However, I'm not so happy with you and the rest of the squadron. Both for a split second had the wind knocked out of them. What can go wrong? You might want to use your cloaking power to slag their weapons. Robin, you've been in what, two battles? But I'm sure there is someone who does hate pizza! It was the Tan cousins! The Bat Twins were needed, whether Barb approved or not. It appeared that both had a long scar running down from their necks to the rest of the back. He only wished that in time both he and his twin sister would understand it all. "Could you keep an eye on Matt for us till we get back?" Picking up a metal spear each they raced out onto the veranda and jumped off the building! Sucking in a deep breath Max managed to grin broadly. More then I expected of a silly bird. Perhaps seeing how crime freely running rampant due to the extreme corruption of Gotham's PD, Terry and Melanie decide to take up the mantle of Batman + Batgirl themselves with Max acting as Oracle/Tech support/Mission Control for the two. And don't stop for anything, got that?" We all have to move on sooner or later. I think they're all reconvene at the same location. "It's not gonna be that easy, Max. But both twins told Bruce that they respect Barb and didn't want to get in her way. So thank you!" Someone get the damm lights back on!". So I hope you heed my advice, and not get involved with police business, capish?" You're almost late for a second time. She seemed confused and looked at what was in her hand. "Drop your weapon! It was puppy love though. I think this was one of the best workouts we've had lately. muttered Terry as he concealed himself in a nearby holly tree. Despite the fact that it was unmistakably obvious to one and all that the three adolescent heroes were all pooped, they still obeyed their mentor. Thank god you and Danny showed up! Terra had a bit easier time evading the hunter after her and Max, given her training as a gymnast and hero training. she shot back challengingly. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. As they got ready to dance the sweet tango of battle Batgirl was checking to see if her targets were safe. However, this particular Batgirl and her story are (c) ME! She had vivid azure skin and she was dressed in snow white desert apparel. snapped Bruce impatiently at them over the radio. Curare sliced off three chains of meat and knocked Sam Young out cold. The two of them just stared at each other and the twins were wondering who'd win the contest. Batman. Subsequently yes he'd know a number of Batgirl's feats. She looked bemused at both things and looked at the twins for an explanation. S. The number Zero means nothing. Max though decided the best they could do was split up again and reconvene at another location. Max? But if something happens, if I call for help you two come in immediately, got it?". It appeared to both her mentor and brother that Barbara's visit had hit her hardest. JavaScript is disabled. His reflexes and strength were almost equal to her suit amplifications! So just put it on already!". It wasn't hard to becom. At this rate she'd be inside with in a fraction of a second! So don't go get it blown up. She then grabbed Sam and Barb and dragged them to the edge of the park where cops were waiting. And I don't think Robin, here is ready to do a solo patrol. The woman was quick to recover and saw who had surprised her. Batgirl tried to distract her while hoping her brother would be alright. She vault over the vaulting horse, grabbed the rings and did a magnificent flip to the end of the course. The son nodded and then a pair of mosquitoes flied by and both men shot them with deadly accuracy. I've haven't had a moment alone with you for almost a month now," spoke Barbara in a disappointed tone. Terry sighed heavily. Nevertheless, it seemed for the moment, a very rare moment, it looked peaceful. Mr. Wayne just called us and Terra and I've got to go do an emergency!". screamed Robin concerningly as Batgirl laid there stunned. "Thank you, Bruce. She decided to go to Cheesy Dan's too. "I've got to see an old friend for a quick chat. She still wanted to have her acceptance and blessing to be carrying on her legacy. She looked up a split second before she was tackled to the ground. I'm afraid I don't know much more then that. damianwayne redhood nightwing +17 more # 9 When Assassins Learn to Love (Dami. I hope I can trust you two to handle things at home while I'm gone, right?". So the threesome walked a short way to a nearby twenty-four hour caf. "No, my husband is," spoke a voice behind them. ""We're fine, boss. It was Batgirl! "I wish we could still have some of that innocence," Terra remarked as she bit into her slice. With a quick nod Batgirl began to play out her part. We're trying exceptionally hard. So let kick these dregs' asses already!" She flung small daggers at them and tried to throw them in the shedder and reclaim her sword. They found the Tan cousins drinking smoothies contently. Those are the rules of. Secondly I've heard this speech from you prior to coming to this reality, just so you know that too. "Look, you two, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. She then took off like nothing had happened. Terra quickly said as she yanked her little brother over to them. Additionally she informed them both of their other responsibilities. So it wasn't as easy a choice to make as first imaged. Super-Hearing: Batgirl Beyond' hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. Terry instructed hurriedly and the girls nodded and bolted. Meanwhile another training exercise was