The result was deadly to the natives. Figure 2: Richard Browne (17711824) was an early Australian convict artist and illustrator who was transported from Ireland to New South Wales. Wonnarua Nation Strategic Plan 2009-2012 - It is therefore necessary to give them a little relaxation to afford them an opportunity of regaining their strength before attempting the journey to the kweealbang. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Sat 20 Aug 1949 Page 2 NATIVE WAYS AND NAMES. Then they would begin on their own account. I remember one old black discoursing on the merits of the nullah a s against the wattle in a fight. The Blacks of Dungog, Port Stephens and Gresford. A cord, made of possum hair, was passed around his body a couple of times, the ends being held by the woman who knelt on the ground, leaning over the little canoe of water. The men and the [women] cut their heads with various implements, until blood flowed freely. lower coastal property. The blacks would capture them by tugging down vines and limbs to which the huge bats clung, knocking them on the head when they tumbled to the ground. Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions: Hunter River and Lake Macquarie Language (Awabakal-Wanarruwa). Company first established itself on the shores of the harbor. Take em feathers out. When the offending plume was removed Billy was immediately placated and was ready to start. P.S. This website may contain names, images and voices of deceased Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islanderpeoples. After this a larger party rode over to the Bowman River through McKenzIes Gap (Neilsons selection) and meeting with a large number of blacks fought another pitched battle, where Mr. J. T. Grants homestead now stands, many blacks over 100 it is said were killed and also some 12 whites were killed and badly wounded. All the people from Dingadee side crossed over it when the river was up, for groceries, mail, etc. [August 2, 1830] - the blacks at Lawlers station had made an attack on the sheep, and had speared Delaney, I immediately sent to request Mr. Donelan to. It was their custom to seek his advice and assistance in almost every emergency that arose. The first recipient never troubled about being deprived of possession, and enjoyed more the uses to which It was put by his friends. This only lasts a few minutes and then all the men follow after the novices. White men are not allowed to be present at this great ceremony, but by bribing one of the leading men I was permitted to be present at a part of the performance on condition that I did not come so near the company as to annoy the assembled tribes. The dead were carried from miles around to be buried in these places. All the men at the goonambang then start towards the kackaroo in single file, march- ing in a meandering course, and shouting as they go. "We're not dissimilar to other groups, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. This station was In the care of 4 or 5 unarmed men (convicts). Choose the design that fits your site. The young boys were carefully instructed by the elders of the tribe for long periods before the actual ceremonies began. The foreshores were covered with oysters, which formed a staple part of the diet. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. When they are considered ready to be made full members of the tribe the elders hold a convention and decide on a bumbat being held, generally when there are three or four youths to be initiated. The Earliest Inhabitants - Aboriginal Tribes of the District. After the novices have been shown the goonambang, and all the marked trees around it, they are next taken away by their guardians and the old men, several miles into the bush, to a camp called keelaybang (urinating place). The station teamster, returning with supplies signalled his approach in the time- honored custom of cracking his bullock whip and bullock whips those far-away days were no doubt just as effective instruments as they are to-day in the back country centres of Australia. He was supposed to possess supernatural powers in other words, to be a karaaga or wizard. See what others have contributed about your ancestors. The time of burial was fixed for flood-tide (killoongmundi) for they believed that if the interment took place at ebb-tide (wittung), the spirit of the, Figure 1: King Boomerang - King of Dungog, departed would be carried out to sea (wombal) and lost in the great waters. The tribe had no special leader or chief during my memory of them, the older. The Gringai people, a group of indigenous people of Australia, are those Aus tralian Aborigines that were united by a common language, strong ties of kinship and survived as skilled hunterfishergatherers in family groups as a clan of the Worimi people, whose traditional land is now known as the Port Stephens of New South Wales, Australia. [They] have for some time past been deprived of their gins, by a named F t (supt to Mr John Lord, of this district) and that on hearing the story. Other traditional plant foods include the bulbs of many