Then it leaves. Power over fear, power over destruction, power over ALL the power of the enemy. 1). However, there is also depression that is caused from having a chemical imbalance. #Christianliars #lying #liar #jenniferleclaire, Supernatural Peace. Then one day I started praying at night, because his body was restless as he was asleep, I then asked God to cast the evil out of his body, I remember I touched him and told the demons to leave ,immediately after I said so there was this strong movement or wind that moved from our bed to the closed windows and it left. 6) If you are taking medication for your anxiety, commit yourself to being delivered. Examplepraying oh please deliver us from the devil. That includes closed doors, feeling like there are no answers, etc. (The HOLY SPIRIT) (Luke 24:49), 4) YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. Have communion at your home. I do believe there is situational, and spiritual depression but we are not doctors nor are we God. I needed this I have been through the exact same things you described in your article. But God tells us that we can resist Him in the . And finally in Ephesians 6 after you have your armor on, it says. The early church expected it, and its perfectly clear, because its His seal of approval. It basically says,,,, i am not the one giving you fear. me to feel hopeless. I looked up what caused my anxiety to come back after God delivered me and your article popped up and as I was laying in bad at night reading this article I was in TEARS ? As my mom would say., you better get a hold of yourself. It shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered. Then, either at a church or on your own, take in communion. We are guaranteed victory? I prayed for 2 years before I realised what part I had to play. I need prayer to be delivered from depression, fear, loneliness. He wants to and can help you. Hope this helps! It is our responsibility to fight and obtain continuous deliverance. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but He has given us a SPIRIT OF POWER, of love, AND A SOUND MIND. Candis & George Balogun. Gods Word is truth, he meant what he said. She lost her best friend in an untimely way to a short battle with cancer. I as well suffer from fear and anxiety. Prayer, worship, declaring Gods word back to Him aloud and even fasting are all ways to draw closer to God and to fight against the enemy of our souls. We equip you! During the ministry time, I prayed for a young lady who was a visitor to the group that night. Our Lord Jesus is our first witness. Paul explains this later in 1 Corinthians 14 when he says, Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. (1 Corinthians 14:26). He promises that when the enemy comes in like a flood, His Spirit will rise up a standard against the enemy. Remember, just as heaviness is a real spirit, the God of the Bible is a real Person, and He is behind each promise. I was crying and pleading for things i already have. I pray that they would be anxious for nothing, but would come to you in prayer with all their needs, thanking you even now that you know how you're going to take care of every last detail. All who received the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues as evidence. If you were as desperate as I was, I was a fool before the Lord and others, I didnt care. Their body doesnt produce insulin properly and therefore they must take insulin. 4. I would always hear others say that God is so faithful, but i wasnt experiencing that in my walk because i was being hit hard with depression and felt no answer with no way out. I did this once in a showdown with anxiety and kept saying, you must leave right now. Look how many followers it has. It doesnt like being recognised! I would be confident,persistent, and long-suffering! Please read 2 Timothy 1.7 about the spirit of fear. No matter how long you try to persist with your lie, i wont believe you. Jesus, come into my life, take control of my life, forgive my sins and save me. As you attune yourself into what your own spirit is picking up, and what the Holy Spirit is revealing, your mind will take over the thinking process and decide what you need to do. He is mighty to save and I believe youre on the road to freedom! Knock in the door will be open. Fear and anxiety has now crippled me to the point where I have pushed away a special man in my life. You can gradually sink into the pit before you realise it. It also increases white corpuscle activity in the epidermis thus causing acne. When I'm clueless as to what to do, Lord, I want to turn to you first, not last. Whilst we cannot see demons, they can certainly see us, and shudder and quake when we confront them. The depression lies to convince you it has power over you. He is teaching YOUto fight, so that YOUwill indeed be able to leap over the next wall that comes your way, so that YOU will be more than a conqueror!YOU will not be the same when you are delivered from this. I am so sorry that you are going through this battle and its so hard to feel like we are being a good spouse and parent. And it just sits there. I am losing my will to live. Bow the knee as u know who is LORD and MASTER that u must submit to. It is now May 26. Knowing the truth of what he says in his word by the power of the Holy Spirit sets us free. Im going to read it again. I believe you can have this too Laura. seizures !! Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. That only makes things worse. Dont suffer alone, God isnt doing this to you. Its knowing, not hoping. Its not coming from me. Hallelujah . I rejoice that You have given me a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. Its Operation Torment. Please feel free to contact us at It is called the spirit of heaviness. I am in horrible financial problems that never seem to end. Both are immensely painful, but the struggles that surround each differ somewhat. I am praying right now for Ryan. S, I am your mother deloreszemans I am so very happy for you and your husband two hear that you as my daughter and kir as your husband is having a baby I new that you and husband can have a baby I still do have that lots of love inside of my heart for you and your husband and your kids my love will never I will forever have that love inside of my heart for you and your husband and your kids grandkids but dont do not come over down yet not yet until I say two come over down visit not dont do not come over down until I tell you two come over down visit me I will let you know when I will tell you when not just yetI will text you we can text talk until I tell you when its time to come over down visit me not dont come over down visit me not until I tell you when its time to come over down visit me I will let you know when it time for you to come over down visit me, Pray for my parents as my mom and dad that they will get lots of real cash money cash to pay there monthly payment pay there monthly payments on their monthly payments bills each month two months every month the same goes for us as me deloreszemans and my brother Willam Billys zeman his wife and my daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her brother Carl honea zeman as my son as theres.mother as deloreszemans Walking Out Your Deliverance From Fear and Anxiety. I will be more gentle with them. My families been Baptist back hundreds of years deeply deep faithful. It was a humbling experience to learn to be human. We keep asking for things he has already done. What do you have to fear if God is with you? Thank you for praying,,,got hooked up to a wifi spot today. Hi Edwin, I would highly recommend taking all natural Lithium Orotate supplement. God Bless! Then those days of utter turmoil and despair will end because now YOU KNOW HIM. It is gone now over a year and he contends he is not interested in me but the Lord has shown me many times vision type things of us together even working together in a business As well as having a dream of confirmation. Fear not, for i am with you! We would like to send you an update by email when we have a new Counseling / Deliverance Ministry article, podcast or video. I once preached on overcoming the spirit of fear to a group of young adults. What you are fighting is a lie. I at times feel like I dont know what else to do . The ministry of deliverance and healing was birthed in this season of my life as I saw how Christians will come to Church Sunday after Sunday and have the same problems even after hearing the word and being prayed for. Must be really hard. Hopefully, you will have your house ready sooner than you think. YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. Its refreshing to know that God is on my side and is for me! I understand. To let this thing dominate you, will eventually turn you mental. Please pray for my mom, Sally. His whole job is to lie, to defy the Word of God, and he does it through persistence. No matter your circumstances, God hears your cry and has delivered you from sickness to health, from darkness to light. Trauma is EMOTIONAL damage, which many faith practitioners fail to recognize. Say your prayers and come to the Lord. Im very sorry to hear this. It has done wonders for the emotionally challenged. However, I believe he wants us to walk with him and trust him through the wilderness not over or around it. emotional stress. Will be praying for you! I will be praying for you! Gods word says you ARE cast out which means you are leaving according to our Gods glorious Word. Diabetes and Amenorrhea: Central Nervous System - fatigue and lethargy, Type A behavior, overeating, depression and insomnia are all caused by fear, anxiety and stress. Please intercede for me and pray on my behalf that whatever Gods will is for my life He make it known to me. Some type of spiritual framework, a belief in some order or power greater than ourselves, can help us maintain hope even when the road is long. You see, Paul is saying that when we come together some should speak in tongues and others should interpret (1 Corinthians 14:27), some should prophesy and others should judge that prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:29), some should heal the sick and others should discern spirits. Maria, I hope and pray that you come back here and see my comment. With regard to the other gifts, I have found that if the circumstances are there, you find youll operate in a certain gift. Teach me Your ways to respond to problems by giving thanks in them. A Prayer for the Hurting Several inquirers were from the area of Nigeria, tried to get a phone number, and began receiving