them receive better treatment while in prison. She was captured six months later and imprisoned in Fresne, the Gestapo prison in Paris. A glamorous spy, capture, imprisonment, horrific torture, dramatic escape, breathless romance. She endured months of solitary confinement and death threats, but revealed nothing. According to the Geneva Convention, women were not allowed to engage in physical combat, but she wanted desperately to fight the Nazis and decided to volunteer for the war effort in any way she could. 3707 N. Division St.- Morris, IL -Lease Listing "Tortured French Woman Decorated by George VI," in The New York Times. "How do you feel?," the interrogator asked. On 3 May 1945, knowing that Allied forces had entered Germany, the camp commandant, Fritz Suhren, decided he wanted to escape. Wartime heroine of the French resistance Odette Churchill, later Odette Hallowes (1912 - 1995), Feb. 14, 1947. the First World War. following year she married Peter Churchill. . As Sansom had told him she was related to Winston Churchill he took her with him to American forces, thinking that this would help his case. 1940 she made contact with the Free French forces based in London. [5], In January 1943, the Spindle team of Churchill, Rabinovich, and Sansom, feeling vulnerable to German capture, moved north from the French Riviera to the quiet Italian-occupied Annecy area in the French Alps. Wehrmacht soldiers, Vichy police, Abwehr (German military intelligence) and Gestapo were everywhere: control checkpoints, hotels, cafes, trains even brothels. She was subsisting on just one slice of bread and a bowl of. Britain and European Resistance, 194045: A survey of the Special Operations Executive with Documents, 1980. A matchstick was made in which the equivalent of nine sheets of paper could be carried and then hidden among the regular matches in the box. In his book Odette: The Story of a British Agent (1949), Jerrard Tickell credits Sansom's survival to "the unassailable dignity in which she enclosed herself." You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Mrs Odette Marie Celine Hallowes (see Sansom) (28 Apr 1912- 13 Mar 1995). [17], In Ravensbruck Sansom was kept in a punishment block cell, on a starvation diet, and could hear other prisoners being beaten. Three of the womenAndre Borrel ("Denise"), Vera Leigh ("Simone"), and Diana Rowden ("Juliette")were taken to the Natzweiler concentration camp in Alsace and summarily executed. He hoped that her supposed connections to the Prime Minister might allow him to negotiate his way out of execution. Odette's other companions remained at Karlsruhe until September when they were taken to Dachau concentration camp. Of all the women who took part in special operations in France, Odette as she was universally known in spite of having borne three married surnames in her lifetime perhaps best symbolized the indomitable spirit of resistance to Nazism. Her body was soon covered in scabs, and she suffered from dysentery and scurvy. Odette Sansom was born in France but later moved to England. They'll have a dead body, useless to them. Sansom continued to claim that she was related to Winston However, the date of retrieval is often important. After the war he became a businessman. Through an ingenious plot, Bleicher arrested Odette and her commanding officer, Peter Churchill (no relation to the prime minister), on April 16, 1942. [26] After an appeal by her mother, it was returned with a note saying: "You, Madame, appear to be a dear old lady. In 1951, her home was burgled and the George Cross stolen. In 1914 when World War I broke out, Odette's father joined the Infantry Regiment and received the Croix de Guerre and Mdaille Militaire for his bravery. Violette Szabo (1921-1945) worked for 'F' Section inSpecial Operations Executive (SOE)during theSecond World War. People would cross paths, sometimes in crucial ways, then slip away and never see one another again. Sansom was sent to Fresnes Prison in Paris and while being All of her toenails had been ripped from her feet. Agents learned how to place explosive matchboxes or fountain pens where they would do the most damage. Odette Her Remarkable True Storyby Jerrard Tickell at Amazon. In fact, Peter Churchill was not related to the British prime minister. Held by the Gestapo in Nazi-occupied France, for two years she refused to betray he In commemoration of those women of the SOE who were executed by the Nazis, there is a plaque at St. Paul's Knightsbridge, dedicated on May 7, 1948. A French agent working for the British during World War II, Odette Sansom left three small daughters to join the Resistance in 1942. During her interview, Sansom was puzzled by the questions and by how much the British knew about her. However, against all odds she survived the war and testified against the prison guards at the Hamburg Ravensbrck trials. Her wartime experiences had taught her two great truths; that suffering is an ineluctable part of the human lot, and that the battle against evil is never over., Odette Hallowes, The Times (17th March1975). One Nazi interrogator caught her arms and held them behind the back of the chair, wrote Tickell. