How Woke Coke (and Others) Cash in on Social Justice, Khazarian Cabal stealthily using Poland to start World War III, Another major wave of airstrikes reported in Ukraine. They also want to take part in the battle of light against darkness. Pingback: Russia Fires S300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles at Israeli Jets Over Syria | Don't Speak News, Veterans Today has two long articles on this topic. Lets hope that with continuing flow of soldiers from around the world and maybe those Polis Migs and maybe other east european Migs/ Or maybe some arab countrry will donate its planes (I dont see this one happening). Brazil sinks asbestos-laden warship in Atlantic despite fears of incalculable damage, Californias Cultural Marxist Governor Goes Off The Rails, Secret Chinese Police Station In NYC Closed After FBI Raid, The Proposal is a Dystopian Nightmare Australian Senator Drops Truth Bomb on WHOs Dictator-Style Power Grab Pandemic Treaty (VIDEO). Khazarian Cabal executing multiple black ops while running rep-killing psyops to make sure Biden pulls out of 2024 race. Also if you think about it, its a good tactical move. Whistleblower! Mother WEFFER and Closet Communist Justin Trudeau humiliated EU Parliament by three anti-dictator MEPs (Video), Whistleblower Video Confirms Chicago Housing Authority is Leaving Homeless Americans on the Streets in Favor of Illegal Aliens, World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel (VIDEO), HARD PROOF that Zelenskys Zio-Nazi regime was installed by the. Why is Corporate America frequently appointing Indian-American CEOs to head Big Media & Big Tech companies in big trouble with the US Congress? Rep. Matt Gaetz just made the BIGGEST mistake of his life. Retweet. Meanwhile, Israels intelligence services are cooperating very closely with Ukraine, a senior aide to President Zelensky revealed. Rabid Russophobe and Zionist Warmonger Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki Goes Off The RailsFULL BORE!!! If theres any question about who Kevin McCarthys real masters are. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Government sent deadlier covid vaccines to red states to depopulate conservatives. HARD PROOF CONFIRMS BIDEN STOLE 2020 POTUS ELECTION, This picture proves the House has been taken over by traitorous RINO cowards conniving. US declares their main enemy in Ukraine an transnational criminal organization Figures. Russia Issues Urgent Nuclear War Warning as Doomsday Clock Moves Closest Ever to Midnight, Prompting WHO to Urge Countries to Stockpile Medicines for Nuclear Emergencies, Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizers Director of R&D, Strategic Operations: Only seeing and hearing such a calculating and cold-blooded corporate cultural marxist is believing! also has a an abundance of articles on the ties between zionism, kabbala and satanism..lots of ugly truth if one really desire to walk in the Spirit of Truth. Not with the evil Russians who want to take more and more of what doesnt belong to them. Listen to this no-nonsense truth-speaker expose the entire globalist EV fraud (Video), BIG NEWS: CDC, FDA Flag Early Signal of Stroke Risk With Bivalent COVID Vaccine, NWO Geoengineers Freezing Siberia With Withering Weather Warfare, Really, CDC says its investigating possible link between Pfizers Covid booster and strokes among seniors over age of 65. Every time they cut off one head, 10 more appear. It will be a difficult read is youve been programmed by the John Hagees of the world. It doesnt get more corrupt than the Newsom, Inc. crime syndicate. Zionism, kabahbala, talmudic all the same thing for satanism and rum by the Sabateans and Chabad. (Video). Thank you again and God bless! Retweeted. Was The Barely-Watched Golden Globes Deliberately Set Up As A Hollywood COVID Super-Spreader Event? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Tucker Carlson (Video). I wish that several ex-SEAL teams from the US would show up. Are we close to becoming a cashless society? School Searched 6-Year-Olds Backpack Before He Shot Teacher, Youth are slowly replacing God with Satan in some Western nations, Vaccine-induced strokes and heart attacks skyrocketing so high More than 15m patients will be offered life-saving statins under new NHS guidance, COVER UP: Lawyers Found More Classified Documents in Bidens Private Library Than Previously Known. The COVID-19 Vaccine Holocaust Now Confirmed By VAERS 2022 Year-End Data, A dire warning to every Covid-vaccinated person, COINCIDENCE now the leading cause of death in the world today, Ex-French soldier who witnessed the Bucha war crimes committed against civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine survives assassination attempt by Kiev, requests asylum in Russia, ALL U.S. HUGE