It's retarded. Mostly it was an hour and a half long sprint! We were shooting assault shotguns together, and flintlocks, and hanging out getting to know each other. MOHICANS They'll suck all . You see a lot of people, like I was telling Gail the other day, you see the PMRC , the Parents Music Resource Center, and Tipper Gore and her butt head husband and they're running around bands like Marilyn Manson, and they're banning them from ES:'s a.. yeah. on our Book Store page. The following interview with Eric Schweig was conducted, via telephone, on February 1 and 2, 1998. Perhaps things were twisted by the editing of the interview. For some, those are scenes that evoke a sense of the times more than any other .. they really hit you. Probably in a little while. but, I'll get the script in People, Indian or otherwise, are not born to hate each other. It wasn't too heavy. scripted, which was more than "puppy love". Interviewing is something we hadn't done And I was told at 7 a.m. the next morning that I was hired! I don't know, that's the editor's fault. Schweig plays Andy Fraser, the chief of the fictional Blackstone First Nations tribe alongside an award-winning ensemble cast that includes Gemini winning actor Michelle Thrush, Gemini nominee Carmen Moore and others. It is up front and it is brutally honest. They found around 300 copperhead snakes and it took quite awhile to build the thing. Tell us about Andy Fraser, the character you're playing. MP: It looks real good. We got along with him. You know what I want to do, I want to get a bunch of jackets for them, a bunch of Drama Club jackets and put the name of their band on it. I: Some of the scenes, especially in the canoes - was that really you guys? But any bonding that happened was probably at Many Hawks, this special operations camp. It's sad whenever kids have an abusive childhood. When you do that you really have to commit. MP: It is really scary to be a parent now. shoot. So, by the time As expected, we found ourselves liking him a great deal, and we quickly came to a mutually agreeable arrangement for displaying his work. So what was it like to work with Michael Mann? [Laughs] He was just I've never told anyone I am a Marlon Brando or whoever. I now work with homeless people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed them and clothe them. rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. recreating history, however inaccurately it may be, and it's different than reading a book it's visual and it IS just art, so it doesn't necessarily have to be totally historically accurate .. For example, in the movie Braveheart, I told Vern about that. After studying traditional Pacific Coast carvings Eric refined and directed his talent toward the recreation of the traditional masks of his ancestors, the Inuit. We went down to Columbus, Ga., for a month and trained in this anti-terrorist camp. Available - Free Downloads Only! There were also a few scenes cut out that should not have been. MP: That was the next question. 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW PLEASE NOTE: We originally ran this interview with Eric Schweig, and the commentary that follows, well over 3 years ago, but removed it after we had done our own with him (see: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW ). Does he know that, in fact, all these characters are not based on fiction? To imply that Hollywood is still "sucking the blood" of the Indian is downright misleading. E: I've just finished this thing in Atlanta, Georgia, maybe two months ago, called Shenandoah. ES: Well, no. And, if there should be any activism it should be to talk to kids you see, if you're going to solve a lot of the problems within the Indian community, as far as civil But unfortunately, the camera doesn't capture it; you just see my feet sticking up. If you want to turn things around, maybe children are where you need to do it. The more the merrier. There are no subscriptions or costs. So, pretty soon, if you start looking inside yourself for I had read up on it a little bit and I told him what had happened, what was going on, and naturally, he knew. "In a scene inspired by a Bierstadt painting," says Mann, "they all come together at the creek. Being brothers, we would be the same. ES: Oh, probably Tom & Huck. Col. Dave Webster runs this thing out of Columbus, there. They don't have anybody to talk to and nobody to listen to them. It sounds like you've done good things with these kids and you'll probably never know the rewards of that in your lifetime. But, take yourself. I think it's called Across Continents, something like that, but it's [picture of the mask] right on the cover of it. Like the kiss between Hawkeye and Cora? What did you guys feel, or you personally, when you were filming those scenes? I: And you were out there for five months in the Smoky Mountains what was it like? He's all business. ES: There's one. If they were good sticks .. it was kind of a bummer .. it would've been a better game. And I just like the idea of, like I said before [in a previous conversation], reaching back into time and duplicating the mask and taking them back from the people who stole Vincent Schilling, Akwesasne Mohawk, is the associate editor and senior correspondent at Indian Country Today who enjoys creating media, technology, comics, and movies. Other than that, everybody got along. MP: Regarding the children's drama group that you're involved in . your girlfriend's name is Gail? Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! I: Where there any significant problems with the movie? He is corrupt and if he can't get what he wants done one way, he'll get it done another. In fact, he stayed at that, not a chateau What's the name of that MP: Then this must be a source of satisfaction for you. to work with them? And, you know, it's the That's E: I'll stay in movies until I can get enough money to buy a ranch in Montana, live the life of a hermit get 10 or 15 dogs sounds good, doesn't it? They put them in. You know the difference between Indian elders and a lot of other elders? Eric Schweig has spoken freely about his alcoholism. ES: Yeah, they taught us how to pack the wadding and the powder and the ball and all that kind of stuff. What I thought about the movie was that it was sprawling. I'm getting a script in a couple of days. People from all over the world. But after practicing, after a It's about this concert violinist who befriends all of these wolves in Alaska on his property. It's scheduled for June in North Carolina. On the featurette that is included with the THX video, you say something to the effect that director Michael Mann has created a monumental work. the real, well .. you see these gang bangers running around blasting each other to smithereens because they think it's cool.. because that's what you do. ES: Well oh man. You know, bad things happened to me and I left home. and I did bad things. He's extremely MP: The photo of the mask you described. on the cover of the book, is that 18th century or 19th century? I also am an adult survivor of abuse by my adoptive parents. There were guys from all over the place. MP: Were they downplaying the Uncas/Alice relationship? when you do too much of anything too much alcohol too many drugs. Anyway, Vern picked it up one day and said "Hey, this is wild, man. ES: Yes, I have You know who that was? As award-winning actor Eric Schweig led a column of mourners yesterday to a sunburned patch of grass at Vancouver's Grandview Park (the place where a man called Curtis Brick spent his dying moments) the drama seemed like a movie scene.. S chweig has, in fact, appeared in similar scenes on screen many times.. A carver and actor born in Nunavut, Schweig's credits track like a highlight reel of . So I told everybody from the beginning. So, that's good to see. But it is hard hitting and touches on all of the socioeconomic problems that we have on the reserves. MP: Please correct me if I'm getting the wrong assumptions here. You should do a mask. But they didn't! ES: Madeleine.. She was fine, you know. Mohican Press - ALL MP: To date, you've been in two movies with him, The Last of the Mohicans and The Broken Chain. wasn't the only time he did that. He was in good humor throughout. If the movie makes $80 million, they don't care what I say. A war between blue coats and Indians. Each mask represented various animals and they contained a lot Eric is certainly a personable, well-spoken & easy-to-talk-to person. He was ALWAYS doing that. Made for the talented actor and artist that is Eric Schweig. Eric Schweig was originally born as Ray Dean Thresher, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories on June . He'd rap with the extras and . anybody who was around. Mohican Press - ALL I would. He also creates his own designs and concepts. E: Well, they are using real Indians now. I guess we swayed public opinion since then but I haven't heard of it. And he'd do that with everything. It's also the truth that you have to do something about it. Was it just a kiss? Over near Lake James. He was somewhat reticent, probably because of the time lapse, about I: The editing in the film is a little off sometimes. Faye Marie. But I've got another offer in Russia, in a production called The Wolves, starting at the end of the month. LINKS That a European version of an event is no less valid than an Indian version? It was huge. GATHERINGS || I: How did you get on with the rest of the cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Jodhi May and Russell Means? of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. No, we don't have "Red River"! They took it to the extreme with Last of the Dog Men, which is ludicrous! HISTORY || He is a film critic and writes the #NativeNerd column. ES: Yeah. MP: Any plans of showcasing them, or giving them their day in the sun? As long as Europeans or Euro-American film makers are making movies about Indian people, there is always going to be this. On days when it got really hot they would carry two or three guys off with the heat. MP: I understand you worked with horses in that film. I: When you go down to L. A., do you mix in with the other actors or stay to yourself? He seems like a good guy. there's such a thing as senility. He didn't socialize. I: Uncas comes over as the strong and silent character (minus the huge amount of dialogue), but the terrific expressions that you have throughout the film speak for you. ES: Yeah, it didn't have to be as epic as the battle scene in the valley there, but maybe with half the all the guys but not the inten [breaks off] let's have a hockey game! And I get with her. Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. But you know who they don't ban? Gangster rap's fine for the individual who doesn't want to pick up a gun and . If there was a young boy who could not keep his hands off his father's or uncles' hunting implements and then he whined when they went out hunting, chances were that thats what he wanted to do. shells, especially the quiet ones the really, really inward teenagers. [Laugh]. You know, if you get beaten down for so long and then you It was hot and it was annoying because Michael wanted to .. you know, like I said before.take after take. We have to take advantage of this because it's gonna burn out, they're gonna flog the shit out of it and then there's gonna be nothing." That's why they cut that love scene out. . or play a dulcimer, learn how to play a dulcimer. Rick, I think. How would you compare the role to others you've played? Eric Schweig The Missing Interview - YouTube 0:00 / 2:10 Eric Schweig The Missing Interview Ogichidaawi 414 subscribers 174K views 14 years ago Eric Schweig interview from The. My mother died of alcoholism and she was homeless as well. We don't have the numbers; we represent less than 5% of the total population in North America. In E: No, I didn't. [Laughter]. MP: Is that the movie with a band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers hidden out in the mountains somewhere in modern times? He's pretty intense. it's not that big a deal whether they're historically correct or not because they never can be. I have done bit parts in Bordertown and The Black Stallion. And they came to Vancouver and I auditioned once down here and then flew to Los Angeles and auditioned once or twice there on the same day and then flew back flew back down for another one and then flew to North Carolina for two more. Or, do you even think it should be an issue? It is hard to do this if someone is not interested in itmind, body and soul. MP: The concept of art for art's sake is somewhere in there, but what is your main objective in recreating the spirit masks? Out of all the scenes that you did, what was the most difficult? Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. I don't like to refer to it as a reference. We were pleased with the results and hope you are too. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? MP: There was a strong feeling of familial bond between your character, Uncas, your older step-brother Hawkeye, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, and your father Chingachgook, played by Russell Means. It's so cheesy. Was it meant to be like that? She was pretty nice, Jodhi's mom. you know, and isn't psychotic. ES: Yes! E: The only stage shot was the waterfall and the cave. They're very well ES: He's more meticulous, he's a perfectionist to the power of 10. And it's really hard, I guess it's hard, I've never been a parent, but it'd be hard to differentiate your child's freedom and their safety. So, while you guys were filming this did you have any sense of bonding? So, by the time But I made the bottom of the mask protrude a little bit more. Sometimes I felt like I wanted to scream or something. Interesting as the article may be, it is so wrought with errors of fact, and of assumption, that it's hard to determine WHERE to begin. Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. You know what? AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS. MP: Granted, we've held this film up to extreme scrutiny, but how do you reconcile this meticulous behavior with some of the flaws, like the blue cap and megaphone at Massacre Valley, that made it into the final cut? So we can .. now we have them. E: Oh, yeah. good idea to have one of your masks displayed in the vicinity. They promote it. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS, ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG. MP: I guess you believe that judgment on any society falls on how they treat their children and their elders? Myself and a bunch of other Canadian actors went out there and played 9-hole golf in the ice. It would be like a culture shock when Indians move into the city. think I'd hesitate. It's a shame we [Indian actors] haven't been given the opportunity to well, you know, Wes is doing really good. We were talking about some of your films and I wanted to ask you about Red River, which has received a lot of attention. I was born in Inuvik NWT in 1967 and moved south to Ontario with my adoptive family in the early 70s. And, I play a lot of guitar. Regarding Vern MP: You're welcome. Twitter @VinceSchilling TikTok @VinceSchilling Email he is also the opinions editor , to submit email: He's got a real character