You like burgers? Is a urology examination embarrassing? 15 Questions Youre Afraid To Ask The Opposite Sex And Answers! Eventually, they were able to get it out, (blood was everywhere), and I learned from a nurse who also uses a diva cup that the instructions that say to relax your muscles are completely wrong, and you need to push it out. View Profile. Get the facts about this disease that affects more than 240,000 men each year. Surprisingly, not a lot of actual medical professionals spoke up at first. "- sadsledgemain, "Had a couple of them that I couldn't decide between. I jumped on the scale, then my stomach started killing me. ", "Talking over somebody whilst theyre already talking. ", "I now know that in that woods is an abandoned rail line. do you do"? He turned his head and did his best crow imitation: "Caw! ", "I told him, 'my mom is waiting, I have to go now'. Having a penis that is sensitive to stimulation is not bad thing -- it means your healthy. Really showed his priorities. ", "We didn't move, breathe when necessary, and didn't say a thing for 30 minutes. The doctor makes me stay naked during the whole exam. Caw!". My face filled up with blood I was so embarrassed, and of course she knew. Ohio State's Comprehensive Cancer Center James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Behind the scenes: Ohio States blood bank, Knee, hip or back pain? Most people are already apprehensive when going to doctor's appointments, but can you imagine falling, wearing nothing from the waste down but some tissue paper, into your gynecologists' arms? She squeals in surprise, and like four orderlies come running in, none of them bothering to shut the door behind them. ", "Dangerous too - fancy cakes with multiple layers can be held together by wooden skewers. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly peeled my face away and apologized frantically. maybe I can shed a little light on the situation. Ive stopped hanging out with people who cant put their phone away while having a conversation, its so rude. In this video, I will demystify and hopefully clear up some things that you might or might not expect on your trip to the urologist. I still hate myself for it. ", 'You have to live it to understand it. When my wife was giving birth our Gyno told her to give a big push. Any product that is needed for women that is considered a Luxury in todays standards", "They should be free. And then she told me that masturbation should help clear it up. Moms just sitting there horrified. "I walked in on my dad, looking like he was dead (eyes open, but lifeless). And instead of doing the same to her, the groom full on chased his bride down to smash cake in her face super hard and throw it all over her while she was being dead serious trying to run away saying "no. "- prettysouthernchick, "When a poster hanging above my bed fell on me in the middle of the night. Always stay alert, no matter where you are, or the time of day. ", "They were stopping us to lie on the ground every 30 seconds just in case there are soldiers. This is quite common but rarely talked about. 2) I did not invite you to look at my screen, and it is intrusive and it is uncomfortable to have you watch me work. I am NOT doing anything that is supposed to be pleasurable or having sex or taking anyone's virginity during exams. Does anybody actually like going to the doctors office? Acquaintance was a 17-year-old male getting a physical from a female doctor. I was working a rehab unit one time and had to give a younger gentleman a suppository due to no bowel movement for 4 days. anyone have to witness the nurse preparing the biopsy. More than 3 million men in the United States are alive today after a prostate cancer diagnosis. But it`s something more men may experience eventually. Let us know in the comments below. ", "I pop over a hill and there's a car stopped in the lane just ahead, and another car coming from the other direction. This includes the standard examination of your organ function and is overall, non-invasive. She says that the rent is very expensive even though they are 3 roommates. I always like to imagine myself with an old doctor but when the nurse comes in and takes a look at my penis i get hard and she just smiles. ", "My older sister is currently renting an apartment in a somewhat cheap neighborhood and she works as a waitress. ", "No kidding. ", "Not one person saw a scared pre-teen girl being literally clutched by a grown man, kept in place by two. The gloves do not have to be sterile. ", "I know where it doesn't sound like a really scary thing but it is quite hard to explain the atmosphere. She looks uncomfortable. ", "She looked so heartbroken after with cake all over her hair (which looked beautiful), her face (with perfect make up) and her dress (which was a unique style of dress that she had sewn a piece of one her father's shirts on since he had passed. This is put into the urethra and moved up into the bladder. "A few years back I decided that I should get a vasectomy. For many men, a visit to the urologist conjures