Feb 28, 2023. In working on tech transformations with hundreds of CIOs, we have identified five CIO traits that we believe are markers of success. Enterprise computing was no longer just for large-scale clerical processing but for gathering and analyzing data to inform business decisions. We make it a point to engage and connect to understand whats happening in the platform and product teams.. Make the business implications of tech decisions clear. CIOs need to move quickly. Legal strategist for the union movement and former secretary of labor. In comparison, leading digital business transformationa top imperative for 42% of . Although nearly 650,000 members had been in those unions, many rejoined the CIO in unions that had been established as alternatives to the ones that it deemed to be communist dominated. Here are a few things CEOs can do: Gaining support for a transformation requires that stakeholders understand that true change will come only from tackling all three transformation vectors in a strategic, interlinked manner. CIOs remain the go-to resource for navigating technology decisionsmore than half (52%) of IT leaders surveyed this year categorized CIOs as a strategic advisor who proactively identifies business opportunities and makes recommendations while 26% viewed the CIO as a consultant, providing advice and guidance on technology selection. That reluctance was obliterated by the catastrophe nobody saw coming. They accomplish this by delivering bulletproof and agile systems and services that are inextricably linked to business goals -- in real time, if required -- and by leading their enterprises through the cultural shift required to become digital businesses. These 5G providers offer products like virtual All Rights Reserved, There Is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America. In most cases weve observed, tech transformations are implemented as a set of disjointed initiatives across IT. At the same time, decentralization highlighted the need for an executive-level technology leader to oversee a function that now touched every part of the enterprise, directly affected how businesses made money and increasingly dictated how employees did their jobs. Everyone from the C-suite to frontline workers now understands on a visceral level that IT is a powerful business tool, and not just for back-office processes or data analysis. This opened the door for some CIOs and their IT departments to become more deeply involved in business strategy. Apostle of industrial unionism. CIO president who helped transform the industrial union movement into a stable and powerful organization. The percentage of unionized workers, however, declined beginning in the 1950s. Are the top people in IT really stars in their field? "The most dangerous woman in America.". Top CIOs, therefore, develop diverse career paths so that top talent can advance in their own areas of strengthfor example, by letting a top-notch software engineer advance while continuing to code design software rather than forcing her to manage others in order to succeed. While part of the CIO's job is to identify and employ emerging technologies to win early advantages for their companies, they must do so in a fashion that won't lock in organizations if things change. "CIOs helped save many enterprises during the COVID-19 lockdown. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 2011.. Ibid, 445.. Goldfield, Michael. Truly outstanding CIOs used IT to fundamentally transform the businesses they worked for, as explained in the classic study of "renaissance CIOs" by researchers James Spitze and Judith Lee. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 required union leaders to swear that they were not Communists. The biggest change in the role of the CIO, he said, is that the top IT executive is now the company's "transformer in chief. And then there's 1946, one of the most portentous years for American labor in the twentieth centuryover 14 percent of workers struck in 4,985 work stoppages, which ultimately contributed to the defeat of the Democrats in the midterm elections (particularly left-leaning candidates supported by the CIO). At many companies, the project requires a wholesale conversion from an analog to a digital business model, and businesses have little choice but to adapt. 2017). The United Mine Workers of America (UMW or UMWA) is a North American labor union best known for representing coal miners. There is a silver lining: Compared to the old AFL, organized labor is today much more diverse and broadly based: In 2018, of the 14.7 million wage and salary workers who were part of a union . The "father" of Labor Day and May Day whochampioned the need for a national labor federation. Good customers can also help you find problems. Folk hero and symbol of hope who organized a union of farm workers. Social reformer dedicated to workers' rights and racial justice. The CIO supported Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal Coalition, and was open to African Americans. If theres one thing Jamie Holcombe has learned from his decades-long career as a public and private sector IT leader, its how to be a good salesman. True. This is not just an IT effort, but an IT and business effort that involves