An animated or subdued gesture that conveys an emotion. Haertel, C., McWilliams, J., & Ma, R. (2005). help heighten participants awareness to non-verbal cues that convey vital information. You can further enhance the impact of role-play in . What would be the most ethical way to give away five million dollars? After having that discussion, come back to this Active Listening exercise and debrief the discussion using the following steps: If you regularly reflect on your listening efforts, youll begin to automatically listen more in your real-life discussions. The idea is for the partners to communicate clearly in order to help each other accurately redraw the picture, without showing it or cheating in some other way. Allow 10 minutes for participants to do the following within their groups. After everyone has attempted both roles, reassemble the group. Thanks for putting this together. Shannon, C. E. (1998). While they talk, the listener pays close attention to the explicit and underlying details, using only non-verbal cues to show that they are listening. These interpersonal and team communication games cover topics such as misinterpreting information, awareness of our assumptions and engaging others. And as more than one collective intelligence researcher has pointed out, teams are more than the sum of their parts (Woolley et al., 2010). But active listening encourages pleasant social interactions, which in turn, these boost our well-being and life satisfaction (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). They will need to communicate those creative ideas to one another, but also engage in joint decision-making for the activity to be a success. Describe some contexts where facial expressions play a particularly important role in communication? Maguire and Pitcheathlys (2002) clinical review offered several learning tips, the first of which was an emphasis on proper communication skills training. It can be adapted for training workshops by splitting participants into pairs. When a person expresses a view that seems unusual to you, ask Why? three times tactfully and genuinely. Sometimes it gives us a chance to reflect, in others it creates a space for others to take the floor. Briefly reflect on what did and didnt work. And you may ask follow-up questions if desired. Enter your email to receive easy, listening techniques & strategies, Active Listening games & exercises, think pieces on being a better listener, and GLS blog post notifications. Participant 1 in each pair is given a simple picture and must not show it to their partner, Participant 2 who has drawing paper and a pen. Why might that be? And, they go above and beyond coherent speech in many wayswe talk, we use silence, body language, tone of voice, and eye-contactvoluntarily and unconsciously. By the time it reaches Hassan, who is Person 5, for instance, it might be A grey elephant with tattered ears.. At the end of 4 minutes you may speak. It doesnt matter whether you hand-draw these pictures or create them with a computer. Im Listening can be played with an even number of participants, as they will need to find a partner for this one-on-one game. Brief discussion on what was different and the aims of active listening. Succinctly, ambiguity contributes to stress, and clarity is empoweringsomething that is easy to overlook and which this game reminds us of. A Talker Scenario will describe something like a bad day at work, or a problem with a client. For example, Gee! We hate it with a passion!View our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use. Discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. Split the group into pairs and have each pair sit with their backs to each other. Foster Self-awareness. Enjoyed it. You will gain a greater understanding of any particular core beliefs, likes or dislikes that are motivating this reaction. What matters? But active listening encourages pleasant social interactions, which in turn, these boost our well-being and life satisfaction (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Your email address will not be published. To demonstrate, heres the essence of a real dinner-time discussion about politics: Person 1: In the upcoming election are you still planning to vote Labour?, Person 2: Because Ive always voted for them., Person 1: Why do you always vote for them? Is now the best possible time to ask them for help on a task? Benefits: In an objective sense, we need to extract information so we can channel our efforts accordingly. Click on the tiles below to jump down to the instructions for each of the Active Listening games. And that activity is to create a comic together, using their complementary skills and communication to realize a shared vision. E: Empathize - Having empathy in business pays off in all relationshipspractice understanding and compassion when listening to your customer's grievances. STUDENT. Also, discuss how those strategies could be used in real-life situations that theyve experienced. Make multiple copies of the list of non-verbal cues. In what ways did being a watcher impact your perspectives of the talkers? Any other thoughts about this Active Listening game? Finish up by discussing this Active Listening exercise with the speaker. begin shifting your internal dialogue (aka self-talk) from focusing on yourself and what you want to say next, to focusing on the speaker and trying to understand what they are saying. This acquired understanding is invaluable for all sorts of reasons, including enabling us to genuinely connect with our conversation partner(s) when its our turn to speak. Our non-verbal behavior and the way we speak is critical. The first colleague (Player A) simply lets loose while the second person (Player B) listens carefully, trying to cut through the noise by singling out: Player B then decodes the rant by repeating it back to Player A, isolating the key positive points without the fluff or negativity. B., Schaufeli, W. B., Leiter, M. P., & Taris, T. W. (2008). From time to time we'll tell you about paid listening resources that we believe will be helpful to your listening journey, but will never spam you. Finally, think about the next time youll meet that person(s) for your regular discussion. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. We do this by asking questions to draw out more information, to clarify, and to confirm our understanding of what they are saying. A solo Active Listening skills exercise to develop the habit of entering discussions with the mindset of 'listening first to understand the speaker.' Having this mindset as your default position gives much greater conversational influence than when doing most of the talking. You could give students a randomly selected scenario, such as one of the . Handout 4: Active Listening & Positive Messages Handout 5: "I Messages" Scenarios Communicating with "I messages" helps train our brain to make smarter choices which helps to deflate barriers to communication. Debrief with a chat about the communication that went on. For more depth on seeking to understand other people, see the article titled Want to Avoid Poor Discussions? You will practice using Active Listening questions in order to understand the discussion topic from the other persons perspective - that is, cognitive empathy. Before doing the role play, make sure students understand they should use their English to resolve the situation rather than just shouting at each other. Where did you meet them? . The purpose of these activities is to have meaningful conversations and create an environment where teams can work cohesively. Taking the item, Ellen turns to her right and repeats the same with Pedro: Pedro, this is a tattered elephant with pink ears. Pedro asks, A What?, Before she passes the item to Pedro, however, Ellens answer to his question must come back to the facilitator, who says it aloud. That is, the ability to understand, explore and clarify what others are talking about, and to solicit more details if and when the situation requires it. The objective of this Active Listening exercise is to help you develop the mindset of entering into every discussion firstly wearing your listener hat, so as to focus on understanding the other persons perspective. Next, you will spend time reflecting on how listening first would benefit your relationship with that person. Active Listening Role-Play. This can be a fun roleplay to really ham it up (make it exaggerated and humourous). The group then needs to play the game with only the instructions from the speaker. Repeatedly perform these debrief/reflection steps after your regular discussions to reinforce the mindset of being a listener. Very insightful and interesting ways of training people for better workplace communication skills. into categories); Checked that patients understood them before moving on; and. G: Goal. Make role-play activities more fun and effective for facilitators and players with this assortment of tips and exercises. Is anyone comfortable sharing about a time when they misinterpreted a non-verbal cue? How did your questioning skills help you comprehend what was going on? When working with other people such as in a project team, the quality of the final product, service, or deliverable is highly dependent on the quality of the teams listening to each other. Finish up with thanking them for being so open and for allowing you to get to know them a bit better. Did anybody end up with both items at once? Youll be using your imagination to rehearse the act of listening. This creates the learning tool of the group providing advice to the facilitator. But Active Listening isnt about having safe, comfortable conversations with people who agree with us. In turn, this empowers you to offer support and empathy. [2]. zDevelop the environment. This exercise is done with another person. Facilitators move around and observe participants skills. Interpreting these cues is notoriously difficult because they can have several different meanings depending on the speakers current feelings and attitudes towards the discussion topic, their culture, their past experiences, and whether they are having a good or bad day! Active listening involves attentively seeking to understand a speaker's message, rather than passively hearing the words that a speaker says. Listening will become your default approach. Were there different interpretations for the same cue? At what point is overthrowing a government ethical, considering all the violence that a revolution usually entails? Retrieved from Each group will receive a copy of this list. Write the topics on separate pieces of paper. When talking, people convey vital information through non-verbal behaviour and gestures. For each of those strong emotions, write down answers to these questions: What did they say that triggered that emotion?, Was it triggered by any of their non-verbal gestures or expressions?. What value do questioning skills have when were trying to understand others? Invite students to role play the scenarios. In turn, each participant is to imagine that they are in a discussion about the groups topic and do a 5-15 second mime of their chosen non-verbal cue in order to express how they feel about the topic. To continue improving your emotional intelligence over time - and hence your listening ability - you will briefly repeat this exercise after significant conversations. Self-awareness is about recognizing one's own emotional tendencies and how they impact the customer. Succinctly, they help us convey information to others in an effective way. Used with permission. Active listening helps you build trust and understand other people's situations and feelings. Once both Participants 1 and 2 have practised using 'The 3 Whys', the group will reassemble to discuss the experience using the follow-up questions provided. Why? In a non-active listening situation, there may be quick back and forth, many rapid questions, or people