Structure 33 rests on the side of the main plaza, making it a focal point for the area. The text comprises three discrete sections. CUNO: Well now, you write about the looting, as we just mentioned a minute ago, the looting of the Maya culture. view a diagram of this relief and locate this relief on a map, Yaxchiln from the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (Harvard). Three entryways punctuate the exteriorwhich is embellished with stucco ornamentation. How did they know how to translate mayan glyphs? Its a little bit sad, in that Ive actually seen correspondence from Dana and Ginger, and the letterhead has the heading of Dan and Ginger Lamb, Exploration and Motion Pictures. But there would be only one movie called Quest for the Lost City, which was released in the 1950s and went into broad distribution. How do we know the names of those mentioned in the article? We know, for instance, hes coming from an enemy dynasty. CUNO: How do they relate to painted vases of the same period, the same area? In the case of windows, the bottom span is instead referred to as a sill, but, unlike a lintel, does not serve to bear a load to ensure the integrity of the wall. Hes also quite interesting, in that he comes from that grand tradition of the English gentleman amateur, in that he had no training in archaeology, although he was trained in conservation. It is a civilization that really comes together as a literate one, with a copious tradition of carving, probably about 2500 years ago to, more or less, the beginning of the Common Era. On Lintel 25 (above), the effects of bloodletting are on display. Examples of the ornamental use of lintels are in the hypostyle halls and slab stelas in ancient Egypt and the Indian rock-cut architecture of Buddhist temples in caves. Describe it for us and its importance in the history of Mayan sculpture, but also, perhaps, just in sheer beauty itself. STEPHEN HOUSTON: Its a great honor and pleasure, Jim. Youd have a ruler with a somewhat expansive territory; but then there would be these isolated pockets of land that would be controlled by subordinate nobles. Her pierced tongue allowed her blood to flow as part of a ritual communication with gods and spirits. He is shown wearing a pectoral with a representation of the sun god depicted. On what basis can you determine that there is a corpus of works by the same single sculptor? There are flower tassels on the main part of the head band and a mosaic depiction of Tlaloc sprouting quetzal feathers. It existed, in part, in Guatemala in the sense that if a project might excavate material remains, most would remain in Guatemala, but a few might be sent abroad for storage or display in US universities. But as we discovered, the book is full of almost laughable fabulations. Direct link to Janell Matas's post Why are there 3 doors on , Posted 2 years ago. The idea is that therere multiple selves that are occupying not only a human body, but also the many representations of it. Chakalte' Guatemalan or Mexican. This is referred to as Tomb 2. Though of no great commercial importance in any part of the . Plate I Stone Lintel from Maya Temple at Piedras Negras, Guatemala, About A.D. 750. And therere also many, many devastations. Sculpture for the ancient Maya spans all media, from the miniature to the monumental, as artists gave shape to materials extracted from the landscape. Lions are identified with European mythology and Christian symbolism (the resurrection, Mark the Evangelistl). It was Mayuy, which is a word that refers to mist and clouds. These are all of these small communities governed by nobles, some of the petty sort, some also like magnates. What effect it might have on the physical condition of the limestone of which the Mayan stones are primarily made. Among the finest Mayan carving to be excavated are three temple door lintels that feature narrative scenes of a queen celebrating the king's anointing by a god. And I personally thinkthis is my own perspectivethat for study purposes, small collections of pot shards and animals bones can still be responsibly stored and researched abroad. Direct link to dv.cneff's post water, salt, 1920s, 1798,, Posted 2 years ago. Its a heavily folded topography. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The blog has moved! Very different, especially in the case of carvings and painted pots. And he needed, probably, I would imagine, a lost city as a selling point. Often wooden sculptures are only recognized through the traces of a thin shell of stucco that once covered them before the wood rotted away. Or at least it was the claim of that dynasty. Lintel 26, the third in the series, is in the Museo Nacional de Antropologa, in Mexico City. And this may, in turn, account for the kind of micro kingdoms or the political fragmentation that are illustrated or exemplified by the carving weve been looking at. The structure 23 does not depict warfare which differentiates it from other structures build during Jaguar's time. The one scholar who heard from him on this subject in the 1950s was the doyenne of my studies, someone named Alfred Tozzer at Harvard. Hieroglyphic stairways are also kinetically fascinating from an interpretive viewpoint because you, of course, walk up and down them, but what is often depicted on them, in terms of imagery, or recorded on them in terms of hieroglyphic inscriptions, would be a succession of rulers over time. This system of dividing remains or archaeological finds from projects is now forbidden in Guatemala, other than the practice of allowing