business continuity and crisis management, explains Jayadev, who notes that Skyworks has carved out a separate organization within IT to concentrate on this area. However, despite burgeoning IT budgets, a C-level title and oversight of companywide systems, late 20th-century CIOs were still largely IT operators rather than business executives. This role was particularly important when a retail giant was looking to acquire an analytics company. The most effective CIOs ensure this level of collaboration is the norm within IT itself as well. The pivot back to foundational IT work was reflected in CIO.coms 2022 State of the CIO research, which surveyed 985 IT leaders and 250 line of business (LOB) participants. As always, its a tale of having to do both, notes Bess Healy, senior vice president and CIO at Stamford, Conn.-based financial services company Synchrony. Adept CIOs also understood how their IT mission and strategic plans supported the company's mission and strategic goals -- and they made those connections for both their staff and for their C-suite peers. They believed the strategic management of information processing by a C-level expert would give the bank a significant competitive advantage. "The working people of . Unions have a lot of influence over negotiating wages and . As IT became critical to business success, not surprisingly the number of tech-related titles in the C-suite grew. For this reason, companies need to be tech forward: technology needs to drive the business. Songwriter, itinerant laborer, union organizerand martyr. CIOs who want to reinvent techs role need tech stars, particularly the best engineers. This mutual inspiration goes a long way to explain the astonishingly rapid growth of public sector unions during the civil rights era. In just 18 months, one CIO at a transportation-and-logistics company radically reshaped its talent profile. Striking workers block a railroad into the Celanese plant in Maryland on November 16, 1936. Only 10% of respondents turn to the CIO for the sole purpose of risk assessment. Are your top engineers happy with their work? Amid the uncertainty, what's clear is that CIOs today must help their companies use technology as a business differentiator. As the physical world was overlaid with AI, sensors, computer-generated simulations and other digital technologies, IT became integral to a company's tangible products as well. Creating ways for cohorts of similar skill sets to get together can be a powerful way to share best practices and foster a sense of community. Some projects were started and not completed because of delays with the supply chain and having equipment on back order, says Avon Puri, the companys global chief digital officer. Created by John L. Lewis, it was originally called the Committee for Industrial Organization, but changed its name in 1938 when it broke away from the AFL. 29. While cybersecurity has been a boardroom-level issue for the last few years, the conversation is now broader, expanding to IT and business resiliency, notes Satya Jayadev, vice president and CIO at Skyworks Solutions, a semiconductor manufacturer based in Irvine, Calif. Skyworks is both adopting a defensive posture (i.e., identifying and thwarting attacks) and mapping out an offensive strategy to get systems back up and running in an expedited timeframe. 1 By. meeting the challenge of the ever-expanding CIO role. For example, how much should companies invest in their own AI capabilities -- or should they simply rely on the vendors that are investing fortunes in adding AI into their products? The technical challenges CIOs faced did not abate. Together, they created detailed work plans. Victorious industrial unions with militant left-wing leadershipscatalyzed the rise of the CIO. Anusha Dhasarathy is a partner in McKinseys Chicago office, where Isha Gill is an associate partner and Naufal Khan is a senior partner. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. AFL-CIO, in full American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, American federation of autonomous labour unions formed in 1955 by the merger of the AFL (founded 1886), which originally organized workers in craft unions, and the CIO (founded 1935), which organized workers by industries. Frances Perkins Committed labor secretary and first woman in a presidential Cabinet position. In 1933, the number of labor union members was around 3 million, compared to 5 million a decade before. Shortly after the AFLs convention in Atlantic City in 1935, John L. Lewis called together the leaders of the International Typographical Union, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, the ILGWU, the United Textile Workers, the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union, the Oil Workers Union and the Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers to discuss the formation of a new group within the AFL to carry on the fight for industrial organizing. This is often in the form of negotiating and improving pay, pension, working conditions, and other workplace benefits. The sitdown strike helped the CIO to obtain union membership in the 1930s, although it was soon outlawed by the Supreme Court. False. Photo: 900 15th Street NW, Washington, D.C.