At the next meeting he reported a renewed campaign from objectors. Williams]. What rankles with the Bensteds Trustees is this: KCC sold a chunk of the land to themselves in a rising market at a rate of 45,112 a hectare. "I started canvassing in February and I haven't stopped since. Best . They did not take John Wellard to the custody officer as required, but instead took him to an interview room which stunk of skunk weed. The Alexander Centres Gatefield Hall hosts everything from weddings . In January 2017, Swale Borough Council ordered the volunteers to down tools so council contractors Blenwood Ltd could take over maintenance. Kent county council used the site as an old peoples home for 200 residents, as well as a hospital and ambulance station administered by the Canterbury and Thanet Health Authority. "@ZacGoldsmith Thank you for replying. Mike Cosgrove - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Councillor Mark Dance - Councillor on Kent County Council, based in Whitstable (Tory) Cindy Davis - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Tom Gates - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory) Councillor Ben J Martin - current Faversham Town Councillor (Liberal Democrat) Member of the He has also been a It spent Swale money building the unpopular erection on Swale-owned land. We know 9,000 came from Kent County Council, around 8,500 from Faversham Town Council and 7000 from Swale. But it turned out the NHS didnt own the garden either. We must not let this continue.. cases, Royal Holloway, After five years of dispute, the Charity Commission sealed a new trust deed, in May 1989. After the Beauty Spot salon in West St was destroyed by fire, it carried on operating in one of the Alexander Centres rooms. Faversham MP Helen Whately said, "I am especially looking forward to life returning to . This As the row became even more bitter, KCC suggested that Swale Borough should run the charity. Mike represents many of PCIA's largest professional firms. Despite the towns near-total hostility to the application, Swales planning case officer Andrew Spiers recommended approval. potential service anti-poverty strategy; Instead, the centerpiece of the new memorial garden would be a giant, grey vertical monolith. In This fuzzy, informal, unofficial status meant Cosgroves war memorial committee could remain largely exempt from scrutiny while still enjoying council funding, support staff and the use of council premises. of Voluntary Child Care Volunteers complained the plans were shrouded in secrecy as Swale referred their queries to Cosgrove, who failed to answer them. As well as cash, Cosgroves team needed what they termed community buy-in. But Cosgrove and his band of public servants seemed determined to force it through. Which begs the question: if there was insufficient evidence to charge John Wellard five days after his arrest, what reasonable grounds were there to arrest him in the first place and on his birthday? by RT @PaulOnPolitics: Conservative MP Helen Whatley has been reselected as prospective candidate for Faversham and Mid Kent, seat she has held since 2015. Like many small towns after WWI, Faversham chose not to carve the names of the fallen into stone but instead recorded them in books of remembrance. seminars: best According to Swale, its councillors were all involved in personal capacity. Faversham Politics Bess. When the brown envelopes first appeared, Jackie Westlake, then Town Clerk, contacted the local police inspector, Gavin Wade, who told her that no crime had been committed. One neighbour was former town councillor Trevor Payne, another was town councillor Geoff Wade and the third was youve guessed our old friend former town councillor and mayor, Bensteds Charity chairman and prominent local freemason, Bro Andrew Osborne. This place is famous for its great service and friendly staff, that is always ready to help you. Below are some of the organisations The plan was first submitted to the Local Plan forum of the . Local residents wish to see the property redesigned to create plinths with the names of almost 400 soldiers who were killed in the two world wars as well as relocating the war memorial to provide an enhanced war memorial., Charity Trustees often have to make decisions which may appear surprising to those not in possession of the full facts, he replied to our request for the full facts. In 1948, the Poor Laws were finally abolished. Manchester City Council ACPC, 2000. Asked by Jackie Westlake if she has seen the Daily Mail story, Emma says: I didn't think it would be covered in the Daily Mail but maybe locally!. It was a time when supermarkets began to require more fruit to supply mass demand. Plans were drawn up with the help of Faversham-based FDA architects, showing a garden laid out in an eye shape. The last count of the day, around 10pm this evening (Friday), was for Abbey ward. He is also a qualified teacher. The Faversham Union workhouse was erected in 1836, it had been demolished and replaced with houses by 1995. Good Scones may be what you need. When we asked for missing minutes of their meetings under Freedom of Information rules, Swale Borough Council refused. The memorial, a modest cross to commemorate local men who fell in the First World War, was placed at the corner of the Cottage Hospitals garden on Stone Street. Project. By Spring 2017, the volunteer gardeners too had discovered nobody owned the land. Viridor put in 20,000, almost 33,000 was given by Bensteds Charity, 5,000 came from funds raised for the Cottage Hospital, Shepherd Neame pumped in another 5,000 and the local curious handshake contingent paid 1,250 for one of the benches. And worse. However, there is no other building which is so large, central and versatile. That makes 83,750. co-editor of three within a cultures When KCC briefly had control of Bensteds charity they sold a chunk of the Kiln Court land to themselves at what now looks suspiciously like a knock down price. Health and In an email to Jackie Westlake, Mike Cosgrove makes further comments about John Wellard and other members of the public, Faversham Creek Trust and Independent candidates in the imminent elections including Sue Akhurst and the late Brenda Chester, wrongly accusing them all of 'disrupting public meetings'. Supervision and Management, Associate Member They called themselves a community led group but, in reality, they were a committee dominated by Conservative councillors and council officers. The cash mountain increased by 144,073 between 2013 and 2018, from 783,267 to 925,340. In all, the War Memorial committee raised 206,000. Comments books were left in Faversham Library, the Alexander Centre and St Marys Church. Service. evaluation of the impact of the first three years In fact, Faversham Town Council formed its own WW1 working group, with none other than councillors Cosgrove, Gates, Walker among its members, along with councillor Trevor Payne and local Royal British Legion chairman John Quested. All relatively small sums, which could make a profound difference to the quality of life of those who received the money. 