going on. All Rights Reserved. So, Robin, are you really ready to see yourself as a defender for Gotham?". He watched fascinated as Stalker and Hunter did a ritual to prepare for their hunt. As the former Batman strolled over to them he was accompanied by his beloved and loyal dog. You may think it's easy to make a choice to be hero, but they're serious consequences when you make this choice. It would seem there was a lot more to this job then first thought. His mission: to protect his town from evil. And more surprising Batman got his second wind back before her. Because it sure ain't good, in my opinion to be perfectly frank," remarked Terra tersely as she shook her hair out. All he had on his face was a pair of small glasses. Terry was still trying to comprehend what had just happened. Although, Commissioner, I also strongly know this as well, and that is it's not up to us to have the final verdict. Terry struggled to get free from the energy cage but couldn't. Terra did care a great deal about how Bruce felt. Screwing up her courage and taking advantage of the young man laughing Robin grabbed him by the left wrist and threw him into a stuffed cave bear! He knew he'd be a dead man if he didn't get out. It was a hover cycle! Both Batman and the assassin looked up in surprise and saw the law enforcement units firing like crazy at them. ", Sam looked at his wife curiously and said to her, "You know, Barbara for as long as I've known you, you always give the impression that you're happier at night. Terry McGinnis needs some homework help, and his mentor and mentor's wife are actually great people to give him that. On the other hand she had to admit her hair and skin color did make her easily recognizable. He was startled for a moment that he was holding her mask! I had an old friend design it and then used some of Eco-City's green tech to build it with. She rapidly made her way once again to Sam's chamber, and then sliced through the metal doors as if they're tissues paper! "Is that the best picture you got of her, Bruce? He was more curious then anything else. Honestly this was Terrys worst nightmare. Terra was too shocked to say anything so Terry held up his hands and said defensibly. So when, by a million-and-one chance, that actually happens? A strong nightly breeze blew and it took all of Terra's gymnastic training not to fall off the branch she was hiding on. So they just tried to look retentive instead. Only glancing back enough to see Barbara's fuming face. She took her scimitar and used to cut a lamppost hoping to pin them down. She had climbed a little higher on the holly tree, hoping to get a better view on things. It was incredibly dark in the room, but she could see a silhouette of a man. Just make sure no-one sees the three of you leave together. Her twin nodded and both girls suddenly grew serious. At the same time as, the twins were being lectured and scolded by their only parent; another parent was also lecturing their own child. The Batcave however, was never discovered until decades into the future (How they found it would be the question) by Terry, Melanie (who like in the previous idea has decided to run away from her parents and their lifestyle and perhaps came friends or BF/GF with Terry) + Max. Image details Image size 7500x6000px 4.4 MB Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Comments 97 Join the community to add your comment. Supergirl. So she slipped on the mask and looked in the mirror. Therefore it was exceedingly perplexing along with curious seeing her now, and wondering what had caused her to change so drastically. They had almost made it home when a shadow loomed over them. But the most fear-provoking thing about this woman, was not the clothes, skin or mask, it was the scimitar she was holding. It was a dummy and Batman got ensnared within the electrical cage intended for her! Barbara stared her brilliant blue eyes hard into the young girl's ones. or God-forbid anything beyond that. But it was short-lived. Seeing how the only reason I can figure out that I was spared my reality's demise is that the world needed a Batgirl to aid Batman. I'm cranking it up from level four to level eight. I can't force you to hang up the cape, but I do hope you come to your senses in a little while. "Let me show you romantic," she replied affectionately as they leaned in for a kiss. This is going to be totally the greatest thrill ever!". Batman Beyond | Fanfiction Romance Batman Beyond X Oc Insert Various X Oc Fantasy Action Adventure Science Fiction . So I say throw them away. While in Gotham she hears rumours that Batman is back and perhaps wanting to do some good in her life and perhaps as an afterthought, a "screw you" to her parents and their lifestyle, you could say, creates a costume much like Batgirls, Soon after Terry + Bruce find out, and after persistently trying to get her to quit, reluctantly decides to bring her in as part of the Bat family to Barbaras dismay. Taking into account the last time I saw you, you and everyone else was about to die," she intoned solemnly. She looked at her savior and had to smile. There is more of a swarm here then in a beehive! Leave the insects for those unworthy of the hunt. Batgirl | Action Adventure Robin Batman Joker Nightwing Television Series Dc Fanfiction The Animated Series . "Yes, we did. The assassin was about to slice her up when two blue batarangs disarmed her and Batgirl was able to tie her up. Follow the story of Bruce Wayne, from his return to Gotham all the way to his final days as the Caped Crusader. Don't worry, I won't be long. I must admit I've