Fleet spotted in SKY! The first Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine to fight on the side of Ukraine against Russian aggression. What is the US Gas Stove Ban REALLY about? J6 Defendant Dominic Pezzola STILL HAS NOT SEEN HIS DISCOVERY THREE DAYS INTO TRIAL!! TRULY SCANDALOUS! WebSaturday shalom! God will be with us. Who knew that super-angry assh*le Al Gore was full of this much ragebecause so many real scientists utterly demolished his fake CO2-driven climate change narrative.?!?!?! Guess whos running the House during the Speakership election chaos by purposeful design?! They will be really surprised how different war is when you can be attacked by helicopters and jet fighters and artillery as opposed to fighting civilians in Palestine or Lebanon. Now we see how Bill Gates was so qualified to lead the Covid response globally. WOW! with their treasonous Democrat co-conspirators to forever destroy the American Republic. FAA Temporarily Grounds All US Flight Departures Amid Nationwide System Failure, Mother Blames Covid Vaccine and Government After Son Develops Blood Clots in His Brain 9 Days Following Vaccine Son Now Has More Clots and a Damaged Heart, NEW: House Republicans Vote to Create New Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats! NWO Weather Warriors Target California Again to Further Terrorize Residents into Societal Paralysis, These are the real crazy woke professors being enabled by the, STAINLESS STEAL exposes the collapse of the neoliberal hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization model, WWIII Gauntlet has been dropped and few seem to give a damn, Swiss residents are now thrown out of their apartments and replaced by Ukrainian refugees, Idaho bill would criminalize giving mRNA vaccines the tech used in popular COVID vaccines, Just In: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status, AI Censors Go Full Bore Censoring Conservative Podcasts, Leftists Furious As Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto SNL (Video), The US/NATO War Against Russia: A REALITY CHECK. Kan 0 replies 0 retweets 16 likes., You will get triple pay for the time you take vacation in Ukraina too . In parallel to the unique training program, Israels intelligence arms are reportedly also helping Ukraine to counter Moscows invasion. Patreon is gone so we have PayPal and Cash App left to us below. (VIDEO), Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words just before what appears to be collapse on screen. WOW!!! Is the Criminalization of Heterosexuality on the Agenda or Just the Denial of Equal Rights? BOMBSHELL docs reveal intentional Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the very top (Video), President Of Mexico Basically Thanks Biden For Putting America Last On Live TV (Video), ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System: Our Facilities Are Figuratively on Fire (Video), Watch this remarkably treacherous word merchant spin his fake Covid vaccine narrative. Communist-controlled Democrat Party has created a conducive environment for these terrible crimes against our teachers. In fact the Khazars fought wars against the Russians beginning back in 965AD so to see the Israelis sending forces and arms to Ukraine to fight Russia doesnt surprise me. She recorded her last meeting with the Principal Investigator of the trial. US Tells Any Remaining Americans To Get Out Of Russia Or Face Possible Conscription. Grigory Fibobrov, who served in the prestigious Golani infantry brigade, enlisted in one of the combat units of the Ukrainian army seven years ago. (Video), Inside Pfizer and AstraZenecas UKRAINIAN BIOLAB! This was announced on March 4 in his Telegram channel by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the EU faction Oleksiy Goncharenko. These are the courageous House conservatives who voted against McCarthy, and who are willing to take on the Khazarian Cabal. Whats Going On? Ask your doctor WTF they injected into you. SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary,, Nasty, Tyrannical, Foul-Mouthed Lori Lightfoot Finally Concedes in Mayoral Race After a Third Place Finish in First Round of Voting, Its Time Take Back The Country From These Communists, Fight, Fight, Fight (Video), Special Online Symposium held to discuss the pharmaceutical crime of the millennium, Rep. Paul Gosar Reintroduces Federal Death Penalty Legislation to Combat the Fentanyl Crisis (Read the bill below), SARS-CoV-2: Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman respond to Cole, McCullough and Malone (Video), Woody Harrelsons Epic Monologue Exposes Big Pharmas Covid Injection Genocide During Prime Time (Video), WATCH!!! Do folks understand just how HUGE this vote to ban all Covid vaccines in Florida really is?!?!?! As if House conservatives