The player can loot him but will lose honor and if looted the they will find a Native American ring. Mostly for fishing around lakes and rivers and stuff really. One of the men is angry at the other one for kissing his wife. He goes on to mention that Arthur's advice ruined his life. We will never spam you. After defeating the man, the player can return to the other man. The moonshiner will ask the protagonist to find some Indian Tobacco so it could give flavor to their moonshine. He spots the player and asks them to come and sit next to him at the fire. If the player decides to intervene, the Lemoyne Raiders will attack them. He can be encountered again near the Annesburg gunsmith, and will offer to pay for any item in the store. Houseboat located on the wetlands of Bluewater Marsh north-west of Saint Denis. I'll check it out. The player can encounter a man looking over a cliff. On subsequent encounters with the same prisoner, the player will comment on how he was recaptured and suggest he run further away. #2 - South of Strawberry. For more on Rockstars latest epic adventure, be sure to check out our ever-expanding Red Dead Redemption 2 guide wiki. Having written those hundreds of thousands of words Logan still drops in and makes the odd tweak or update, but is otherwise eagerly awaiting the next massive gameplay updates from Rockstar. The player can encounter a cougar attack in The Heartlands, Big Valley or the Great Plains. He will . Dr. Barnes examines the man's arm and sees that the arm is infected and requires amputation. The player can choose to intervene or not. In another random encounter near Bluewater Marsh, two Murfrees are seen riding a wagon with a woman crying for help with two dead corpses on her body. However the ring can still be looted. If approached, they'll identify the player as one of the Van der Lindes and start shooting. You must catch these fish and deliver them to him to complete this Stranger Quest. It is possible to use Dead Eye to save the lawmen from being killed, in which case they will thank the player. Afterward, the player can either comfort or antagonize the man. With 21 Cigarette Cards, 2 Tonics, and 4 Lock Boxes, Saint Denis is jam packed with many unique collectibles to discover. If you help the living prisoner by shooting the chain, he will give you the location of a gold bar in between three rocks southwest of the Rhodes water tower across the railroad tracks. In the swamps of Bayou Nwa, the player may come across a hanged corpse dangling from a tree by the road. If the player approaches the three Raiders, they will become hostile towards them. Similar to the Unlucky Man and Man falls of Horse, a man can be seen very slowly riding his horse in various areas before falling off. Also in Saint Denis, the player can encounter a drunk beggar on the sidewalk, who will claim he has lost all of his money in a poker game. It prompts you to solve three murder cases. After speaking with him for a while he reveals that he is only preaching because his wife wishes for him to. If approached, the Murfrees will panic and flee. Once you have found all the Vampire Graffiti, the location of the hidden vampire in Saint Denis will be marked on your map. If lassoed or murdered, he can be looted for the Letter to Nigel from Tom. For more information, please see our After killing the man, the player will have to calm the horse down and the woman asks the player to untie her. A few O'Driscolls will be holding several passengers at gunpoint outside the cars. IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR HOURS FROM VAN HORN TO SAINT DENIS.. i sleep reload look for a boat sleep reload look for a damn boat i already finish the game HELP! The player can encounter a man screaming in pain off the side of a road in New Hanover or Scarlett Meadows. When spoken to, the man will explain that the owner of Lenora View apparently lost control of his wagon and drove off the cliff to his death. If a prisoner is helped, he will give the player a robbery tip. Red Dead Redemption 2 offers the possibility of using small boats and they are useful e.g. The hunter can be heard shouting for his friend named Tucker. Two men are seen selling goods in a wagon to two Lemoyne Raiders, which they are satisfied with the product that is sold to them. In another encounter, two Lemoyne Raiders are seen near the Kamassa River or Bluewater Marsh executing two tax collectors, one of them will be already executed. She also gives jewelry as payment for the ride. A similar encounter will happen at the Strawberry Depot in Strawberry where a man will show off his gun and accidentally shoots himself in the leg. Getting too close to the scene will irritate Freeman which will issue a warning to the player. Its not exactly the most convenient way to get around as a result, nor particularly fast. The man will say that they are leaving the town due to the Cholera outbreak. Buy. Copyright 2023 The unfortunate man will walk away, muttering about how his ruined clothes had been brand-new. The two men give the wagon to Lemoyne Raiders as agreed on and the two Lemoyne Raiders look forward to doing more business with the two men. Killing and looting the thief shall not incur in a wanted level. [3] However, if the player has the highest level of honor, she will actually accept the money, but she will not forgive Arthur or John.[4]. Examples include the following: One notable camper that stands out among the rest is colloquially known as the "Perverted Stalker" that can be found camping just south of Osman Grove, only available from Chapter V. He will invite the player to his fire and tell them about a widowed woman he's been stalking north of Annesburg, revealed to be Charlotte Balfour. The lawmen are guarding the prisoners as they break up some rocks. The player can question or antagonize them. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If the player approaches her, they will find that it's actually a Night Folk member in disguise, who will try to stab the player and start calling more of her fellows to attack. He still remembers the Indians as clear as yesterday and feels bad for them. He will grab some of the herbs and will leave the rest for the player to take. If the player attacks the ambushers, the street urchins shall run away and alert the police, incurring in a wanted level. A group of Del Lobo will attack the player. I think they spawn randomly because I found a row boat on the coast of Saint Denis by complete accident. If the player gives him 25 cents, he will give the player a bottle of Ginseng Elixir and a robbery lead: a backroom poker game is being run at the city's gunsmith. Two lawmen can be encounter transporting a criminal inside a prison wagon and order people to stay back from the wagon. He states that he needs help and is running out of ammo. The man in the basement notices the player and begs him to help him. A woman will be running the desk instead of the man at the hotel. In Scarlett Meadows, a group of Lemoyne Raiders are seen surrounding a man with a wagon and asking what cargo is he bringing in. He will state that he looked everywhere for him and asks the player if they could help him. In another road encounter, most commonly at night, the Murfree Brood will try to get revenge on Arthur for expelling them from Beaver Hollow. The husband is seen pinned to the ground and struggling to fight off a Skinner, who is wielding a knife and is about to kill the man. The stranger will offer some money for the help. If the player loots the hunter (if killed) it will lower the player's honor. They will gain honor for helping the man. Powered by Invision Community. The player can ignore Lemoyne Raiders or provoke them into fighting. Looting the outlaws will give you a free lock breaker. If antagonized, they will become hostile and attack the player. The player can head to the Saints Hotel and enter the room to find the money. After the driver has left (he will eventually pass out after walking a short distance), the player can take any valuables from the wreckage, but will lose honor. This Legendary Fish guide details everything you need to know about preparing to catch and these more than average fish. If the player decides to intervene the man will thank them and will offer to give money for saving him which John can accept or decline. Two soldiers approach the pit and with their weapons drawn at him. Keeping the catch on your horse, you can mail it to Jeremy Gill. The player can choose to antagonize the men to get lost, this will raise the player's honor and the men will leave. It's just to the southwest of the city along the railroad line there in fact, you'll pass right by this location if you follow our recommended . If the player decides to spy on the woman, the player will lose honor. Recommended Lure: Special River Lure Legendary Lake. If a horse, stagecoach, train, or wagon simply doesnt cut it for you when it comes to getting around the old west in Red Dead Redemption 2, theres one final method for getting around. Similar to above, there is an encounter in the same locations where the player might stumble across a seemingly abandoned camp with the brutally mutilated corpse of a horse located in a cart next to it. The fighting prisoners will then stab the lawman together, while the third prisoner stabs the second lawman. Between Chapters 2 and 4, as Arthur Morgan is out riding, Javier Escuella will stop him and tell him that Bill Williamson was captured by bounty hunters. Killing the lawmen will lower the player's honor and the player has the option to free the criminal. Got there using my horse. Anyone know where to find a boat? Saint Denis is a large city in Bayou NWA in the state of Lemoyne that contains a Trapper location, a Fence and other useful shops. There, he finds a scalped man who is barely alive among the corpses of his fellow campmates, as he has borne the scars of his being scalped, disfigured, and covered in blood, with an arrow to his chest. During the ride she explains, that her friend let her borrow her horse to inquire about a seamstress job for a wealthy man. The player can either try to gun them down and escape, or simply surrender the money. If they decline the duel, they can follow the man and antagonize him. That seems very strange. In Van Horn Trading Post only, the player may witness two men fighting, unarmed. The player must kill the thugs and untie the man. John himself proposes to Abigail on a boat on the lake near Blackwater. Go out onto the dock there and talk to Jeremy Gill to accept his quest - A Fisher of Fish. The dead man's name is James Peyton, and he was going to pick up his wife Mildred before losing control of his wagon. All Legendary Fish Locations in RDR2 There are 13 Legendary Fish to catch throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. You can also replenish supplies here for a cost, at the bottom of each respective resources page. In The Heartlands, the player may encounter a hunter, who is tracking a coyote and wants to kill it for dinner. To get a boat in Red Dead Redemption 2, youll need to have advanced in the story a little bit. Near the Thtre Rleur, a man is seen standing next to the building and a woman from the balcony of the building dumps the chamberpot onto the man. The man stands up and the two Murfrees