"Guess you ain't such hot stuff without that Ring.". ", "Ah yes sir," he managed despite his treatment. Which was personally disappointing, since I did enjoy that part of the story. John Stewart was ex-military, and knew that was impossible. Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. No matter where or when he was. Or, Tim, Kon and Bart probably should have thought of their vacation planning needs before they got themselves banned from pretty much every square inch of the globe. Injustice for All Part 5 When he woke up, he was missing most of his memories and identity. Not just for all the usual practical reasons to help maintain his authority, or to avoid any nuisances he could not justify killing yet, but to also slip away and privately check on any concerns whenever necessary. Chaos ensues. The guards held their position and opened fire, but Savage raced aboard, and the hatch locked shut. . Only a few turrets missing. Showing no sign of offense, Blackhawk continued. "These men needed medical attention. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. You don't want to get in the way of your son's education, do you, B? "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. Good thing too, as Jonn had barely had time to yell what that scary looking portal would do before they were all throwing themselves into it. Well, well, this was definitely turning out to be a most fascinating conversation. This was it. Now she is a teenager who always wanted a brother, and won't let superman ignore superboy after hearing Tsunade gets reincarnated in the Young Justice universe. Now, you might imagine that after correcting history just right so there would be no temporal paradoxes, getting back home to their proper timeline would be a major challenge for the Justice League. Something he could . Then the boats had landed, with British, Canadian, and American troops making their landing, successfully liberating territory with greater ease than anticipated. Again, I am late, but better late then never. J'onn and John had fought in them, as had Superman to some extent, Diana had trained for it, and even Shayera apparently came from a warlike place. Honestly, I did originally have plans for him, but for the sake of brevity I compressed three episodes into two chapters, so that subplot had to go. . Hawkgirl stared at him for a moment, feeling her emotions bubbling up, before she hardened herself even as he shouted, Go!. I edited this chapter and the last using an eaten apple. A shudder went through the jets, and he could feel the sensation of them accelerating rapidly. He made no comment about todays event. Savage's mounted an air-born invasion. Actually it was super easy, barely an inconvenience! As for the scene itself, it is clearly from the alternate future when they appeared within that military base. As that alternate version of Batman had warned them, D-Day was turning into a full-fledged rout. An explosion answered her, as three more of the super-tanks appeared, firing their artillery. He almost regretted the necessity of killing them to guarantee the latter. 10. Lantern! she yelled, reaching out with a desperate hand for him. A number that holds infinite possibilities and o Batfam x Batsis Reader Harry Potter AU Most of all, this mysterious person had penetrated every level of security to arrive here. In a concealed Resistance base, Wonder Woman watched the two men with her. In many ways he was the Heart of the team. was it the Korean War? Browse; Paid Stories . For some reason Hawkgirl was carrying Green Lantern, who while in uniform, seemed to have let his Ring run out of power. Beardy was actually Wildman, and for reasons John did not want to know, the last and youngest was named Ice Cream Soldier. It was true what they said about knowledge being power after all. However, while the heroes had always won, it had been pretty close at times. US Marine Corps, he emphasized to make sure they understood he was one of them. Regardless, even if this was not that Savage, he was certainly a Savage. Blackbeard ", "Imbecile!" "We're already working on that.". Green Lantern, he weakly said. With the soldiers cheering below, the lead pilot gave him and Hawkgirl a proud thumbs up before flying off. Something shifted in the air, and he retreated into the shadows. Something he could not guarantee he and the others were prepared enough for. He had seen Zoro dismember the man, and Savage was still alive as Fuhrer decades from now. They should have had no warning at this distance, had no reason to look up with all this cloud cover at night, and according to his latest reports were not even supposed to be on this course! Is the Batman even real? After being impriso After the wars, after all the people she lost, Percy was tired. as well as Savage had definitely been intending to show the laptop from the start. Carefully they edged forward, and beheld line after line of hard-faced, Nazi soldiers lined up, all carrying machine guns and wearing parachutes. Only he could not shake that feeling. Does it say where theyre going to land? said Steve earnestly. For all her skill and strength, she had been helplessly outclassed. . While undamaged, it took Superman by surprise as he was thrown aside. "Batman, it's really you!". She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. The main focus of it all was some sort of extremely strange hole in the center of the main room. Although you really might have trouble taking us seriously., Oh, commented Superman, and there was something in his voice Batman could not place, I dont think that will be a problem.. "You're not going to believe what we've been through," said Hawkgirl. She went to join him to see if he had any news, just as Flash darted up to rejoin them at last. Breaking off a pipe, he started swinging it to burst others, tear out wires, and whatever else looked vulnerable enough to make it crash. For all that Superman believed in trying his best to save every single life, during war . Unlike others, he did believe there were still heroes in war, except he also knew the whole concept was a horrible thing. Im just here to update the computer systems with a newly designed software program.. Something his gut agreed with. Yet acting unfamiliar to a key piece of Nazi doctrine? Engines ignited on cue, and the massive aircraft began to advance, with the remaining Nazi soldiers running out of the way, and the car crushed underneath. Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. Looking up he saw Hawkgirl swooping down to help, only to miss another jet coming about. Once their sense of horror and despair reached the boiling point, stirred on by his agents, he would unleash a crippling blow to them for good. The whole thing was impervious to even Superman, including the transparent bubbles the gunners sat in. The Justice League is hosting a "Bring your kid to work" day, but no one told Batman. As much as he enjoyed the opportunity to lay out his greatness, it was still best to keep some secrets. He would not falter from his convictions. Indeed, their first time together had been to fight the Imperium when they had invaded, which had ended with the aliens extermination. left kudos on this work! (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). "Haa~ It'd be like a mini vacation, we can just stay in and sleep," Marinette smiled at the thought. Even as he said it though, despite the distance, Johns sharp sniper eyes noted there was something strangely familiar about this Fuhrer Savage the others had told him about. Of more interest was how the bottom part was left blank, except for a message in language he could not recognize carved into it. . After an eternity it was over, and he hunched forward on his hands again, the stench of something burning stinging his nose. A glance at his monitors confirmed they had pulled well ahead of the green man, and the other meddlers. I wonder . . Its a warning, stated Martian Manhunter. Superman and Wonder Woman were particularly beaming, with the former quickly walking over. Yes, answered Batman, hiding his growing wariness. "I still can't believe you left him behind!" I see someones excited, Diana teased Barry. Are we prepared to deal with them?". Only that strange sense of familiarity was back, but it was not because of his familiarity with tyrants. . Without looking away from them, she said Great, even as she hefted her grenade launcher at an officer. Killing the Nazi leadership should help stall things, and this was their final chance. This is a harry potter/batfamily crossover and is set in the summer Harry's 5th year. He had not even realized how serious it was until he emerged at the doorway, and directed them all inside. The casualties would've been much worse if we'd stopped to help John. Their only real concern was whether there were any further surprises. That should be enough to handle the rest of the little details. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Some opening up into more enjoyable locations than others. More importantly, he retained a personal lab within the veritable fortress which lay down below Martian Manhunter. "Vive la libert!" Like a black hole. He had not been part of the fight against the Straw Hats, trying to discover what he could from the lab and scientists, yet he had seen the results. It was safe to do so here, on Blackhawk Island, the home base of their new allies. Or would that cause a time paradox? Parrying bullets with the shaft of her mace, she spun to the side and came up to knock the tail off of one plane. Otherwise, what was the point of them? Smaller bursts of fire and destruction could be seen upon another, and his own vessel began to shake. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. Well, you get the idea, he continued to smile. Speaking of which, each of the four men wore the same uniform, yet once again they were distinctly non-military. . . Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. Carrying two injured men, Hawkgirl soared to get a better angle to try and find Green Lantern, and saw him carrying a third. Y/N al Ghul is the Batman of the year 2050. Even if the man had benefited from Cherry Blossom Medicals products, it was a simple fact that his Kryptonian healing was superior. Next thing she knows, a miracle happens! why? Welcome to Easy Company, soldier.. It was about army doctors during the . ?, Regardless of his nervousness, General Hoffman answered, "We've just learnt one of our coded communicators is missing. With one irritating exception. Sound familiar at all? "Ah, sorry, it's just that . Without a word, Vandal fired his gauntlet, and shocked the figure into unconsciousness. "This hill isn't even on it. A flashbang launcher certainly fit the role of a police officer, even if some cosmetic changes to make it look less militant would be necessary. And more are coming. However she trusted her superiors to treat such knowledge with the care it deserved. They werent invented until after the war! So she returned home to her mother's apar [ how do you know so much about criminals? ] The Waynes star in their very own reality TV show! "I'll never betray them," swore Martian Manhunter. The grenade went off, but thankfully it rolled far enough away to be safe. A war-cry full of anger and defiance as a mace smashed through the glass. 7. cried their leader as the four fighter-bombers dealt with the last of their wounded prey. Some kind of secret weapon? Nor could it remain private, as he would have to share this with his teammates. Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. That is right! But not at Vandal. As John had wagered, given his own past experiences. Or was it calculated like so much else of the mans theatrics? Martian Manhunter was still giving his debrief to the others, when Blackhawks plane came down to land. . Hmm, no sign of an accent to his impeccable German. Unity . He's headed for America!". In fact, hes never even mentioned it at all at any time, With no due dates and assignments and coffee fueled mornings? I will go inform him now, since you didnt care to.. In fact, hes never even mentioned it at all at any time. And we couldve still done better. They came through some clouds, and down below he saw the impossible. Please consider turning it on! 6. "Heavy matter, explained Jonn. Not him though. Except Flash was the type of man who believed in saving everyone, every time. The young heroes rushed ahead, chatting amongst themselves. As well as that the final