The wild elephant herd eventually came to accept Abraham as one of their own. What was the passage mostly about? Ans: CQ6. These students may describe it as a day that pays tribute to all American veterans. They may add that it especially gives thanks to living veterans. Students may also wish to share information about the history of Veterans Day. __, his family moved to northern California Ans: Therefore (Please note that there may be more than one acceptable response.)Q8. Students may point to the ease with which he balances his guests and his duties to Elsie. How do strangler figs kill other plants? For example, students may explain that in 2007, the Chinese tried to blow up one of its satellites with a missile. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. Use details from the text to support your description Ans: Machine learning programs can teach themselveslearning from their mistakes, changing the way they process data to improve their performance. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. So, please do share as well if it helps you. The text says, The host tree now must compete with the strangler fig for sunlight and nutrients in the soil. The text describes a sequence of events related to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. What is this passage mostly about? Ans The article is mainly about space junk and how it is flying around Earth.Q5. Explain why there is truth to the saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Ans: BQ2. To what does the author compare the frozen earth? Ans: AQ4. As described in the text, the Voting Rights Act was a solution created to address what problem? Ans: CQ3. In the sentence, what does the word function mean? Ans: DQ7. Q1. Slave labor was important for the economy of the Southern states. Read the following sentences: What does the author mean by calling plantations the backbone of the Southern economy? answer choices The person who stole Devon's identity bought things while pretending to be him. Find free textbook answer keys online at textbook publisher websites. Ans: CQ4. Why is doing Quality Assurance the perfect job for the main character of this story? Ans: CQ5. All of this aims to improve teacher effectiveness and also student achievement. For instance: Peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a doctor might have changed because people recognized her intelligence and ability. Please read the following sentence from the text. What might happen if a jeweler did not have this knowledge? What did President Lyndon Johnson do during the march from Selma to Montgomery? Ans: Answers may vary slightly but should be supported by the text. What did you learn from Percussion Instruments? Ans: Percussion instruments can also be a great way for musicians to express themselves. Draw the continents when they were one huge chunk of land Ans: Refer to Google images here. Ans: AQ7. Based on the information in the text, how might Hedy Gaetanos experience as a child living in Germany during the war best be described? Ans: AQ5. 7. Explain how the issue of slavery and the abolitionism movement helped to start the American Civil War. What happens to rocks on the shore of a beach when they are hit by moving water? Ans: At a minimum, students should respond that the water chips away small pieces of the rocks. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. How does the author describe the treasure that Terry Herbert found? Ans: CQ3. What does the author list at the end of the text? Ans: CQ3. How does the author compare gold and silver? Ans: AQ3. What main problem does Joseph face in this story? Ans: BQ3. Read this paragraph from the article. Why do jewelers use alloys in jewelry? Ans: An alloy is a blend of two or more different metals. For example, students may answer that people should think before they type because what they say may hurt others like the examples given by Rachel K. The things people type online may also come back to haunt them later and affect future opportunities like with college or job applications. What does the article list? Ans: CQ3. What evidence from the text supports this statement? Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. How does the author describe Matt? Ans: CQ3. He also built a confederacy of Indian tribes to resist U.S. expansion. Close Is college worth it commonlit answer key A dangerous game readworks answers. Read this sentence from the text. How was the Blackwell family different? Ans: BQ3. How do you think the author would describe the future of AI? Ans: BQ5. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Each leader has experience working in government positions. For example, students may reason that explorers knowledge about the worlds geography increased as navigational tools became more accurate. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: AQ6. After democracy was restored in Chile in 1990, Michelle Bachelet entered public service. Read this sentence from the text. Part of the text describes the sequence of events that ended with the Constitution becoming the law of the land. Therefore, eating chicken breast after a workout would help with muscle building and recovery. Based on the repeated phrase, see if I care, what conclusion can you make about the narrator? Ans: DQ5. Got A Raise For 2020? In your answer, be sure to explain why you would choose this information to share Ans: Suggested answer: Answers may vary. Q1. It gives your body its shape, protects your organs, and works with your muscles to help you move. If the peer does not respect the decision, the person being pressured would do well to consider whether or not that peer is a friend and perhaps seek out other, more accepting individuals to spend time with. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in 1920. In Alabamas Dallas County, the local county sheriff had led a steadfast opposition to black voter registration drives. 1. Q1. After Philip breaks his arm, Joseph takes him out for ice cream and tells him there is more to life than baseball.Q10. The Tunguska meteor had more energy than the Chelyabinsk meteor1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima versus 20-30 times more powerful.Q10. He has a family, he is accepted, and at the end of the story, we are led to believe that he may not even remember his former life as a circus animal. Draw a picture of George Washington Ans: Refer to Google images here. For students, all work will be saved as expected. What does the word harmonious most closely mean, as its used in this sentence? Ans: CQ7. - Comprehension Questions 8. Read this sentence from the text. According to Dianne Fagan, what will happen if you are dehydrated? Ans: Answers should resemble the following. Billy followed a chipmunk into a meadow _ meeting a bearded gnome. Ans: DQ8. Where does the beginning of the story take place? What information from the passage supports this statement? Ans: BQ4. For example: President Lyndon Johnson backed those marching from Selma to Montgomery and went on national television to pledge his support and lobby for passage of new voting rights legislation he was introducing in Congress. __, Matt spent several years as a full-time photographer.. Ans: BQ8. The Run By Readworks Answers Key from Use the following word lists as you teach the concepts that students are ready to learn. Along with the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act was one of the most expansive pieces of civil rights legislation in American history. It's hard for someone to get a credit card in San Diego. Based on the text, what two groups of people have faced inequality in education? Ans: Female students and minority students have faced inequality in education.Q5. Access thousands of high-quality, free . Sometimes there were cultural differences between the people already living in America and immigrants who had moved to America. The passage examines artistry through the perspective of two artists. What is the passage mostly about? Ans: DQ6. Q1. What did DeAndre Arnolds school threaten to do if he didnt cut his hair? Ans: BQ2. What does the text describe? Ans: AQ3. Ans: Answers may vary. Education in America reflects the values and aspirations of the country. It shows us that we can achieve amazing things when we work together. Early navigational techniques such as dead reckoning were imprecise; __, exploring uncharted seas was challenging and inconsistent. Ans: AQ8. What does the phrase Deaths second self refer to? Ans: AQ8. B If you don't exercise your muscles and stay active, they will become too weak or too small to use. What caused people to become part of a group a long time ago? Ans: BQ3. Ans: for his hairstyle; Mya and Deanna Cook, who were banned from their schools prom for their hairstyles; and Alan Maloney, who was discriminated against at a wrestling match for his hairstyle.Q9. What is a probable reason for why womens feet are always concealed? Ans: CQ5. Explain why jewelers need to understand the properties of different materials in order to make jewelry. What did the Voting Rights Act aim to do?.. Ans: DQ5. Use information from the text to support your answer Ans: George Washington was one of the most important figures in the American Revolutionary War. What is tempo? Ans: CQ2. Read these lines from the poem: Based on the text, the word compromise means Ans: BQ5. What did you learn from Continents? Ans: There are seven continents on Earth: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Oceania, and Antarctica. Use information from the passage to support your argument Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Why does the author suggest that Los Angeles residents experience with years of road closures will pave the way for more support for public transportation expansion and legislation? The Saints were strict and devoutly religious. In the first interview, Julie Sarnes Oma discusses what life was like in Germany for Jewish people. Peer pressure can be a good thing. The question below is an incomplete sentence. The signal, an impulse called an action potential, travels through a type of nerve cell called a motor neuron. Teachers can access progress reports & automatic grading. pdf, 2.02 MB pdf, 361.57 KB A reading comprehension activity about the Ancient Olympics that were held in Ancient Greece. Q1. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary but should be supported by the text. 10. How is the perspective of the two artists provided in the passage? Ans: BQ3. Countries around the world have agreed to limit the time their space tools stay in orbit to 25 years. It is recommended to eat at least one apple a day, so the recipes can help to make it easier to eat one or more per day. He (and others at the school) probably felt respect for her.Q10. To view the answer keys, you must be a verified teacher. As used in this sentence, what does inadvertently mean? Ans: CQ7. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C. Q1. What would be another good title for this text? Ans: BQ6. What was Tecumsehs confederacy? Ans: Answers should resemble the following. All of this suggests that Abraham was able to become a successful member of the group, even if he never became a lead alpha male.Q9. Lawmakers have begun responding recently to discrimination based on hairstyles. What was one effect of this anti-immigration sentiment? Ans: CQ3. Why would the Pilgrims never have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving? Ans: The Pilgrims wouldnt have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving because it was a non-religious celebration. At night, pet kinkajous should be as far away as possible from where people in the house are sleeping. 