walk away; both can be killed by the player. If Arthur is spotted by the soldiers they will identify him as an escapee and open fire on him. Arthur and Javier kill the bounty hunters and free Bill, who thanks the duo. If the player sets up camp around the Tall Trees or Great Plains again after receiving the first death threat from the Skinners, he will be immediately attacked by them. The hunter will get on his horse and head to where his friend died and will mourn the death of his friend. They will greet the player and will request that they find some Milkweed for their moonshine. A Saint Denis policeman will be chasing after a black man for stealing. If the player wins the race, he will express his disappointment of his horse for loosing and will vow to win the next time. Then the man states that there is no one that can shoot like him and announces that he will challenge anyone to a duel. After they are dealt with, it is possible to shoot the rope off and loot the hanged man to obtain the Murfree Brood Prisoner's Note. If the player chooses to intervene, they will be forced to dispatch the O'Driscoll's and one of the passengers will subsequently express thanks for the assistance. He will start fighting the player. On this page we show where you can find interactive boats so you can explore water locations also. This game is excellent, but theres still a lot of bugs that need to be addressed. If inspected it will be shown that his face is horribly macabre. where is the pagoda in saint denis rdr2. In New Hanover, A outlaw can be heard shouting to members of his gang, stating that first to kill the player will be rewarded with gold. The Skinner Brother with the knife releases the protagonist, and warns them that they should stay away from their territory, otherwise they will murder and mutilate the player. If it falls off your horse after a tumble, you'll probably have to reload your save to get it back. He will start a fight and after knocking him out he will have a Volcanic Pistol or a M1899 Pistol if you have acquired one already. The driver will take one of the O'Driscoll's horses and leaves. His friend leaves and the wounded man heads over to a bench to rest. It can be found on the water just next to your camp. CuT. He will tell the player to keep their distance. The man recognizes the player and asks him to help him escape. Lude2Envy His friend states that he should go get some medical attention to his injury, but the man declines his advice. He will pan to see if he got any gold but get frustrated that he was unable to find any and walks away. The driver will notice Arthur and calls out for help. In Redemption 2, players have some occasions to row small boats such as skiffs and canoes along rivers or lakes, such as the Kamassa River. After shooting the two soldiers, more soldiers will arrive to pursue the player. The player can help the hunter or do nothing. Curiously, if the player kills him they can encounter him again in the same spot. The player can kill the men and blow open the safe with dynamite. If they decide not to, a gang member will execute the police officer for calling them a disgrace to Lemoyne and other gang members will yell at their comrade for killing their hostage, to which the Raider will defend himself by stating the lawman was disrespecting the cause. One of the most interesting mysteries that has been discovered in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the vampire roaming the city of Saint Denis. However, looting the man lowers the protagonist's honor. The player can encounter two men making moonshine at their camp in Big Valley and they will notice the protagonist's approach. As the player is riding along a trail near Hill Haven Ranch, a loud voice whistles and shouts out: "There's the son of a bitch! On the edge of the Dakota River or the Kamassa River, Morgan may find a man skipping stones while ranting about a woman called "Lily-May". In this case you can visit e.g. She will fire her shotgun at the player and the player will receive a bounty. If the player returns to the bar shortly afterwards, the bartender will state that woman's name is Daisy. Click the links below to find individual fish guides or continue scrolling to learn even more about each of the Legendary Fish in RDR2. The player can encounter a man on a horse with a woman tied up. Ill try saving and reloading. The player can ride near Beaver Hollow and hear a man inside a closed tent screaming, making vomiting noises and yelling "Help me! By defusing the argument, the duo will urge the player to leave the area. If approached or questioned they will attack the player. I had a similar situation. If the player obliges, the moonshiner who samples the moonshine will drop dead and his partner will turn hostile. They thank the prostitute for helping lure the player outside and want to get revenge on the protagonist for posing a threat to their boss. In Strawberry, the player can encounter, a boy can be seen looking for his dog and asks the player if he has seen his dog, and requests that the player helps him find it. Also, killing the rider will reduce honor. She tells him she's very cold and asks if she can sit by the fire. Alternatively, if they intervene, the player can also hogtie the man and take him to the Sheriff's Office, where they will receive a small cash reward.