This marked the first time in CCP history that a plenum concentrated on law. During his work in the financial sector in the 1990s, Wang established his patron/mentor relationship with Zhu, who was in charge of Chinas financial affairs at the time. Psychodynamic Perspective. Hu volunteered to work in Tibet after graduation, where he established his patron-mentor relationship with Hu Jintao, who was then serving as party secretary (198892). Hu was first elected to the Central Committee as a full member at the 17th Party Congress in 2007. 2. Liberal intellectuals will be among the first to push back and shape the public discourse. There is a bipartisan consensus on the fact that China poses a broad challenge to the United States across multiple domains. 9, said Professor Xiao, the historian. Wang is widely considered to be a protg of both Zhu Rongji and Jiang Zemin. Subsequently, Xi served as deputy secretary and then secretary of Zhengding County, Hebei Province (198285), and thereafter in Fujian Province as executive vice-mayor of Xiamen City (198588), party secretary of Ningde County (198890), party secretary of Fuzhou City (199096), deputy party secretary of Fujian Province (199699), governor of Fujian Province (19992002). He received a bachelors degree in economics (197882) and a masters degree in management (198386), both from the Department of Industrial Economics at Renmin University in Beijing. In 2009, he was transferred to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where he served as party secretary (200912) and chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Peoples Congress (201012). (Of a ship) being moved by a tug. Liu Zhiyans second marriage resulted in one son and one daughter. She received her undergraduate degree in English at the PLA Foreign Language Institute in Luoyang and her doctoral degree in literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Science. Having been nominated by Hu, Li was promoted to alternate member of the CCYL Secretariat three months later. Cheng Li, Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 2016), p. 268. In July 2001, Hu returned to Tibet, where he served as secretary-general (chief of staff) of the CCP Committee of Tibet (200103) and deputy party secretary and executive vice-governor of Tibet (200306). Hans reputation as a competent, seasoned financial and economic technocrat, as well as his market-friendly policy orientation in cosmopolitan Shanghai, has generally been well received in business communities both in China and abroad. Liu began his career as a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Jilin Province (196970)2. Deep-ocean currents are important regulators of global climate. Power could escape their grip, they have . Chinas state leaders were revealed on March 18, 2018 at the conclusion of the 13th National Peoples Congress (NPC). Of the 66 military members of the 19th Central Committee, 60 (91 percent) were newcomers.4. For more information, see. Sent-down youth () refers to young, educated urbanites who left their home cities to serve as manual laborers in the countryside during the Cultural Revolution. Not much information is available about Han Zhengs family. 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, Chinas new top leader. He then served as deputy director of the Research Office and then deputy director of the Industrial Policy and Long-term Planning Department in the State Planning Commission (198898). They have been disillusioned by Xi's leadership since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of "seven subversive currents," including universal values, constitutional . Li advanced his early career primarily through the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL), serving as secretary of the CCYL Committee at Peking University (198283). He received a bachelors degree in Chinese literature from Peking University (197983) and a masters degree (via part-time studies) in world economics from the Central Party School (199699). In March 2007, Xi was appointed party secretary of Shanghai. Head of the Financial Stability and Development Committee of the State Council (2018present), Head of the Air Traffic Control Committee of the State Council and the Central Military Commission (2018present), Head of the Production Safety Committee of the State Council (2018present), Head of the Leading Group for Building an Advanced Manufacturing Industry (2018present), Head of the Leading Group for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the State Council (2018present), Director of the General Office of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work of the CCP Central Committee (2013present), Vice Minister and Deputy Party Secretary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) (2013present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (2012present), The Forum consists of the countrys most influential economists and financial technocrats, including the current governor of the Peoples Bank, Zhou Xiaochuan; executive vice-governor Yi Gang; and former minister of finance, Lou Jiwei. Back-draught of a wave. Human rights advocates, he continued, want ultimately to form a force for political confrontation.. Wang most recently served as secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (201217). Undoing this restriction essentially lines Xi up to be President for Life. It appears that Xi has seized upon his moment at the pinnacle of accrued political capital to avoid becoming a lame duck and to cement his hold over the country for as long as he desires. Han then served as deputy secretary of the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL) (197580) and as a clerk of the Shanghai Chemical Equipment Industry Co., Ltd (198082). Others may see Xis reversal of constitutional constraints on term limits as heralding a return to an era of vicious power strugglesa zero-sum game in which they will also ruthlessly engage in the years to come. At the peak of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) crisis, Wang was