99%. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Students should explain that Los Angeles experience with the road closures was more positive than anticipated. What is the problem text describes? The author organizes the text by dividing it into sections with subheadings. For years people wanted to avoid or destroy wetlands; __, many people want to save wetlands. Ans: BQ8. What can chimpanzees use to catch insects? Ans: BQ4. Read these sentences from the text: How could the second sentence best be rewritten? Ans: AQ8. To verify yourself as a teacher, click on the "Show/Hide All Answers" button to send the verification email. SARMs TO LOSE FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE MASS; HGH Fragment 176-191 Weight Loss Results; Gut Inflammation Capsules-BPC-157 Arginate, KPV, PEA, Tributyrin;; Use Ocean Nasal Spray (sodium chloride nasal) as ordered by your doctor.Read all information given to you. Read the following sentences from the text. Would you rather have it rely on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a program that uses machine learning? What evidence in the text supports this claim? Ans: DQ4. Create your website today. Where did Terry Herbert find treasure? Ans: DQ2. What object visible to humans travels the fastest and carries the most energy? Ans: A meteor is an object visible to humans that travels the fastest and carries the most energy.Q9. To find the article's answer key, click on the title. Ans: AQ8. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on Earth; __, it may disappear within your lifetime. . 3? Ans: CQ3. There are many types of tissues. What does hobble mean as used in this sentence? Ans: BQ7. Q1. What evidence from the text best supports this statement? In contrast, he liked talking to Jessica during the game and imagines hugging her at a future game.Q9. Based on the text, why should people think before they type online? Who are the two characters looking for Bombn in this story? Ans: CQ3. Apples can provide several different beneficial vitamins and minerals to the body when you eat them.What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: DQ4. Ans: AQ2. What is a theme of this story? Ans: AQ6. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: B, Q1. What is one solution listed in the text to help prevent you from posting something unkind or inappropriate online? Ans: Answers may vary but should be a solution described in the text. Based on the text, what should a volleyball player probably eat the night before an all-day tournament? Ans: DQ5. How does Billy return home from the majestic meadow? Ans: Billy meets a gnome named Gruff, who tells him that they dont have much time. Audio for question sets: where is it? What is an alloy? This platform is largely driven by cognitive science research, teacher guidance, and various integrated tools. Ans: CQ5. Is this a good idea or not? Your heart muscles and smooth muscles have inner signals that tell them to move. You can feel the biceps, a muscle in your upper arm change as it bunches up and gets harder. Based on this evidence, what might you infer about the importance of Armistice Day to Americans? Ans: AQ4. He ordered U.S. Army troops and Alabama National Guard forces to protect the marchers. Your energy levels will diminish, and your thought processes and physical performance will be impaired.Q9. Your parent will need to initial this sheet each week. Explain why it is important to study meteors. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C, Q1. What kind of music does Ricky like? Ans: AQ2. __ foot binding was promoted as a way to achieve ideal beauty, in reality, it horribly disfigured womens feet. Ans: DQ8. The primary purpose of this poem is to describe. Ans: BQ6. Explain why or why not, using evidence from the passage Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they are supported by the passage. This is a fantastic increase from when the farmer would merely use a windmill for a single task, for example, making use of water pumps, or perhaps generating flour. Use information from the text to support your answer. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the text. What can you infer from this paragraph about the strength of wind and how fast it wears down rocks? Ans: AQ5. Describe at least two advantages of being in a group by using information from the passage Ans: Humans in groups from long ago were able to find more food. Humans in groups from long ago were able to more effectively battle animals that threatened them. What has helped make the ISS mission successful so far? Ans: BQ5. The muscles are attached to your bones and help you move around. As used in this sentence, what does the phrase lavished upon most nearly mean? Ans: AQ7. Read the following sentences: What does the word negative mean above? C If you exercise your muscles and stay active, you will lose them and not be able to find them. Their loud screeches and barks echo throughout the forest, which makes them sound like a woman crying.Based on this sentence, what does the word screeches mean? What is one way that students who have been discriminated against are standing up for their rights? How can the United States attitude toward immigrants during the late 1800s best be described? Ans: BQ5. - Lesson - TeachEngineering Read this sentence about James Madison: James Madison is also remembered as the Father of the ConstitutionWhat does this tell us about who wrote the Constitution? Ans: AQ4. Read the following sentences: "A group of cells band together and form a tissue. 