[5]. The player can help the Grays capture the Braithwaite or help the Braithwaite escape. The theater has a cabaret show that showcases unique performers, all of which are hosted by Aldridge T. Abbington. The player can encounter a shipwreck south of Flatneck Station or near the Van Horn Trading Post. Vandals may be dispatched and looted but the player must be careful as they may get wanted if caught by a witness. The player can encounter a prostitute in Valentine, who will ask for help disposing of the body of a client who she claims began attacking her. Pointing a gun at him will reveal that he is not blind. If you kill her cohorts and not her, she will refer to the other two men as Bobbie and Earl. If the player gives him money, he will thank the player and give them Special Snake Oil. They are legendary for a reason, after all. #3. If Arthur decides to help, he and Javier ride a short distance to a large clifftop in The Heartlands, where they find a camp of bounty hunters, with Bill tied to a post. If the player does nothing, the man will drown his wife and the latter will lose honor. If antagonize is chosen, Arthur will threaten the man to leave or he will kill him. He will greet the protagonist when approached and show them where they can find the plant. The player can kill the two bounty hunters. Just southwest of Hanging Dog Ranch, the player can encounter a pair of Laramies killing Geddes' cattle, with two of his workers threatened. She will vanish if the player comes too close to her, however she can be observed through binoculars and gun scopes. These small steamboats can be driven to navigate the waters of Red Dead Redemption 2. Two more outlaws on horseback will also appear from the opposite end of the bridge and join the attack. Great work as always PowerPyx, always appreciated. "Better than my dog" Crashed Boat 3587.617, 1412.362, 41.64929 Annesburg 2904.366, 1248.808, 44.87448 . The player can tell the angry man where the conman is located or mislead the man. These small steamboats can be driven to navigate the waters of Red Dead Redemption 2. The man will tell his unconscious friend that he is going to get a drink and will go see his wife. These encounters can only occur playing as Arthur. The player will find a small boat flipped over with its supplies and man that appear to be dead (a "X" symbol is seen on the map). For a map of Saint Denis with all useful locations, check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 Interactive Map. He will tell the protagonist that he needs a doctor. Am I the only one who wishes we got . Reach the Trapper and then head to the right of the marker until you reach an area with a few crates and barrels. The drunk will also tell the player that he feels sleepy and takes one last swig of the whisky. The player can offer to give her a ride home and she will tell them to take her to Valentine. Along the tracks somewhere in Rhodes, the player can come across a stopped train. This occurs when entering the gunsmith and the tailor clothing store in Saint Denis and the saloon in Van Horn Trading Post. After they are done, they will head to the other side of the lake. The player will have to get to their horse on their own), their horse will again be killed by the Night Folk. If the player does nothing, they will lose honor and the man eventually drowns his wife before attacking them as well. Red Dead Redemption 2 Vehicles & Transport This special remote controlled boat, invented by professor Marko Dragic, appears in Red Dead Redemption 2 exclusively as part of the Stranger Mission "A Bright Bouncing Boy". This man can be re-encountered later on, and the same choice is presented. The second woman follows nearly the same scenario, but instead asks to be taken to Emerald Ranch. Rhodes is a small town located a bit west of Saint-Denis. After you're confident in catching normal fish in Red Dead, here are the Legendary Fish lures, bait, and locations you'll need to reel in the big one. is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive. He offers a pamphlet with information about the cholera plague, which the player can accept or decline. The man states that it was "a peck on the cheek" and knocks out the other man. If approached, one of them will identify him as "one of the pricks who took over Shady Belle," and the group will immediately attack them. The player also has the option to antagonize him. If the encounter is observed without interfering he will be promptly shot dead by the outlaws, who then leave town. Then the protagonist will tell the man to go get the law, and that they will see what they can do. The player can help the man by giving him a health cure. Eventually the horse will stop. In the swamps of Bayou Nwa or Bluewater Marsh, the player may come across two members of the Night Folk. Helgerson will offer a Chelonian Handbill, which the player may choose to accept or reject. In Saint Denis, the player may occasionally run into a Dorothea Wicklow protesting for women to gain the right to vote. This isnt too hard to find, simply head over to it and then press Triangle / Y right by it to hop in. They will tell the player to get lost. You must play every table game for 100% completion and for the trophy Hobby Horse. Note: In the epilogue, the O'Driscolls will be long disbanded and all their encounters shall be performed by the Laramie Gang in Big Valley, and by unidentified outlaws (labeled "stranger") in New Hanover. The fugitive will cry for help, but the bounty hunters tell the person to shut up. The best places to purchase newspapers in RDR2: Valentine (New Hanover Gazette) Strawberry (Blackwater Ledger) Rhodes (Saint Denis Times) Sometimes you can't buy a newspaper. The player will lose honor for watching them. The self-proclaimed gunslinger will beg the protagonist not to kill him and will run away. Gun at him will reveal that he needs help and is running out of ammo blow open safe... 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