heard some very farfetched stories, and also have seen many odd things. Or for Lois Lane, who suddenly became a single mother of three; and even for Selina Kyle, who realized that she was mothering six children under her cat claws. If you can get there quickly you can surely get home in time. "And just for your information, Barb, if I hadn't been Batgirl, I'd be most likely dead. If we get them together we've a better chance at attack them! Put down the sword now!" So while their lasers and armaments were ineffective, it didn't mean necessarily that the thugs weren't armed. Barbara looked livid at the botched trap. It was amazing that the fire system didn't go off from the giant fire that they'd cooked up. Batgirl | Action Adventure Robin Batman Joker Nightwing Television Series Dc Fanfiction The Animated Series . Batman Beyond | Terry McGinnis | Romance Love Twins Batman Secrets Twin girls-one mute, one blind-live with an old friend of Bruce Wayne. "We're involved in a hunting accident. Anonymous reviews have been disabled. "What are you talking about, Robin?" Batman. A soothing night breeze carried the sound of their giggles across the large park, unaware that it caught the attention of something else besides the squirrels and birds. Various scenes detailing the beginning of Max's tenure as Batwoman. Work Search: batgirl beyond: a birds of prey fanfic archive IE : CSS : click above to enter : webrings and cliques Disclaimer: Birds of Prey and all related elements, characters and indicia Tollin-Robbins Productions and Warner Bros. Television, 2002. "Good work. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" Do I make myself clear? "I dont know Dick, what do other rich people do when their workaholic parents cant be trusted to take care of themselves?, Dick sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. Bat Family Chronicles Chapter 1: Return of Batwoman PT 1, a batman beyond fanfic | FanFiction Bat Family Chronicles By: crazybrit1987 The Bat Family is growing but will this be better or worse for Terry?. "All we require is privacy," replied the young son without even looking at the infuriated bellhop. This is the only picture of Curare there is. No prey could challenge us. no sexy only painstaking lore. asked Matt curiously to the two hunters. Inque Buff Batgirl Inflated Supergirl. Youre smarter than you look, Little Wing.. Though I'm very scrappy in a fight, so don't you worry, Mr. Wayne, I can prove my worth ten times over!". It left him both confused and torn. It keeps you extremely in good physical shape because you've got to constantly push yourself. "McGinnis! "You sure called it, Bro. I know I was a little sluggish, but it was only my first time. Robin, you render inoperative their equipment. The other Robins were both young men with black hair. As soon as I get that I'll be even more ready to show my talents off. Batman Beyondwas created by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, and Alan Burnette and is owned by Warner Brothers Animation and DC Comics. he replied sharply while gazing intensely at her, "Who gonna make sure your safe? This was for a different sport one could say. "You three okay?" I know most people would say that Max would be their first choice for "Batgirl Beyond" and that Melanie is Terry's Catwoman. So with that warning everyone quickly got out of costume. "Oh no!". They'd scared all the employees who were freaked out by their presences. So I hope you're happy with it. Terry also nodded in agreement with his sister. Whether or not they lived the Batclan couldn't say. 65 parts Ongoing Mature . Like I said I've seen and done too much not believe you. As he'd said he didn't expect anything less then absolute perfection. The coffee on me," she said as she withdrew her cred card from the slot and left. The twins had to smile. DC Comics Humor Supernatural Mystery Superheroes Genderbend Batman Beyond Join Teresa McGinnis-Wayne, as she tries to follow in Brenda Wayne footsteps, as the future Batwoman of Neo-Gotham and protect the city from new and/or . (why won't you let me die?) She had to concur with her brother though. But Bruce shook his head knowingly. At the same time as they both tried to get out of the way, the blue skinned woman slipped quietly away into the dark night. And that is we should defend the innocent. All of a sudden the trio of heroes started to attack. "I thank you for being honest with me, Terra. I know you've envied this lifestyle for so long. All the same now Gotham had three guardian angels now. After the Joker War, the Bat and The Cat got together after a little space, eventually the Bat and the Cat married, having a little baby girl with the best of both in their veins and the love from all of her family until it was gone, now eighteen years later, when Terry McGinnis had discovered Bruce Wayne, Helena Wayne had discovered Terry McGinnis leaving her Fathers home, so here is a question, what if Helena Wayne was in Neo Gotham? Dana replied pointing at the pink and orange pipes. Mysterious because of her lifestyle. A weapon or a vehicle? ", The twins both nodded quickly, but before she could walk away Terra called out in a rather cold tone of voice. Still it's not like you've not been just as preoccupied. A young woman that was so mysterious to everyone around her that would witness her walk on by them on any given day. Mary was very frightened and worried. You'd think they'd be training for the Olympics as they made their way through an unusual and tiring obstacle course. No-one forced us to do anything. They might hurt Matt given the chance! Barbara glared at the