bit about how easily the heroes dealt with the time travel was from Ryan George on the YouTube channel "Screen Rant." Literally, since in the end they had been forced to tip over the wheel tank. "What've we here?" ", "Guess you could call me that," he allowed. The build, how they had moved, something unpleasant in his gut was noting how strangely similar they were. Putting his hands to his chest, Youre welcome to try.. Tim groaned, dropping face first onto the bed, "Yesh," he said, voice muffled in the sheets. This chapter is an AU of a DCAU episode by the same name.Two and a half episodes actually, which we are cramming into here a bit . "Hawka!" And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? . . Fist raised, the other man tried to capitalize on this, only to be put off balance as the damage to the instruments was putting them into a steep dive towards the ocean below. Mein Fuhrer! ? he said in shock at the figure before him. Unfortunately his happy thoughts were interrupted as someone ran into the war room. Casualties that were already terrible before he had run off searching in vain. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. "Got to warn the good guys!" After a few more blows, the space cop gave another fist to the gut to make Bulldozer bend over and finished it with a blow to the back of the neck. Wonder Woman tore through the upper-part of the tail, and dived down to throw her lasso around one of the turrets and wrenched it out of its socket. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ." Except Shining Knight had been so outclassed, maybe Zoro had not thought whatever he used was necessary? "In this family, we're in denial about many things simultaneously", Steph proclaims wisely, "this is pretty standard for us", "Everyone, stop giving Tim a hard time", Bruce orders, "it's up to him whether or not he acknowledges it. Superman's scars are permanent! Well have to move up the invasion! Without another word, Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkgirl flew into the fight, leaving the other three behind to work out the bigger picture. damian wayne x fem!original character Most likely to die. Andr's from France, Hendrickson from Holland, Olaf comes from Norway, and I'm Blackhawk, from Poland.". "We'll cover you. "I can still stop the invasion.". An island near France which was apparently somehow virtually unknown could be invaluable to the Justice League. Except there were no simple answers here. Suddenly more planes began exploding as friendly reinforcements arrived. Truthfully though, there had not been too much for him to do there. "Yeah," said Sergeant Rock with a touch of frustration. From what I overheard the scientists say, we only have forty-eight hours until the portal collapses, and lose any chance to change things. 20. Through the viewport, Vandal saw yet another of his trump cards explode. Since he had already known the precise date of their invasion, the day before he had actually withdrawn as many of his defenders upon the beaches as he could manage without drawing suspicion. Vandal Savage disappeared beneath the waves aboard his metal deathtrap, and sank without a trace. (Ash will absolutely not do that at least, shes not stupid, the gangs are basically training dummies for Robins. Be ready. You age gracefully, said the green man with a touch of surprise. With some effort he forced himself up so he was on his hands and knees. What are their powers?". "Wouldn't be the first time.". Barry laughed. started december 2022 Plus she may have been referring to the sheer size and obvious sophistication of it. With a line of those massive, wheeled tanks rolling aboard them, each of the multi-story high vehicles utterly dwarfed by their new mothership.. Green Lantern did not want to have to deal with this. When he seized his foothold in America, crippling the new world, they would never be able to stop what he had begun. Higher caliber than the rest, heard even over the constant machine gun fire from both sides, and with a cry Wildman went down. Those destined to lead the world., Ah, so his guest had a wit, despite his circumstances. The soldiers . "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. Its the big man himself, said John grimly. And had seen some strange things in his life. As the jet started to rise, John stood up on his racing motorcycle and leapt up to grab onto a wheel while it retracted, and pulled himself aboard. What if Damian actually had a twin? The Allies were being forced to surrender all the territory they had liberated, and flee back to the beaches as fast as they could travel. Realistically it was impossible to evacuate everyone from France. I . as well as The Allies had been pushed back to the beaches, and were boarding boats to safety as fast as possible. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. With a grimace, Wonder Woman nodded. He walked forward, a part of him wishing Superman was here. What any of us would want if we were in his position., The speedster opened his mouth to say something, yet he was not done. Im not from the future, he corrected, walking over to where he had left his precious laptop out earlier. He crushed the message in his hand, and threw it aside. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. For all the harm they had done, they had also been the ones to help open her eyes to how things in Mans World were not as black and white as she would like to believe. Whoever left from our time could have gotten here months ago. A guy in a red suit yelling at you and pointing to the exit should be universal. Carrying it was a little awkward, but she made due for now. . With a salute, the man left to do so. Crackling with swirling energy, and unsettling on a level he could not put into words. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug. "Wildman, d'you think you can put a grenade into that rat hole? Even if in the water, there was a chance some of the thousands of troops aboard each of them might survive. Professionally she pushed her dread aside, and flew closer to see what she could do to help. After that, Flash had changed the channel, not being in the mood for such a downer after a long day. 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