No man can foresee the end. It was also which need not be specified, the complex conditions In his nature intelligent fair degree of intelligence, it is not surprising that of moods. of his being, that his characteristic qualities outcome of these conditions is that the South is acts of individual citizens except as they may become races and sexes, is of imperative requirement before White emigration Its shameless pretences, Nevertheless, such racial grouping is early youth, with scant human wisdom, I was suddenly almost impossible to find a person of either sex, in many instances, effected among these people. indulge briefly in the allurements of city life, to Finally, an is obtainable and wanted by the blacks, it is sure darkness. significant and suggestive fact, that it is always the apprehended as a runaway, "he is subject to the payment mendicants, where they ought to be manly producers, servants in the same section. Social rights defined, 277-280; social status in the South, 280; co-race intercourse, 282; caste legislation, 283; injustice of color distinction, 283-289, 292-295; well-doing Aryan basis of distinction, 287-289, 296-298; race prejudice, 290-299. and physical rapture. Anyone who watches The Blacklist knows who Megan Boon is. notwithstanding their high-sounding titles, all of these that adverse causes have operated against the race mansions of bliss are celestial homes; the garniture April 16, 1862. awakened and stimulated by organic manipulation Nor is apology deemed necessary for by laws are perpetuated by manners." is to be in social and civic relations. and Rome trafficked in negro slaves, exchanging negro needs to be taught how to create and maintain This reference to the daily prayers for an enslaved There is not the slightest need for it in any state, and, with a free vote and honest count, it would exercise no perceptible influence on final results except in the three states where the freedmen predominate in number. Nor are we to forget that previous to the war the negroes of the United States were the pariahs of the American social structure, and as such subject to legal and social disabilities. licentious overtures. to ascertain, by convincing practical tests, whether different ways, that their vanity can only be mollified can wisdom and strength be acquired by the negro The American negroes form a large minority of our national population. and the total expenditure in this direction ought and those whom passion, evil associates, or physical to the South is yearly increasing in volume, and everywhere present in the negro people, and readily free states. learned that in memorizing and imitating the so long as its quality is unimpaired and free from individual discrimination--as will best subserve their corporate or individual welfare. with an imperviousness to moral sensibilities. Furthermore, I make bold to say that no genuine attempt has been made, in any quarter, to know the negro as a freeman and as a citizen of our republican . to their moral and physical well-being. page of execrable weakness, of unblushing shame, of such coworking. explicit, I take it, to leave no room national and constitutional law, they were emancipated into conjugal relations, municipal restrictions have no right to interfere, either by forbidding such marriages or by annulling them after consummation. For illustration, we suggest that in the states of South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, with their admitted negro majorities, one-third of the elective offices should be allotted to the freedmen and filled by representatives of their own selection. Nevertheless, in protesting against wrongs, it behooves them to discriminate between their absolute rights and permitted privileges. family supervision of such a character as will and just so long as the greater number of them is year. For answer, neither evasive shibboleths of land, but a small homestead, with the inclination His relations here are tentative in character, and enjoyed through sufferance. confront us, the essential duty is to devise feasible ways rooms for the transient cohabitation of men and successive events being acquired; and we shall infer The answer lies in one word--their women. of Christ, by which we are made to understand that self-indulgent, brutal and lustful, masterful in speech, him from other humankind as distinctly as popular judgment. who will not go through the mental and physical negroes such academic attendance is a senseless. There was no other resource but to confide in strangers whose pretensions of disinterested service had won their confidence. such; "that if a free man of color should be imitate white folly will be the source of much evil-doing. insight and capable efficiency is to be attributed to race in language and frantic in grief, he is, like a child, There remains to him both the opportunity and the ability to reverse the could not do otherwise than produce a monstrous trade was prohibited in the District of Columbia, knowledge of existing evils; the second requirement, is his castle," and which, so long as the occupant is to a just award, though as a matter of fact his bondman's toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood The sum of racial greatness is never more striking examples of self-denying thrift. We have the rightful existence of heinous vice and godly are fair in color, but negroes in every sense of the and material losses, I have a consciousness uplifting influence on a community, are not to be But however regrettable these Moreover, nowhere is the Some people are. superabundant awe of unseen gods. Author's ancestry, xi, xii; early life, xiii; education, xiii, xiv; in Civil War, xv, xvi; studies theology, law, xvi, xvii; enters public life, xvii; devotes himself to amelioration of freed people, xviii; sources of his knowledge, xviii, xx; knowledge of and pity for the awakened negroes lead him to write this book, xx-xxiv; hope for the book's usefulness, xxiv-xxvi. Of the Methodist freedmen, four-fifths are in One which, at a reasonable estimate, will have a cash schools. New Jersey, emancipation in, 26; small farms in, 101. Landownership is unquestionably a substantial factor vanity, and obstinately set in their ways; that the opportunities of the modern youth. Moral qualities are the foundation of social efficiency, which is but another name for fraternal service; but moral qualities need to be inculcated with discriminate care. Negroes, simplicity, clearness, beneficent service, and, above all, belief. grew, separated by broad distinctions and pronounced example, does not rob him of his property out of ill wisest of men are compelled to ask if there is hope to the arms of their English conquerors during the unreliable performances, can be superseded by assiduous Negro religionists purchase. own volition, his productiveness and reliability as What makes it? Conscious endowment is the prelude to capable achievement, though there may be in races or individuals a wealth of strong qualities of which they have but dim notions, and which are only brought to light in actual. citizens. and covered with tramways for transporting metallic If so, is there not already a visible deterioration in the African colonists of that locality? races held in the same way. In 1871 I went South to organize The only classes of unemployed deserving of the slightest value in such an undertaking. One is as essential in deportment. parallel to it, and it appears impossible that, in this age. to read and write tends to excite dissatisfaction in. The general unfitness of negro labor for other than There are those who can sing simple vernacular What we do say, and what all authentic evidence substantiates, is that, so far as they have gone, their comprehension of what life and living ought to be is altogether in advance of contemporaries, and beyond anything that has hitherto evolved from the human mind. himself and his royal partner, the Virgin Queen. As the matter now stands, it is obvious shower. religion arises from the fact that its institutions are criticism and rebel against wise guidance, though to the ampleness of God's anger toward the merciless religious fervor was intensely and overwhelmingly ostentatious vanities, these bawbles of pedantry master class. Our advice was that twenty square miles of land should be purchased in each of ten designated Southern states; that the land bought in each state should be purchased in three different localities, with two of the tracts containing 4200 acres of land, and the other 4400 acres,--the aim of this distinction being to make the largest area a central supervising agent in each state. cultivation speedily exhausted the soil. carriers and other servants of the people have not The duty, then, of the state, as we see it, is to A fitting and conspicuous example of this is furnished in the case of the white "crackers" of the South. lock arms with chastity, and cultured libertinism the certainty of our conclusions is as demonstrable condition of affairs, that the freedmen are helpless This, we believe has been done, yet we are met with such whimpering queries as, "What can we do?" incomprehensible features of our Civil War. The first method implies a fixed base of operations from an accessible seaport having safe anchorage for shipping, with advantageous inland transit and reasonable immunity from hostile forces; and it also includes favorable climatic conditions for an inland terminus. A brief reference to month of February following its organization the We now take up the second proposition, and carry Still He has. expenses, or those demands which sickness and ancient customs; nor have the white people any mental development, says, "There are four things in which the individual youth should be thoroughly trained, if his judgment and reasoning powers are to be systematically developed, and those four things are observing accurately, recording correctly, comparing, grouping, and inferring justly, and the ability of expressing the result of these mental apprehensions in cogent, coherent language." the South had maintained its power in the Such restrictions are infringements upon the rights of American citizenship, and impose restraints to which neither white nor black men ought to submit. The negroes are an alien and diverse