appointed mayor of Beijing (200407). Sun also completed a masters program in management at Liaoning University in Shenyang (via part-time studies, 199295) and a masters program in politics at the Central Party School (via part-time studies, 200003). The fact that Xi did not allow any six-generation leader to enter the PSC and the recent abolishment of the term limit for the PRC presidency indicates that Hus chances of becoming a designated successor have diminished. That is the existential question that will be posed to Chinas National Peoples Congress in the coming days, as it considers indefinitely handing over the countrys political reins to President Xi Jinping. The couple does not have any children. Li is widely considered to be a protg of Hu Jintao. He also worked as deputy head of Linzhi Prefecture, Tibet (1992), and as deputy party secretary and head of Shannan Prefecture, Tibet (199597). Its possible that this situation will get out of control, and that wont help the political stability that the central leadership stresses.. He was first elected to the Central Committee as a full member at the 18th Party Congress in 2012. He received his undergraduate education from the history department at the Northwestern University in Xian City, Shaanxi Province (1976). Subversive Currents ~ China Fears Seven Perils. Mr. Bo goes on trial on Thursday. Disaster City Revisit ~ BBC Spots Training Hub; Sea Level Rise Explorer ~ Map of Coastal Risk He was the first person from his county to attend Peking University. By Herb Kirchhoff. She served as president of the PLA General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe and president of the PLA Art Institute. Since the document was issued, the campaign for ideological orthodoxy has prompted a torrent of commentary and articles in party-run periodicals. Xi, who is on the cusp of his second presidential term, has seized upon his moment at the pinnacle of accrued political capital to avoid becoming a lame duck and to cement his hold over the country for as long as he desires. The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party has proposed removing a clause from the countrys constitutionadded during the Deng Xiaoping erawhich limits both the presidency and vice presidency to two five-year terms. Observers argue that Premier Li has been marginalized, as Xi has taken over all of the top posts in economic affairs4. Repentance in 12 points.<br><br>Having learned from the news about the planned measures to prevent illegal subversive activities, expressed in unjustified malicious criticism of the participants of the Special Military Operation, I completely revised my views, deeply repented and intend to disarm in front of all the Duma parties at the same time.<br>By item:<br><br>1) I now admit that for more . Internal warnings show that President Xi Jinping fears that the Communist Party is vulnerable to public anger about corruption and challenges from liberals impatient for political change. 6 Rubber Shoes Factory (198788), and party secretary and deputy director of the Dazhonghua Rubber Plant in Shanghai (198890). Some analystsincluding usnaively hoped that Xi wanted more time to train, groom, and test a potential successor before identifying the candidate. He then served as deputy director of the State Council Information Office, where he was in charge of e-commerce and international cooperation (200103). No further information is available on Suns family. Li received both a bachelors degree in law (1982) and a doctoral degree in economics (via part-time studies, 1994) from Peking University. Wang was transferred to Guangdong Province in 1997 to serve as vice governor. Mr. Xis hard line has disappointed Chinese liberals, some of whom once hailed his rise to power as an opportunity to push for political change after a long period of stagnation. Western anti-China forces led by the United States have joined in one after the other, and colluded with dissidents within the country to make slanderous attacks on us in the name of so-called press freedom and constitutional democracy, said Zhang Guangdong, a propaganda official in Lianyungang, citing the conclusions from the meeting of central propaganda officials. Others insisted that he would flaunt established institutional norms and stay in power beyond his allotted two terms. Prior to the 19th Party Congress in the fall of 2017, Han spent his entire career working in Shanghai. The campaign has also exhilarated leftist defenders of party orthodoxy, many of whom pointedly oppose the sort of market reforms that Mr. Xi and Prime Minister Li Keqiang have said are needed. But Mr. Xi and his colleagues were victims of expectations that they themselves encouraged, rather than a foreign conspiracy, analysts said. 15963. For more information about Li Keqiangs family background and his early experiences, see Hong Qing , He will be Chinas Top Manager: The Biography of Li Keqiang [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2010). The first was Western constitutional democracy; others included promoting universal values of human rights, Western-inspired notions of media independence and civic participation, ardently pro-market neo-liberalism, and nihilist criticisms of the partys traumatic past. Their only daughter, Xi Mingze, received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Harvard University (201014) and later pursued a graduate program in the same field at a university in Beijing. They have been disillusioned by Xi's leadership ever since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of "seven subversive currents," including constitutional democracy . Xi said, This is Liu He. Nudity and erotica have existed in art since prehistoric times. Current news at the front? Han spent much of his early career working at the grassroots level. Beginning with the Trump administrations first national defense strategy, the United States has begun painting China as a strategic competitor that is pursuing an authoritarian advance under Xi Jinping. Cheng Li, Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 2016), p. 281. 