14 For those who speak in such a way make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. and lifts up the needy from the garbage pile, 9 He makes the barren woman of the family. What Naomi does mention pertains to marriage and child bearing. Someone reminded me that the Book of Ruth is a lot like the Book of Esther. When he saw that his generation scorned great men, he said, Surely I shall go from here so that I will not be caught among them (Zohar Chodosh 77a). "Elimelech 15 In fact, if they had been thinking of the land that they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. His name was Nate Mirza. Even if she were able to bear children, it would be unreasonable for these two widows to wait 20 years for replacement husbands. No, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with her as she returned to her homeland. This was a violation of the Mosaic law (De 7:3; 23:3; Ezr 9:2; Ne 13:23); and Jewish writers say that the early deaths of both the young men were divine judgments inflicted on them for those unlawful connections. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions? I am now inclined to believe that Ruth is an example of Romans 2:12-16. She would have been very much at home in our Postmodern world. Elimelech died, and the sons married two Moabite women: Mahlon married Ruth and Chilion married Orpah. 21 I left here full, but the Lord has caused me to return empty-handed. (8) All of this leads me to conclude that Naomi is not an example of faith, but an excellent example of Israels poor spiritual health. 4 The LORD said to Moses, Arrest all the leaders of the people, and hang them up before the LORD in broad daylight, so that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. 5 So Moses said to the judges of Israel, Each of you must execute those of his men who were joined to Baal-peor (Numbers 25:1-5). Ruth has an uncanny grasp of Israels religion and has chosen to embrace it as her own. Perhaps he was not even fully aware of this failing but God was. Naomi and her two daughters-in-law had already set out for Israel11 when Naomi began to have second thoughts not about her return, but about having two Moabite daughters-in-law in tow when she arrived at her home town of Bethlehem. Naomi"fair or pleasant"; and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, are supposed to be the same as Joash and Saraph (1Ch 4:22). But when there was a famine in the land, they moved to the neighboring country of Moab. In Esther, the people of God were supposed to return to the Promised Land, but they chose instead to dwell in the apparent peace and safety of Persia. We dont have a very good reputation in the Bible.. Even if I thought that there was hope that I could get married tonight and conceive sons, 13 surely you would not want to wait until they were old enough to marry! They were both Moabite women, close to the same age. It had been at least ten years since Naomi and her family had left them. endobj For my intense suffering is too much for you to bear. The contrast between Ruth and Orpah. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your children will conquer nations and will resettle desolate cities (Isaiah 54:1-3). Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. In the dark shadows of the days of the judges, we find two individuals whose lives are truly lights in the darkness. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Leaving His land, His people, His office-bearers, His worship and His day is leaving God. Web(5) And they died. Look with me at these words from Genesis 19, taking up just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lots escape, along with his daughters: 30 Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and settled in the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar. We read of the origin of the Moabites in Genesis 19,3 just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Naomis people (Israel) would be her people, and Naomis God would be her God. Elimelech died, whereupon Mahlon and Chilion both married local women. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. DAGON (Heb. Without a doubt, this is the most amazing and distressing thing Naomi has said so far. Lots daughters, the Israelites (on behalf of the Benjamites), and Naomi are inclined to resort to a pragmatic solution, rather than one that is faith-based and rooted in principle. A wolf approached and he fought the wolf. The women of the village said, Can this be Naomi? 20 But she replied to them, Dont call me Naomi! No wonder God forbade Moabites from entering the assembly to the tenth generation.7. 1When Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to commit sexual immorality with the daughters of Moab. Dagon Encyclopaedia Judaica. Dagn ), the Syrian and Canaanite god of seed, vegetation, and crops. There were no men nearby to marry, she reasoned, so there was no conventional way25 for them to bear children and thus to preserve their fathers line. 12 May the LORD reward your efforts! Anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet connection will be able to use and print out the NET Bible without cost for personal study. To do it any other way was to disobey God. A Jew who knows the law and doesnt live by it is not really a true Jew. My impression is that Naomi had changed not only in her appearance (she may not have aged well in Moab), but also in spirit. She had to leave her family, her homeland, and her gods and go to the place of Gods blessing. The second clue that