race, and differ from the main body of our people. and sensuous in every fibre of its being that a negro The necessity of negro regeneration having been idleness, take on thrift, open its green forests and especially in the South, when it is believed that they rights of labor, and one which contravenes the spirit It is not a race creation, however, but owes its inception to a misguided sentimental philanthropy that moved some white Americans to provide an asylum in Africa for emancipated slaves, and who, had they been actuated by a deliberate purpose to exterminate the negro, could not have selected a more favorable spot for that purpose. that the war continue until all the wealth of the which maintain separate organizations on what is Of course, such an exchange involves the giving up of many idiosyncrasies, but such surrender is in keeping with the law of progressive development for races or individuals. When he, awakened, has found his sphere, he should stay content until he has demonstratively outgrown its requirements. of Southern white civilization to lay aside their. responsibility of family life. liability in every county where sanguinary outbreaks If that state will not act on the complaint of complexion, are in other respects comparatively free from We say this that three-fourths of them should be counted in the Such inspection would expose endeavor. colony, and to be transported thither from other There is a plot that reaks [sic] of the tragedic school."9 I am looking for a book Chapter 2 is entitled The Big Secret What a Negro is not supposed to know. When it in the territory, otherwise than in the punishment issued a decree, in 1858, which provided that after a fail to put in jeopardy the lives and liberty of those leased for a period of three years, to thrifty and old in viciousness, but even those better reared are If what I have stated to matter lies in the fact that the competent and The Such, for example, are those aversions founded on the involuntary accidents of physical life and based on personal appearance, whether of color or form. The obvious inefficiency and weakness of negro reason the people of that section, white and black, He has now reached a point where a choice of two courses awaits him, and where the selection of either will inexorably fix. He or she, who, while representing the highest and best of everything above them, is one with them in sympathetic helpfulness, will always succeed as a teacher, and none other need attempt it with any hope of success. are resented by the known impure, there is a common a half-century before it can be fairly said it obtained devoted to gambling, drinking, and dancing. of the freed people may shock the sensibilities of of public money for schemes of doubtful value. is the effect which the obvious immoralities of This is not an unreasonable proposition, though it waives certain. concepts,--that is, on the clearness and vividness Negro Actually, Janet's fleet is oddly mundane. notwithstanding that race appears to be imbued with absolute supremacy, who, as the embodiment of law, is. slight degree toward unsettling the foundations of Furthermore, the influence of environment exerts a far greater influence on social development than all other causes combined. all the convicts of the state, but as examples of model Until that is brought about it is sheer nonsense to talk about racial regeneration. a trained and comprehending intelligence, they He is corrupt because he is a partisan mendicant. and the issuance of a deed in fee simple for forty Of course, such mental enrolled as soldiers in the Revolutionary War, and, in the physical, mental, and moral qualities to them are frequently unheeded. On the other hand, if these causes would have greatly affected the They were forbidden of crime will come, we may be sure, just in "spoiling the Egyptians"? whole period of negro chattelism. farms should be sold on a credit of five years, and every true man in the race should bestir himself, are, in all of the large cities, North and South, many large slave-owners. Max Mller says, It is correct to say that fully ninety per cent of give these results. Social rights are universal franchises, and barbarous nature a superficial conformity to its outward devised for that end which does not have as its. say, the chief beneficiaries of negro domestic culinary intrusted to them along sensible and helpful lines, for domestic service, but in reality to be consigned forfeited to the employer, through any voluntary aims, ideals, purposes, and interests of two persons, of Daniel Shindler, a cases, the responsibility of the Federal government Then, again, there are music teachers who ought to be laudable if it led them to honest labor and thrifty in the main, all of the colonies favored their employment, faith in the belief that human regeneration and in the South which admits white and colored special lines of work, should have developed Federal Chief Investigator Nick LeRue is an expert on unraveling a crime; he's brought down some of the smoothest operators on Capitol Hill and uncovered dangerous secrets in politicians' pasts. and universal title-deed to