dread. It should be very expensive to get a marriage license and very cheap to get a divorce decree. She said it was alright. I treat all types of cases from genital, cancer, urinary, stone and incontinence. Neon green shit mist. Besides she's exhausting and never stops talking and needing attention. After about 15 minutes of her slowly rubbing that plastic tool all over my nuts, she finished up and said Well, your testicles are healthy! Unfortunately, nothing can stop the same things from happening to you in broad daylight. Reflexively, I pulled my knees together, essentially putting her in a headlock with my thighs. So the resident goes through the routine, and when she was finished, grandma asks me if I minded her checking after the student to make sure nothing was missed. In his nervousness, he misheard. Patients who come in for this often have never heard of it, and many of them think they are the only person who has this. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She told me to take my pants off, lay down on the table and spread my legs a bit. A few months later, I go into a testicle specialist for a check-up. Not funny or cool. We tell him to go home and bring us back a sample. ", "This was the moment I thought a man died in my hands. ", "The smugglers were gone and all we can see was the starry sky. F*ck that guy forever. Dormant butt syndrome may be to blame, Inspired by her fathers battle, physician-scientist determined to stop glaucoma, Learn about glaucoma risk factors, causes and frequently asked questions, Training her eye on disparities and biases. ", "We were in Greece for about 10 minutes before the soldiers found us. ", "So it was about 6:00 PM, and I was walking to the living room to watch TV. Your information will nerver be shared with any third party. My mom is here though. ", "I cant, it's too narrow, so I wait for the 2nd space in-between the next two carts for what felt like a life time. It's understandable why so many people are afraid of the dark. College Magazine readers share their most embarrassing, hilarious, or just plain disastrous experiences at doctor's offices. I showed up for my annual girly checkup to find out that my usual doctor had been called to some medical emergency and was asked if I would I mind an OBGYN student performing the pelvic exam (supervised, of course). The doc was an old overweight guy, so I didn't think I would have a problem. No one else can tell, but even just the idea is so hot for me. Cut to the next morning. This will all be discussed with you after the initial exam. ", "He reached over and rotated my wrist and said, 'you look a lot younger in real life than in your photo'. So, I had just gotten a diva cup, and after a couple days I was feeling overly confident and decided this would be the night I kept it in over-night, but I guess it had decided to go much deeper than it should have. It was about to begin. He kept smirking and chuckling at me. I'm not dead if I take a couple of hours to get back to you. I just had my cystoscopy today. We all work and make money (or have parents that do), but having money and being able to afford what you need are two different things. It wasn't awkward as much as interesting. ", "So one day my brother and I rode with my mom to the bank to deposit some checks or whatever else she had to do. directions too literally and tried to shove a handful of semen through the office window. Milk (breast or formula) is the only option, and the companies know that so they know they can charge a premium and still sell their product. ", "When I went into preterm labor at 25 weeks. The large majority dont want one. How Do You Get Rid of Bumps on Your Pubic Area. ", "I was so scared that I hold my mom's hand and didn't let go until we passed them. If fear of the exam is what is holding you back, here are some answers to common questions that might set your mind at ease. Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. Being terrified as I was that my wife was in the process of delivering our firstborn, I helpfully offered up "Don't worry, some people pay good money for that." I learned it the hard way when I took people for their word and tried to arrange a meet up but they'd ignore me. But the one below his navel has a mind of its own, And there's no telling when it is going to pop-up and say, "How! After a couple minutes of waiting, in comes the nurse. Talk about awkward situations! I explain to him, professionally, that he should ejaculate into the cup we provided. I usually ask my patients if they want a chaperone rather than always bringing one into the room. ", "Then his friend came over and joined him, asked what he was doing. She gently flipped my penis up and covered it with a towel so that just my scrotum was exposed, and that did it I had a full fledged hardon within 6 seconds. I get erections easily anyway and produce precum easily too. Nice young Dr/Nurse welcomes me to the Royal Berks and nods saying he knows this is embarrassing before sticking a glove on and his hand up my arse wiggling his fingers and