small shipments of objects out of the country for material analysis. This buildings construction is therefore important, and so too are the individuals it showcases. It's mentioned that the inscriptions are written backwards and there are paints present on the lintels. The sculpture occupies almost the . Pair of carved ornaments with the Maize God, Architectural Models from the Ancient Americas, Teotihuacan: Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. In other words, was it that rich a visual area? Not necessarily of royal commissions, but ones that are undertaken by local nobility. "His sculpture was erected, Mo Chaak, he of Hixil?". Such careful attention to detail as well as the formal qualities of the line compare to other Maya sculptures, as well as vase painting and murals. Its like the Appalachia, you might say, the Maya region. And they were then combined with a clay called palygorskite, which is found in only a few locations. Modeled and carved works of fired clay show the Maya virtuosity at creating realistic figurines and elaborate vessels and incense burners. But each one of them is intensively looted. CUNO: Now, tell us about the stone itself. The scene represents a bloodletting ritual performed by the king of Yaxchiln, Shield Jaguar the Great (681-742), and his wife, Lady K'ab'al Xook (Itzamnaaj Bahlen III). And in a way, theres a sort of studied inattention from the part of the figures on the lintel; theyre not looking at the viewer down below. Now, what we were able to do, and especially Andrew Scherer, whos my colleague who focused in this most particularly, is to go to the remaining papers that Lamb donated to the Sherman Library in Corona del Mar, down in California. And you say that it thrives in conditions of relative stability. Now, we also know from from the work of my colleagues with whom I did this book, Charles Golden and Andrew Scherer, that the Guatemalan part of Yaxchilan, which as you may know, sits in Mexico, across the Usumacinta River, is the bread basket of Yaxchilan. Look closely at the detail below. CUNO: Now, and weve talked a bit about the Lambs, but what about this man named Ian Graham? In this lintel, Lady Xook (in the lower right) kneels before a vision serpent, from whose mouth emerges a figure. Many different building materials have been used for lintels.[1]. They allowed him, I think, to survive. But I would also say that its obvious from the surviving evidence that these arent an everyday kind of record. These lintels, commissioned by the rulers of the city, provide a lengthy dynastic record in both text and image. Ian tried hard to get to the bottom of that story, but he was never able to do so. Direct link to Julia Kopell's post it is possible, but consi, Posted 3 years ago. Subtle differences in the three lintels suggest that the compositions were completed by two or three different artists. The most prominent of these is the equestrian warrior, who is depicted frontally sitting regally on a diminutive horse. Now, what makes this lintel fascinating for us, at least in political terms, is that this monument and the other carvings that come from buildings nearby are not from the actual dynastic capital, which was called Yaxchilan, but rather they derive from a pretty small site thats on the troubled margins of that kingdom. Also located within the Central Acropolis near Structure 23, Structure 33 (dedicated around 756 C.E.) Lintel 25 (below)from the central doorwayalso focuses on a bloodletting ritual carried out by Lady Xook. Yaxchilan was, as the Laxtunich lintel tells us, in a way both figuratively and literally, the sun for the local political system. But because he had collected so much information, he continues to loom quite large, in a positive way, in my subject. It displays the typical Yaxchiln architectural stylea rectangular vaulted building with a stuccoed roof comb. I recently sat down with Stephen, the Dupee Family Professor of Social Science at Brown University, to discuss the importance of the Maya lintels and their afterlife. In 1950, American adventurers Dana and Ginger Lamb traveled to the jungles of northern Guatemala looking for Maya ruins and a story they could turn into a movie. At this site within the ancient kingdom of Yaxchilan, Lamb found two elaborately carved lintels that are dense with historical, cultural and spiritual meaning. In fact, its being enveloped by the growth of that urban zone. And there were probably about twenty to twenty-five, depending on how you understand the evidence, named calligraphers. Were all very busy with other projects, but its obvious that weve laid out what could potentially be a successful research program to return to this area, to excavate places like El Tunel, to recover even more of the meaning of these lintels, perhaps to find other fragments that would be left behind. But there were other couples in this kind of distinctive, at that time, American package of plucky middleclass couples living a thrilling life on vicarious behalf of their stay-at-home readers and viewership. They have presentations about the varieties of soul that might be occupying Maya bodies. And I would be very surprised if the great painting at Bonampak wasnt made, ultimately, by painters coming from Yaxchilan. These lintels are considered by some to be the pinnacle of Mayan art. And its only with the advent of the Spanish, when they come to conquer this area, that things begin to open up more. Its very, very fine. Does lintel 26 depict the same thing? So all of this tells us that this is obviously a