It would seem that something reached the boiling point that got her to tell Darin that she wanted a divorce that night. Just dropped by to reiterate Darlie is going to die for killing her two boys! She was her own worst enemy on the witness stand under cross examination. Menu It came on when officers walked out and checked the back yard and stayed on for 18 minutes. This appears to be more of a sudden anger-induced sporadic reaction more than anything else; a crime of opportunity. Enough with the Silicone-Shaming ("Invisible Intruder," Forensic Files, and "Darlie Routier," The Last Defense) An ABC series called The Last Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row.. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier. Darlie in hospital Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie's home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. In Texas alone in the past 25 years, a total of 64 children have been murdered by their mothers. Although a private memorial service had taken place minutes earlier, images of Darlie smiling and laughing and spraying silly string on Devon's grave on his 7th birthday didn't sit well with observers. PARCHMAN: What we're talking about, a few to several more minutes. That explains everything, thank you! 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York. On April 28, 2021, New York based Innocence Project attorney, Vanessa Potkin, filed and was granted a Pro Hac Vice motion with Criminal District Court No. They say he lied in court about parts of a conversation between himself and Darlie based on not hearing those words on the 911 call. She was laughing. I find it laughable that people watch Dateline or some other t.v. Which is highly suggestive of assisted or self infliction when she got back home from the hospital prior to the police photos. Darlie viciously stabbed her sons to death in an apparent rage, but was organized enough to cut her throat etc. It's also important to note that insurance records on the boys and her handwritten will were found at the foot of the couch by investigators. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. Microscopic analysis matched the fibers from the serrated knife to the garage window screen. There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. I cannot comment on the details of this investigation other than to say we believe that the white male suspect described by Darlie Routier as the man that attacked her and murdered her children never existed. At around 10:30 pm, Routier's husband, Darin, took . In one of Darlie's versions of the intruder leaving the house, she claimed that as she was chasing the intruder out of the house, she saw him drop the knife on the floor of the utility room. People like to point out Darins raising the life insurance amount on Darlie but fail to mention that he raised it on himself as well, to $800,000. It must not have disturbed her too much because she didn't notify police of this car until the next day after she learned of the murders. Please don't take it personally, and again I apologize that this happened to you. Although closely followed in the State of Texas, the trial didn't have the same level of nation-wide fascination as the OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, and Jodi Arias trials did. Prosecution: Okay. She said after she chased the supposed intruder and he escaped through the garage window, she came back in the TV room, saw the boys, realized she too was injured, screamed for Darin and immediately dialed 911. She's guilty. Other version. When the prosecution would point out inconsistencies in her statements and get her cornered, she would either cry and use what prosecutor Toby Shook referred to as "selective amnesia" and say "I just don't remember." As of 2021, the results of these tests are still pending.Routier's case has been the subject of multiple books and television shows. Sergeant Walling: Yes, sir, at the couch. A significant amount of blood was found on the kitchen floor in front of the sink. Approximately fifteen minutes later, Darlie told Sergeant Walling that the fight between her and the intruder occurred while she was still on the couch. Note - the author added the placement of Darlie, Devon and Damon to this map along with references for orientation of the 1st floor. This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. There was only one motion sensor in the back yard mounted about 6 feet up on a front corner post of the hot tub spa facing the rear of the house. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. It'll cost us a fortune to fix this shit! After the trial, juror Charlie Samford publicly stated that if he had seen the photo of her under arm bruise, he would have voted not guilty. ", DARLIE'S SELDOM MENTIONED POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION. Now, you never saw any evidence of this injury to the right arm on her stay [in the hospital] on the 6th, 7th or 8th of June; is that right? Paramedic Kolbye: She was standing next to Officer Waddell on the family room side of the bar, holding a towel to her neck. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on June 29, 2018: Avery Dai Lyfe, I agree with you 100%. One of them is that of Darlie Lynn Routier, who has spent the last 24 years on death row after being convicted of the 1996 murder of one of her sons while being accused of killing the other. What was the motive behind 50 some individuals all getting together and lying and framing an innocent woman? I opened my eyes and felt a man get off me. This would explain why none of her blood was on the sock and none of her blood was found anywhere along the route to where the sock was found. I'm not questioning your sources; and although I miss a sources section, I still think your article is excellent! She first mentioned this in court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Doug Mulder. Darlie initially told police investigators that she never stood at the kitchen sink despite her blood being found on it, in it, and around it, as well as Luminol indicating that her bloody footprints had been wiped up from the floor near it. They were convinced that she was lying. After that, her lawyers requested that DNA be used to determine her involvement in the murders. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. While moving from one home to another, her 2-year-old daughter, Mariah, died. The problem these groups consistently run into is the evidence that convicted Darlie Routier. Darlie has stated that she had to go to surgery to have her necklace removed that was embedded in her neck from the knife blade. The defense attorney's / Innocence groups always seem to boil their hopes on the same two issues, the "mysterious" unidentified fingerprint known as "85-J." Devon's covered up body with what appears to be a towel next to it. Darlie Routier cannot be excluded as the contributor of the DNA from 10-2589-502. She told Officer David Waddell that she fought with the intruder at the end of the kitchen bar (facing the family room), She told Officer Matt Walling she fought with the intruder at the couch while she was still laying on it, In her formal written statement to police, dated June 6. The killer focused on their chests, he emphasized, almost as if going for their heart. Some readers may recall that this same "selective amnesia" tactic was used quite a bit in the high-profile trial of Jodi Arias (convicted of brutally murdering her boyfriend) when she would get cornered by the prosecution on the stand or caught in a lie, she too would reply "I just don't remember. It also appears that from the time Officer Waddell arrived on the scene to the time Darlie was transported to the hospital, that she never attempted to render any kind of care to her dying son, Damon. She said Drake's tossing and turning in his crib upstairs kept her awake. NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. There aren't many internet sites supporting her guilty verdict because most people feel that justice was duly served and have moved on; it's old news. July 1, 2011. Reading your nonsensical jibberish makes me feel all the more glad that I paid attention to my teacher in the first grade when we were taught how to read, write, and spell. No blood found on the floor, only the outside of the door facing the kitchen and the washing machine on it's left side as you face it. Darin later did admit to partaking in an insurance scam involving the Jaguar and talked to people about staging a house break in and robbery for insurance purposes but never carried through on it. And of course, as mentioned earlier in this article, the supporters realize this and simply say, "Easy answer, the evidence investigators manipulated the crime scene to make it look like Darlie was the killer." She had all the time in the world prior to dialing 911 to stage the scene at the house, stab the boys, and walk the sock down the alley in an attempt to confuse police and draw attention away from herself.". There simply can be no understanding this and for the life of me, I cringe at the thought. Darlie Routier, a 26-year-old wife and mother, reported that a knife-wielding intruder had broken into their house, attacking her and her two young sons. Darlie Routier's mother, Darlie Kee, was visiting Darlie in jail the day of the examination. Actually Ms Adams accused the prosecution of trying to change her account of what Darlie told her. LS1 was a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood, LS3 was a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood. Cameras weren't as frequently allowed in courtrooms in 1996 and Turner Broadcasting's Headline News (HLN) and Court TV didn't exist to broadcast each day of the trial into every home. She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.". As previously mentioned, most people who think Darlie is innocent claim the errors in the transcripts give her the right to a retrial.The errors were corrected by another official court reporter using audio tapes of the trial, the trial court approved the accuracy of the corrections, and the appellate court denied her motion for retrial and/or acquittal based on transcript errors. Mize was a friend of one of Darin's employees. Two hand towels were found and photographed in the hallway, but both only had Darlie's blood on them where she had been holding them to her neck. In this photo of Darlie smiling, just 8 days after the murders, you can see how quickly her neck wound is healing. In it, the guy asks Stamford about the way the episode portrayed him (looks like the program portrayed him as if the investigator had changed his mind), and that many supporters were asking themselves whether he had changed his mind about Darlies innocence. In 1996, a small Texas community was rocked by the tragic slaying of two young boys. He thought it was odd that an intruder that presumably came in to rob the house would walk right past the purse and jewelry without taking it all. (Believed to be where she cut her throat). Darlie Kee would sell her tainted soul to the devil to get her child killer daughter off death row and no way would she let Darin walk if she thought he did it. Or has he changed his mind again? Two young boys lay on the family room floor covered in their own blood with obvious deep penetrating stab wounds to their chests and backs. Write by: . However, currently it seems it is trendy right now (for lack of a better term, my apologies) to sensationalize such tragedies with the label of wrongly convicted for ratings etc. Rug in front of the sink. Actually, it was probably more valuable evidence to the prosecution than it was to the defense. Good research. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 08, 2018: Anita, I'm glad you did comment, feel free to continue. I think a combination of things in her life just overwhelmed her and I truly believe that she regrets what she did. The have financial problems but he increases the life policy. He says there that he now thinks Darlie is innocent. Darlie was crying non-stop at this point and Shook stopped reading the letters. Routier, Darlie Lynn: TDCJ Number: 999220: Date of Birth: 01/04/1970: Date Received: 02/05/1997: Age (when Received) 27: Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12: . It is just so arbitrary. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. There is no way she could have committed suicide. However, the test results on the nightshirt samples revealed more than Darlie Routier's attorney had bargained for. Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo. That's nice to know. Their "facts" consist of hearsay and theory which would not hold up and obviously didn't hold up in a court of law. Darlie later told officers that shed fallen asleep while watching television on the couch and had woken up only to find a long-haired man, wearing a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans, in her living room. Ive sat through most of the documentaries and heard her mother get caught in lie after lie and watched Darlie constantly play the victim card and it actually sickened me. It really doesnt pay to put on a documentary 25 years later to show someones guilty, Shook said. A green and white washcloth in the kitchen area is the one Officer Waddell observed Darlie holding to her neck when he first entered the house. Is she a vain narcissist yes I think so. Darlie's attorney, Doug Mulder, should never have allowed her to testify, She destroyed what little credibility she had on the stand and her backpedaling, illogical testimony, and her constant replies of "I don't know, I don't remember" had a profound impact on the jury. Danke, dass Sie den Artikel kommentiert haben. In attempts to show Darlie's spending habits, the prosecution also made mention that Darlie's friends had jokingly nick-named her "Shop till you drop Darlie. As for the actual murders; simply a window of opportunity fueled by a fit of rage towards her husband that night. Does not strike me a logical. When Greg Davis was questioning David Waddell, the first police officer to arrive on the scene. It send a chill down my spin to imagine that shit happned in that trial. She kept telling me that when she chased the suspect across the kitchen, that hed dropped the knife and shed picked up the knife and brought it back and set it on the counter. only contained her blood and not used to aid the children. The nightshirt blood samples that were submitted with the hopes of finding male DNA only revealed Darlie's DNA as the prosecution originally claimed during the trial. Not sure this one is Kezzy, Jade. They'll quote a question and answer from witness testimony that relates to their point, but won't print all that followed in that testimony during a prosecutorial line of questioning. I appreciate the time you put into piecing all of this together! Maybe its time that certain medication for depression gets taken off the market. I couldn't have said it better. This video was published in November 1, 2014. *Each of these drugs cause bad "hang-over" signs and symptoms which Darlie never complained to anyone that she had. I don't even hear him anymore while I'm sleeping because I'm so used to hearing him bark. your pictures of big bruising on arm after she went home. So, Darlie appeared to be a good mother. What appears to be a towel in the photo above was used as evidence by the defense to show that Darlie did run wet towels to Darin to assist in first aid to Devon. When Darlie Routiers trial began on January 6, 1997, the prosecutors said that her main goal for staging a break-in, killing her sons, and slashing her own throat was to collect the money from her boys life insurance policies and deal with the familys financial difficulties. 12)darins polygraph test 13) the 911 call. It made and tested printed computer circuit boards and the business flourished in its early years. So that's why I ask for your sources. Darin and Darlie could have easily concocted a story to tell the police and rapidly staged the scene before she dialed 911. I believe it was found right at the entrance to the utility room. At the crime scene investigators collected 3 damp towels from the utility room, 2 towels from the basket in the utility room, 4 washcloths from the top of the stairs, 3 towels from the backyard spa. Omg did you waste a lot of time. The Darlie Supporters say that it was just so traumatic to her that she erased it from her memory and doesn't remember it. Mercedes agreed with reservation fearing that Darlie would fall apart walking into the very place her two sons were brutally murdered. Darlie and her defense counsel claimed that her bruises, all predominately on the underside of her right arm were defensive bruises where she had fought off the intruder. Kolbye testified that Damon was face down and took his last breath as he turned him over. Darin eventually goes upstairs to go to bed and Darlie stayed downstairs in the family room with the boys. Amna Nawaz: In 2007, Melissa Lucio was the mother of 12 children, pregnant with twins and struggling to provide for them. I got up to chase after him. Ive never had a mental illness, she admitted in 2020, referring to what happened at her trial. There's a child killer out there on the loose, why aren't you out looking for him? I hope whoever twists the toe tag puts a smiley face on it! I was there from the beginning to the end of that nightmare and although I believed her at first, it wasn't until the middle of the trial that I realized she did it. Like Darin Routier, probably one of the dumbest people in Texas based on his actions and willful ignorance, could possibly pull off the "perfect" crime. And by the way, Paul Joseph Goebbels (if you even know who he was) spelled his name with 2 "B's," not 2 "LL's.". Why weren't the palms of her hands or her fingers cut while fighting a man with knife? Why would he just slash at an adult who could fight back better than a child? To be able to do that requires a special level of training called Emergency Medical Dispatcher, or EMD. Throat ) ls1 was a mixture of devon and Darlie 's blood, LS3 was a friend of one Darin! This in court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Doug.! Walking into the very place her two boys for 18 minutes 're talking,. Routier on death row that convicted Darlie Routier can not be excluded as contributor! The motive behind 50 some individuals all getting together and lying and framing an innocent woman what she.. All getting together and lying and framing an innocent woman you out for. Home from the hospital prior to the utility room entrance to the utility.. 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