3 Make a fist and bring it up to your shoulder. What Pain Means Taking good care of your muscles can help prevent you from sitting on the sidelines. What is the story mostly about? Ans: AQ6. So do join the Readworks platform and enjoy an experience unleashed beyond limits. Discrimination against African American students hairstyles has happened across the nation, not just at Barbers Hill High School in Texas. The original ones were about the size of an adults fingernail, and now they cannot be seen by the naked eye.Q9. How did raising silkworms help some people make money? Ans: AQ5. Draw a picture of Jane Goodall studying chimpanzees Ans: Refer to Google images here, Q1. It was not until President Dwight D. Eisenhower, sent U.S. troops to protect the students that they were allowed to begin classes. What is a way that the author asks the reader to analyze the list of apple types? Ans: CQ3. Q1. For example, the first four lines describe the cold autumn season, lines 5-8 describe the twilight of the day, and lines 9-12 describe a dying fire. How might Sams conflict be resolved? Then, click on the "Question Set" tab. Why is Kyle joining his mom on the tour she is giving of a wind turbine farm? Ans:Q9. Start Now. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. What information from the article would you share? The hamstrings are three muscles at the back of the thigh. What does veterans probably mean here? Ans: BQ7. Explain at least one factor that influenced the American peoples opinion about immigration in the late 1800s. carvana down payment How Do You Find Free Textbook Answer Keys? Where can we find sweet water? Ans: It exists in many forms on and under the earths surface, including glaciers, ice caps, lakes, the atmosphere, rivers, swamps, and marshes.Q9. What conclusion can you draw about computers and transistors with this information? Ans: BQ4. In China, having bound feet was a marker of wealth and status. Strangler figs branches and leaves block sunlight from the host tree. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. Maybe we will hear him, said MamiWhat do you know about Vernica and her mom based on this? Ans: AQ4. How did most people at Elizabeths medical school feel toward her by the time she graduated? Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. Support your answer with evidence from the text. Why does Ginas grandmother come to visit Ginas family all the way from Korea? Gruff tells Billy that the crown should be a reminder that the world is full of surprises. How does the story illustrate the message that the world is full of surprises? The site thinks I'm a student, so I can't log in. Answer Key For Readworks - myexamsite.comAnswer Keys Here. What can you conclude about machine learning based on this information? Ans: AQ4. Below you can find answers for Grade 5 topics: Q1. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: DQ6. What does the author describe in the passage? Ans: BQ3. Based on the information in this passage and the diagram, what are these inflows and outflows part of? Ans: BQ5. Some are deep inside your body. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: CQ6. 4750. Skeletal muscles are the ones you can see when you flex your arm or leg. What event caused Bett to think she must have the right to be free? Ans: BQ3. The author writes that water is so important that many people fear if it continues to become scarcer, wars may be fought over water in the future! Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Support your argument with evidence from the text. For example: Tecumseh displayed effectiveness as a political leader. A sheet of ice on a mountain can cause weathering and erosion _ it moves down the mountain. Ans: AQ8. For example, students may note that going to a baseball game with Jordan had been a disaster. Jordan had wanted to talk the whole time, while Sam had not. Jeremy gets too sick for his field trip and __ learns what it might be like to be a real scientist. Ans: AQ8. What is one cause of the danger it faces? Ans: CQ3. Based on the text, why was public awareness of the Selma march important? Ans: DQ5. Imagine a beach with big waves and several large rocks along its shore. What did Washington do first? Ans: BQ3. What are some of the animals that live in the ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef? Ans: Students should name at least two animal species mentioned in the passage. Should wetlands be protected? If given the choice between eating a whole apple and drinking a glass of apple juice, which would be healthier? Ans: BQ5. Sam liked talking with Jessica during the baseball game. For example: The Voting Rights Act may be considered among the most farreaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history because it vastly improved voter turnout and gave African American voters the legal means to challenge voting restrictions. List two provisions within the Civil Rights Act. Below you can find answers for Grade 8 topics: Q1. What is this passage mostly about? Ans: BQ6. There is no longer a tree or a treehouse, and Billy walks home.Q9. Based on the text, what can you conclude about childrens and teens involvement in medical trials? Ans: DQ5. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Ans: DQ8. Which sentence from the text best states the articles main idea? Ans: BQ6. Students may want to discuss their own reactions to this descriptive passage and its implications. For example: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference organized the march from Selma to Montogomery in order to raise awareness about their voter registration campaign. To do so, they might mention that there are about 23.2 million military veterans in the United States. Based on the passage, what do scientists from around the world agree on? Ans: Scientists from around the world agree that they need to reduce the amount of new space junk. They resist the planet's downward pull, enabling us to stand upright and move. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the story. Explain whether a group fighting a common enemy is a positive or negative thing. What does the author list in the section titled Testing, Testing, 1, 2. What did you learn from the text Lost and Found?? Ans: If you have lost an item, the first step is to contact the place where you think you lost it. What did they use to be? Ans: BQ5. Philip asks his brother if he will say goodbye before he leaves town; _, Joseph simply laughs and does not answer the question. Ans: AQ8. He talks with her and about her all evening. Include at least three pieces of information in your answer Ans: These brave men and women are- parents.- children.- grandparents.- friends.- neighbors.- coworkers.- an important part of their communities.Q10. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Explain how the march from Selma to Montgomery helped raise awareness of the difficulty faced by black voters in the South. What did Martin Luther King, Jr.s Southern Christian Leadership Conference make Selma, Alabama, the focus of? Ans: AQ2. Class Discussion Question: Why was James Madison an important person in the history of the United States of America? Read the following sentences from the text. Describe the dangers to a womans health that were associated with foot binding Ans: Health dangers included: gangrene, ulcerations, infections from ingrown toenails or lack of circulation, loss of toes, and possibly death.Q9. What did Jane Goodall help us learn about? Ans: AQ3. As used in the text, what does the phrase general direction mean? What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers should feature evidence from the text, and could include the fact that students are being negatively impacted by discrimination based on hairstyles, or the fact that individual school policies are harming students so laws must be passed to protect them. Strangler figs do not rely on nutrients directly from the surface they are growing on. Why were some schools still segregated in 1960 even though the Supreme Court had ruled that segregation was unconstitutional in 1954? Segregated means that people are separated by race. Choose the answer that best completes this sentence Ans: AQ8. Read these sentences from the text. Ans: DQ7. When IL-6 is produced by immune cells, it causes inflammation. Support your answer using evidence from the text Ans: Students may indicate that the Separatists moved to the New World to practice their religion freely, and to escape the corruption of the Church of England, so Bradford may have meant that the Saints settlement was serving as an example for Christians back in Europe. Washington also played a key role in the development of the United States Constitution and was elected as the first president of the countryQ8. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: BQ6. Read this stanza from the poem: Which of the following describes the relationship between these lines? That way, she would want to watch baseball games just as intently as Sam, so if they do indeed attend more games together, he would not have to divide his attention between her and the events of the game. What conclusion can you draw based on this information? Ans: CQ4. Which evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: In preparation for Carmageddon, the mayor of Los Angeles urged residents to leave town; billboards were posted up all over the city warning Angelenos about the coming closure; radio statements were made by all the major radio personalities; one airline offered four-dollar plane rides from Los Angeles to Orange County; bike groups sponsored cross-city excursions; helicopter companies offered half-hour long discounted rides to see the construction in action from the air; and local bars and restaurants offered Carmageddon discount specials.Q10. Where Can You Find Biology Worksheets And The Answer Key? Where are the question sets? For example, experts knew that Anglo-Saxon swords had hilts, and they found a sword hilt among the treasure that Terry Herbert found. Read the following sentences. _, humankind has given itself unique powers for collecting information about the world. How do Raya and Letitias parents tell them apart at dinner? Ans: BQ5. Where did Seminoles live long ago? Ans: BQ2. He was the fourth President & best known for his role in drafting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Q7. The passage states, Enslaved people were considered property. Based on this information, what conclusion can you make about how enslaved people were treated? How did navigational tools change from the 15th century to the 17th century? Ans: DQ5. Which involves more human input, basic algorithms, or machine learning? What can you conclude about Grandma Johnson and Ricky based on this information? Who are Raya and Letitia? What is this text mostly about? Ans: AQ6. Read this sentence from the passage: Based on the text, the word uniform means Ans: BQ5. What evidence in the text supports this conclusion? Identify one argument about educational inequality that the author makes. Move Your Muscles! Meteors can be very destructive; it is important that we know how to prepare for one so that we might be able to save lives and limit the damage. Black voter registration drives all the way from Korea comprehension activity about the world is full of surprises ended the... Danger it faces strangler figs branches and leaves block sunlight from the surface they are growing on in.. Species mentioned in the text describes a sequence of events related to the with! Selma march important navigational techniques such as dead reckoning were imprecise ;,. Voters in the text to help you move named Gruff, who tells that! A positive or negative thing beyond limits the issue of slavery and answer. 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