changing group of peoples, but theyre so deeply grounded in this area. The queen also wears an elaborate headdress. And he trekked to the site with locals. And Martin having been the cook on Jack Londons voyages. Now, the pots were used anciently, for the consumption of food and drink. (April 2016). And I have found, through my own studies of the texts on them, the names of the owners, that they were almost, to a very large extent, dedicated to the celebration of princes or noble youths of exceptionally high rank. Direct link to Violamaster's post Why are the Mayans into s, Posted 8 years ago. It is the earliest monumental representation of any pharaoh: the carvings on the palette depict events in the life of King Narmer, also known as Menes, considered the founding ruler of Dynastic Egypt. And its also about that time, or maybe a century or so before, that theres a lot of contact with the great city, the metropolis, of Teotihuacn, which is pretty close to what is now Mexico City. Miller, Mary Ellen, and Megan O'Neil. Two are explicitly named as being by him. 20002023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. And that became a movie that was released first in Scandinavia, and then elsewhere, in 1950. Each of the works is signed, indicating that the production of such works was regarded as a highly specialized skill rather than a trade. And despite attention given in past years to locally surviving carved lintels, two . HOUSTON: It was a book that was coauthored by Dana with his wife Ginger, but it was partly ghosted by a bookseller named June Cleveland. a bloodletting ritual Such Maya rituals as bloodletting were only enacted on slaves. An inscription on the lintel reads October 20, 681, the date of Lord Shield . [4] The earliest carved lintels were created in 723 CE. It speaks about cataclysmic storms, almost a hurricane, artesian wells that are spurting like volcanoes, and so forth. Near the Usumacinta River in Chiapas (photo: Floating down the Usumacinta River in southeastern Mexico and northwestern Guatemala, various Maya sites materialize out of the dense jungle, some rising above the canopy and others subsumed by a tangle of green growth. But those two colors, the last ones I mentioned, red and yellow, are themselves probably reflecting the kind of refulgent solar quality of the imagery. Intricate latticework covers the symmetrical roof-comb and the buildings overall style is reminiscent of buildings found at other important Classic Maya city-states like Palenque. Like many other Yaxchiln buildings it had stele associated with it, such as, Posted 7 years ago. "On 5 [Eb] 15 Mak, his image at the penance with the flaming spear, his penance, the four-katun lord Itzamnaaj Bahlam, captor of Ah Nik and holy lord of Yaxchilan. The royal courts of the Maya kings and queens employed full-time painters and sculptors, some of whom signed their works. James Doyle Several lintels over temple doors were composed of wooden beams and contained carved scenes of royal conquest and ritual. Are there pigments left on the stone still? But it really is a time with a profoundly different constitution of society, and suddenly things become much more opaque to us. Olowe created this veranda post, one of several, for the exterior courtyard of a Yoruba palace. There would be a carving, there would be an act of erection or emplacement. The difference between Elaborate and Explain. The lintels exemplify the skilled carving of Maya artists at Yaxchilnand the Maya more generally. Yaxchilan itself is in not a very prepossessing area. Anyone entering Structure 23 would pass. What proximity do they share? is a wonderful example of Maya Classic architecture, particularly of the Usumacinta and Peten region or style as some would call it (image below). Doyle, James. The Mayan city of Yaxchilan, on the Usumacinta River in present-day southern Mexico, specialized in the stone carving of ornamental lintel elements within structural stone lintels. One building was constructed a bit early; the later came about ten years after that. represents? HOUSTON: I think the way to look at this civilization is, again, to mostly pay attention to this Classic period that is more or less the first millennium AD. Discover the latest Getty news and stories at our new home on, The Life and Afterlife of an Ancient Maya Carving, PODCAST: International Museum Directors on COVID-19 and Collaboration, Part 2, PODCAST: New Insights into Jacopo da Pontormos Style with Curator Davide Gasparotto, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and his wife Lady Xoc (4.6.5)? And I would be also shocked if Mayuy, the carver that weve been examining, didnt know the painters, didnt know the carvers at Bonampak. What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and his wife Lady Xoc (4.6.6)? Discovered in association with the female burial attributed to Lady Xoc were 146 prismatic obsidian blades, each with two lateral notches on the edges. And he was doing so, in part, because of the prompting of this plague of looting that was going on in the sixties and seventies. Other stone, however, is almost crystalline in hardness. emperors. Were they inscribed into the lintels or something? I would learn its present location to be prepared. Houston contextualizes carved lintels within ancient Maya history and visual and spiritual practices, and discusses the fraught nature of their re-emergence in the twentieth century. Like Lions, jaguars are the biggest cats in their region, and so they became identified with various gods and a glyph representing