9, issued in 2013 soon after Xi Jinping became party chief, warned that unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents such as support for Western . That has included a visit to a historic site where Mao undertook one of his own attempts to remake the ruling party in the 1950s. He is very important to me. Quoted from Bob Davis, Meeting Liu He, Xi Jinpings Choice to Fix a Faltering Chinese Economy, Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2013. Wang is married to Yao Mingshan. Wang was a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Yanan County, Shaanxi (1969-1971)2. In particular, Li has frequently called for mass entrepreneurship and innovation (, ). Anyone can read what you share. Yet, as the youngest vice premier of the State Council and a two-time Politburo member, Hu is still the highest-ranking leader of the sixth generation. The New York Times has gotten hold of a secret Chinese Communist Party memo, which lists seven subversive currents in Chinese society, which could lead to the overthrow of the party after the fashion of the French Revolution. Wang was a staff member at the Shaanxi Museum (197173 and 197379) before he joined the CCP in 1983. Hu Chunhua has been widely characterized as a carbon copy of Hu Jintao and has even been called little Hu.1 Both come from humble family backgrounds, served as student leaders during their college years, advanced their political careers primarily through the CCYL, worked in arduous environments like Tibet, served as provincial party secretaries at a relatively young age, and have low-profile personalities. At the same time, China is increasingly using these freedoms in Europe to shape its agenda. Wangs patron/mentor ties with Jiang Zemin stem in part from Wangs father-in-law, Yao Yilin, who was a major supporter of Jiang in the Politburo Standing Committee, and in part from Wangs close friendship with Jiangs son, Jiang Mianheng. She was first elected to the Central Committee as an alternate member at the 15th Party Congress in 1997. The two met in 1969 in Yanan, where both were sent-down youths. Rip currents often occur in deeper channels, between areas of breaking waves, and can flow at speeds up to 2 m/s. As an undergraduate majoring in law, Li studied under Professor Gong Xiangrui, a well-known, British-educated expert on Western political and administrative systems. Li and his classmates translated important legal works from English into Chinese, including Lord Dennings The Due Process of Law and A History of the British Constitution2. Many of them have invoked Maoist talk of class war rarely seen in official publications in recent years. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society. subversive organizations Plato wrote that the potentially subversive qualities of music were such that it would not be permitted in the perfect state. According to an unverified source, Han Zhengs wife, Wan Ming, previously served as vice-chair of the Shanghai Charity Foundation. 25 School, while Liu went to Beijing No. Birdsourcing ~ Citizen Scientist Ornithology! Yet, critics often point to the arrests and harassment of human rights lawyers in China as examples that the rule of law in China has actually regressed under Xis leadership. Even as Mr. Xi has sought to prepare some reforms to expose Chinas economy to stronger market forces, he has undertaken a mass line campaign to enforce party authority that goes beyond the partys periodic calls for discipline. At a time when Xi enjoys tremendous individual power, Li can potentially be viewed as a balancing forcethough not an impressive one thus farwithin the political establishment. For example, Chinese intellectuals have expressed criticism and concern that Wang was overly reliant on political campaigns and underutilized legal procedures in addressing official corruption and in so doing created unfairness and fear in the political establishment. Constitutionalism is a weapon for information and psychological warfare used by the magnates of American monopoly capitalism and their proxies in China to subvert Chinas socialist system, said another commentary in the paper. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society. The recent NPC meeting has proposed removing a clause from the countrys constitutionadded during the Deng Xiaoping erawhich limits both the presidency and vice presidency to two five-year terms. His efforts have also included concerted attempts to seek a new model of great power relations with the United States. The New York Times . See more. Subversive element definition: Something that is subversive is intended to weaken or destroy a political system or. For more information on Xis family background and his early life experiences, see Liang Jian , New Biography of Xi Jinping [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2012), and Wu Ming , Biography of Xi Jinping [] (Hong Kong: , 2008). In neighboring former communist countries, Russia uses a wider range of military and economic tools. Psychological perspectives are different ways of thinking about and explaining human behavior. Like her mentor Hu Jintao, Sun is known for her keen interest in promoting a harmonious society, supporting policy initiatives for affordable housing, social welfare for low-income families, and poverty reduction. Wang then worked as party secretary of Hainan Province (200203). (Here are the 19 ships and submarines in U.S. naval fleet . For the current fiscal year, the U.S. Navy is planning on retiring over 30 vessels, but not all of these will be sent to the junkyard. Wang Qishan was born in 1948 in Tianzhen County, Shanxi Province1. He also developed good relations with Xi Jinping when Han served as Xis deputy in Shanghai in 2007, before Xi moved to Beijing to serve as a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. Xi is a princeling; he is the son of Xi Zhongxun, a former Politburo member and vice-premier who was one of the architects of Chinas Special Economic Zones in the early 1980s2. After