face. ES: Well .. it was more or less just business to me because nothing's ever historically correct. We were shooting [?? Did you feel close? Suddenly, surprisingly, Alice gives a look to her sister and jumps off after him. That was a pain in the ass, to say So, it it is somewhat difficult to have to knock his words. ES: Yeah, Wes was cool. We find the content startling in several regards, and will comment, at length, following the conclusion of the interview. In shit and it makes me nuts. EARLY A lot of these people are among your biggest fans, which is why many of them came to our web site in the first place. MP: We're about 40 minutes east of Asheville. But it was us, except going over the waterfalls. But period pieces have always been, and always will be, because of their way of If you go onto a reservation and you see the dogs and their heads are hanging, that's a bad sign . you know, people don't care about them. All the sets all the scenes a thousand extras at any given time running all over the place. AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. I haven't met them yet, but I'm going to sit down and try to talk to them and try to get them out of their shells somehow. I just wish this had a bit more exposure down in the States. Something that minuscule I wouldn't remember. Invited to the conference to share his own experiences and perspectives, Eric was pleased to have the opportunity to speak on a topic close to his heart. Blackstone's Eric Schweig provides some fun facts about his life. trains action stars in the use of different tactical weapons. ES: Tell them, "Thanks for your support. of symbolic imagery. MP: A lot of people have been coming to our web site and checking out your masks. I: Was there another person in your canoe one that wasn't scripted? I can't remember. Was there a challenge or was it a likeable role for you? Or, at least wonder why he says it! That was fun. ES: Uhhh no.. not my adopted family, but I hang out with my Uncle Willie from my biological family once in a while. If they were operable it would have been more fun. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and Deidre phoned me up and told me . it's a contemporary thing where I play a sheriff. Available - Free Downloads Only! It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with Eric. In COLOR! He headed to the big screen following his Broadway performances. [Laughter] "Hold on! Do you have a message for these people? ES: Yeah, I just get a real charge out of it.. so does anybody who's listening. MP: Do you think society all societies. have lost their sense of nurturing and protecting. or seeing children for what they are? I'll never forget his annoying voice. in place of the word. Unfortunately, people just eat that stuff up! [More laughter]. But, nobody went to work. Eric Schweig makes for a dashing Joseph Brandt, the young Iroquois all the girls swoon over. ES: No, I haven't actually. They were the two stars so they couldn't take the focus off of them. Before that I had no idea what they were doing up there. I: Did you have to be really physically fit? I didn't see a hell of a lot of women in that movie. E: The terrific points about the movie was the cinematography on the locations and the costumes. E: I got along with everybody! you think, but I didn't see any women there well, a few, but there were GUYS everywhere, but no women. No one wants to see this all the time. I mean Russell and I did, but you know, Russell and I Daniel and I come from we might as well be a zillion miles away. If you do good things, good things will happen. There's these assholes running around kidnapping kids. I love jamming. Yeah, I love playing blues. I'm an actor who just happens to be an Indian. ], 45's and shot guns. MP: Well, what I mean is that you guys, in the movie of course, went through every possible trial and tribulation. We had a love scene that was cut out. Could you tell us about it? a half, two years ago, Jessica State . she was 9 or 10 years old, about 200 yards from a ball field full of people, she was raped and had her throat cut and one of her hands cut off. MP: Then they'll be there for future generations? Lifting weights for 3 or 4 hours, or drinking that funny milkshake with all those proteins in it. We, and certainly your fans, appreciate it. We were down there for about a month and we worked with this guy with a beard who was a real outdoorsman. In an interview with ICTMN, Schweig discussed life experiences that have helped him to play his role in Blackstone, his belief in giving back to the community, and how he has obtained such success in his career. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS He worked most of the time. I'm into it. ES: Yep! Did you ever get a feeling of really being in that It could have been shot better. ES: Yeah, absolutely. I don't get it because those are our babies. Go To The MOHICAN PRESS BOOK SHOPPE, For More Mohican Musings, Use The MOHICAN MUSINGS INDEX. went to a school to speak in Denver. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS. You know, even though they stole them, they kept them in excellent condition to put on the front of this book so you can duplicate it. It's about me and this guy his name is Christoph and he's from France. I've been doing this for 25 years now. Support Indian Country Today for as little as $10. The copy we were given is very poor, and was somewhat difficult to transcribe. them in the first place. [Laughs] In case people liked ours better! You seem to be down on period pieces because they cast Indians in loin cloths and stuff like that. He doesn't really think that just because an American Indian becomes a director that he will be able to craft a totally objective, and accurate, film? And he has a niece who gets murdered in the city and the police hire him to come to the city to help out. He can do a lot of stuff with his looks. I guess it turned out alright. Even so, it seems to us, one simply must dispute much of what he says. They can get egotistical. MP: Throughout the film there is featured some terrific landscapes. There is no question that the American Indians have been one of the most mistreated peoples in history, certainly on this continent. Join Stevie, comedic director "Steelbird" and his "assistant" real life movie star Eric Schweig as they present these incredible live performances, in-depth artist interviews and hilarious comedic backstage antics with featured artists. Even Daniel did. We need to come together as a global indigenous community. These kids are our future and they're gonna end up going to bat for us when we're sitting around at 80 years old on the front porch. Mohican Press - ALL It's jacked up obviously for television so the story is more interesting. Hollywood for many years, echoed public perception and stereotyped the culture. unless they start writing scripts about contemporary things. It comes from people not talking to their elders and not listening to them. We have them back and now we can take care of them. I spent thousands of dollars at the Asheville Mall. Nobody gives a MP: You feel like it left something undone in the relationship by cutting out the scene? A little better, though. LINKS A speech was given by actor-adoptee Eric Schweig on February 19, 1999 at the Vancouver Inner City Foster Care Conference. I am just concerned that whoever is doing it is pulling their weight. What is it like working with Blackstone's all-star cast? GATHERINGS || PATHFINDING || Our intent is not to criticize or alienate, rather to wonder why? Yeah, you know, I am a good guy. He is such an integral part of our favorite movie. Massive games; twice the size of a football field and we are, ES: Yeah, Asheville's really nice. What's he like on the set?" It's not a monumental, you know, a paradigm change, but it effects them. couple of days we had it down to 20 or 30 seconds. We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed We were in contact in regard to showcasing Eric's Inuit wood carvings here on our Site, not to discuss this or any other interview. MOHICANS I'm not trying to be antagonistic. MP: I imagine they do! MP: That's true. taken care of and respected and THAT is what makes them, keeps them wise. So finally, after three or four years of screwing around I got around to it. Yeah, you know, just like locusts. Not necessarily on a compassionate level because I wouldn't describe Andy Fraser as a compassionate character. Interview with Eric: All of this info came from an interview (my interview form) on May 2nd 2000. celebrity. She is the New York-based writer/podcast editor for Filmoria and film contributor at The Interrobang. I don't know what either one of them is doing. Would it be accurate to say you're attracted to the arts in general? They were in the islands? He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. Yeah, probably the Magua scrap was my favorite. Indians from all over the country, Canada just everywhere. Where's Marion? [Laughing! If someone doesn't like you, they are not shy when telling other companies. That's one of the nicest small towns I've ever been in. E: Something like that. Now you see movies like Dances With Wolves or The Last of the Mohicans and there is some attempt to show Indian people as people, so when my little girl says to me, while pointing to YOU, "That's one of the good guys", you've done the least. them to do. With the village? Would it be as you just described .. to retake possession of them? Master Carver Eric Schweig (Ray Dean Thrasher) learned under the tutelage of renowned Tahltan carver Vern Etzerza. Or do you instead allow your own mood, your color preferences .. that sort of thing, to blend with tradition and then the result being a unique Available - Free Downloads Only! But all these kids running around and you know, the east coast and the west coast rappers, blowing each other apart, now THAT'S scary. They were stiff, the leather in them was REALLY stiff, so you could carry it I'll do it. They take their sense of history and their wisdom ES: After I left the Mohicans, I said, "I hope I never see him again." 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Terry Cloth Robe With Zipper, Articles E