a lion was used in the Mayan writing system. And in fact, the largest indigenous group in the United States today are speakers of Mayan languages whove immigrated here. But also, as I mentioned before, that the setting truly matterswhere the building was found, what that building might have presented architecturally, what might be the archaeological deposits nearby. For the AP exam, is it important to know where everything is located in present time? Direct link to Laurie Tomchak's post Lions are identified with, Posted 5 years ago. Mayan Queen and Consort of Yaxchilan, Lady Xoc is considered to be the most powerful woman of the Maya Civilization. In the section Lintels 25 and 26, only lintel 25 is described. For photos, transcripts, and other resources, visit and if you have a question, or an idea for an upcoming episode, write to us at And so in many ways, the worst looting in Guatemala actually took place also, I would say, prior to that terrible civil war in that country. Many of the exteriors had elaborate decorations, but it is the carved stone lintels above their doorways which have made this site famous. And also liked to indulge in himself the fun of roughing it, which mustve been every scouts dream. Direct link to Diane's post How do we know the names , I just thought as I was reading this essay about how I have never seen ruins of the classical type of. It is probably made of shell or jade plaques, as are her wrist cuffs. And that is to find out more about the carvingwho made it and why, what it might communicate more broadly about the Maya and ancient imagery more generally. And then often, these kinds of carvings among the Maya are either ritually deactivated or they might be destroyed by enemies. And so rippling throughout this monument and through its own time of use and its time of carving, and indeed its afterlife, are all of these complexities of disloyalty, of self-projection; and to me, as I wondered and marveled at this carving, at a highly expressive subtlety of message. And so to some extent, each one of those language groups and the ethnic groups they represent have had their own varied history of research. Her necklace also appears to have a pectoral depiction of the sun god. Structure 40 (above) sits in the South Acropolis, flanked by two other structures. Maya art was born from the interaction between societies in the Yucatan Peninsula and those of the Mexican Gulf Coast, known as the Olmec civilization. Diamond pattern on Lady Xooks huipil (detail), Lintel 24, Structure 23, Yaxchiln (Maya) (The British Museum). An example from the Mycenaean Greece cultural period (c. 1600 1100 BCE) is the Treasury of Atreus in Mycenae, Greece. HOUSTON: There are many, many different Mayan groups, thirty different languages or more, with varied histories. Highly skilled artisans were able to simulate the look of wood, imitating the nuances of a wooden structure and the wood grain in excavating cave temples from monolithic rock. Carved from one piece of wood, the composition combines two classic Yoruba icons of power and leadership. Its not gonna support a lot of people. Was the rope thick, of was it thin, because the picture makes the rope look very thick, but it would be hard to pull a super thick rope through your TONGUE! Tell us about that. The last glyph represents the Emblem Glyph (that is, the city name in Maya hierolglyphs) of Yaxchiln. Many of the exteriors had elaborate decorations, but it is the carved stone lintels above their doorways which have made this site famous. And by explore, I meant someone who was not burdened by the need to stay at one site, but he visited hundreds, if not a thousand Maya ruins, doing maps and also recording inscriptions. Thanks for listening. And you write that they have an unstable relationship to time. And down below are two other figures. Direct link to Sophia McManus's post In the section Lintels 2, Posted 5 years ago. Ancient Maya limestone carving from Yaxchilan in modern Chiapas, Mexico, The lintel as displayed in the British Museum, Museo Nacional de Antropologa e Historia, Colossal quartzite statue of Amenhotep III, Amun in the form of a ram protecting King Taharqa, Kition Necropolis Phoenician inscriptions,, Ethnographic objects in the British Museum, Artefacts from Africa, Oceania and the Americas in the British Museum, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 September 2022, at 14:44. The disembodied head of Chac (1978.412.24) from Chichn Itz has skeletal features that add a sinister dimension to this work from the years just before the abandonment of Maya cities. CUNO: So he and the Lambs and were interested in Laxtunich. And this is a courtly society; its focused on ancient kings, their courtiers, their immediate families. He never recorded, Lamb did, any precise information about the location of the lintels. Bird Jaguar was Yaxchiln's most prolific builder and at least a dozen major structures were initiated or remodelled during his reign. . A lintel or lintol is a type of beam that spans openings such as portals, doors, windows and fireplaces. What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and. A lintel or lintol is a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports. Now, by the second question that you posed, Jim, what did I mean by unstable relations to time, I meant that these kinds of carvings are not really fixed at one point. One purpose or aim is purely intellectual. And these figures are always looking down on you, in a way that the Maya thought of the ancestors as doing on a perennial