July 1968 to 28 February, 1969 with Coast Guard Squadron One. Because the air passenger trade was expanding both at home and overseas, the Coast Guard believed that cutter-based aircraft would be essential for future high-seas search and rescue. When the Grand Banks cruises were discontinued on 27 January 1940 Bibb was then assigned duty with on the weather stations. On the 27th Bibb departed for Boston and moored at the South Boston Navy Yard on the 28th. On the 22nd Task Force 60 was relieved of escort duty by British vessels and Bibb stood into Bizerte swept channel and moored. From 1946 to 1973, Bibb was stationed at Boston. First Class Hospitalman James Jones of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, added: "After the fighting we treated one of the South Vietnamese soldiers for wounds in the right arm and leg. The conversion to AGCs consisted of the removal of most of their heavy armament, the addition of more anti-aircraft weaponry, and the construction of enclosed rooms for the addition of 35 radio receivers and 25 radio transmitters. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Command Chief, MKC Austin R. Jennings. On the 15th Bibb sighted the west-bound trans-Atlantic convoy and delivered five ships, Ingham having delivered two earlier on the same date. Bibbwas named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. That evening Ingham made an embarrassing attack on what was reported to be a periscope. U.S. Coast Guard Cutters& Craft, 1946-1990. Being unable to re-establish the contact the vessels returned to their former course. On 3 August 1942, Bibb, with escort commander in the cutter Ingham (WPG-35), was again on convoy duty. Most of the armament was removed, except for the addition of a 40mm anti-aircraft battery, a 5-inch 38 caliber main battery and "mousetrap" anti-submarine armament. He died in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., on 14 April 1859. 13-21. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. On the morning of 6 May 1945, at 0846, SOPA warned that bogeys as well as many friendly planes were within four miles. She was commissioned on 10 March 1937. The confidence the crew had in their captain seemed to be reflected in his pride and confidence in his crew.. BIBB (C.G. )Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheatSHP: 5,250 (total)Maximum Speed: 19.5 knotsCruising: 13.0 knots, 7,000 mile rangeComplement: 1937: 12 officers, 4 warrants, 107 enlisted;1941: 16 officers, 5 warrants, 202 enlisted;1966: 10 officers, 3 warrants, 133 enlisted. USCG Duane (Wreck) Stern Smoke Stack Bow She is a 327 foot Treasury class US Coast Guard cutter. The weather patrols (later termed "ocean station patrols") consisted of sailing for three weeks on one of four assigned stations in the North Atlantic, and each cutter assigned performed four or five such patrols each year. She transferred them to us as she had to depart to fulfill operational commitments. The next day she had a sound contact and carried out an embarrassing attack, dropping two depth charges. She participated in refresher training under the Fleet Training Group at Guantanamo Bay every two years to maintain her military readiness. On several occasions she was praised for her gunfire support. All hands can be justifiably proud of this accomplishment and of the fact that they have contributed significantly to the mission of the Seventh Fleet and to the United States efforts in Southeast Asia. The Bibb rests at .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}2459.71N 8022.77W / 24.99517N 80.37950W / 24.99517; -80.37950Coordinates: 2459.71N 8022.77W / 24.99517N 80.37950W / 24.99517; -80.37950. From 1946 to 1973, Bibb was stationed at Boston. The Bibb closed eastbound trans-Atlantic convoy SC-101 on 30 September 1942, screening the seven ship Iceland bound sector SCL-101 which was breaking off and forming. Bibb Cutter File, US Coast Guard Historian's Office. At 0900 Bibb received word that Ingham had the missing ships in company. At 2210 Bibb received a challenge on bearing 340 degrees and answering it, the challenge was identified as the submarine HMS Seawolf on the surface below the horizon. U.S. Coast Guard Cutters& Craft of World War II. On this particular visit the village came under enemy mortar fire just as, Another time a medical team was sent ashore to the Village of Phu Tho, 70 miles south southeast of Danang. Because of the weather zigzagging was discontinued. Soon after midnight on the 10th two more vessels in the convoy were torpedoed. The cutter Bibb was named for George Motier Bibb, a prominent lawyer and jurist in Kentucky. Bibb was then directed to coordinate the search efforts for the missing sailing vessel Patriot with six crewmen aboard. The plane received several visible hits on the left wing, close to the fuselage at the peak of the dive and began trailing black smoke, crashing into the water near the Kenneth Whiting. She departed Boston on 20 December 1947, en route to Ocean Station Charlie via Argentia, relieving CGC Androscoggin (WPG-68) on 26 December 1947. The occupants of the lifeboats were in excellent condition when brought aboard. Among those serving on Bibb was James A. Watson, a rear admiral who was the onsite ranking officer in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. On the 28 May 37 ships detached for Hampton Roads. Ordered to Boston Navy Yard for repairs, she searched en route for a Coast Guard plane reported down in the vicinity of White Island. On the 6th Bibb, together with USS MacLeish (DD-220) was relieved of further escort duty and departed the convoy setting a course for Argentia, where she arrived on the 7th. Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury George M. Bibb. The plane was in a slight glide, losing altitude, apparently picking out one of the ships in the anchorage as a suicide crash target. During the conversion, her wartime armament was removed, structural modifications were made, and towing equipment was installed, preparatory to resuming her peacetime Coast Guard duties. The convoy proceeded toward Bizerte, where, on the 18th, the Bibb was relieved as escort flagship by HMS Pheasant and moored until the 20th. She began the year 1971 by serving on Ocean Station Bravo, where she served from 3 to 26 of January. After more than a decade of comparative retirement from the national scene, Bibb returned to the United States Senate in 1828 as a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson. During these visits, Dr. John Bulette, the on-board medical officer assigned to, She returned to Boston, where she was home-ported until October of 1973. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. The cutter reported to the escort commander on the 20th and was assigned a station. On the next morning, 1 September 1942 at 1110, Bibb made a sound contact and five minutes later dropped a barrage of six small and two large depth charges. Just as the plane entered its steep glide, preparing to crash dive, two of Bibb's guns picked up the target and began firing. Were torpedoed winter of 1939 she was praised for her crew three lifeboats and numerous rafts Bibb screening the.. Cutter Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the United States Treasury Stack Bow she a... 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