orchids and the starch from the crown of tree ferns and the starch from stinging tree roots being roasted to make bread. L. E. Threlkeld. Australia's largest language family is Pama-Nyungan. Excellence, E: Virtual event 100% FREE | March 2-4, 2023. It may be taken generally that sickness of all kinds was believed to be caused by the incantations and magic of the koradjis or medicine men of hostile tribes. Nature appeared to have safeguarded them In her own Inscrutable fashion against most of the ailments that afflict civilised man but she had not prepared them against the diseases that the white man brought in his train. The novices are then lifted up in the mens arms, two or three men, including the guardian, to each boy, who advance and stand on the green bushes, which by this time are emitting a dense smoke, which ascends round the men and boys. Since the receipt of Mr Cooks instructions to me respecting the black in question I have had no opportunity of making further enquiries about him, but I take it for granted if he did not reach Sydney he must have effected his escape or is in Newcastle gaol. After some slight alteration he again, got into it. . No doubt the Idea was that the fire would dry up the teeming heavens, and the artificial gusts from their mouths blow the storms away At Port Stephens it was the custom, when some of the boys had reached that stage of adolescence that their admission to the full privileges and prerogatives of the adult men of the tribe was deemed advisable by the older wiseacres, to segregate them for preparation for the ceremonies. Other plants indicated by the literature to have been exploited for food in coastal regions include various fruits (Caswell 1841), including a sort of wild plum (Threlkeld in Gunson 1974:55) and the stalk of the water lily (Scott 1929:41; Fawcett 1898:152). These blacks were in the habit of going to the huts for tucker, and probably the hutkeeper thought that they were too much of a nuisance so he poisoned the flour and gave it to them, causing them to die in terrible agony. The literature makes no reference to grass seeds having been ground, although Themeda australis was widespread (Bigge Evidence BT Box 5:2028-30, 2033) and it. The Melanesian cultural area is the nearest neighbour of Australian and the museum holds a significant collection of cultural material from Melanesian nations. They disappeared in a northerly direction but were pursued by a party of armed soldiers and assigned servants and overtaken some twenty miles away. It was a very simple process for the tribe to kill all they needed. I have edited out many instances of phrases such as howling savages and gins and have tried to keep the excerpts as cultural reportage, not cultural judgement, but inevitably the historical reports indicate the white cultural mores of the time. The women would be on the look out for the shining, shimmering mass of fish to come round some wooded headland, and when their shrill outcries told of the approach of the finny prey, the men would rush to the shore. We have over a billion unique profiles in our tree, and growing. They had a clever and simple method of cleaning any fish they caught, and one that 1 have not seen practiced elsewhere. The howling continued all the time. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 29 Dec 1905 Page 1 Scraps of Early History, About 8 miles up the Kerripit River from Rawden Vale one comes out what were known to an older generation as McKenzies Cliffs, in places 200 feet above the river and some two or three hundred yards from the top of these cliffs a beautiful and magnificent view meets the eye, seemingly almost underneath this the clear country of Teragie, while in the far distance one gets a glimpse of Upper Cobark and all around the rugged jumble of mountains. The Wonnarua people, otherwise written Wanarruwa, are a group of Aboriginal Australian people united by strong ties of kinship, and who survived in family groups or clans scattered along the inland area of what is now known as the Upper Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. During the journey thither the novices are not allowed to gaze about them, but have to keep their eyes cast upon the ground at their feet, and their hands held on their stomachs as they walk along with their guardians. It was amazing the quantity of food the toddlers could consume, and It was astonishing that it did them no harm. Each owned his favorite spears; clubs, (cooterah); shield, (cooreel); throwing-stick, (purrah-mirre); and boomerangs. When the kangaroos came hopping along, a cloud of spears and purrahmirre. . Genealogical Society of Utah (now FamilySearch) ca. When it became the custom to carry blankets they usually pinned them across their chests with a bone nose-peg. The attire usually consisted of a kangaroo skin tied round the middle with a belt of fibre or sinews. As everything relating to these ceremonies is kept very secret it is only hearsay. Anagrams The bush abounded with game in the form of kangaroos, wallabies, possums, emus, flying-foxes, wild duck, swans, parrots, pigeons. Moffatt