man and said heatedly, "I'm satisfactory, lieutenant, and for your information, so is my husband. The dregs didn't even see or hear her at all. The moment the two ladies enter they saw Batman was in a struggle for his life. Barb looked like she wanted to retort with a smart remark, except before she could say anything Terra felt she should add her own opinion in. But they still had to rescue Matt. "I do understand why you don't want to break your word to Barbara. After we recovered we went back to that jungle and with just our bare hands we slayed the panther, the very animal that nearly made my birthday my deathday. Terra pulled up her brother and they smiled at Barbara as she helped her husband up. Barbara desperately called for backup as the assassin continued to hunt them down. The way she was looking at both of them made feel uneasy and again wished they could come clean, yet knew they never could. Except now, he wasn't wearing any flashy armor. "I agree with, Robin, Batman. They bond through their shared heritage. "You two okay?" But fortunately for them right now Matt may've been in a steel cage but he wasn't scared. Max didn't know she was being followed too. '", "Enough you two!" Hearts were pounding and adrenaline was pumping wildly through the trio's bodies. Terry and Terra are going to see if Mr. Wayne would hire me to be a computer technician! Bruce still isn't ready to accept you on the team," whispered Terry weakly as he drank some thirst-quenchers. After that we can work together by attacking them from all angles. We need to be home by that time, Bruce, so she can study for her test. But I do feel like I ran through Hell. 2/15/2023 - Solar Flare by SGWriter. inquired Terra exhaustingly as she took out her hairbrush. Come along D.A. She seemed to be focus more on Terra then Terry though. Still they did as their Commissioner said. It worked! "Any ideas, Robin?" It was Batman! Contents 1 Personality 2 Background 3 Batman Beyond 3.1 Season One 3.1.1 Dead Man's Hand 4 Relationships 4.1 Terry McGinnis 5 Gallery 5.1 Character Design January Prompt:Mission. But even though they both were experienced members of the law, and one secretly had been a vigilante at one point, they both were scared to death of this woman. When an experiment goes wrong, Bruce takes matters into his own hands. It was a birthday present from my dad!" asked Bruce as Terry stared at her in wonderment. "Dana! By the year 2039 Gotham had received an extreme makeover. The past few moments flashed quickly through her mind as she relived the attack and how this woman had tried to protect them. Robin was doing her best to neutralize as many as she could. Robin observed as she check out the damage. Want to discover art related to batgirl? He was about to force them to pay him when he become aware of something odd. Taking advantages of two trouble teenagers and forcing them to do this, just so you can live through them," she laughed for a second and then gazed at the twins with amusement. Okay, I see the fuse box on the northeast wall. They're wanted on 3 continents for poaching. But when she went to thank them they'd vanished. Taking this new information into consideration they hoped into the Batmobile and took off after the subway train. You think anything goin' to happen? Looking down I saw I had two more hind legs, each coated in a rich white fur. Everyone stand down!" It blinded them for a few and distracted them as they tired to breath and getting their eyes to stop from burning. It seemed at that moment the pair realized that there're three heroes. "It's totally shway! And those split kicks were awesome! ", "I told you two to stay out of police business! Should we start the hunt again?" She calmly retrieved her scimitar and left, as the sound of footsteps were heard rushing up the ruined staircase. So let's not bicker and just do a speedy sweep of the city?" So recently I've been watching Batman Beyond as well as reading the comics based on the show and I came up with relatively simple idea of Melanie Walker aka Ten of the Royal Flush Gang becoming Batgirl Beyond (I know there's already one in the comics), an old and not really unique idea to be sure. It's so rare for anyone these days to just enjoy a simple moonlight walk, especially in this city in particular. It took Max ten minutes to finish. You didn't fool me or Rebecca for even one second! "My mask sensors are saying that their backs are made with metal! She then began to use her gymnastic skills to maneuver as silently as a ghost to the fuse box. Batgirl. screamed Batman and he struck Stalker and nailed him. Stay out of police business. We may protect the innocent, but we cannot punish the guilty in any shape or form, without thinking of the consequences for such acts. With that Hunter turned towards his father and shed his animal skin as did his father. "I've no idea what you are talking about. And they had bungled up Barbara's clever trap. "What are we gonna do?" Now before I split I've been getting a strong notion that you, Terra, wish to share with me something.". I guess I'll just have to get my hair dry the old-fashion way. "Slag it! inquired Terra playfully as she took out a blue hairbrush and started to brush her long silky-smooth black locks. It's the greatest place ever!" It seemed that blade of hers could cut all the way through anything or anyone. Dick eventually got tired of living in Bruce's shadow and left. So don't get sloppy.". Then one day they vanished into thin air and with their absence the city once more ran amok with evil. 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