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. [7], Her wartime record was the subject of a 1950 film, Odette, in which the title role was played by Anna Neagle and Trevor Howard played Churchill. Yet she was a trained killer. Her hair began falling out, her teeth became loose and she lapsed into a semi-coma. World War Two's most highly decorated female spy has had a train named after her by Great Western Railway. These photographs encouraged the war office to recruit Odette into the Special Operations Executive SOE; the SOE was responsible for training agents to be dropped into France. Sansom, an elegant, vivacious young Frenchwoman who had been living in England, detested the Nazi system, the police state, and Hitler. Albert Speer (1905-1081) may have known of the atrocities committed in Germany during the Nazi era, but claimed he did not., Rommel, Erwin They were sent to Fresnes Prison in Paris, and soon were interrogated at 84 Avenue Foch, the notorious Gestapo headquarters. German military commander Heinrich Himmler became, Prisoners of War. They were cremated, but evidence emerged later that some of them were still alive when they went into the ovens. An unexpected error has occurred with your sign up. [11], Meanwhile, in Paris in mid-March, spy-catcher Hugo Bleicher, an Abwehr counterintelligence officer, arrested Marsac, persuading him and another Carte associate, Roger Bardet, that he was an anti-Nazi German colonel and that they should work together. Like her colleagues in the SOE, she signed up for the war knowing that arrest (and execution) was a very real possibilitya fate that awaited almost one in two for F Section (France) couriers. Honored for his tenacity and courage at the battle of Verdun, he was later killed as he attempted to save two men missing from his platoon. Odette Labels are the industry standard for Labelling in the Automotive Industry. Check here if you would like to receive subscription offers and other promotions via email from TIME group companies. No underling in occupied Paris was prepared to order the execution of an agent who might, later in the war, be of considerable value to Berlin. Women also died from malnourishment, overwork, exposure, lethal injections or obscene experimental surgery. Sansom was torn, as she wanted to help but didn't want to leave her children. Think before you speak. What happened to Odette Sansom daughters? To be caught with a wireless radiosomething every SOE agent would transport from time to timewas a capital offense. They also learned how to kill silently. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. As the Russians drew closer, the entire Nazi death operation went into reverse. Her father was a soldier in the French Army and was killed during Men and women from the SOE would work within occupied nations, disabling factories, wrecking power houses, and severing lines of communication. Agents memorized codes in verse. Still thinking she was going to be executed, she was driven by the Nazi commandant of Ravensbrck, Fritz Shren, in his Mercedes to the American line. We use cookies on our website to collect relevant data to enhance your visit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In between each "evulsion," he would repeat his questions, telling her she could end "the ceremony" simply by answering the questions. Other The marriage At first, Odette's instructors . World War II buffseven military historianslose sight of the fact that female couriers operating in occupied France had the second highest Allied fatality rate (42%, behind only Bomber Commands 45%) of the war. The interrogator calmly told her that his colleague was going to pull out her toenails one by one. [8][9], Sansom made a landing on a beach near Cassis on the night of 2 November 1942, and made contact with Captain Peter Churchill, who headed Spindle, an SOE network based in Cannes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved For eight weeks, the women were apparently forgotten by the authorities and were housed, well apart from each other, in crowded cells in the civil prison. Her two companions Denise Bloch and Lilian Rolfe met the same fate although these two brave women were so weakened that they were unable to walk to their deaths. To every question Sansom simply replied: 'I have nothing to say'. When she did, he pulled back the material and pressed a red-hot poker to her spine. And danger was ever-present. On April 28, 1945, on her 33rd birthday, Sansom was released from Ravensbrck weighing less than 90 pounds. Its purpose is to accurately identify the goods via barcoding and to relate the physical arrival of the goods to the previously received ODETTE Despatch Advice message. Perles, Alfred, ed. Sex/Life is a drama series inspired by the book 44 Chapters About 4 Men by BB Easton. What can I eat if everything makes me sick? Colonel Henri was a German officer who claimed he wished to work for the allies. Grove, Valerie. Her George Cross, she always maintained, was not to be regarded as an award to her personally, but as an acknowledgment of all those known and unknown, alive or dead, who had served the cause of the liberation of France. A French agent working for the British during World War II, Odette Sansom left three small daughters to join the Resistance in 1942. [10] SOE agent Francis Cammaerts visited Annecy briefly in March or early April 1943 and assessed the security of Churchill and Sansom's network as deficient and likely to be penetrated by the Germans. Colonel Henri was a German officer who claimed he wished to work for the allies. She was treated harshly, and was once kept in the dark on her own for three months and 11 days. 1804 Division St - Morris, IL -For Sale By July 1940, these activities were brought under the control of a central organization, called the Special Operations Executive (SOE), also known as "the Firm" and "the Racket." Winston Churchill, prime minister of Great Britain, proclaimed his faith that France would be free once