sent me a letter from Major Sullivan complaining of one of the Companys servant[s] (as is supposed) having come to his farm fired at some blacks in a camp close to his house, and taken away one of their [women]. Grass never grows on the bora ring. Since those times the flying-fox has changed his habits considerably much to the loss of orchardists and those that cultivate fruit. The shepherds were very scared as was very natural, and came to beg that I should double the flocks so that two of the men might always be together. There (were edible roots In the gullies, wild- fruits in the brushes. FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their family story. The ends of the spear shafts were also bound with similar materials to form a small notch. The hull of the little vessel was made of a single sheet of bark of the stringy-bark (punnah) tree, obtained from a tall, straight clean bole. The Wonnarua people are the traditional land owners of the Singleton area and their lands extend throughout the Hunter Valley and have occupied the Upper Hunter for at least 30,000 years, with traditional knowledge holding that occupation extends back to the early stages of the Dreaming. In the days of which I speak the great bats subsisted entirely on gum blossoms and what native fruits were available In the brushes. Ms Ley said a decision on the application would be made "in the near future". At this camp they are also required, on more than one occasion, to drink the urine of some of the men, collected in a coolamin for the purpose. His shepherds were all assigned convicts. We have over a billion unique profiles in our tree, and growing. When the Wonnarua see the wedge tailed eagle, they know Kawal is looking over them, protecting them. He came straight up to the group, and within a dozen or so paces of us, threw on the ground his spears and boomerangs. In every creek, in every gully, lay dead blacks, and Ganghat became anathema; a place accursed, Then another name arose tor the locality Belbora (now mostly called Belbowrie.) Baal Bora to signify that the circular ceremonial of the Boombit should never more be enacted there Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 9 Nov 1923 Page 3 The Pioneers. On account of the novices hair being singed short, and the white paint on their bodies, the mothers are sometimes unable to recognise their own sons. . These were obtained by all the neighboring tribes in the vicinity of one of the most beautiful spots on the Manning waters, namely, Gummi Plain. THE Wonnarua language is more nearly related . The harden ing was, of course, done by fire later on. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Close to the eastern side of the general encampment was the kackeroo, 40 feet by 29 feet, from which the yippang or path led away on a bearing of N. 85 E., ascending some sloping ground for a distance of 17 chains to the goonambang, on the crest of a low ridge. Dr. McKinlay records that they believed in supernatural beings whom they called Maamba. I immediately acquainted Captain Moffatt and proposed to him to send three soldiers, under the Sergeant, or Field, the Constable, to assist in pursuing the murderers. The novices are then brought out and placed standing in a row between the camp and the fires, with their eyes cast down. I sent for the blacks to ascertain from themselves how the matter stood, and learning from themselves that F t keeps quiet a seraglio [harem] and that in opposition to the remonstrances of the husbands and tribe the women belong to I wrote a warning note to him, pointing out the necessity (if report were true) of his giving up the gins to the blackfellow. A. Cos. The blacks attack on Kiripit homestead was averted by the merest accident. The Wonnarua were part of the land. One was held on the top of the ridge in Irwins paddock, at the back of the house which is now situated at the Underbank-Wangat turn-off. At Port Stephens there were two varieties in general use. In collecting this information, a few problems have been encountered. A complete guide to the Duttons, from 1883 to Yellowstone. A few of the old men remain standing near them, armed with spears, to see that the covering is not interfered with. He did not plant his roots deep in the soil as does a white man and his house was not constructed to withstand the ravaging hand of time nor to defy the fury of the elements. As soon as they are covered over, the women keep up a humming noise the same as they did on the morning the novices were taken away from the kackaroo. I verily believe that they would have held a shark. Mustering the Tribes.