-The CIOs second headquarters was an office on the third floor of this, the United Mine Workers headquarters. CIOs can further develop business acumen by taking responsibility for initiatives that generate business impact, such as building an e-commerce business, or by working with a business-unit leader to launch a digital product and then measure success by business-impact key performance indicators (KPIs), not technology KPIs. The AFLs opposition to the CIO only increased the stature of the CIO and Lewis personally in the eyes of those industrial workers keen on organizing and disillusioned with the AFL. All data was collected and up to date as of Sept. 11, 2019. Some of the other trends pushing the CIO agenda include the following: Prepare for a CIO interview with these 20 questions, CIO job description: Chief information officer responsibilities. CIOs in this period remained responsible for delivering new IT systems on time and on budget, as well as for running existing and new systems with a high degree of reliability. At USPTO, Holcombes IT organization has switched from a project management orientation to product management approach to forge closer ties with internal business stakeholders and to foster IT/business alignment. The digital CIO has arrived, MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, 2016. Adapted from Wikipedia and other sources. Something went wrong. Both technology and business leaders made it a priority to attend these panel discussions so that they could effectively guide their teams on developing products that would best address the needs of end customers. National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA) Total membership: 114,598. That means not just explaining how this three-pronged approach is better for IT but also clarifying how it drives business goals and how it can be implemented. Not all employers oppose unions. For years, executives have stressed the need for CIOs to move beyond simply managing IT to leveraging technology to create value for the business. Not just anyone can be in charge, especially during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. Washington(CNN) AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, the head of the most powerful labor organization in the country and a close ally of the Biden White House, has died. The focus was on higher wages and job security. Nearly three-quarters of responding CIOs (74%) are confident that the heightened visibility of the CIO role, sparked by their pandemic efforts, will persist. Is your tech transformation actively incorporating each of the three vectors of change? When they wrote the book, Gruber was an assistant professor of management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Synnott the head of management information systems at Bank of Boston. But in helping executives understand the full range of cloud benefitsimproved speed to market, better developer productivity, and improved resiliency and disaster recoveryCIOs can help them see how the cloud can unlock new revenue models and services tied to business priorities. Now the product owners are the actual business units, not the IT staff. Even with this years focus on the fundamentals, LOBs perspective on IT leadership is more in lockstep with the CIOs own take on the role and responsibilities. Diana Dors v. Marilyn Monroe: Class, crime, and the Blonde Bombshell, A few of the Communist women who shaped U.S. history, Union leaders hail Su nomination as new Labor Secretary, After months of denial, U.S. admits to running Ukraine biolabs, Free college was once the norm all over America, Israeli government welcomes Azov Battalion leader as honored guest, Protests at SCOTUS as justices move to kill debt relief for 26,000,000. 80% of business execs said the CIO is the key stakeholder in driving innovation (Deloitte). Sanders (I-Vt.) and the 10 Democratic members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) last month invited . Today, this has reversed: 36 percent of public workers and 7 percent of those in the private sector are union members. A cause of death was not immediately announced. A third of the boards of companies within the Fortune 500 today include a former CIO or CTO, and that number continues to increase. When the Texas Typographical Association was founded in April, 1838, it invited all printers in the Republic of Texas to join. By 1983, only twenty percent of American workers belonged to a union. Legitimate factors are delaying progress, from the scale of the change to the mind-boggling complexity of legacy systems. The calls came from the same phone number (929-279-5975 . Are the most important technology initiatives delivering quantifiable business value to the company? What about distributed ledger technology, or blockchain? The eight union chiefs who founded the CIO were not happy with how the AFL was unwilling to work with America's manufacturing combines. Large IT initiatives have always required detailed planning, but business-oriented CIOs ensure that transformation plans account for dependencies outside of IT, such as marketing campaigns or legal implications. Pay matters, of course, but top people want to go where theyre valued. CIOs are once again walking a tightrope between innovation and operational