more, and Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French in London, encouraged his nation to fight back. Shren, along with his top-ranking prison staff, was executed following the War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg. Was Peter Churchill related to Winston Churchill? Sansom wassent to Ravensbrck concentration camp, Germany, in July 1944. Sansom rejected the overtures. When Louis returned to school, she continued her walks alone and, though she missed him, found an unexpected joy in solitude. I grew up with this sense of duty." Szabo returned to Britain via Lysander in June 1944. Odette Sansom GC, MBE (28 April 1912 13 March 1995), also known as Odette Churchill and Odette Hallowes, code named Lise, was an agent for the United Kingdom's clandestine Special Operations Executive (SOE) in France during the Second World War. However, her story was not without controversy. This jacket was worn by Odette Sansom during the course of her confinement in Fresnes Prison and Ravensbrck. Both Churchill and Sansom were therefore retained in Fresne and frequently interrogated for another eight months. At any time, there could be a surprise selection for the gas chamber. Some had only rags to cover their feet as they were forced onto the frozen mud. Her father, Florentin Dsir Eugne 'Gaston' Brailly, was killed at Verdun shortly before the Armistice in 1918. . She told her story and accepted her GC on behalf of all her comrades who did not survive. It was this belief that saw her through her harrowing ordeal. Special Operations Executive(SOE) had been set up in 1940 to coordinate and carry out subversive action against German forces in occupied countries, including France. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A courageous and brave soldier, Odette's father, Gaston Brailly, was promoted to sergeant, and earned the Croix de Guerre and the Medaille Militaire. Born November 15, 1891 The SS wanted to keep her as a bargaining tool. Yolande Beekman ("Yvonne"), Madeleine Damerment ("Martine"), and Eliane Plewman ("Gaby"), along with Noor Inayat Khan , were executed without trial in Dachau on September 13, 1944. The fact she survived undetected for over a year is a testimony to her care and professionalism. Odette Sansom was born in France but later moved to England. Germany. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980. The following month, after American and British troops landed in French North Africa, the Germans were prompted to enter the unoccupied zone, at which point the Mediterranean coast took on new significance for the SOE. Coming from a long line of patriots from the province of Picardy, she rose up against indifference and was outraged when the Nazis took over her nation. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Sansom's initial objective was to contact the French Resistance on the French Riviera, and then move to Auxerre in Burgundy to establish a safe house for other agents. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. On . November 20, 1946. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Instead, after the war, she worked for various charities seeking to lessen the pain of war. Born 26 Feb 1881 in Ivry-sur-Seine, France, died 14 Oct 1918 from wounds received on 26 September at the battle of Mesnil. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. They summoned her to Avenue Foch 14 times, always pressing her for the whereabouts of SPINDLEs radio operator and the hideout of another circuit leader. Odette Hallowes/Spouse. Indeed the theme of her postwar working life, with its service to various charities and help for the underprivileged, was the healing of those wounds, both physical and mental, which had been inflicted upon individuals by the war. He was held as a Prisoner of War in 165 POW Camp near Abbeville and succeeded in escaping four times, although he was never able to return to the German lines. The officer responsible for Sansom's torture in Paris was also executed in July 1944, for ordering the shooting of British parachutists captured in uniform. What happened to Odette's daughters? She left her children in a convent and began training with the SOE. To accomplish these tasks, couriers carried messages and money to their associates almost on a daily basis. Infuriated, Bleicher sent her to Ravensbrck concentration camp. Odette Sansom (1912 1995) a French/British spy who worked as an SOE operative in occupied France. [20] Bleicher occasionally appeared and suggested that they might go to concerts and visit restaurants together in Paris, in return for which he hoped she could be induced to talk. related to Winston Churchill. A week later, they landed on the Riviera in an unoccupied region of France. Roy and Odette's marriage was dissolved in 1946 and she married Peter Churchill in 1947.[25]. It could have been deleted, moved, or it never existed at all. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. As a result she was recruited by the Special Operations Executive Sansom, known as Odette Churchill after her marriage, gained considerable fame after the publication of a 1949 biography[29] and a film on her war work and prison ordeal in 1950. Peter Churchill persuaded the authorities in London that due to the new situation he would need a talented French-woman to be his courier. she worked under Peter Churchill, the SOE's organizer in that part She was also appointed a Chevalier de la Lgion d'honneur for her work with the French Resistance. In fact, Peter Churchill was not related to the British prime minister. Odette Sansom died in 1995. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. In June 1940, a new volunteer force the Special Operations Executive (SOE) was set up to wage a secret war. what happened to odette sansom daughters. BORN: October 7, 1900 Munich, Germany When she was eight, an unidentified disorder caused her to go blind for. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. She is buried with Odette at Burvale cemetery where her name is given as Yvonne Marie Rose Brailly. She refused to disclose the whereabouts of Rabinovitch and another British agent, stuck to her fabricated cover story that Churchill was the nephew of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, that she was his wife, and that he knew nothing of her activities. She had a convent education and was considered difficult, perhaps because of her illnesses. Tickell, Jerrard. She died on 13 March 1995 in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England, aged 82. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Peter Churchill survived the war but Rabinovitch was executed by the Gestapo in 1944. The interrogator told Odette he was a servant of his fhrer, Adolf Hitler, and had no regrets for what he did; in fact, he would stop at nothing to get the information he needed. "Life wisdom learnt in the darkness of a torture cell; Odette Hallowes, GC.," in London Sunday Times. Some mistakenly say finger-nails: but her torturers stopped short when they realised that even the grotesque pain of the toe-nails could not persuade her to speak (and having been ticked off firmly by Odette myself, for springing a photographer on her, I understand the Gestapo's reluctance to displease her further). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Something about the future seemed to haunt her. Burvale Cemetery, Hersham, United Kingdom Since Sansom (code name "Lise") spoke French, she could plan and execute the night parachute resupply drops and arrange for secret transportation of the agents. The forgotten female WWII-era spy who stayed silent under gruesome Nazi torture Odette Sansom was the first woman to receive the UK's second-highest honor for courage under fire. SOE was also monitoring those who brought them in, hoping to find some who were qualified to become agents in France. Sansom also gave evidence against several ofRavensbrck's staff, which influenced their sentencing. Are you going to answer my questions?" When Odette again refused, the Nazi systematically tore out each of her toenails, one by one. Churchill and Sansom claimed they were a married couple and related to Winston Churchill to make themselves seem more valuable as prisoners and less likely to be executed as spies. This would mean securing an apartment in a specified part of town in France to which the SOE might send other members, either as part of an escape team or to encourage sabotage and action by the French Resistance. Yet, despite the torture and pressure, she remained firm to her story. October 14, 1990. Odette was a French woman married to an Englishman. Britain's most prestigious organizations turned out forged papers for them to carry. Odette Name Origin: German. Features female Prime Ministers, scientists, cultural figures, authors and royalty. Again, he asked, "Where is Arnaud?" Odette was a courier for the SPINDLE circuit of Special Operations Executive (SOE), the secret sabotage outfit Winston Churchill had charged to set Europe ablaze. She was a wife and mother of three who didnt drink, smoke or swear, and to the casual observer she was quite ordinary, perhaps even boring. 82. Her wartime experiences and endurance of a brutal interrogation and imprisonment, which were chronicled in books and a motion picture, made her one of the most celebrated members of the SOE and one of the few to survive Nazi imprisonment. Odette Marie Cline Brailly was born on April 28, 1912, the first child of Gaston, a bank official in Amiens, and Yvonne Brailly . Buckmaster played himself in the film, and Sansom, then known as Odette Churchill, wrote a personal message that appeared at the end of the film, which was well received. Violette Szabo has no known grave. what happened to odette's daughters. He was warned to avoid contact with Sansom and 'Colonel Henri" on his return to France, but when he was parachuted back into the Annecy area on April 14/15, he was met by Sansom and Rabinovich. Bleicher of Abwehr. London replied immediately: "Henri highly dangerousyou are to hide across lake and cut contacts with all save Arnaud [Rabinovich]"[12][13], Churchill was in London consulting with SOE at the time of Bleicher's meeting with Sansom. Ask a World War II aficionado to name the wars most highly decorated spy and youre likely to get one of three answers: Dusko Popov (code name: TRICYCLE), the MI5/MI6 double agent who warned the FBI about Pearl Harbor and inspired Ian Flemings James Bond; Juan Pujol (code name: GARBO), the crafty Spaniard who fooled the Germans with a fictional network of 15 agents; or Roman Garby-Czerniawski (code name: BRUTUS), the Polish double agent who at one time had a hundred agents in his INTERALLI circuit. She was then transported to Halle, where she was again treated brutally. Never see one another again capture, imprisonment, horrific torture, dramatic escape, breathless romance want leave. French forces based in London you use this site we will assume that you are happy it. Odette again refused, the entire Nazi death operation went into reverse the marriage at first, Sansom... Operations Executive ( SOE ) during theSecond World War Two & # x27 s. 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