-When it is found that there are a sufficient number of boys old enough for initiation, the head-man of the tribe whose turn it is to call the. The Earliest Inhabitants - Aboriginal Tribes of the District. They immediately pack up all their movables, and start away some distance to another locality which has been previously decided upon by the headmen of the several tribes, and there they erect a new camp, being assisted in this work by some of the old men who have been directed to remain with them. They lived for the most part, he says, on opossums, kangaroos, wallabies, birds and fish. To signify the religious importance, the initiates were given rock crystals warmed in an open fire and told that these were the excrement of the great spirit Goign (hence the meaning of goonambangthe place of excrement). They were immediately followed by the hosts, each of whom carried green bushes in their hands. Mr J. E. Irwin told me the trees are still marked round the Tillegra bora. . Rubbing the palms together he would cause the upright stick he held to revolve rapidly, the point gradually boring Its way through the pith beneath. This being done, the whole force of the assembled tribes came up, running, shouting, and striking their shields with their clubs, and using a roarer which produced the most fearful and unnatural sounds. The Reverend gentleman was assisted by another aborigine, who could understand English, but who being of no religion at all, could not be sworn as. There followed a quiet space for a little time when suddenly the men returned ( with loud triumphal cries, having in their midst the boys they had supposedly sought. This latter circular area was smaller. When a death took place there was great weeping and wailing. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p11-12. If you asked any of the old men how they came there; they would tell you: That log was there when I bought the farm. All I have seen were big logs and long, and had fallen across the current, making fine foot bridges. Just as preparations were being made for a continuation of the rites, some of the strange blacks raised an objection to my being present with a gun, for I had with me a small sixteen-bore fowling piece I Invariably carried on my excursions in the bush. One man, Green, escaped to Underbank after a flight of over 25 miles; the last spear was thrown almost in sight of Underbank House. This smaller section was held in place by a binding of fibre and grass-tree gum. All the women are there, and the novices sit down and eat the food which has been prepared for them. The headmen are walking about directing the proceedings, being sometimes in the ring, and sometimes outside of it. At the end of the song they would burst into shrieks of raucous merriment. Learn how First Nation communities and artists are using ghost net sculptures as a way to tell traditional stories. The wattie, however, was deadly in its execution, and there was never any doubt about it when it fell. The opossum, with his pronounced eucalyptus flavor, was also esteemed a great delicacy, and these dainty little arboreal citizens received scant consideration when the tribe was on a foraging expedition. all one afternoon, until stopped by the manager of the station and his men, but while the manager was persuading the. The throwers had marvellous command over them, and could actually direct and control their flight in any direction. The novices entered the water first, and as each boy plunged in, the men standing around gave a shout. Of course, the whites could not for their own safety allow such an event to pass without in some way punishing the blacks, but the way they did retaliate must appear to us moderns as shockingly cruel but unfortunately for themselves the blacks were looked upon by the early settlers as vermin fit only to be destroyed. The gaps between the ties of the vines at stem and stern would be plugged with clay, so skilfully introduced that the whole craft would be absolutely watertight. When he had finished the required number, he would cache them in the bush, either in a hollow log or cave, until such time as opportunity arrived for their disposal. Of course, in certain ceremonies, they used certain clays for coloring their bodies. The business of fishing was per- haps the most important of all to the natives. Thus tinko a native bitch is generally printed dingo.. The removal of Cabeen Paddy [recently mentioned] and Cocky from this quarter has had the desired effect. After this visit of the keerang the novices are allowed greater liberty, being permitted to sit up straight in the camp, and occasionally to stand. The mothers of the novices are painted with red and white stripes on the face, chest and arms. Their creation spirit is Baiami, also known as Koin, the creator of all things and the Keeper of the Valley. or wattles as the blacks at Port Stephens called them, wer e very neatly fashioned and per- fectly balanced. The Museum works actively to build links with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to ensure the objects held in our collections are always available to Traditional Owners, to activate our collections through programs that provide connections with living cultural practice, and to deepen public understanding of Australias First Nations cultures. [6], This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. Inland from the Awabakal was the Geawegal tribe, whose country was part of the valley of the Hunter River, extending to each lateral watershed and from twenty to thirty miles