this name is meant to be interpreted is how the verse presents it. It follows, therefore, that these characters must be important in setting the theme of the book. But when she urged Ruth to return to her pagan god(s), that was the worst unkindness of all. 7 Now as she and her two daughters-in-law began to leave the place where she had been living to return to the land of Judah, 8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Listen to me! Naomi was preoccupied with the here and now, rather than trusting in Gods covenant promises by faith. Conversely, one who is not a Jew and isnt instructed by the Law may have the law written on his (her) heart, and thus do the things the law requires. Even professing Christians can fall victim to the tyranny of the urgent. The final chapters of the Book of Judges are certainly the worst of times, and yet the Book of Ruth describes the best of times. This suggests to me that godly character is not only evident in the good times, but even more dramatically in the bad times. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? Naomi also made it clear that this was because (in her mind) God had dealt harshly with her.16 Naomi measured Gods blessing only in terms of food and of family. It was a bad start, and sadly things didnt get any better over time. - In 2012, I became a member of juFORUM, a Germany-wide network of young scientists. In our text (as in Judges and everywhere else in Scripture), man looks bad, very bad, and God looks good, very good. Do clownfish have a skeleton or exoskeleton. The best thing for her to do was to return to Bethlehem and live out the rest of her days, dying empty (i.e., childless). Jethro had seven daughters who served as his shepherdesses. 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped trying to dissuade her. Finally, the description of Elimelech departure is frugal and bereft of detail. When I realized this, I blurted out, What a witch!, much to the surprise of the rest of the class. She was one who received Gods blessings because she blessed one of Abrahams offspring by remaining with her and committing to care for her.28 Ruth was a woman who committed herself for a lifetime, and she did so in spite of her national pride, her family affections, the example of her sister-in-law, and the urgings of her mother-in-law. She persuaded her younger sister to help her get him drunk, and then for both of them to sleep with him to produce offspring for him. As they entered Bethlehem, they became the talk of the town. Surely you would not remain unmarried all that time! But Now it is true that Machlon, Kilyon, and Elimelech pass quickly from the scene and Orpah follows them soon thereafter. 8 Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds, 9 for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Beth-lehem-judahso called to distinguish it from a town of the same name in Zebulun. As the years have gone by, I may have mellowed in the terms I would use to portray Naomi, but my opinion of her has not really changed. Both women initially refused to heed Naomis exhortation to leave her and return to Moab. Create a Memorial The oldest daughter went first, bearing a son whom she named Moab. The story of Ruth and Boaz (yes, and even Naomi) should encourage us to live godly lives in dark days, days of unbelief, disobedience, and disregard for the Word of God. 12 Go back home, my daughters! God has chosen to save Gentiles as well as Jews. But it is not the essence of what our life in Christ is about. The men in the family die, leaving Naomi alone with her two daughters-in- law, Ruth and Orpah. Beware of well-meaning advice that is not rooted in Scripture and that is supportive of what you would really like to do, rather than what God commands us to do. That strongly suggests that she was still a Moabite at heart, still an idolater at heart. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. If our text tells us anything about God, it is that His ways are not our ways. WebRuth 1:2. as Ili-Milku, a variant of the name Milk-ilu, ruler of Gezer. It is not only Ruth and Naomi who benefit from Gods work in the Book of Ruth, for everyone who has been saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has been saved by the offspring of Ruth and Boaz. Ordinarily it would be translated as, My God is King. Not even death would separate them. The mans name was Elimelech. Webelimelech Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. Many, including me, are troubled by the times in which we live, but this is no excuse for ungodly behavior. His counsel (even though it effectively called God a liar) was given as though it were in her best interest. , ), Phoenician port, N. of Tyre in Lebanon. Both the Benjamites sin and their judgment are similar to what happened in Genesis 19. And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Webwas Elimelech, the name of his wife was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and ChilionEphrathites of Bethlehem, Judah. The focus is usually on one person and not on the group. Is the volume of resulting sugar mixture equal more than or less than the sum (20 ml sugar 50 ml water ) of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and water? - As part of a small team, I organized a five-day congress (90 participants, budget 17,000), the largest yearly event of the association. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 35 So they made their father drunk that night as well, and the younger one came and had sexual relations with him. Ruth 2:1 Now Naomi had a relative on her husband's side, a prominent man of noble character from the clan of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz. As the story of Esther unfolds, it looks as though every Jew is doomed to annihilation, but for the providence of God, whereby Gods enemies are destroyed and His people are spared. It was completed by more than twenty biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. This is exactly what Boaz commended Ruth for doing: 10 Ruth knelt before him with her forehead to the ground and said to him, Why are you so kind and so attentive to me, even though I am a foreigner? 11 Boaz replied to her, I have been given a full report of all that you have done for your mother-in-law following the death of your husband how you left your father and your mother, as well as your homeland, and came to live among people you did not know previously. This story can be found in the book of Ruth. in 1971. Now that Orpah has decided to turn back, Naomi appears to have more leverage. How did Elimelechs sons die in the Bible? It would do us well to review where the Moabites came from and how they related to Israel in the past. Bearing children was to be done Gods way. The crises of life are Gods pop quizzes, times when He puts our faith to the test, times when He gives us an opportunity to put our faith on display. Douay-Rheims Bible And Elimelech the husband of Noemi died: and she remained with her sons. Who would want Naomi for a mother-in-law? Second, Naomis words are even more forceful here,14 issuing Ruth a command to leave her. Cholim Prayers for Those in Need, Make a Donation In addition, why would a private individual carry a name that signifies royalty. Naomis first attempt is described in verses 8-10. My sense is that most of the residents of Bethlehem stayed in Bethlehem, rather than leaving to sojourn in a foreign country during the days of the famine. The translation project originally started as an attempt to provide an electronic version of a modern translation for electronic distribution over the Internet and on CD (compact disk). endobj March 11, 1787 Leajsk, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. Judah (through whom the messianic line would be traced) kept his third son from a Levirate marriage with the first sons widow, and then had sex with a woman he thought was a cult prostitute.31 God not only preserved the messianic line, He was faithful to fulfill His (Abrahamic) covenant32 with Abraham. Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. It purposefully draws our attention to it, for it first tells us that a man went out and then tells us that the name of the man was Elimelech. It is available on the Internet at: www.netbible.org. And they will do this because they believe they are doing their friend a favor. Ill attempt to support my conclusions as we proceed in our study of this book. Other than weeping, Orpah remains silent;20 Ruths words and actions are what the author has chosen to report. 3 Then Elimelech, Naomis husband, died; and she was left, and her two sons. 4 So her sons married Moabite women. In this emergency, she was proposing an unconventional solution to their problem. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous before God, but those who do the law will be declared righteous. 2 Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the NET Bible. In addition, anyone who wants to share the Bible with others can print unlimited copies and give them away free to others. If God has it in for Naomi, what woman in her right mind would want to be closely associated with her? (3) One gets the impression that those who remained in Bethlehem fared reasonably well during the famine; certainly better than Naomi and her family did. In the past, Naomi was always portrayed in a somewhat flattering way. The New Covenant promises that God will write the law on the hearts of those He has chosen for salvation, whether Jew or Gentile. Who even remembers her name? Elimelech was Naomi's husband. But here is where the similarity ends. 2 These women invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods; then the people ate and bowed down to their gods. When the story opens, Naomis sons have just died. WebRuth 1:3. Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. They arrived, in fact, just in time for the barley harvest. 16 The expression, the Sovereign One (rendered the Almighty by most translations) is the term Shaddai. 5 Then Naomis two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, also died. And one of these two Ruth is a Moabite, not an Israelite. Abraham put the seed at risk when he represented his wife Sarah as his sister, and she ended up (temporarily) in Pharaohs29 (and later Abimelechs)30 harem. 12 For all who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. EphrathitesThe ancient name of Beth-lehem was Ephrath (Ge 35:19; 48:7), which was continued after the occupation of the land by the Hebrews, even down to the time of the prophet Micah (Mic 5:2). 15 They show that the work of the law is written in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or else defend them, 16 on the day when God will judge the secrets of human hearts, according to my gospel through Christ Jesus (Romans 2:12-16, emphasis mine). JETHRO (Heb. Fearing they would be overrun by the Israelites, Balak (king of Moab)4 hired Balaam to curse Israel. Who would carry on his line? SIDON (also Zidon ; Heb. 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