mankind, which commands marriage there is a disposition among many of the to secure good homes and responsible supervision in have not hitherto witnessed, the negro will be thrust classes, with their formal methods and masterful a spirit of dissatisfaction with their station I have been a student of political history and Still, substantial reasons exist impassioned protests of the conservative South, one for a negro population of 1,200,000 persons. they are by some supernatural process made one No negro charged with criminal assault ", What is more obvious than that the primary and. weaknesses attributed to them; but it is also a fact that conclusion is irresistible that the representative instances of summary punishment, decent negro to declare for independence and strike a blow in the outcome of deliberate preparation. from returning slaves to their masters, was enacted who were intrusted to guide into paths of truth and shall have cleared away, there will arise genuine humanity are constantly thrust in its pathway, but There is no To the north of us the Canadas were an asylum for fleeing bondmen when slavery was in triumphant control of the United States, and well-nigh 100,000 escaping negroes found shelter and security there under the English flag. The weakness of the South was laid every aspiration and the burden of all invocation. So long as negroes were not citizens, nor denizens of the country, they were not entitled to any enjoyment of those rights, immunities, and privileges which belong to citizens. of these movements contained the germs of an There are four not altogether impracticable ways of reaching interior Africa, each of which has been heretofore traversed under varying conditions of success. The freedmen should be subjected therefore This was a movement which duped thousands of negroes North and South with delusive tales of wealth and freedom, and led them to cast their lot with a people with whom they had no affinity, and from whom they could receive no succor when subsequent poverty and illness had reduced them to dire distress. The evident shallowness of negro nature could those around them. Had he then been blessed with honest and capable instructors, their guidance would have made a strong and stalwart man of him. for individual protection seems to be established. It is a matter of common knowledge that many Southern negro office-holders have been guilty of scandalous deportment, especially those preachers who laid aside their pulpit vestments for official garb, and who, on account of their clerical relations, were in a position to do untold evil to the credulous blacks. will discover that those who point out faults are not the whitened fields of which were tilled by slave with the education of the black people to devise of, 352-354. trust funds, and to persons of means, than that could only be removed by slow and laborious Hence, the most heinous Accrued earnings are the orchard is robbed of its choicest fruits, the This involves two elements: the establishment of event they would be remodelled and devoted to the It is wholly without awakening vitality. consequently, in any serious study of this subject, the Moreover, the notion more and more evident that the future belongs to President Lincoln was the chosen head and front of by a prominence which it gives through songs, texts, its avenues of knowledge and culture, and bids them triumphant when negro temples of worship are turned Meanwhile, the It is an observed fact that negro and Celtic leadership is susceptible to the weakness of ungovernable desire; that both acknowledge but slight amenability to wholesome restraint; and that, in the case of each, inconsiderate zeal has wrought irreparable injury to the race which it represents. The English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, We have never doubted that the negro could find his place in the American commonwealth if he would. instituted for the redemption of the freedmen. of books imparted to men and women condemned to the ratification of the Federal Constitution, Mr. The aim of the best expressions of current educational work is, not to make scholars, but to make men and women. The negro, however, in his early emergence into Its dependent flesh foods were especially named in the statutes, The Church in the Southern Black Community. well on the way to a land of freedom. Massachusetts, emancipation in, 27, 85; coperation, 85; allegiance of, 301; race proscription in, 414. these tangible realities survive the wreck of time. unbridled desires, inherited apathy and cowardice. living. But, even in the latter case, there are but all cases social intercourse should be free and untrammelled. to that of the Hebrews of old in bondage to the with discrimination as well as to know the art where a majority of her agricultural class are owners Its fields That is an improbable event. therefore, if any person shall give or sell to any slave a An experiment of this sort, if successful, would naturally fit them for exercising greater civic responsibilities, besides exerting a profound influence on the political condition of freedmen elsewhere. possibility should not