California would be the second state to approve such a measure, touted as more environmentally sensitive than burial or cremation. Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the "composting" of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of "organic fertilizer" for food crops. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of "transfection" that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. Out for a Sunday drive in the country, America? There are rules in place that regulate what happens with the remains. "Many visitors come from different countries to observe what we're doing here and find it to be a cutting-edge facility," Esser said here. Let us know!. It is the liquefied remains of the dead going into the water system. Poor Mr. Stone didn't know better, and now his family dairy is ruined, and probably his life. I smell a dead ratoh snap, it's just Humanure. Adams then makes the false claims that people who are "killed by the vaccines" are "liquefied" and their remains are dumped on food crops, falsely citing legislation. It's on. In the UK, a public crematorium was the first to receive permission to begin using alkaline hydrolysis, but in March 2017 local water utilitySevern Trent Water refused the councils application for a trade effluent permit because there was no water industry standard regulating the disposal of liquified human remains into sewers. This makes me want to cry. Welcome to 2021 in America, wherethe dead are liquefied and fed to the living, almost like a scene ripped right out ofThe Matrix. Im very concerned about replicating that in other states, EPAs Andrew Lindstrom, whose lab ran tests there, said at the Boston conference. Childhoiod vaccines all contain human diploid cells from aborted fetuses. ATLANTAUntil recently, people in the U.S. had two main choices for disposition of a body after death: burial or cremation. No, that's not true: A video claims that a Wisconsin bill is legalizing such actions -- but the legislation does not allow for liquefied remains of "vaccine-murdered people" to be spread on food crops. No sense of smell? To learn more about the ingredients in authorized COVID-19 vaccines, see, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Moderna COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. A controversial process called alkaline hydrolysis, where the bodies of dead people are liquified using a mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, is being approved for use in states across America. Biosolids are a product of the wastewater treatment process. But what about all the bacteria Ive worked with so long in this body do I want to give them a chance to do what they do naturally? Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Because I've seen some of these insert sheets. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, which just approved Senate Bill 228 that authorizes the practice. Learn more about the alliance here. When God was asking his prophet to do the most disgusting thing to illustrate to His people what was about to go downHe asked him to cook with human excrementbut then gave him a pass and let him use cow poop instead. Ready to join that group yet? The links to each page list the ingredients in each vaccine: Vaccine ingredients can vary by manufacturer. This is not science fiction and it isnt a conspiracy. When you purchase our soap and skincare, you help us give the first jar of milk free to every sick child that comes to the Donkey Dairy. But why would I call attention to something happening all over Oklahoma, all over America for that matter? While the government promotes spraying dead bodies and sewage on crops and parks as green recycling combatting climate change, others are sounding the alarm about potential dangers. Lucky you. Dioxin, found in many samples of sewage sludge, gathers in meat, fats and milk and is a carcinogen and is known to cause birth defects. Anyone with me? How about a slice of plasticized cake with that? Awww, he feels bad. We can attempt to slow our decay (embalming), or we can preempt it with a destructive blaze (cremation). Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops. Oklahomansagainst Sewage Sludge. Or perhaps he had an autoimmune diseaselike my little girl. Let us know!. Answer: Flush them down the sewers and spread them on food crops as fertilizer. This puts dead humans into the food supply as an indirect form of cannibalism. Sludge holds nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients. This is why fact checkers wont touch this topic, becausethe facts are crystal clear. They refer to the human waste from Nashville as "Gold", sadly ironic and appropriatefor those involved in the lucrative slewage business, the stakes are in the millions. Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge. Spraying liquified corpses on crops is reminiscent of the 1973 cult classic film Soylent Green where people experiencing food shortages are fed the recycled remains of humans without their knowledge. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human flesh goo remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumpinghuman DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragmentsonto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of transfection that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. There is nothing in the Wisconsin Senate Bill 228 that allows for liquefied human remains to be turned into "biosludge" and dumped on food crops. Surely not! Right after iron levels, check your carcinogenic chemicals. Fact Check: President Joe Biden Was NOT Computer Generated, Fact Check: Vaccine Needle Is NOT Left In Arm And Is Not A Prop -- It's A Retractable Safety Syringe, SITUATION UPDATE: US STATES LIQUEFY VACCINE-MURDERED PEOPLE AND SPREAD THEM ON FOOD CROPS [2021-05-, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. There is nothing in the Wisconsin Senate Bill 228 that allows for liquefied human remains to be turned into "biosludge" and dumped on food crops. Bryant told Lead Stories there was no evidence that other states where the alkaline hydrolysis cremation method is allowed have used the remains to fertilize crops, and she said Wisconsin law regulates cremation and burials. We dont have a lot of data but the data we have suggests its a problem, Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, said at a recent conference in Boston. "The concern is that certain PFAS chemicals, which studies have associated with increased risk of cancer and damage to organs such as the liver and thyroid, could be absorbed by crops grown in soils treated with polluted sludge and wind up in foods. It's not easy to find, or cheap, but we did it. It comes down to the toxic additives and preservatives, GMOs are harmful, should be avoided at all costs study, Mexico phasing out all imports of toxic GMO corn from the US, Chemical giants hid dangers of forever chemicals in food packaging for more than a decade, STUDY: Corporations are destroying our planets soil, Common food additive in ultra-processed foods no longer considered safe by the European Food Safety Authority. Or fight. Ask the citizens of Lapeer, Michigan how that free sludge worked out for them. And for those who think that human poop is no different than cow manureIm going to call you on that with some straight up Bible truth. Have you heard of Water Cremation or Alkaline Hydrolysis? Just ask the citizens of Ohio and Missouri how they feel about signing away their states for truckloads of"gold" from their wealthy neighboring states. Soon, if you eat non-organic product, you will be eating crops that are literally grown in human flesh goo. He has published ten books, including the highly acclaimed One Nation without Law., green recycling combatting climate change, Fauci Headlined Panel With Wuhan Lab Gain Of Function Adviser, Gov. And I'm not ok with that. According to reports, Washingtons Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, Concerning human remains, which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the natural organic reduction of human remains. They're blank. The Wisconsin Senate has approved a new bill that allows for dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath, disposed of like sewage, and spread all over food crops as "biosludge.". Dozens Of US States Liquefy Dead & Spray Biosludge On Crops, Parks, Playgrounds . Measure out about half a pound for each day and eat it on schedule. Just ask my hubby how long we searched for a sludge free source of hay for our donkeys. green recycling combatting climate change, Sierra Club environmentalist Nancy Raine called the biosludge. It has not been passed or signed into law as of May 20, 2021. For electricity, the dry, boiled sewer sludge is burned, creating steam. They're like Cousin Eddiethey come with that load of human sludge, and once they show up, they never leave. Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the "composting" of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of "organic fertilizer" for food crops. Not really approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration. Bill 5001, which flew through Washington's Senate and House of Representatives with bipartisan majorities, provisions that the remains of deceased humans can legally be turned into "liquid compost" through a dissolving process known as alkaline hydrolysis, and then applied to growing soils across the state. An alternative to cremation that dissolves bodies in water is being pushed for in B.C. In Americas War Room he unpacks todays hot topics and their spiritual implications. PFAS chemicals, which studies have associated with increased risk of cancer and damage to organs such as the liver and thyroid. S. aureus is commonly found in the lower human colon and tends to invade irritated or inflamed tissue. Evidence of a link between PFAS-laced sludge and food emerged in 2008, when the EPA found elevated levels of several compounds in sludge that a Decatur, Alabama utility had spread on 5,000 acres of farmland. Lead Stories has written about the blank product insert in vaccine packaging. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops.. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by turning them into . "Before the helicopter came, he was actually excited about the ride. This "sludge" is the biosolid product leftover in wastewater treatment plants. Here's that link to the group of Oklahoman's against Sewer Sludge), If you want to destroy agriculture in Michigan (insert Oklahoma / Kansas / the entire mid-stinking-west, breadbasket of America here), start talking about, Hey, it could be contaminated with PFAS, said Laura Campbell, agricultural ecology manager for the Michigan Farm Bureau. The grease- and water-resistant compounds, known as forever chemicals because they dont degrade naturally and are believed capable of lingering indefinitely in the environment, also are found in firefighting foam used at military bases and airports. Sierra Club environmentalist Nancy Raine called the biosludge the most pollutant-rich manmade substance on Earth, and warned, Nothing that is done to the sludge removes the chemicals. Developing and implementing diverse curriculums covering a wide range of subjects. We are finding that there are elevated levels of different PFAS in biosolids. And since crying makes my eyes puffy and doesn't accomplish a lick of good, I'm opting to fight. States like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently. I created an entire feature film documenting this process, including the interview of a former top EPA scientist who tried to blow the whistle on this practice but was threatened and professionally destroyed by the EPA. New England states Maine and Vermont are now taking further action against the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers, especially the use of "bio-solids" - a shifty name for repurposed sewage sludge/waste and excrement, that can in fact contain cremated human remains in them. Washington Becomes First State to Allow 'Human Composting' as a Burial Method The accelerated decomposition method transforms remains into soil and uses just an eighth of the energy required. Who is Biosludge. Watch out for the sludge tracks on the roads. The fight for our land, and our children, isn't over yet. Its true that traditional burial protocols arent necessarily environmentally-friendly, seeing as how embalming fluids and formaldehyde are made from toxic, synthetic chemicals. Of course, Washington probably won't be dealing with the human sludge themselvesthe high population density states are already contracting out their sewage to the rest of us. All content copyright 2018 by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. In this paper, different properties of biosludge, the reasons of its low dewaterability, fundamentals of biosludge dewatering, and various conditioning methods for increasing of dewatering efficiency proposed by different investigators are discussed. Save our children from mutant antibiotic resistant bacteria in their chocolate birthday cake. You might say "Well, her son must have been immune compromised or he wouldn't have died of a staph infection from riding his bike through sewage sludge." Eat the bread as you would a muffin. "Lapeer isnt aloneAbout half of the 7 million tons generated annually in the U.S. is applied to farm fields and other lands, the Environmental Protection Agency says. Bill Summary The act authorizes human remains to be converted to soil using a container that accelerates the process of biological decomposition, also known as "natural reduction". They've developed thermal incinerators, to burn their waste safely and harness the energy in the process. The 54 individuals surveyed lived near 10 land application sites in Alabama, California, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Texas. Bio-solids are processed and recycled at municipal wastewater treatment plants to be sold nationwide as fertilizers, they consist of an array of pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, industrial chemicals, household chemicals, pathogenic materials, and heavy materials. Our concern is that with alkaline hydrolysis, remains are washed into a wastewater system as though the body created by God never existed, wastewater does not honour the sacredness of the body, nor does it allow the grieving to honour the dead after disposition., Vercauterens concern about remains being washed into wastewater systems is understandable considering that wastewater is being used to condition soils and provide nutrients for agricultural, horticultural, and forest crops and vegetation., In 1993, the EPA passed Rule 503 which allows the spreading, spraying, injection, or incorporation of sewage sludge to lands, including, public parks, ball fields, cemeteries, plant nurseries, and golf courses., The EPA allows biosolids to be used in playgrounds and farms despite the fact that it contains high concentrations of heavy metals, neurotoxic chemicals and toxins the agency classifies as primary pollutants.. If we take the lead, our great state of Oklahoma could lead the poo-volution. The chemicals were traced to several companies that manufactured and used PFAS. Biosludged uncovers the astonishing science fraud being carried out by the EPA to legalize the mass pollution of America's farm lands, school playgrounds and city parks with heavily contaminated industrial waste and human sewage. "When approving sludge for use as a fertilizer, EPA looked at chemical and pathogen risks separately without considering that certain chemicals could increase the risk of infection.". Spotted something? Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains, harvesting the sewage as biosludge and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. We already know that this is part of the plan, as folks like McMahan are actually excited about the prospect of creating food forests with human compost so my grandchildren will know where food comes from, he contends. Stream the full film for free on (Oh, and before you tell me it's all genetic, tell that to the family with multiple adopted children, all with different genetics, and somehow they have PANDAS disease. This incredible city actually stopped the use of toxic biosolids and payed to properly dispose of it's waste in order to protect it's citizens! Jay Inslee signed a bill Tuesday legalizing human composting. Momma bear is out of hibernation. Ignorance is bliss, ya'all. If they had posted signs like these, that little boy might not have taken the shortcut through the sludge that cost him his life. Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting (human) flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge.You can read the rest here. Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars. Join our group to fight this insanity:Oklahomans against Sewage Sludge. Yet despite growing evidence that at least some sludge is contaminated, the federal government hasnt limited PFAS in fertilizer or developed a standard for determining safe levels. Because thats exactly where much of it will go, especially when liquid cremation ends up being flushed down the drain or toilet and into the local sewer system. The harmful effects of biosolids has been well documented across the U.S., including North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maine, Michigan and several other states. There is nothing that says you're going to be taking this and using it as fertilizer. Ive never taken a single bite of forbidden food. All right, he said. Six months later, I had convinced myself they had all learned from that noxious experiment and surely they wouldn't let the city sewage plant dump that crap (literally) on their fields again. Ive never contaminated myself with food like that. The process includes removal of biosludge, also known as secondary sludge, from the basins. Biosludge has been reported in the media as a green alternative to fertiliser, labelled (for example) as Nutri-Green when in reality it is a toxic sludge made up of chemicals, wastewater, and dead bodies. Yes, rotting human tissue is definitely a part of this equationthe "fetal cells" and "waste" flushed down the drains at abortion facilities all go to the same sewage plant that churns them into fertilizer to feed your grass fed beef and farmers market tomatoes. It begs the question: What will cities and states do with all the dead bodies as the spike protein bioweapon achieves the depopulation goals of Fauci and Gates? Tony died at 7:54 the next morning in Allegheny General Hospital. Then again, we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, which means they may soon become an input for the food supply itself. A prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus infectionswas found in the skin and respiratory tracts of some individuals. No, he added. Biosludged Full Documentary Watch on "The EPA identified 352 pollutants in biosolids but cannot yet consider these pollutants for further regulation due to either a lack of data or risk assessment tools. They stick aroundforeverrrrrr. Biological degradation is an important process in pulp mill effluent treatment. 09/22/22: 8 Introduced by Senators TESTIN, L. TAYLOR, CARPENTER, KOOYENGA and RINGHAND, cosponsored by Representatives NOVAK, SWEARINGEN, ARMSTRONG, BOWEN, CALLAHAN, KITCHENS, KRUG, MOSES, L. MYERS, J. RODRIGUEZ, ROZAR, SKOWRONSKI and STUBBS. Spending billions of dollars to remove hazardous chemicals and biological wastes from water, only to spread them on soil everywhere we live, work and play defies common sense, Dr. Lewis told The Guardian in 2019. New Mexico . Never! Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Oh, but that's just one article. There are places that have been doing this for 30 years. I created an entire feature film documenting this process, including the interview of a former top EPA scientist who tried to blow the whistle on this practice but was threatened and professionally destroyed by the EPA. Plausible deniability. Answer: Flush them down the sewers and spread them on food crops as fertilizer. Thisputs dead humans into the food supplyas an indirect form of cannibalism. Biosludge. Discover a new Situation Update podcast each day at SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. That scientist, David Lewis, even wrote a book documenting all this called, Science For Sale. For attempting to blow the whistle on the EPA-approved practice of mass pollution of US crop soils with biosludge, David Lewis was threatened by government goons and stripped of all funding for his environmental research on toxic substances in soils. He said, 'I'll get to tell the kids at school about this,' " said Tony's mother, Brenda Robertson. A former senior-level research microbiologist at the EPAs Office of Research and Development named Dr. David Lewis was even fired for speaking out on the subject. And children are the best little lie detectors. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops.. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by turning them into . According to the findings of a 2001 study published in The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, biosludge without human compost is already a toxic stew of . Remains are not dumped into the sewer system. Milk from one dairy contained 270 parts per trillion of PFAS almost four times the agencys nonbinding health risk level of 70 ppt for PFOA and PFOS, the two best-known chemicals in the class. "But state inspectors ordered a halt to the practice in 2017 after learning the material was laced with one of the potentially harmful chemicals known collectively as PFAS, which are turning up in drinking water and some foods across the U.S.". It includes feces, urine, sweat, and other organic matter. The timing of all this seems especially convenient, given that thevaccine death wavefrom Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) may only be another 5-6 months away. Biosludge is made up of toxic chemicals, pharmaceutical waste, heavy metals, biowaste, and even dead bodies. Skin from circumcisms are used to make face creams. These laws were there to protect Gods people from doing something dumb that could cost them their health, their lives, and their future. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, which just approved Senate Bill 228 that authorizes the practice. And the EPAs inspector general reported last year that the agency was falling short in tracking hundreds of pollutants in sludge, including PFAS. Eighteen states have already legalized alkaline hydrolysis. The terms 'biosolids' and 'sewage sludge' are often used interchangeably. How about we NOT allow the spread of toxic sludge on our farmlandour water supplyour food source? It should be. Around here we mind our own business and we all do as we see fit with our land. The city of Marinette, Wisconsin, has stopped distributing sewage waste, also called biosolids, to farms after getting high PFAS readings.". Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. The flow can be in the range of 5-15 kg dry solids per ton of pulp. If America now begins recycling human beings as liquid rather than simply burying bodies or cremating them into ash, as has traditionally been the case, then these remains will almost certainly end up being converted into recycled biosludge and spread as fertilizer on food crops. Our family gives every sick child that comes to our farm the first jar of milk for free. It's easy enough to see whosigned up for free sludge in Oklahoma. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. This resulting flesh goo often the remains of vaccine-murdered citizens is flushed into the city sewer system and combined with raw human feces, light industrial waste, feminine hygiene products that are flushed down toilets, and other biohazard waste,then transformed into biosludgewhich is loaded onto trucks and dumped on food farms. Who's up for a trip to Germany? God knows where all that ends up. Introduced by Senators TESTIN, L. TAYLOR, CARPENTER, KOOYENGA and RINGHAND, cosponsored by Representatives NOVAK, SWEARINGEN, ARMSTRONG, BOWEN, CALLAHAN, KITCHENS, KRUG, MOSES, L. MYERS, J. RODRIGUEZ, ROZAR, SKOWRONSKI and STUBBS. According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains," which [] He comes from a military family reaching back to the Revolutionary War. Biosludge can be found in every city across the globe and is a major problem for public health. Its one more reason to eat organic, of course, since organic crops disallow the use of biosludge as fertilizer. In 2019, about 60% of sewage sludge produced by treatment facilities will be spread on farmland and gardens, as well as schoolyards and lawns. Doctors determined he was killed by a blood infection, the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus." Just wondering. ", "Studies have documented PFAS absorption by some crops lettuce, tomatoes and radishes among them from soils fertilized with sewage byproducts. S. aureus is commonly found in the lower human colon and tends to invade irritated or inflamed tissue.". According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains . What? Isnt that the same thing as cannibalism? 10-26-19 \ The state of Washington is the first in the union to start "composting" dead human bodies as crop "fertilizer," bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green.. [ READ: New Jersey Enacts Aid-In-Dying Law ] As the green burial movement. According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains," which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the "natural organic reduction" of human remains.