before we dive into all that i, want to share some of the key points we have discovered as we reported out this story for you tonight, and it may prove relevant to how smith approaches the insurrection and trump case, which again has a big, big decision which is rarely made in american court or law, which is whether or not to indict a former president. What can happen right now, even while he`s sitting in that courtroom is that he can, you know, direct his people to send us all the documents that wouldn`t interfere with his being there in court, and we haven`t gotten them and I`m wondering, I`m guessing we maybe will not. did they act corruptly? MELBER: I hear that, and the documents are important. justice requires institutions that can protect those who seek justice. dandruff is caused by irritation to a germ that lives on everyone's scalp. thanks for returning. MELBER: And when we come back, we build on that point but going in a different direction. In the state of Ohio, sir, where do you fall on that? -that's right, dr. gary. Of course, Steve Bannon goes to trial on Monday. LOFGREN: That`s essentially what it amounts to and it`s not the way we do things here in America. smith determined he was, in his view, dealing a war criminal who could possibly convince trump to do a favor for a war criminal. he admitted, no, i'm jew-ish. he lost that november election by wide margin. MELBER: But specifically -- I`m only going to jump in to redirect, as you would say. meanwhile, mccarthy tapped santos for a committee that, well, you wouldn't believe it. At trial, sometimes you pick details that will stick in the jury`s mind. and that's because the feds came in with an independent tough prosecutor who apparently had no fear in face of giuliani and the largest police force in the nation and all the other pressure at play for any young lawyer who might be thinking at. >> don't you think i chose a great vice president of the united states of america? smith also about why some are in denial. you take it alling to, and what you have here is a portrait of a very stern, very serious, sober and often effective prosecutor. That`s not something that I would have put forward by any stretch of the imagination. It will focus on something that we know about but like so much else with this committee, it may give us more detail and evidence that a sitting president stood by and did nothing, fell down on the job, failed, some called it dereliction of duty, while a major national security target was stormed with his own vice president inside. So, we`re going to insist on getting those texts if they`re there, and they need to deliver them to us right now. Should they be forced to carry out this child? A Wall Street Journal published an editorial immediately saying this was, quote, too good to confirm. >> that was more than six years ago. We`ve reported on something that was initially not fully understood, just how all those people that Trump`s own aides and lawyers didn`t think should be in the White House in the first place, how they got in. although the second amendment people, maybe there is. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung function, and helps prevent future flare-ups. >> talking about obstruction, people trying to stop the work while he does it. you got what you get, you get what you got. (cecily) switch to verizon! shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. you just singled them out, precisely because when they convince people, some confused people or otherwise of the lie, those people then believe that they are living under the illegitimate government, that they are the freedom fighters. >> john and i are honest and realistic with the american people. Wallace helms the 4 and 5 p.m. hours and . if you think dry is boring is a synonym or backing down, no. yeah! It`s going to go into who he spoke to in those hours, what they`re calling those 187 minutes from when the Capitol was first breached until he finally, belatedly after all the damage had pretty much been done, after the law enforcement had finally gotten back in control, then he told rioters and insurrectionists to leave. cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. make sure that, you know, responsible citizens and responsible leaders continue to try to defend against this as best we can. "Hey folks I'll be in the chair for . what happens in their career after a given case. ARI MELBER, MSNBC HOST: Happy Friday, Nicolle. July 24, 2017. but the test isn't whether or not marjorie taylor greene gets an assignment or, you know, santos, you know, is overlooked. Ari Melber, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, writer and attorney, is the host of The Beat with Ari Melber airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. how the media and information -- claims and lies can be pull into the criminal plots. and a reminder of all the kids whose hero you are each and every month. on the Internet. is this the fallout from all of those votes we witnessed? but at the end of the day, it's going to fall on the shoulders of maga, of trump, of kari lake, and of the leadership of the republican party that can't even deal with a guy who told his constituents a lie, direct, boll face. ignoring their own weaponization of citizens against elected officials, against the electoral process, undermining the very fundamental value and principle, of what this country was founded on, the embodiment of the power given to the citizens by our founders to elect and be governed by those we elect. we don't know whether that type of obstruction probe reaches trump or not. the answer is yes. >> i think some of the critic of the police department i spoke to today certainly believe the, overwhelming majority of police officers are good people. So I think that our problem is getting to these witnesses quickly enough. he often uses lawyer as cutouts. Whether this is a legitimate witness or not, you know, I think is still up for question. If you just refuse to show up, you`ll get prosecuted. the question is whether there would be any justice for that horrific attack carried out under the color and power of law. >> after the election in november, solomon pena reached out and contracted someone for an amount of cash money to commit at least two of these shootings. >> tonight, a new low. But when we come back, we`ve got an update about speaking out and all the ways that there is still hope even in sometimes a grim landscape. MELBER: Appreciate it. He would not order them to evacuate the Capitol and dispersed. Mr. Bannon`s trial begins Monday. after a federal grand jury charged him with six. try head & shoulders shampoo and conditioner. It`ll be wild." And I expect that to come from the south. so let us focus on the how. The other big news here has been about the Secret Service. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. It`s like he only decided to talk to the people when he signaled a retreat. there was a conviction which put a key officer behind the attack in prison for decades. call or go online to and start changing lives today. for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. I think that -- I think that, in particular, very progressive voices within the Democratic Party are suppressed. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. VANCE: Well, that no comment was a longtime coming there. And this is a story that`s not too good to be true. for a limited time, get welcome unlimited for just $25/line. That thing in the middle there like it`s the menu. we'll stay on the story. Plenty of opportunities to do what anyone would have done, in which the vice president had to do. For more on exactly that, we bring in former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance and federal prosecutor John Flannery. and provide access to specialists who help with estate planning to look out for future generations so you're not just growing and protecting your wealth. But mostly black boys, but they would call us (BLEEP). what did this idiot think was going to change if he killed a state legislator? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. he did not deserve this. I promised the new music here, which is also political. Transcript NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC. MELBER: Special counsel and the voting machines. cold coming on? But it turned out to be much worse than that for a news outlet. shingles doesn't care. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. Well, here is and here`s what he said going into the testimony. you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. And I`ll tell you, we`re going to get to your new album, new music, people are excited about that. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. So, from politics to culture, there are lessons as we`ve explored in this very program that we can draw from history. Current events and sharp analysis of top trending topics. if operators are busy, please call again, or go to right away. >> it's kevin. Or see this Q.R. That means to end any possibility of having a credible account of the outcome of the elections. i know what's right for me. Dr. Jason Johnson replaces Ari Melber on MSNBC. He received a J.D. >> exactly. he's a tough but low profile prosecutor with a very long record. But the government has to create laws that protect people and especially children. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. although again, shows when he shot and was really aggressive, sometimes they lost. MSNBC's nightly newscast will still begin with Ari Melber at 6 p.m., Joy Reid at 7 and Chris Hayes at 8. life. We won`t show you more of it. Where we talk to artists and musicians. Peter Navarro released his 36-page report, you see it here, and by the end, "be there. This is the question that the legislators in the respective states will answer --. Actually the first thing I did I walked in, I looked at him and I said, "Who are you?". question is, with a republican party that's two years off an insurrection and went into the midterms with an attack on the speaker's partner, and now today we see 10-year-olds almost hit by bullets, what does the republican party do with these rolling scandals of -- partly -- again, the law enforcement will give us the evidence, we'll report it out. that does it for us, "the reidout" up next. michael comes back on "the beat." he work as a federal prosecutor with jack smith, including trying the officer in the abnor case. >> yeah. (einstein) brilliant! it's not a what if or a when, it's here repeatedly. thank you for being our hero. Unless we`re like that anonymous Secret Service guy who`s more interested in (INAUDIBLE) than he is at getting at the truth. MELBER: She said that at the last hearing. The mystery here about the Secret Service, and why a law enforcement agency that is known for its rigor and its care, it has a very important set of jobs and its protectees, has suddenly been caught deleting text messages from when? the record is actually the opposite. used their power to victimize and to brutalize federal kosovar al banians. smith did stints in federal and local prosecutors' office in new york. Having said that, he still makes for a fact witness. This is another one of those kinds of stories. So a watchdog is now involved. he has a rare record of prosecuting presidents and heads of state. that's point one. Whether he is a cooperative witness, whether he tells the full story of that meeting is a different story. some prosecutors just basically won't do it unless they are dragged to it. so start . now, just as smith's prosecutions had that history with mayor giuliani, he had his own brush with the trump administration announcing charges in the case i just mentioned, throe days before that president was going to attend a trump white house summit. thank you for your time, andrew weissman. Well, also that proved incorrect as we just showed you the legal proceedings. code on your screen? >> he's been charged with ten counts of war crimes and crimes, against humanity. He forced them to subpoena him and then he mussed as I reported earlier this week about who he thinks should get the Medal of Freedom, to which many Americans myself included said you are out of power. tonight on msnbc there's a national day of racial healing. MELBER: Or as I would say, is the inaction --. VANCE: So he, having no privilege against testifying to assert, has got to show up. did you know, unless you treat dandruff regularly, it will keep coming back. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. your gums will thank you. showed up on friday. January 6th Committee member on the upcoming primetime hearing next week. there's new video of fed taking this suspect, solomon pena into custody in new mexico. then they beat and sexual assaulted him. and while smith's folks pointed to this as experience, and it is, it can also cut both ways. said that they deleted these texts on from the 5th and the 6th after he asked for them. he developed experience for the pressure of those specific kind of cases and something of a reputation as the kind of prosecutor you actually pick up and call with a tough case like that. someone who cares about other people and gives of themselves. he also gave george santos to committees. Stay with us. we are joined now by a veteran of the mueller probe and fbi, andrew weissman. (einstein) my network has gone kaput! smith in 2011 led that indictment of john edwards. LOFGREN: Well, let me just say this. So I think he is just blowing smoke for the court because if he were serious, he would have produced all of those documents that we have been waiting for for these many, many months. And as we watch the evidence here, the public can try to make sense of it. whether that means donald trump will be indicted or not, only time will tell. in our special report right now we're going to chart smith's road to this current assignment, deciing whether or not to indict an ex president. So, we`re gathering the information. this is the ill logic here and the silence from the republicans -- >> or a legislator's daughter. I think we need a special counsel that we put in place before inauguration day to get to the bottom of this. there will be hell to pay. Run, (BLEEP), run. and as i said in september/october, the country, if they vote for this, this is what you're going to get, so -- >> well, michael, as you know -- on the hill to some, bs stands for bull santos. web pages >> that's how he does it -- lays it out. thank you for that amid grim stuff. so i think he has always right experience. MELBER: Mr. Navarro of course is not rejecting this plea offer and preparing for trial. Republicans are facing this backlash over women`s rights and we have an interesting update on what`s really happening out there, next. We -- it`s very clear that the president, former president has culpability. that case is the latest example of how years of right wing crackpot conspiracy theories including election denial have very real consequences and put lives at. nichols was hospitalized and put. Let`s let the debate floors. you. when the facts suggest they have to turn and investigate their own -- government leaders, their own bosses, the police who are their government teammates in investigations -- that is harder. And as it happens because they don`t control the scheduling, the final hearing will coincide with the first criminal trial of someone facing jail because of their dealings with the committee. your contribution will help improve the lives of children and families around the world and you'll receive updates on how your support is tackling the issues you care about most. michael steele is back with us. >> he also came to my front door after elections, pretty aggressive. so, if you're off the racking or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. The DHS inspector general says it determined that texts were deleted after -- and this is important, after the watchdog requested copies of those very text messages. MELBER: We got about 90 seconds left, although I`d love to have you back again. whether it was a police-led crime is the open question. We`re going back to the West Wing. watch this trial and watch those, that follow. That full species of crime is on the table based on this information. zicam. now let's dig in with some of the final i promised you, coming up. but in term of prosecutorle chops, it's hard, as you laid out, to imagine somebody with, better qualify communications for what he is about to undertake. with open questions about whether trump aides like rudy giuliani will not only, say, lose his law license, which is happening, but whether he'll ever face actual charges. Ari Naftali Melber, born on 31st March 1980, in Seattle, Washington to Barbara D. Melber, mother, and Daniel M. Melber, the escalating probes into trump's potential january 6th crimes and misconduct is now led by special counsel jack smith at doj. He was at the unhinged December meeting which tried to get the military involved in seizing voting machines. THE BEAT WITH ARI MELBER starts right now. i want to be clear and spell out the reason we hear about the hurdles. We see in the Secret Service messages that they evaporate with time or with help, and why do they disappear in the same month as something as historic as this attack on the Capitol? Joyce, I distinguish between the gossip and the criminal evidence because there are salacious details that could matter. that's interesting for how he approaches this case. The show was launched on July 24, 2017, and was recently nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. Steve Bannon has tried to cut and run and get some kind of deal. Citizens trust and many are the black banks. Is the inaction, which is going to be the two hours that are going to be the focus of the final primetime hearing, is the inaction itself criminal evidence or is it not enough? michael, we always love having you on more than one topic. And we pay attention to fact witnesses and this is his new factual account now under oath of what he said he tried to do during the actual televised violence on the day of the 6th. well, i could switch us to xfinity.