asking which side. (where they stick a camera up your urethra to check things out). It's common in some men. ", "Yeah, a visit to the ER doesn't cost me a cent and my meds are very affordable, but the optometrist and the dentist still cost me a lot, even if they're partially covered by insurance and the parts that aren't covered can be deducted from my income tax. ", "They say they do this to be polite but I consider it more rude. Dr Josh. My parents, of meager means, were able to get her insulin for free. They will do whatever they can to make the exam more comfortable for the patient. So like just hang out, holding a penis talking about the weather for five minutes. Along with a general exam, a urological exam generally consists of examination of the pelvic and genital areas. ", "I found a large, deep cut on the back of his neck/head. Sigh.) He also spends a lot of time examening my penis, testicles, and looking through my pubic hair. We had a teenager come in with his mother (we were not a pediatric urology office but saw teens on special occasions with a doctors OK) .. kid was masturbating with a cell phone charger and got it stuck in his bladder. ", "When they got there they told me his heart and lungs had stopped (full cardiac arrest) and they were struggling getting a pulse. ", "Electricity. Rena Malik, M.D. ", " So as you can guess, we weren't supposed to get pulled aside by the police to check IDs. Fake diamonds can be made for 50-100 dollars per carrot that other than a specific frequency of light passing through them slightly differently are unrecognizably different in every way (they literally are diamonds just made faster). ", "Listening to anything on your phone without headphones/earbuds while around other people. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. Being examined by a urologist is embarrassing enough. please don't!" Not having a fancy knife set or the newest Apple Watch won't destroy your life. He will probably assure you it is a common occurrence and not to stress about it. Learn more about how we use your information by reading our Privacy Policy. Physician. A stethoscope is used to listen to different areas of your body such as your lungs and heart. There is no reason to feel embarrassed or hesitant to get the exam. This leads to families trying to stretch their supply of formula in unhealthy ways like watering it down (babies cant regulate their electrolytes well, it can be very harmful) or adding fillers like rice (doesnt have the required nutrition, again babies that young cant adapt to macro/micronutrient imbalances the same way older children can)", "I agree! Patient wasn't all the way under and while I was helping the surgeon, we heard coughing and what sounded like water falling. Suddenly, he started feeling dizzy. In this video, I will demystify and hopefully clear up some things that you might or might not expect on your trip to the urologist. She even took extra time in explaining and showing me how to perform self exams, and I never had any feelings that "something embarrassing" was about to happen. What MEN can expect during their urologist visit? ', "Everything went slow motion in my head, and I whipped my car onto the tiny gravel shoulder with inches to spare and got around without losing control. I powered through that shit, because when the guys with PhDs tell you to do something I like to assume its because they fucking mean it. Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD. Once again, I have to show an older fellow my junk. It was the most fun I've ever had at the lady doctor. Kinda made me tear up a bit. ", "And out of 5 people, at least 3 of them were wanted by the police . Learn what causes dormant butt and how to prevent it. This is unacceptable and needs to stop. She burst out laughing, walked out of the office, and told my mom. Just enjoy them, and be glad that it's stil working. F*ck em", "Expecting me to be within reach at all times. I looked at her with my jaw dropped and it clicked a few seconds later that she was talking about the difficulty of opening the tool, and not my vagina. Normally, I dont respond but when theres a person regardless of their credentials talking about something that they dont have a clue about is another reason why I only use SAME GENDER for all of my medicsl needs because were on the same page. is why I started Metro Medical Direct. I answer these questions and more, so make sure you watch until the end of the video!Thanks for watching!! ", "My friends were in front of me jumping between carts, and suddenly as I was mid-air, the train jolted forward causing me to miss my jump and come crashing down tumbling in-between the train carts. ", "I didn't know what to do so I stared at him and he chuckled at me, all the time holding me by the wrist. Its just normal,if its really embrassing you then take a ketoconazole injection. I started to get hard, then she grasped me in her hand, and used three swabs on the headmajor wood. Patients have to bring in semen samples post vasectomy to make sure there was no issue with the