may talk over one another. Doctors also described effective communication as being able to summarize what the patient/other had related to correct information and display understanding. This is a solo Active Listening activity to help you listen more effectively by improving your emotional intelligence. The other participants try to guess that emotion and this should lead to a talk about the role of expressions. Make sure that the participants have paper and pens (or smart devices) to make notes. Imagine yourself asking questions to draw out more information, to clarify, and to confirm the meaning of what you are hearing. Benefits: We dont need to look too far to find sources of workplace stress that might be impacting our colleagues. Discuss any other thoughts about this Active Listening exercise. This small group Active Listening game helps participants to heighten their awareness of these non-verbal cues displayed by speakers. Invite a trusted person to help you with this exercise (e.g. With active listening, the speaker is given the time and space to speak as much as they want. They can use some variant on the following sentence stems to guide their decoding: Then, they can switch over and repeat the game again. Otherwise, the idea is identicalinformation gets misinterpreted thanks to noise, but we can improve our verbal communication and listening skills to minimize this risk. Encourage people to reflect back what they are hearing and to focus on listening skills. And in each pair, of course, team members will take turns being listener and talker. Set a 4 minute timer and begin listening to your volunteer talk about their chosen topic. Were not always ready to receive and learn from criticism, especially when its delivered insensitively. What would be your perfect weekend? Create each picture using simple geometric shapes, stick figures, simple houses, flowers, etc. It also promotes collaboration. Drawing on empirical literature on communication skills in the workplace, we can look at Maguire and Pitcheathlys (2002) study of doctors for a good example. It is a group activity for practising the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys.. Storytelling is an engaging way to convey information; when its positive information, narratives are also highly effective means of motivating and inspiring others (Tomasulo & Pawelski, 2012). And lets make listening fashionable. I might be able to add them to the article. This scenario is followed by an instruction for the Talker to play a role: , A Listener Scenario is a bit different. Mostly though, we hint at our feelings and attitudes using more indirect non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, abnormal silence, posture, tone of voice, volume, and rate of speech. With respect to the Replying role, what was it like to have someone ask you Why three times? How about a chance to blow off some steam and get that empathetic listening ear at the same time? If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one hour conversation, who would you call? What was the impact and how is it affecting you today? The participant asking the conversation starter and the 3 Why questions must not shift the focus of the discussion onto themselves. This rehearsal process will cognitively reinforce the behaviour of listening first and speaking second. With a little bit of respectful digging using the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys, we can quickly uncover their internal/hidden core beliefs and values regarding that topic in order to better understand their external/public response. Then give the speaker the opportunity to confirm or clarify any misunderstandings. [1], And as a bonus for subscribing, you get this Active Listening exercise 'Just Listen' as a PDF. Rogers, C. R., & Farson, R. E. (1957). How much were you influenced by the other pairs? But were also learners, and with the right approaches, we are highly effective at improving our skills. 5 Active Listening Games and Exercises. Possible imagined response: Interesting! I need someone to help me with a listening exercise. Clarify when you catch yourself jumping to conclusions. Active listening involves engaging with our co-workers and bringing empathy to the table to enhance the quality of our dialogue. After the 5-minute timer ends, give the pairs a couple of minutes to compare this second drawing with the original. You'll find a growing collection of exercises, articles and online training courses about good listening skills, which will help you in your listening journey. . Partly, it comes down to giving feedback that is constructive and in the receivers best interests, and these are fortunately skills that we can develop. In short, non-verbal cues contain vital information, but we should not make assumptions about their meanings. This is cognitive empathy, which is the goal of Active Listening. To really grasp how big of an impact it has, we can touch on some of the theory. We cant stop these emotions from appearing. The world will be a better place once weve mastered them. A short explanation of the Active Listening skill being developed and why its important to our discussions. This is a small group Active Listening game for adults. Have the group sit in a circle. Goh, S. C. (1998). It can be adapted for training workshops by splitting participants into pairs. Think of a specific, regular discussion time that youre involved in. Also, share your own exercises, activities and games that develop specific Active Listening techniques and skills. To get started improving your (or your team's, or your student's) communication skills, give these 5 activities a try. When being questioned, how did this affect your understanding of your own internal beliefs and values? Exercises that boost our active listening skills help us engage better, through empathy, body language, and non-judgment where required (Rogers & Farson, 1957). Silence is not always a bad thing. However, this is an