1989 Guidance and Regulations, adapted to the Isle Gatefield Hall was once a vast sauna-style room, with gloomy pine walls and appalling acoustics. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. Andrew has a strong commitment to releasing the potential of leaders and managers, and their organisations, and believes that individuals should take considerable responsibility for the content and style of their own learning. 2023 Faversham Life All rights reserved. The money should be invested and the charity can then spend the investment income. Her music room had musical notes in the cornicing and busts of musicians on pedestals. To understand the contribution The Alexander Centre makes to Faversham, let us suppose that Swale Council had sold its unwanted building off for offices insteadwhat would the impact have been? Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. agreed solutions. Filled with colour, it attracted visitors and wildlife. primary criterion is to add capacity and value to the The idea of an endowment is that the original sum remains untouched. . Association for The War Memorial project was driven by five prominent local Conservatives, all of whom were Trustees of Bensteds. Numerous articles on By early 2016, the projected cost was revised yet again, to 150,000. Country Child! It referred us to Cosgrove who declined to answer. Encyclopaedia of Social Work, Guidance on the Needs of After X-ray costs, it was the second largest expenditure of the year. portfolio. He was a Tutor and Tutor Counsellor for the Open University Business School from The Assembly Rooms transferred their Saturday concerts here after their fire. But town councillors were told that there were 115 comments in total. Later the same morning, PC Emma Willson emails Jackie Westlake to say the police had insufficient evidence to take this matter to court.. Of professional And Lady Alexander would certainly have approved of the music. She was married to Sir Sidney Alexander, Mayor of Faversham from 1910-20. Its about as inviting as a mausoleum. The Institute of Directors and has a masters degree in It looks like yet another occasion when Faversham and the interests of the local inhabitants - have been short changed. Given that at least 80 of the comments were unequivocally against the scheme, its hard to see how this alleged majority is mathematically possible. voluntary and commercial sector bodies. was Area Director. Free from accountability, members were not obliged to answer questions, divulge costs, publish full minutes of their meetings or even reveal their names. See next week's Faversham News for full coverage and pictures. That is a matter of taste and personally, he says he likes it. On the morning of his 71st birthday. And who picked up the bill for the Christmas lunch Cosgrove and his committee enjoyed at the members-only Faversham Club to congratulate themselves on their success? Swale didnt yet own the garden. Posted: 13th July, 2018 Category: Architecture, Culture, People, Words Alexandra Campbell Photographs Alexandra Campbell. By Andy Capon As the government's roadmap for an end to lock down gathers pace The Spire has been speaking with Faversham residents about how it affected them, and how they are looking forward to 'normality' as rules are eased. The Alexander Centre rents out offices and is considering renovating the attics to provide more office space. Published procedures in the light of Working Together to The current value of the Bensteds investments is now 1,523,993. Many of the original features stayed intact. Arriving to lay a wreath alongside other veterans organisations, the Royal Air Forces Association discovered they werent invited, a snub reportedly compounded by some regrettable conduct ill-befitting a ceremony of remembrance. Bensteds argue that KCC has a moral obligation to share some of that with the charity, to be spent in accordance with the wishes of the original trust deed in 1835. Cosgrove wanted the carefully-tended plant beds replaced with a gravelled oval for Remembrance Day parades. Several comments slated the project as an absurd waste of taxpayers cash. And Sir Sidney and Lady Alexanders upstairs rooms are now offices for small businesses, start-ups and charities. Published by MHNA Publications. of the North Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. In what looks like spite, Swale rejected them both. guide for the negotiation. Chair Housing The Bensteds Chairman, Andrew Osborne, dismisses any criticism of the War Memorial. He has management development handbook for middle and It bought the building from Swale for 1, taking on responsibility for all repairs and liabilities. Instead youre obliged to face a grandiose monument to arrogance, a self-important symbol of contempt for the community. child protection The councillors then met informally and decided that the satirical posters were a criminal matter, that John Wellard was responsible and should be prosecuted. Institute of organisational and . Westlake forwarded the email to other 'involved parties' councillors Michael Cosgrove, Nigel Kay and Trevor Payne. . Andrew is an experienced and respected management development consultant and health service manager, with 28 years public sector experience, including 9 years as a self-financing consultant. Mike Cosgrove, then an SBC councillor, set up a working group to review options. He has For example if part of a project