procedure so we can declare them sterile. BY the way it is quite common, if there is no erections then there might be of ED, being a doctor myself, I often find my patients quite embarrassed, listen to me fellows, being a man, and having an erections in front of a male doctor, no matter what age it is, is quite normal, we are trained with it, and it is normal for us, and we expect that, and if we don't see it,then we suspect a prob, by the way, we do realize if u r trying hard to hide it, so my point is just relax. #1. It tastes awful, and comes in mass quantities, and costs $50 for a small tin. "- foxfaced95, "I once was at a bus station in the morning, waiting for the bus that would take me to University. You have to starve them out. I just refer to it as the pedophile pick-up, and people generally know what Im talking about. He doesn't understand. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasn't cancer. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out, and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasnt cancer. Come back EVERY MONDAY for a NEW videoBuy your very own Take Care of Yourself water bottle or coffee mug: by Ben Precup this video with a friend: Introduction0:14 Why do you even need to go see a urologist?1:12 Basic Physical Examination1:52 Digital Rectal Exam2:20 Final talk about your visit2:50 End Card ------------------------------------------------------ Check out these Playlists: Penis Problems?! We enter his bladder and there is a huge KNOT in the cord. Im sure a nurse had to remove my panties and butt plug. Skip a couple minutes forward, Ive got my legs in the stirrups and the duck-billed instrument inside of me, and he is starting to realize that I may have actually gotten it stuck. While people try their best to be pleasant, sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we don't realize some of our behaviors or actions aren't appreciated by everyone. Many men DONT go to urologist especially because of this reason. In addition, they may require imaging studies to check the kidney and/or prostate. I always get an erection and he just tells me that all my male parts are in good working order. Curious to know what some of those things are, Redditor dentistani asked: "Face timing in public. I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and waited. It's a web-based primary care medical house calls practice in NYC. I'm talking about the things so vital to our survival that they should be cheap, but are actually near impossible to afford. I look at the clock as I push open the door and its taken me 30 minutes throughout this ordeal. ", "When clients stand directly behind me, looking over my shoulder at my computer screen while I'm at work. I'm almost sad.'. becoming erect when doctor exams you aahhhh! He was examining my eye and he said, OK, now open wide.. I am required to have yearly physicals with the company I work for. Great way to start a career of phallic disappointment. I must admit to a bit of apprehension in the beginning, but she was so professional, and matter-of-fact, that I never had any awkward feelings about it during the testicular exam. Phone: 212-241-7640. I was getting snipped and they had me on some valium. ", "There was a guy I was seeing for a couple months and when I would message him he would take HOURS to respond most of the time. I wasn't sure what to say, it was a little awkward. The catch is the you have to insert a syringe (not a needle) into the tip of the penis and inject lidocaine lube into the urethra and then hold the penis with your thumb over the urethra for five minutes. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. For a man, we would examine the penis, including exposing the head of the penis if someone is uncircumcised, looking for any abnormalities of the urethra. It's pretty wild and I have lots of stories (my poor boyfriend), but here are two of my favorites: While getting a prostate exam for a physical, I asked if he could tell I'd been doing squats. ", "(I was about 13 at the time) Then, the ground started shaking. I also have a female doctor. All though the procedure itself was embarrising, other than that I never felt uneasy. As for ejaculating during a physical, it's not that it is not normal, as of course a constant stimulation would cause this to happen, but it is very unusual as the doctor should not continue examining on a erection. Just because people are looking silly doesnt mean you get to make them your joke. Is this common? He will probably assure you it is a common occurrence and not to stress about it. I get ZERO jollies from it. I'm not a doctor yet, but in nursing school we have to examine and bathe men, as well as insert catheters etc.. "- devilshibata, "So when I was 12, me and my friends thought it would be epic to climb up the side of a stopped train and go to the top. Liquid on glans is necessary to lubricate the penis to facilitate to penetrate into vagina.this isnormal formale and female to wet their genitals.Not oozing of liquid is abnormal. She's a distant cousin and although we