opportunity to learn more about our discussion partner and their differing perspective. Or, have you noticed someone in the corner of the room who has been dying to contribute to the meeting? Youre going to attempt to genuinely understand how and why they came to settle upon their ideological convictions, and how those convictions influence their daily life and core beliefs. Follow-up question: Did anyone repeat back parts of their partners description to confirm their understanding? I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. Heres How Step 2, Follow-up Questions Are The Secret To Meaningful Conversations Step 3, Active Listening How To 5 Easy Steps to Your Best Conversation Yet. But appropriate eye contact and nodding are okay to show that you are paying attention to them. Share what it felt like to not be able to ask questions when you heard something that needed clarifying or heard something you wanted to know more about. Red Light, Green Light; Simon Says; Musical Chairs; 4. Regularly, people express views and ideas during discussions that are different to ours. Communication skills need to be modeled and practiced, not simply taught a nod to experiential learning, which is frequently emphasized in, They are best learned and practiced in safe, supportive environments, which studies show are central to learning behavior (Edmonson et al., 2004); and. Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. Tell the speaker one thing from this exercise that you can do going forward to keep developing the habit of just listening. Let the participants go about it, taking care not to let any accidents occur. Instruct the role-player of the scenario to "get into" their role and not to just read their role to their partner. In a distraction-free place you will reflect on some of the strong emotions that you have experienced during a couple of past discussions. Organise to meet in a quiet place away from other people where you and your volunteer can relax and not be distracted by others. This Active Listening activity is also a good emotional intelligence activity. And then listen. You can read more about my story here. That can come later once they better understand their discussion partner. They are responsible for passing the information on to the rest of their team. For this game you will need the following: Finish the Active Listening game with a group discussion. (2012). Ellen then needs to ask A What?, prompting you to repeat the items name. This process will train you to automatically de-escalate and harness your emotions in the height of a conversation. It helps us create more clarity, take in information more effectively, and develop our workplace relationships through empathetic engagement (Nikolova et al., 2013). Odom, R. Y., Boxx, W. R., & Dunn, M. G. (1990). Listener has to practice active listening skills - listening attentively to what is being said and what is not quite being said, and demonstrating their listening to the talker by their behaviour. Describe a book thats had an impact on your life. Write down a couple of those emotions. 5 Effective Sales Role-Playing Scenarios 1. Was there any lack of clarity around the instructions? This activity also provides a safe opportunity to become more comfortable conversing with people who disagree with our beliefs. How large of a role does it really play, and how does it influence our communication? The purpose of this technique is to discover more about the other participants underlying values. Active Listeners provide verbal and nonverbal feedback to show their sincere investment in what the speaker is sharing. Communication, in its most basic form at least, is dyadica two-way, and (one would hope) mutually beneficial flow of information. Question-prompts will help you to identify what triggered those emotions and youll learn a technique to de-escalate you from that heightened emotional state. Figuring out ways to clearly communicate with each other and to listen actively will be vital to their success. Inspired by the kids game Telephone, this exercise draws on different elements of effective communication between team members, while highlighting where things often go wrong. Directions: After writing a paragraph introducing the scenario, observe the interaction and reflect on your active listening skills in the space provided. This exercise comes from a Teambuilding Facilitation Manual: A Guide to Leading and Facilitating Teambuilding Activities, by Penn State University. What is the most recent success youve had? It enables us to navigate to a place of common understanding (and hopefully agreement if decisions are required). This awareness will help you to harness emotions to your advantage when talking with people. With 2+ co-workers, pick one person (a speaker) to whom youll explain the instructions. The group exercise invites participants to pair up and experience two scenarios: (1) sharing a problem . You will need a volunteer for this activity. Tomasulo, D. J., & Pawelski, J. O. How has your rapport with the other person changed as a result of being genuinely interested in what they believe? And they are encouraged to continue. The groups then come back together to discuss the findings using suggested follow-up questions below. Find a place free of distractions and sit down with a notepad and pen. Weger Jr, H., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). I hope that these Active Listening games, exercises, and activities dramatically enhance your ability to listen actively. Here are some targeted questions that you could ask: How do you live out your convictions day-to-day? In these pairs, they will take turns being a mime and being an asker. This technique is useful for quickly going deeper in discussions when you need to better understand why a person has expressed a view that is different from your own. To use this technique, students act out skills after discussing them. 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