basis. At this site within the ancient kingdom of Yaxchilan, Lamb found two elaborately carved lintels that are dense with historical, cultural and spiritual meaning. Figurines, created as vibrant beings in small scale to be placed in the burials of family members, show expressive and poignant scenes of the daily and ritual lives of the Maya. And for me, the task of this kind of scholarship that is exemplified in this book, we think, is to retrieve that knowledge in various ways and for various objectives. And in fact, we know these limestones are literally millions of years old. The three lintels on Structure 23known as lintels 24, 25, and 26depict different ritual moments in the life of Lady Xook. It can be a decorative architectural element, or a combined ornamented structural item. During the Classic Period (ca. A beautiful diamond pattern decorates Lady Xooks huipil, for instance, in Lintel 24 (below). Shell earflare frontals (1995.489a, b) depict the severed head of the Maya Maize God, the personification of a newly harvested ear of corn. CUNO: Now your book focuses on a carved lintel, which, as you write, is dense with ancient Maya meaning. Tell us about the role of such carvings in ancient Maya culture. Which of these artworks was not made as propaganda to supplement the power of the ruler it Now the other thing that, to me, is fascinating about even considering the problem of time, the way we might conceptualize it with respect to this carving, is that the carving itself, as we studied it, tends to prefigure later carvings by this very same sculptor, so theres a rich oeuvre, we know, of his work over a ten-year span. CUNO: Well, its a very important book, Steve, so congratulations for the book and thanks for speaking with me on this podcast. Then there was the time of quarrying, in which the limestone is taken out of a stone bed. But why focus on Lady Xook rather than Shield Jaguar II exclusively? To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. That is, the reception is, in itself, a fascinating part of the process of their emplacement on this landscape. The civil war tended to suppress it; it tended to stop the more brazen acts of criminality. CUNO: Well, lets turn now to the particular lintel stone We mentioned the name of Dana Lamb. HOUSTON: By orphaned, I meant their setting or their background or, I guess to press a metaphor, the circumstances of their parenting are absolutely shredded by looting. V.R. 1 : to work out in detail : develop elaborate a theory. And so the final thing about it thats intriguing to us is it is obviously a political statement. In the ninth and tenth centuries, monumental sculpture adorned palaces in Campeche and Yucatan, sometimes marking the buildings as animate mountains. And what they also tell us is that this sculptor introduced idiosyncratic, brilliant effects, and that he asserted his identity in ways that were not otherwise known in the corpus of Maya carvings. Direct link to hunter spires's post how do we know that they , Posted 8 years ago. Some depict individuals in costumes impersonating deities or other characters (1979.206.953), women with rich clothing and jewelry (1979.206.373), or deities themselves (1979.206.728). What material was used to make the Olmec colossal heads? Researchers found that one of the beams from Lintel 3 was cut and carved between AD 658-696 (Kennett et al. And not only that, theyre responsible for multiple works, to which they would apply these signatures. 250900), kings and queens of powerful city-states, such as Tikal, Calakmul, Palenque, and Copn, commissioned artworks to cover their royal court buildings and their regal bodies. And the rest of their lives were leavened by little more than an occasional talk about their grand adventure to the Lost City. And the carver that the local lord employed to create this piece, a person whose name we know, Mayuy, was almost certainly from an antagonistic dynasty to the north, a place called Piedras Negras, which is quite renowned in the history of Maya culture and civilization. Recent excavations have unearthed what is thought to be the tombs of Itzamnaaj Bahlam and Lady Xoc within Structure 23. Standing on your head in public would be considered conspicuous. Is it just the appearance, that it seemed to be so much similar one to another? Tell us what partage means in principle and what it means in practice. And theyre very revealing because we ourselves, walked into this area about fifteen years ago. Department of the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. And we know that Lamb heard about this ruin when he was in the jungle beginning this filming project. The most common subjects in Maya art are mortal rulers and supernatural beings. tabiiy yuxul mo chaak aj hixiil? In Lintel 24 and 25, Lady Xoc is seen performing blood sacrifice in one or another way. Its where most of their food came from. Today, its an area thats under onslaught. During the Classic Period (ca. Lady Xocs burial is known as Tomb 3. This particular lintel (referred to by current day archaeologists as lintel 25) was located above the central doorway of a palace structure (structure 23) in Yaxchiln. Why are there 3 doors on, Posted 7 years ago everyday kind of.... 33 ( dedicated around 756 C.E., Lady Xook rather than Shield Jaguar and his Lady!, in which the limestone is taken out of a ritual communication with gods and spirits the growth that! Would imagine, a fascinating part of a ritual communication with gods and spirits Lady huipil! 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