aren't super close, I have ALWAYS known her to be a perfectly sweet, kind and loveable person so I couldn't believe she was with this jerk! I remember them saying we arent getting any return. They are one of the most common stones in precious gemstones, and yet -- thanks to De Beers Corporation marketing them for the last century and gaining a monopoly world wide on their mining, they are super high priced. Al Roker has PROSTATE CANCER?! And as she starts inserting a fresh new speculum, grandma looks at me and says: My, arent we just getting tag-teamed today?. ", "After getting out from under the train, I take a deep breath of relief and stare up to the sky thinking 'holy f*ck I almost died'. ", "I was scared sh*tless of somebody opening up the car door and grabbing me. Given that and a lot of non-diamond look a-likes you would think it would be less valuable, but nope they're still crazy expensive for no reason other than monopoly. to Pee With Chlamydia? She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. "- TinaDunk559, "It was the night that I (17 F[emale]) was escaping to Europe from Turkey (at the time I was 15). Sometimes Ill go out wearing a butt plug and a pair of my wifes panties beneath my normal clothing. (718) 502-8164. ", "But there was a control thing on the highway and they were almost gonna stop us. It does not embarrass me, and he is comfortable about it. I m a sure you can request your doctor such. I left specks of poop juice on the outer side of her hand and shit a soupy spot on the floor. I will be honest, it has happened to me before! ", "I was able to wake him and the ambulance took over from there. Gynecologists And Urologists Share Their Most Embarrassing Patient Stories, Common Behaviors That Most People Find Normal But Some Consider Horribly Rude, People Divulge The Scariest Thing That's Ever Happened To Them in Broad Daylight, People Describe The All-Time Scariest Thing They've Ever Experienced, Parents Describe The Most Embarrassing Thing Their Kid Has Ever Done In Public - George Takei , People Explain Their Most Horrifying Penis Horror Stories - George Takei , People Confess The Details Of Their Most Embarrassing Trip To The Doctor - George Takei , Medical Professionals Describe What It's Like When They Go In For A Doctor's Appointment - George Takei , The Most Disgusting Work Stories As Told By Employees - George Takei , Items That Should Be Cheap And Affordable But Aren't At All. Although doctors like us in India, and also in our neighboring China, wealways train male nurses for this purpose. Employs friendly staff. Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. When I was younger, I went to the doctor, and Im not sure why, but he had to see my dick for some reason. We talked about vacations, homebrew, cars, etc. And the magazine selection these days is just pathetic. ", "After I let go, her hand was white as paper. Get articles and stories about health, wellness, medicine, science and education delivered right to your inbox from the experts at Ohio State. So, the first available doctor is a man in his 50s, Id guess. Being the good little patient I am, I did exactly that. Back in middle school, I got kicked in the balls during a soccer game. Do you have anything you'd like to add to the list? We suppose they're so used to not talking about a patient's personal issues with anyone but them (thank you HIPPA!) Like, are you telling me I have to actually subscribe to Popular Science now? ", "Seriously, what exactly happened in the last two years? ", "Tampons, pads, birth control. ", "I don't understand how something whose patent was given away for dirt can become so expensive. ", "For children old enough for solid food, its possible to choose budget-friendly options just like for adults food, but theres no alternative for little infants. People have literally lost eyeballs that way. then i actually start having thoughts of ******* her in the ***** and sucking on her ****. The office provides 2 cysto/procedure rooms, 1 shockwave/exam room, and 2 regular exam rooms. I had an instant erection the moment I pulled down my underwear and throughout the whole exam my penis was erect though my penis was covered with a cloth. "- mvfsullivan, "Someone tried to pull me into his car in Broad daylight in Southampton. If not more. Hear-hear! Also, did. Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. It is understandable if u face such problem when it comes to female doctors, by the way, if u see a nurse helping the doctor, you can surely ask the doctor that u r not comfortable. Where I am from, if you tell someone you want to meet up again you actually mean it. My wife is the only one who has even seen that part of me, much less handled it! Wincing, I climb up to my parents room. ", "Wrong place, wrong time. ", "If I still know who, where and why I am when I'm boarding, I'm not getting on that plane. ", "I was talking to him, trying to keep him awake and he went into shock, twitching and unresponsive. After the nurse sat me down on the chair and made me spread my legs eagle style, my doctor walked in with 4 students in row, around same age as me. At a gyno appointment when I was 19, I was all situated on the table with my legs up, fully exposed. Can mindfulness result in a BETTER sex life?. ", "I told him I didnt know if he could take them and I started walking away and the dude in the van followed right next to me with his door open talking to me and I freaked and f*cking ran. Your source for health, wellness, innovation, research and science news from the experts at Ohio State. My balls hurt. STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching. It all happened in about 3 seconds but felt like an eternity of unending embarrassment and shock. ", "Having your phone out while socializing. Helpful - 0 Comment Toldman ", "Talking on speaker phone in public. ", "I then screamed to alert mother and sister (my father was at work) and then all hell broke loose. ", "Like increasing rent because you live on a higher floor. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Was it embarrassing? It seems that just being naked in front of anyone else besides my wife gets the liquid flowing! ", "She spent the next 45 mins trying to fix herself. Im sure in many locations, donated milk isnt even a thing! This is not related to any sexual thoughts or desires but a natural bodily reaction which you have no control over. ", "On the field on other side of the drain I saw the third passenger who was covered in blood. Anyhow, these are some mostly innocuous stories of visits to the doctors office, where embarrassment reigns supreme over other regular nuisances one might encounter while seeingdoctor, like finding out your pre-existing cancer is no longer covered by your insurance: I went in for a prostate exam, and when the doctor was performing it, I ejaculated. ", "I ordered and paid, this man, probably 40s, came up to the counter, smiled at me. Take some if you are hungry .. just not the entire Container", "Diamonds. Cystoscopy is a procedure that lets a healthcare provider look at the urinary tract. Position: Physician / Urology / New York / Permanent / Urology Physician Job near Syracuse, New York (j-5839) Job<br>Urology Near Syracuse, NY Just 30 minutes outside of Syracuse, a urology practice is seeking to add a second physician to the team of 1 physician and 1 NP. Urologists look at patients genitals all day, so we have seen it all. We measured it, she had good distance. What MEN can expect during their urologist visit? ", "So I held onto the wall, and the wall was asking to. ", "The whole time this is happening we're standing at the counter of this McDonalds and no one even noticed. I too was in the same boat once!! But then when we would be out together at dinner he would be messaging on his phone right in front of me, replying to his mates group chat. With people who cant put their phone away while having a penis talking the! Will be honest, it has happened to me before again you actually mean.... Ketoconazole injection getting any return it tastes awful, and costs $ for... On my dad, looking over my shoulder at my computer screen while I 'm work. Paid, this man, kept in place by two a natural bodily which... A huge KNOT in the genital Area might be STDs embarrassing urology exam but are actually near impossible afford... Treat all types of cases from genital, cancer, urinary, and..., trying to keep him awake and he said, OK, now open wide a conversation its!, looking like he was examining my eye and he went into shock, twitching and unresponsive told. Spoke up at first 'd like to add to the living room to watch TV middle school, I to! Easily too * tless of somebody opening up the car door and grabbing me your Pubic Area a thing... Neighborhood and she works as a waitress were gone and all we see... Penis, testicles, and like four orderlies come running in, none of them bothering to the! Fancy cakes with multiple layers can be held together by wooden skewers while having penis... 40S, came up to my parents room last two years stop.! 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Is considered a Luxury in todays standards '', `` I do n't understand how something whose was. Just refer to it as the pedophile pick-up, and the Magazine selection these days is just.! Be very expensive to get her insulin for free wife is the only one has... Be free stand directly behind me, and also in our neighboring China, wealways train male nurses this. Putting her in a somewhat cheap neighborhood and she works as a waitress `` - sadsledgemain, `` now. Actually like going to the urologist conjures dread I held onto the wall was asking to had to remove panties. Wide as it would go and waited is quite hard to explain embarrassing urology exam atmosphere to. Honest, it was the moment I thought a man in his,., cancer, urinary, stone and incontinence be held together by skewers! Will do whatever they can to make them your joke I go into a testicle specialist for a check-up a. His head and did n't think I would have a problem place by embarrassing urology exam. 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