along the valley on each side of Glendon. Before finally quitting the main camp, a small sapling is cut down, and one end of it inserted firmly in the ground at the kackaroo, in a slanting position, the elevated end pointing in the direction of the new camp. Plains Clans of the Wonnarua People A5410(x) Xerox copy of The History of Bulga near Singleton N.S.W. Two young Blacks who made a nuisance of themselves by continually begging for food at a certain accommodation house on Fosterton Road, were easily disposed of a little poison was put in their food. When the grave, which was very neatly dug with the rudest implements, was considered to be of sufficient depth a man got into it and tried it by lying down at full length. Another fishing superstition was In connection with eating fruit. Allan Cunningham (16/4/1825) had noted this plant growing on and below a ridge just north of Denman. The men, exultant over the result of their prowess would immediately proceed to make a fire. The men make a guttural noise as the novices are shown each tree, and also in going from one tree to another. In other stories Dharramalan is said to be brother to Baiame. This was done and Mr. Donelan accompanied me himself to Stroud, while the constables and soldiers went by water to Booral. The pieces of burning bark which the sisters of the novices have been obliged to carry, as before stated, are left at the kweealbang. The adjoining parish, Belbora (correctly Baal Bora) owes its name to the tragedy. In the course of time, they were, therefore, thoroughly disciplined and properly trained. [Women] were never allowed to see a bora ceremony; they always had to lie down, and woe betide one if she lifted her head. It is sometimes suggested that Baiame was a construct of early Christian missionaries, but K Langloh Parker dated belief in Baiame to (at latest) 1830, prior to missionary activity in the region. They, too, were buried at Violet Hill. YES, there is a family tree template on Word. The novices are now given a new name, and are permitted to mix with the men, but must not go among the women until they have attended a few more keeparras, and have lost their boyish voice. A small collection from a cultural giant, discover the objects from China held in the Australian Museum's World Cultural Collection. Get Started. The remnant of this fine old tribe is sadly degenerated by contact with the whites and strong drink; but still you may find them possessing good traits of character. Snakes were greatly esteemed by our epicurean friends, their flesh, when roasted, being beautifully white and apparently very tasty. Billy Barlow once explained to me how this remarkable marking was done. Free online family tree maker. Vocabularies of the Manning RIver and Hunter river in Edward M Currs The. The [deceaseds] father and mother stayed for some days by the grave, making the top of it their bed; the mother never left it for some days after, and was found dead by a relation at the place, the cause being undoubtedly grief. If it chanced the long white worms commonly found in bush animals, these would be swallowed with with rare gusto as the greatest delicacy of all. The stranger produced a small pipe from his belt, stooped down to the fire, lit the tobacco with a coal, and took a few puffs. And then I read Mary Gilmores book Old Days, Old Ways, telling of how the blacks felled, the trees across the rivers to make fish traps. First, the mothers of the boys are set free - then the sisters - and lastly, the other women and children are uncovered. It is quite true, he added, when it is said that no white man ever saw a bora ceremony. This would take out the sap and render the wood reasonably soft for application of the tools used as scrapers. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p9. A letter published in the Dungog Chronicle, by an RJ Hector in 1906 and based on a list of local aboriginal words originally compiled in the 1840s. Celebrated Fisherman of New South Wales, in a canoe the woman sitting down is supposed to be is [sic] wife. The fury of the elements seldom disturbed them. The inner part, the inside of the craft, would of course be the naturally smooth sappy portion. The recipient would don the gift, usually after a fashion never originally Intended, and would strut proudly about the camp displaying himself and his adornment. I happened to have a few emu feathers stuck in the band of my hat as an ornament. Silently and surely they laid their plans and long ere the dawn of day the sleeping camp was encircled from cliff edge to cliff edge. Mathews, R.H. 1897. On the eventful morning I went to the place indicated, where I found about two hundred of the tribesmen differently, but tastefully, painted in red, white, and yellow, and armed to the teeth. There was a good deal of make- believe in the business that follow ed, probably carried on for the bene fit of the. About this fire, and in lines radiating from the centre like spokes of a wheel, were a number of naked blacks, their heads bowed to the earth. an interpreter. The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 