requires On first glance, it looks more like an investment trust. of England. Promoting shared This allows us to current), Wrote Meeting the (Social Services Strategic Planning). British cuisine is served at this cafe. every case the Plan meals, try new foods and explore cuisines with tested recipes from the country's top chefs. John Humphrys discusses John's arrest on Radio 4 and hundreds of well-wishers from all over the world comment online, the vast majority expressing disgust and astonishment at the actions of both the police and Faversham's councillors. The case law on harassment is clear. Each year since 2015, the set aside has grown. So far Kent Police have stonewalled John Wellards requests for information under the Data Protection Act. All photos copyright Lisa Valder / Faversham Life unless stated otherwise. The new trustees sold part of the land and this left the charity with around 500,000 as a permanent endowment. This time there were 74 letters and emails objecting. have worked with during the past two years. With its oversized central tombstone, brick wall backdrop and unsightly row of sterile concrete blocks, the finished garden has been likened to North Korea, The Handmaids Tale, the architecture of Albert Speer and, even less flatteringly, a line of gents urinals. In this conversation. People rarely sit in the garden now. TACT involved a number of experts, many of whom gave their time on a voluntary basis. 32,500 one third of this went to the War Memorial. We asked David Simmons which of these objectives allowed the charity to subsidise the building of a war memorial. Swale Borough Council contractors (and sometimes with the help of volunteers) are employed to maintain the garden in good condition, he wrote in the statement made on 21 October 2016. And public support or rather the almost total lack of it remained a problem. Facilitative and There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. has been extended for a further year to include a The passion and the push behind the project came from the Bensteds chairman, Andrew Osborne, a former town councillor, mayor and now 'Honorary Freeman' of Faversham Town Council, who was born in Faversham and who did his national service in the 1950s in the Royal Engineers. This type of project would not fit under our funding criteria. Tunstill), Hereford and Worcester SSD, 1997/98, Collated material Congratulations to the Hop Festival organisers for their well developed sense of irony. But it was never going to end without a bang - with winning Conservative councillor John Ogden-Starkel on 711 votes and Labour's Trevor Payne on 700, there were talks of a recount. In November 2015, a public consultation exposed the full strength of opposition to the plans. The letters were to be deplored concurred Cosgrove and his committee, as if questioning their design choices somehow constituted an appalling insult to the fallen. residential care policy for adults; financial management More worried about Duchy of Cornwall's plan to build 2500 houses on grade 1 and 2 agrucultural land at Faversham." However, the office rentals are popular, so The Alexander Centre is considering renovating the attics to create more offices for startups and charities. parts of the United planners and improve collaboration between the They included a number asking questions and seeking clarification, some who opposed the plans in total, some whose opposition was based on misconceptions and a majority of supportive and positive comments. said Mike Cosgrove. By 2015 the schemes initial estimated 80,000 cost had crept up to 120,000. Praised by Cosgrove for his first-rate excellent press liaison support, Gardners PR efforts resulted in favourable local newspaper coverage. He was resident in the property and joined the Faversham Society. This is what we had hoped for but we never take it for granted. Menu. Netherlands, Dont be shy. over twenty Although these are mostly commercial ventures, so are more expensive. With the story rapidly going global, Faversham Town Clerk Jackie Westlake circulates an email containing a link to the Daily Mail story to Faversham's conservative councillors and Labour councillor Trevor Payne, advising them not to comment. (73) Mr Mike Palmer (Faversham Reach Residents Association) . Organisations, 2000 (MNW, with Keith Fletcher), Researched and Strategic He is used extensively by the NHS, and by other public sector clients, to provide a range of services from training and development programmes through to executive coaching for top managers. best value, Meanwhile, the original Victorian and Edwardian rooms, where Lady Alexander held recitals and Sir Sidney played billiards are hired out for workshops, training sessions and meetings. Bensteds not only helped bankroll the project but also provided an account for money the group aimed to obtain from private donors and organisations including the War Memorial Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund and a public appeal. (MNW), Wrote Means, The hallmark of Cosgroves is serving perfectly cooked sausages, bacon and lasagna. They even threatened to withhold funding for the the long-promised creek bridge if their plan was voted out. command structure; Of best value; Of the theory and of the scheme. So any. But Swales statement of truth penned by council officer and war memorial group member Graeme Tuff makes only a fleeting mention of the volunteer gardeners who turned up most Sunday mornings for eight years to mow the lawns with their own mowers, refurbish the benches, pick litter and weed flowerbeds. Families were separated, the food was dreadful and in Andover it was reported that inhabitants starved to death. These included 2,500 to the Bowls Club, 4,000 to Age UK, 1,500 to Faversham Town Football Club, 500 to the guides, 300 to the Sea Cadets and 1,000 to Magna Carta Educational Workshops, 500 to the Friends of Westbrook and Stonebridge Pond and 200 to an individual. He asked Hilary Riva and a number of others to get involved. For Information under the Data Protection Act and friendly staff, that is always ready help. Cost was revised yet again, to 150,000 Alexander Centre and St Marys Church Palmer ( Faversham Reach association. 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