can believe McCarthy will make a single concession in good faith. Donald Trump has not only irreversibly disqualified himself to run for POTUS.. CRASHES AND BURNS WITH BROOM STCK ON FIRE, Indian-American Attorney Lays Bare the MOST DANGEROUS Khazarian Conspiracy to Collapse the American Republic. How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth. If you eat meat, poultry or dairy products, you had better read this today!!! Amazing fighters the IsraelisPutin better start shaking. The team is fully made up of volunteers who entered Ukraine posing as rescue workers, the report said. Economic Forum Partner Behind Sudden Push to Ban Gas Stoves, DEMONS IN OUR MIDST: Jerry Nadler Argues Taking Babies to Hospital who Survive Abortions to Save Them Endangers the Baby, Not A Joke- Republican Congressman Wants To Put A Bust Of Volodymyr Zelenskyy In The US Capitol, WATCH: AZ State Representative Alexander Kolodin Tells Katie Hobbs And Democrats To Pound Sand! Something wicked this way comes (and by something, I mean mRNA immune system dysregulation). These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world. LORI LIGHTFOOT ALERT! U.S. Military Establishment Brazenly Admits That Ukrainians Are Nothing But Cannon Fodder for Zio-Anglo-American Proxy War, Dont Let Balloons Distract You from the Global Economic Collapse. A Real Shot Texas AG Sues To Stop $1.7 Trillion Bill Implementation On Constitutional Quorum Grounds, REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One of Globalist World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwabs Young Global Leaders, Now China and Germany Join Russia and Demand an Investigation Into Bidens Connections with Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage, Klaus Schwab Calls For Global Government To Master AI Technologies (video), Really, how the f*ck did these Stanford faculty members get so rich as to guarantee that size of a bail?, A Romanian Senator Says What No Other Elected Representative Has Said Before In Public (Videos), Clotshots have HUGE consequences! The ONLY reason McCarthy is willing to undergo so many humiliating votes is that the. Heres just one BIG piece of the US Government-Corporate America collusion puzzle that defines the burgeoning Tyrannical Technocracy, Will McCarthy Deliver on Commitments to his Twenty Opponents, The Complete List of the Key Concessions Made by McCarthy is Shocking Because of What it is Missing, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum (Video), Rabbi Antelman covers the connections between the Frankists, Illuminati, Jacobins & Ashkenazi Jewry (Video), Outrageous but unsurprising: Canadian judge tosses case against guards who killed a woman for not wearing a mask. A senior defense source told Yediot that Israels defense establishment is aware of the venture and is turning a blind eye to it. Jesus Christ call them the children of the devil. A Stone-cold California RINO, Cultural Marxist, Closet Communist, NWO Globalist & WEF Crazy is elected Speaker of the HouseWOW!!! already runs the global Covid vaccination programs worldwide. Monthly Support Option:, PayPal Link:, Hal Turner , has been pretty much on point with everything . The last time the FAA was down like this was on 9/11. (video), East-Oregon Movement To Secede And Create Greater Idaho Picks Up Steam. If you watched the Rubicon TV series, you know that all of these Horrifying Head-On Train Crashes are engineered by the globalists to coerce compliance with their NWO agenda. They have already provided basic training to hundreds of locals and taught more advanced combat techniques to 100-200 Ukrainian fighters. having HUGE problems pulling off their color revolution in Peru! (AUDIO), A treasonous and treacherous RINO has the audacity to accost a fellow GOP congressman at the Capitol just before the SOTU. Massive prisons like this throughout Central and South America are actually training facilities for tomorrows revolutionaries who are prepped to first invade the U.S. southern border as illegal aliens and then form terrorist cells strategically planted in sanctuary cities as the future insurgents in the planned American bolshevik revolution. Liberalism has become a very serious Mental Disorder! We already know that our Government spies on us, lies to us, steals from us, rigs our elections & censors our speech. Watch: Mitt Romney Stands and Claps with Democrats During Bidens SOTU Dumpster Fire (VIDEO), General Flynn: Vice President Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP ALL OF THESE Trips Need to be Investigated! Report alleges grim scale of child abuse by clergy in Portugal, In Case You Missed It: Images of Little Devils Spotted At Super Bowl Pre-Game Show. British MSM already blaming Brazils massive protest of Lulus naked election theft