22 Dec 1905 Page 5 Scraps of Early History. Meaning people of the hills and plains, the Wonnarua were bounded to the south by the Darkinjung, to the northwest by the Nganyaywana, to the northeast by the Awabakal, and to the southeast by the Worimi peoples. Taking away the boys.On the evening of the day preceding the principal cere- mony, all the tribes remove their camps close to the kackaroo, or public ring, where they remain for the night. No return was made to this, and on repeating the sign an answer was returned in a loud and as it seemed menacing tone. 1820. exposed pith of the under piece. They had their little spots over deep water (and the. Mr. McKenzie, a son-in-law of Mr. John Rawden was the first manager and no doubt he had many difficulties to contend with, one of his chief troubles being caused by his employees, almost all of whom were assigned servants (convicts), many being hardened criminals. . They had left the Bora ring after the first part of the ceremonies and came down to camp by the river. These weapons were usually made of wood from the wild myrtle, hardened, like all their other wooden implements, by fire. His black boy said that he would see where they had gone, and going to the camp showed, a snear stuck in the ashes of the fire with a corn cob tied on the point. Some cattle were speared and the rest driven through the wild brushes at the head of the Myall, almost to the foreshores of Port Stephens. Finally the initiates were sent out into the bush, to prove their capabilities as hunters and men. Create your family tree now Free use forever No credit card required Create your family tree now Discover more for design. In the far- off days of the first decade of the nineteenth century, the locality that we know as Dungog was called by its primitive inhabitants Tunkok or Tungog, both of which words mean, in the Awabakal dialect, the place of thinly wooded hills. The chase was a big part of the lives of the males, and strange to relate the spoils were usually divided equally among the various members of the tribe. But there were ceremonies in the bush, wherefrom the women were rigidly excluded. In regard to the food supply of a camp, Dr McKinlay states that the aborigines lived well and happily about Dungog. I once inquired the reason of this fear of the place and was quaintly informed that too many shark were there. The Wonnarua also had trade and ceremonial links with the Kamilaroi people. On another occasion, at a much later date, I came across another initiation ceremony when proceeding through the bush. I was present at [a corroboree] 55 years ago with the rest of our family. The fishing line was called ylrra- warn, and the hook pirrewuy. Some of the hooks were fashioned of bone after the primitive style, but they usually preferred the hooks that my father was able to supply. But men were callous, and life was cheap in those far off days, and tradition tells a yet weirder tale of a blood bounty at half a crown per head.. A census taken by Dr. McKinlay in the early [1830s] showed that there were about 250 blacks in the valley of the Williams. [11] As at 2009, the Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation (WNAC) had three arrangements in place under Native Title and was planning to develop more. H e explained that he never felt a hit from a nullah, and only realised he had been struck when he noticed the blood streaming down his [face]. The soldiers came by boat via Newcastle and landing at Clarence Town marched in search of the tribe of blacks. By Lauren Hubbard Published: Feb 27, 2023. . It was an oval- shaped piece of hardwood some two feet wide having a hand-grip on the back made of a length of vine affixed In holes made for the purpose. The inner part, he added, when roasted, being beautifully white and apparently very tasty slight alteration again! Were usually made of wood from the wild myrtle, hardened, all! Assistance in almost every emergency that arose the ends of the men follow the... 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Stories Dharramalan is said that no white man ever saw a bora.. Native WAYS and NAMES, Port Stephens called them, and sometimes outside of.... Left the bora ring after the novices sit down and eat the food supply of a camp, Dr states! Of Bulga near Singleton N.S.W which i speak the great bats subsisted entirely on gum blossoms and native. Or chief during my memory of them, the creator of all things and.. Virtual event 100 % FREE | March 2-4, 2023 in certain ceremonies, they were immediately by! Line was called ylrra- warn, and growing around gave a shout as everything relating to these ceremonies is very. ; s largest language family is Pama-Nyungan first Nation communities and artists using... Fishing line was called ylrra- warn, and the [ women ] cut their heads various! Hunter river in Edward M Currs the was per- haps the most important of all things the! Groceries, mail, etc Stephens and Gresford coloring their bodies proceedings, being beautifully white apparently... 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