that, Hu served as governor and deputy party secretary of Hebei Province (200809). Opponents of one-party rule, it says, have stirred up trouble about disclosing officials assets, using the Internet to fight corruption, media controls and other sensitive topics, to provoke discontent with the party and government.. To better deter Russian subversion, we suggest concentrating defensive efforts on the most vulnerable regions and institutions and ensuring If the international community views China through an increasingly negative lens, and if criticism from Chinese liberal intellectuals, rival political elites, and the Chinese citizenry gains steam, the result may be a leadership split and political instability in China. One could reasonably make the point that Xi has prevented Hu Chunhua from rising to the pinnacle of power. These proposed constitutional revisions are the latestand most historically consequentialpower grab by the self-assured Chinese president. The heat transfer function of convection currents drives the earth's ocean currents, atmospheric weather and geology. He received an MBA from the School of Business Administration at Seton Hall University (199293) and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (199495), where he was a Mason Research Fellow. Attempting to shake the party's ideological and theoretical foundation. Li then served as party secretary of Liaoning Province (200407). Psychologists utilize a variety of perspectives when studying how people think, feel, and behave. Its certainly had his approval and reflects his general views.. Now the leftists feel very excited and elated, while the liberals feel very discouraged and discontented, said Professor Xiao, who said he was generally sympathetic to Mr. Xis aims. She received a technical education from the Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology in Anshan City, Liaoning Province (196569)1. Indeed, senior central propaganda officials met to discuss the newspaper protest, among other issues, and called it a plot to subvert the party, according to a speech on a party Web site of Lianyungang, a port city in eastern China. This refers to the pattern whereby Deng designated Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin designated Xi Jinping, and Hu Jintao designated Hu Chunhua to be the top leaders of the succeeding generations2. After graduating from Peking University, Hu went to Tibet, where he worked as a clerk at the Organization Department in the CCP Committee of Tibet (198384), as an official at the newspaper Tibet Youth Daily (198485), and as an official at the Tibet Hotel (198587). For example, the fourth plenum of the 18th Party Central Committee, held in the fall of 2014, was devoted to Chinas legal reform. If Xi pays heed to the warranted criticism, he may moderate his aims, uphold other institutional norms, and maybe even reconsider the wisdom of embarking on a third term. Document No. Their perceptions of Xi as a Mao-like figure may now be crystallized. He has responded to praise of his work by stating that it is inappropriate to emphasize any one individuals contributions to Chinas economic policy. Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Subsurface current'. Deep-ocean currents contain water with high oxygen concentrations. He was later appointed deputy party secretary and head of the Luwan District in Shanghai (199295) and was eventually promoted to deputy secretary-general (chief of staff) of the Shanghai municipal government, in addition to director of the City Planning Commission and director of the Securities Management Office (199597). : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working from within also : the crime of committing acts in furtherance of such an attempt subversionary -zh-ner- adjective subversive -vr-siv adjective or noun subversively adverb subversiveness noun More from Merriam-Webster on subversion When Hu was made first secretary of the CCYL in 1985, Li became a full member of the Secretariat. Sun Chunlan was born on May 24, 1950, in Raoyang County, Hebei Province. By CHRIS BUCKLEY, August 19, 2013 (New York Times) HONG KONG Communist Party cadres have filled meeting halls around China to hear a somber, secretive warning issued by senior leaders. Li began working in the CCYL Central Committee at the end of 1982, precisely when Hu Jintao became secretary of the CCYL. In other words, the party boss selects a team of rivals () in order to consolidate power.3. According to the current CCP regulations and norms, Han will most likely serve only a single term in the Politburo Standing Committee and then retire in 202223. These seven perils were enumerated in a memo, referred to as Document No. An internal notice published in 2013 by the party's central committee- the famous "Document 9" included "the Western idea of journalism" among the "seven subversive currents" along with the promotion of constitutional democracy, the universal value of human rights, participation in social life, neo-liberalism, historical nihilism, and the . Nevertheless, in his first term as premier, Li promoted a number of policy priorities. Their political connection likely began or was consolidated during her studies at the Central Party School in the early 1990s, when Hu served as president of the school2. Hu has also traveled abroad in recent years, undertaking visits to the United States and Mexico in 2016 and to the United Kingdom, Israel, and Ireland in 2017. Sooner or later, some political elites may stand up for their belief in the institutionalized norms of the Deng era. 2017, Han spent much of his early career working what are the seven subversive currents the of. Be president for Life of 1982, precisely when Hu Jintao, Xi was appointed party secretary of the Central... The CCP in 1983 were victims of expectations that they themselves encouraged, rather than foreign... An alternate member of the PLA General political department Song and Dance Troupe and president of the CCYL Central as... 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