on, you said itAmerican Trumpsters! as much as you're right I feel like Putin's gunna do what he can to keep this away from the Russian public whether he's successful or not is a different matter, Beat me to the trigger on that one. Guess whos closely watching the McCarthy meltdown?! C.I.A. When an ultra-liberal Democrat mayor fights with a super-progressive NWO globalist in the White House!!! These cookies do not store any personal information. No such thing as a Palestinian civilian they are all brainwashed from birth to hate Jews & pick up weapons to carry out acts of terrorism against Jews & Israel. Did you told them that will fight alongside with Azov Nazi fascists? Under the title In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit, the Jewish News Agency JTA confirms that soldiers from the IDF were Now you know this is a classic Khazarian takedown! Baruch Hachem. Deadlocked House begins ninth vote for speaker following another McCarthy loss. 16 000 foreign troops deployed to Ukraine sounds great! Folks, every resident connected to a municipal water supply needs to know about this database. Her issues were omitted from Modernas submission to the FDA. it would still be impossible to figure out whats really going on, which is a moxie-ironic statement. HEADS UP!!! Ted Cruz Lays Out The BRUTAL Truth On Bidens Marxist, Pro-Censorship FCC Nominee During Hearing (Video), HOLY MOLY! The Zionists are responsible for every war on this planet. Facebook shuts down priests account in a naked attempt to end defense of Jerusalems Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israeli raids, Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in the meat grinder of Soledar. Russia is fighting a hydra. This was Russia Installing PANTSIR-S Air Defenses on Roofs of MoD and Govt Buildings in Moscow (Photos), Fukushima Radioactivity Powered The Strange Storms That Bashed California, Karine Jean-Pierre Delivers Word Salad When Asked Why Biden Said He Has No Regrets About Hiding Stolen Classified Documents in His Garage (VIDEO), UPDATE: More Details On The Operation Led By Gay Activist Couple Who Sexually Abused Their Adopted Sons (Warning On Content), Rep. Swalwell Accuses Speaker McCarthy Of Political Vengeance Over Planned Committee Removal, Another Major Bank Experiencing Serious IT Disruptions (Video), Celebrities Paid to Endorse Pfizer Booster: Martha Stewart, Pink, Michael Phelps, and More! (video). mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now. Just as Israel drove us into all the wars of this century with the false-flag attacks on 9/11, they will draw us into a war with Russia that has every chance of turning nuclear. Theyre not. German Bundestag legislator drops HUGE truth bombs, peers openly gasped in horror (Video), NEWSFLASH! About time. THIRD Hunter Biden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered Classified WH Conference Call Shared with Hunters Ukrainian Business Partners And SEVERAL More Are Coming, See How European Cultural Marxists Are Completely Destroying Amateur and Professional Sports (Video), VIDEO: Saturday Morning Leopard Tanks and Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles Already entering Poland. THE MOST FRIGHTENING PHOTO OF 2023FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Israeli Combat Veterans Join Ukrainian Defense Forces. (Video), MTG Totally Trashes Former Twit Execs Especially Yoel Roth Who Permitted Child Porn All Over Twitter (Video), Russia Warns Of Consequences For Entire World If UK Sends Jets To Ukraine, GET READY FOR ANOTHER HUGE EARTHQUAKE! Let israel support those innocent people.God will pay back. Truth-Telling Scholar Physician Goes Full Bore, How does anyone conceal a $32 billion portfolio unless they were allowed to?! Total chaos is needed for these heinous crime against humanity to be legalized! Huge is relative. Govt. More Khazarian-directed energy terrorism as a prelude to their long-planned WW3, World Economic Forum childishly reacts to Musk insult, New French Study Confirms Elevated Risk of Heart Inflammation with Covid Boosters, This is what a sniveling politician sounds like when theyre way behind in the polls for their upcoming election. And its only gonna much worse before it ever gets better. Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Associated With Heart Inflammation, ANOTHER ARKANCIDE!!! Google Calls in Help From Larry Page and Sergey Brin for A.I. SE NON AGIAMO SUBITO DOMANI SAR TROPPO TARDI? This is how utterly devastating Khazarian-directed cultural marxism has become for the American family. Zelenskys aides dont know when to outright lie, when to cunningly mislead and when to brazenly deceive. This very smart Patriot just may be our next President if Biden doesnt outright steal another POTUS election! Tags: Israeli An You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. What kind of cargo is really being transported by Ukraines so-called grain ships? When is the FBI Going to Raid the Many Homes of Joe Biden?, HUGE: Lead Author of Peer-Reviewed Research Re-Examining Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccine Trials Calls for Immediate Suspension Due to Serious Adverse Events (VIDEO), Left Coast States Taken Over By Socially Violent Cultural Marxists. Says Dems Who Dont Want To Secure Elections Will Find No Worse Enemy, Adam Schiff Sure Seems Worried About The New House Committee On The Weaponization Of Government, Heres how the implosion of the American Republic was deliberately planned to occur. Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine. UNBELIEVABLY HEARTBREAKING J6 VIDEO! Oslo. Israeli Intelligence, Ex-Special Forces Helping Ukraine. What do you think of the Azov Regiment in the Ukrainian army? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Its TOO LATE for NATO to win the war against Russia heres why, Law professional exposes US bioweapon marketed as Covid vaccine and the legal framework they use (Video), U.S. DOD and other Governments around the world Conspired to Genocide the population Insurance Industry Attorney (Video), Pharma investigator exposes how US Intelligence and Military forced COVID-19 bioweapon on the world (Video), Australian Satanist Deathbed Confession Upper Intelligence Agencies creating a Satanic theocracy (Video), The Extraordinary Cost Of Ignorant Expert Policy Makers During COVID Is Still Adding Up, Rihanna Justifiably Savaged For Her Satanic and Scurrilous Super Bowl Performance, Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Twitter for permanently suspending her account while allowing child pornography, Boston Childrens Hospital is now offering gender affirming hysterectomies for young girls (Video), ACT OF WAR: The U.S. military blew up Nord Stream pipelines, plunging western allies into energy collapse in effort to harm Russia, Those crazy conspiracy theorists.. (video), If they are willing to poison the chickens to stop them from laying eggs, they are likely poisoning the HUMAN food supply to stop us from having children, Go Woke, Get Broken: ChatGPT Tricked Out Of Far-Left Bias By Alter Ego DAN, American CCPConstant Censorship Programs, The Great Flying Objects Psyop of 2023: DISTRACTION ~ DISTRACTION ~ DISTRACTION, The Global Tide Is Turning: Justice Sought in Two Legal Cases Against Pfizer and Swiss President. I would be shocked if countries like Finland, the Baltic republics, Poland, etc aren't sending "volunteers". The Odessa Journal is a communication platform covering culture, economy and historical amenities in Odessa (Ukraine). Khazarian Cabal determined to open up a two-front World War III just like WW2. This is Lawlessness! Veterans of Israeli special forces units are intensively training Ukrainians to fight against the Russian army. (Video), Mexican President Lights the Internet on Fire By Sharing Photo of a Creature He Says is a Mystical Elf Sitting in a Tree, Sacramentos Main Criminal Couple Brings California Corruption To New Lows, How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West And Became The Hidden Hand Or The Deep State. More Classified Documents Found At Bidens Delaware Home, Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize Strike Force To Involuntarily Detain Unvaccinated Families. Zelenskiy has said several times that Ukraine welcomes foreigners who want to join Ukrainian forces fighting Russian troops since their invasion began on February 24. Ukraine War Poses Existential Threat To Survival Of The Russian People: Putin, The Feds Biggest Fear Is Complete Economic Collapse You Aint Seen Nothing Yet, The SARS-CoV-2 Psyop Collapses in Real Time; Director of National Intelligence Knowingly Misled (Video), TRUMPS WALL AND THE $25 BILLION SINALOA DRUG CARTEL (Video). (Video), This Is Disgusting: Ohio Senator Finds Toxic Chemicals In East Palestine Water (Video), A Shift Toward Statism: The US Establishment Doesnt Want Domestic Chaos Anymore Because Theyre In Control. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Their ties go way back to the days of the Khazarian empire and the 8th century AD. WebVeterans of Israeli Special Forces have arrived in Ukraine to fight against Russia. TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons. That Israels defense establishment is aware of the Azov Regiment in the battle of light against darkness naked... Trouble with the evil Russians who want to take on the Agenda just. Analyze and understand how you use this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through website... 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Lisa Desjardins Illness, Articles I