million dollar inheritance emails. My husband and I have a Deliverance Ministry [ Deliverance In His Presence]and we minister to many people dealing with these afflictions. The Lithium reduced the anxiety and calms the mind. Once the host is taken captive the spirit begins to apply mental or physical pressure until their subject gives in due to physical weariness and or lack of air.Personally, I have seen people with octopus spirits manifest during deliverance various ways. I sometimes worry about dementia creeping Once it knows it has been recognised, this is its greatest fear. Just as you wouldnt allow just anyone come into your house, dont let him push you around. I believe the mere act of going to mass once a week at that age wouldve helped me put on the Armor of God much sooner in my life, even though I wouldnt have fully comprehended what was going on, and the Spirit of Depression wouldnt have stood a chance. Tampa, Florida I was once in this position. You are not alone though it may feel like you are. Its up to you. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. Jesus said NEW tongues not OTHER tongues. Could you email me as well? Am no longer an orphan I have been brought by a price I am adopted never forsaken made whole this sickness of mind body and spirit do not belong to me any more my inheritance in Christ is rich I am the head and not the tail The Word of God says, it does. Rather He IS all the things he says He isFaithful.your provider, abundant.extending grace.loves you..cares about you and your needs. When youre at your wits end, its time for you to stop striving and let him take over. Dont get up and walk away thinking it doesnt work, because it DOES work. Doubt tries to sneak in, but you KNOW hes there! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED! Look at these verses showing he has ALREADY GIVEN you POWER over depression. Do all speak with tongues? My name is Habib from Ghana and Ive been battling depression for almost 5 years now and I need your prayers. YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. Bless you! Should you use medicine just continue to see God in all you do. The thought will come challenging you saying, it doesnt work, or nothings happening so stop praying, maybe you will get your answer in the future sometime. I know God Is an almighty God and this article knocked some sense into me. I spent a lot of nights, begging God to deliver me from the torment of fear. And any attached negative spirits who wish to do me harm of body and soul. Hi Joel. First, we dont have a spirit inside somewhere, we ARE a spirit, wrapped in a body of flesh. Been homeless for 3 years When he reveals himself even in small ways, it thrills me to no end. Heidi already has it, and i realized i shouldnt let it just sit there online. Check out the ministry of Derek Prince. Oyyy. You see it doesnt even sound remotely like God to not help. The Lord wants you confident, unafraid, strong in Him. Depression comes from the enemy. he will see you through to the end, FAITHFUL is He who called you. Lay hands on your head and say "in the name of Jesus, I cast out the spirit of fear, worry, anxiety, and stress. My life feels like Im in hell and I cannot do anything to change it. I want to trust You more and see things from Your perspective, not my own. When there is crippling anxiety, irrational and tormenting fear, or constant intimidation, there is probably a spirit of fear at work. He has been trying for so long to overcome but the enemy keeps trying he loss his grandmother age of 14. An over-active nervous system is the reason why your body becomes flooded with adrenaline during times of fear and you behave so aggressively at times. Dont wander around in the wilderness for 10 more years. So, if you are someone struggling with life right now, you must know that there is always light waiting for you at the end. Father God, i pray you give Habab understanding that your Word is truth and you meant what you said. He meant what he said beloved. Many people are unaware that the occult is a gateway to demonic attack. No wishy washy doubting, wondering, and unbelief. Start with Kenneth Hagin on healing scriptures on youtube. In the beginning I was too weak to fast, so I would ask my husband to fast for me. My Testimony of how I suffered of OCD and Blasphemous Toughts for years and feared I had commited the unpardonable sin , The Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit. Be careful brothers & sisters in the Lord. The Holy Spirit gives different gifts, tongues is one of many gifts. However, I also believe that God provides antidepressants on our earth. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, II Corinthians 10:3-5. Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. TELL IT TO LEAVE IN JESUS NAME AND TORMENT YOU NO MORE! The fight is over what youre going to believe in your heart. My husband went through anxiety and panic disorders I had never seen him so scared, he went to the hospital, doctors gave him medication, he became a bit better. I learned to recognise when I was attacked again, and over time it began to diminish. It will floor you to the core. You need to be vulnerable with those you trust, you need to be desperate for deliverance, and you need to be willing to cry out to God. An orphan spirit attaches to a person who has experienced extreme rejection in their life. When I am weak. If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. (1 Corinthians 14:27), Bible verses that show every believer has the ability to speak in tongues Again, we will have to agree to disagree on this topic. You KNOW his Word is truth. Through faith in something . Once you realize he has given you the power of the Holy Spirit, and that he has already given u all you need, you wont be whimpering in desperation like i was for years and years. Not something he is going to give us in the future. WE ARE NEVER LEFT ALONE BY GOD Trust Me. 13. Yes, that is part of itbut recognising its first attacknow this is the secret. Remind me that you are a powerful God. The Kundalini or serpent spirit (in Greek, puthon or python; see Acts 16:16) is a demon that attempts to crush the human spirit and inhabit a human body. Calm my thoughts and emotions and open my heart to your peace, comfort, and wisdom. The obvious answer to all of these questions in verses 29-30 is no. He has already answered your prayers. I know deep down that I in Your grace, forgiven, restored by Your sacrifice, You have set me free. It got you to believe IT rather than the Word! I felt like all I was doing was existing to pay bills. I realized he already gave it to me, that means i HAVE IT NOW! My mistake. I would say by accident, if I didnt know Jesus Christ,but this is a confirmation. While the Spirit of Depression is relentless and will never go away, putting on the Armor of God has allowed me to defend against it, and the Spirit of Depression will never win. It isGod who justifies. He wants you to UNDERSTAND what He has already done for you in Christ. Thank You for . From that day forward, the depression and crippling anxiety were gone from her life. I struggled with depression since my teen years. And it just sits there, or the feeling even gets worse. And having done ALL,,,,STAND! It means stand your ground. You need to be supported during this time and to have people who can pray protection over you. I ask that you help me get through all of the doubts and fears when I feel as if I am being crushed. Dear Tina. Those with a chemical imbalance just do not produce the proper amount of neurotransmitters like serotonin, etc. I believe Gods Word. That is because this cloud of depression is not mental; it is spiritual. While unpleasant, I know that pain serves a purpose in the life of a Christian. So, when we read it from that perspective we see that Paul is actually saying that when the church comes together does everyone functioning as an apostle? Help her heal Lord MindBodySoul. Just to let you know, pallamay said some that come on here have emailed her under various names, but they are very very vague in their responses after reaching out to them, but keep looking for you to keep emailing them. Allowing the enemys lies to become your narrative makes you a food source for demons of anxiety. I know I can't do this on my own. If this is happening, you cant make sense of it and its upsetting, i would definitely give it to the Lord, letting it go,,,,by ceasing from striving and trying to figure it out. Annas, Are you having suicidal thoughts? I am going through a deep deep depression that Ive had before and Im trying everything to be delivered from these suicidal thoughts. Search your home for occult items such as oujia boards, Buddhas, talismans, fetishes, tarot cards, etc. #fakeprofile #jenniferleclaire, A Prayer for Strength. You sound exactly like what i went thru for years until God revealed and gave me understanding of all the things you already have in Christ, but you dont realize it. 32He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 19He also brought me out into a broad place;. I am from Kenya and currently struggling with a bout of depression. I believe God over you. This is a specific gift. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spiritto another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:7-8, 10), Are all apostles? It is time to exchange that confident expectation for Gods promises. There will be prophets when there is time to prophesy and teach prophecy. The awful feeling of fear tends to test you, it tries to stick around especially in those who are of doubtful heart. Colossians 1:13 WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. I had to pray and fast against the spirit of poverty and lack as it was a generational curse in our family. I was all of fourteen and full-blown depressed, and I wasted the next four years of my life until I got help. (Isaiah 43:1, NKJV), You dont deal with a negative by focusing on it. Nobody shoukd ever ever ever sit and suffer alone when they sanded just like with Jesus, with medication and I have a Christian therapist. You say, i rebuke you, get off me in the name of Jesus, and again it just sits there. They have helped me greatly during a very difficult time: Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Once you realize who you are in Christ, the gigantic blessings you already have, your whole world will change because then you will KNOW how huge, big and abundant God is. No, you simply sing! I loved the part about being in a fight that you know you are going to win. Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. (Ephesians 6:18). He isnt giving you another answer or another solution because he has ALREADY given you all you need in Christ. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch, Who's going to do the bowing? As for me, I am extremely grateful for having medication that helps me live healthy and happy. Through research and personal experience in deliverance ministry, I gained 5 fiery steps that can help you be set free. Gods hand over us is so powerful and so are the medications he gave us the free will to make. But I was so desperate, I didnt care. Your total income represents 100%. Dear Edwin, hello. Resist it with the continuous application of the Word, through teaching (lots of great teachings here, including E.W.Kenyon, Charles Capps & others); confession of the Word, and prayer. Addressing the common objections in 1 Corinthians 12 The technique I use always works, to clear any negative spirits. If you have not been saved yet, call on the name of JESUS who is alive from the dead. Do you know what may be at the root of it? As you would not tolerate nasty people in this world who attack you, do not tolerate this thing either. Now the Bible does say the Spirit gives different gifts as He wills, and Paul said: I wish you ALL spoke in tongues. In other words, not every believer does so, either from fear, or from wrong teaching. I believe that I will be totally delivered. You use His Word against depression with full assurance, KNOWING the Word of God reigns over all. Depression and anxiety are tough to deal with, Ive been for 40 some years on and off. Hi Ian, Thank you for sharing. Do you have any pets? I was expecting something strange to happen but I began by simply mouthing what at first sounded like gibberish, then it became fluent, and realised it was definitely tongues. Does the knowledge that satan has a plan to torment you make you angry? Required fields are marked *. You are his little girl and hes got this. I have been praying, worshiping, reading from my Bible, turning away from patterns of sinful behavior, prayed prayers of deliverance and cried out to God.. day after day after day I ask to be emptied of myself so that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit. He gives you rest, peace, joy because of who he is. They were so severe that my doctor ordered me out of work for 6 weeks. He is whispering in your ear that you are perishing, and I am here to tell you as a victorious survivor of the battle, that its a lie. He thinks he is winning, you may even think he is winning. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17. You are the one with the power over depression right now. Trust Him. When I was nursing, I received a gift of faith with a patient who was terminally ill and close to death. Dont allow it to keep sitting there. Breaking The Spirit Of Rejection. It will pass. Whenever symptoms try to overwhelm you, understand, its trying to flex its muscle to convince you that it has power and you dont. Patricia King: Breaking the Chains of Performance. Its you who has the victory in Christ. He has seated you in heavenly places with Christ, far above all principality and power. That night, Evangelist Caleb Wampler received a prophetic word that someone there was dealing with issues, and was warring in the spirit. If a person does not believe or seek deliverance, there isnt much that can be done other than pray they will turn to God themselves. Sending a big hug . There may be a spirit of heaviness, maybe even depression, but that is not why we have depression. I suffer from anxiety of sickness lets just say Im that person to google a symptom and believe I have every sickness that relates to that symptom. Do you understand it is a SHOW DOWN? Sink the enemy boat, its you who has the power. Not as the world measures it out though. It is a spirit that wages war quietly causing those affected unaware of menacing things going on in their lives. We are more than what we believe we are. I feel like life would be so much easier without me and to be free from the responsibilities. Stand firm, fixed, immovable and steadfast on your confessions of faith as you intercede on this person's behalf, for greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Thank you so much. I pray with you thanking the Lord that you are blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, and thank Him that He GAVE you a SPIRIT OF POWER and the SPIRIT OF A SOUND MIND. Time to girdyourself with the truth and lift up your sword. The gift of speaking in tongues is clearly what Jesus was referring to here. But know that he HAS in fact already given you all you need in Christ when you were born again. Lady who was a generational curse in our family, strong in him causing acne an... Pit before you realise it for 40 some years on and off purpose in the epidermis thus acne... Own, take in communion the ministry time, I hope and pray that you me... Just anyone come into your house ready sooner than you think and these signs shall follow that. Spiritual depression but we are a spirit inside somewhere, we dont have a,. Anxiety were gone from her life you an update by email when we have Deliverance. 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Robert Anthony Cruz Baseball, Stanley, Nd Arrests, Articles D