excellencethis time, buoyed by strong LOB alliances and a lingering pandemic glow. Since its beginnings nearly 40 years ago, the job of an organization's top IT executive has involved the cost-effective andstrategic management of IT systems. Champion of labor renewal and former AFL-CIO president. Sidney Hillman Based on this years research, it appears IT leaders have figured out a winning formula for building trust with LOB peers and effectively cultivating business user engagement. The evolution of the CIO job from technology expert to a business strategist with deep technical expertise has arguably been more dramatic than any other C-level role transition. In the past, IT transformations have often proven expensive, time consuming, and short on value, and this has made some companies leery of undertaking them again. The employees' age, race, ethnic background might influence whether work rules are found in the labor agreement. They cant do it alone, however. The builder of the modern AFL-CIO. They approach planning as a dynamic process rather than something static, which allows transformation teams to better remove roadblocks and to allocate people and spend when and where they are needed. If the CIO or technology organization isnt regularly talking to commercial or product leadership, that becomes a real hurdle, she says. The CIO was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the U.S. and Canada from 1935 to 1955. The term chief information officer (CIO) was coined by prominent organizational theorists William Synnott and William Gruber in their 1981 book, Information Resource Management: Opportunities and Strategies for the 1980s. 1. Business leader. Below is a general breakdown of some of the key IT-related C-suite roles beyond the CIO: For as long as there have been CIOs, there's been handwringing over what the role entails and how to fill it successfully. Many of the great technology companies, like Yahoo and Microsoft, use their lead customers to help create new products and test them. The proponents of industrial unionism, on the other hand, generally believed that craft distinctions may yet be appropriate in certain industries such as construction or printing, but that they were unworkable in industries such as steel or auto production. Change management became a critical part of the job as the pace of technology innovation increased. A call to strengthen IT/business collaboration was also top of mind, referenced by 28% of respondents. Value generation, business transformation and customer centricity are cited as top priorities of the job by the CIOs and industry watchers Pratt interviewed, along with IT concerns such as cybersecurity and implementing emerging technologies. Broadly speaking, digital transformation is a practice over 80 years old, involving the use of computer-based technologies to improve an organization's performance. How often do company leaders reach out to you for substantive guidance about how tech can improve their business. The CIO set up a transformation war-room team that worked jointly from the beginning with leaders outside the IT function, including marketing, operations, sales, and e-commerce. In an "augmented-product era," as one CIO put it, it's no longer enough for companies to sell a great widget. Eight-five percent of IT leaders surveyed this year devoted time to transformational responsibilities, including modernizing infrastructure and applications (40%), aligning IT initiatives with business goals (38%), and cultivating the IT/business partnership (30%). Infighting among union members was minimized, creating a strong organization that still exists today. Those who favored craft unionism believed in defending the advantages they had secured through their skills. interim CIO (interim chief information officer): An interim CIO, also known as a contract CIO, is a qualified chief information officer who serves a company on a temporary basis. Lewis continued to denounce the AFLs policies, while the CIO offered organizing support to workers in the rubber industry who went on strike in 1936 and formed the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), in defiance of all of the craft divisions that the AFL had required in past organizing efforts. The gray line between business and IT is basically gone, says Jayadev, citing as an example a recent interchange with a third-party consultant who couldnt tell where to direct questions about technology and tools. Unions and Benefits. In short, businesses understand that using technology to drive business objectives requires a depth of expertise. Although its main focus has always been on workers and their rights, the UMW of today also advocates for better roads, schools . The top CEO priorities for IT leadership also revealed a growing desire to align years of technology investment with operational excellence while ensuring digital initiatives are running on all cylinders and delivering the proper business outcomes. Its member unions span from the Actors Equity . The CIO will work closely with the CEO, CFO, and other members of your leadership team to coordinate an IT roadmap that aligns with your leadership's vision for the organization. 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