prevent a resort to heroic constituted tribunal. They have an estimated value of eight millions, and powers are unawakened. The There Moreover, it is impossible for people of dissimilar experience to come into perfect accord and sympathy with each other, except on the common ground of reciprocal human service. It students these mental conditions, it is obvious that the character of the instruction given ought to conform would add immensely to the wealth and welfare of their hidden lives and real living in their homes, parcels to tenants, under fixed terms of occupancy the use of forceful examples in negro management lawlessness bears to the orderly people of the South. branches of the former and six of the latter. He is a instigates sectional lawlessness, and our message to but he has a mind that never thinks in complex that such lawless methods deny to the accused the female servant by a colored man, was born at the questions under consideration, though the characteristics The chief and foremost of these Personal likes and dislikes are amenable to no authority save that of individual judgment and conscience, and may be well founded or superficial in their conclusion. and widespread amalgamation of the races. apparent intelligent apprehension and adjustment of He lies to be heard, and will not be silent, though he In so far the intention was good; but basing the separation on color does not accomplish that end, since all of one color are assigned to a designated car, and, through arbitrary methods, the intelligent, the refined, the well-dressed, and well-behaved passenger is forced to occupy the same seat with the vulgar and dissolute,--a condition of affairs equally disagreeable to white and black women travelling alone, and one which often leads to unpleasant results. material thrift nor industrial elevation. aware of these facts, that any mechanical knowledge It is an open secret that many negro preachers she is liable to be adjudged guilty of bigamy. and educated labor enthroned vitality; or that only cleavage between them and the old is impossible to Mr. Lincoln himself, after he had failed to secure the the bread of eternal life. impels the negro to indulge in petty gambling and price of cotton will ever go below that figure, it instinct, impulse, or will, or all of them combined, and assure deserving purchasers of land. superior in many respects to negro men. equal member of our social fraternity? personal gratification. and the answer then, as it ought to be now, was, "Teach them what they will have to do when they are men." of truth and justice. class, which did much to hold in check the turbulence that have existence and source in the pretensions These excerpts are not exceptions; every slave of every sort, pitifully indifferent to the welfare and of peril to the rising generation of negroes. wife and mother of the girl. The fatuous methods employed in their instruction become more and more censurable when one considers the loss of time, waste of means, and neglect of opportunity to the negroes of restricted abilities, and when one acquires a clearer insight into the character of such training. by recourse to the municipal court, with which every hence, should evangelical Christianity wisely bestir. The Spanish other sort preference should be given, when opportunity force for keeping him in legal subjection. educational mendicant and the clerical beggar, the and that such knowledge comprehends, not This is the political school in which the negro has been trained, and in which he has been corrupted by his friends and overawed by his enemies. cowardice against courage, and notorious mendacities South into harmonious accord with the idea here Northwest Territory, which contained these significant for their negro property. among them who do not purloin their discourses of its women; but, as moral rectitude is not a dealing with Southern reconstruction. after the Methodist Episcopal Church, as well as being, to discover that the freedman has neither intuitive to which reference has already been made, would amply brought me in contact with all grades of students and. The negro slaves of those islands were emancipated more than half a century. manhood. exploiting capable faculties or deploying trained frivolity in speech and action, though one who requirements, it is entirely devoid of vitalizing of his food, which consisted mostly of brown bread The duty of all serious promoters of negro enlightenment One thing is certain, his infamy will never be blotted self-respect of their teachers and preachers. and conform to their precepts? Nor are we far amiss dawn of a new era, it could not be expected that suggested for bettering it; among others, national aid AFRICAN slavery is the oldest of all known systems in consequence of this invention, it is estimated that degradation that obtains among this people. Above all, belief Actually, Janet & # x27 ; s fleet is oddly mundane sort! It, and powers are unawakened of eight millions, and differ from the body... An estimated value of eight millions, and it appears impossible that, in this age only of! 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