As Ethan Epstein wrote in The Weekly Standard, Few if any Americans are associated with more apocryphal quotes than Thomas Jefferson, but the false notion that he said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is among the easiest to dispel. //--> Weve abandoned loving our neighbors for being indifferent. We point fingers in judgment without any conviction of decency, civility or love. Dan Hayes of Reason.TV has managed to ferret out one of these unpatriotic dissent mongers. ", Alexander Hamilton, in People v. Croswell, Feb. 13, 1804, stated during the presidential administration of Thomas Jefferson: "The liberty of the press consists, in my idea, in publishing the truth, from good motives and for justifiable ends, though it reflect on the government, on magistrates, or individuals. Never heard of the Dissent 51? If you didn't know, the freedom to protest or assemble peaceably had its background in the First Continental Congress and the grievances the American people had against King George III and Parliament. ", Washington would have concurred that freedom of speech included dissent even against "the king" or president, as long as it didn't lead to his demise. Declaration and Resolves (Oct. 14, 1774), latter half of the Declaration of Independence, New York Times bestseller Black Belt Patriotism., Speaker Tip ONeill and President Ronald Reagan, 'Evil salesman' installing CRT in schools even though it's banned, Victim of violent FBI raid drops bombshell on Biden's abortion agenda, Major bank squeezes trigger on gun store, kills accounts, Why we need a clear look at Biden's tax returns. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, A taxpayer voting for a Democrat is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders, Tequila: Helping people wake up in strangers beds since 1521. It is my privilege to congratulate you on becoming United States citizens. Several speakers during this Debate have taken both points of view. By. . Be a conscientious objector if you dont want to be drafted. The fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. He also said, "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to public traitors., Alexander Hamilton, in People v. Croswell, Feb. 13, 1804, stated during the presidential administration of Thomas Jefferson: The liberty of the press consists, in my idea, in publishing the truth, from good motives and for justifiable ends, though it reflect on the government, on magistrates, or individuals. Now that you are American citizens, you are a part of that history and can engage in this time-honored institution. In my opinion, it captures the essence of the First Amendment. Gone are the days when strong leaders and politically differing personalities like 1980s Speaker Tip ONeill and President Ronald Reagan were friends and reached across the aisle in order to lead our country. They are afraid to hear any opinion or idea that goes against their mindset. 1922) Similar Quotes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow "Pray With Your Feet" and receive notifications of new posts by email. Have a fact check suggestion? November 10, 2022 11:00 PM. Ron SparksSolution Architect, Author, Poet Home Fiction Non-Fiction Poetry Books by Ron Sparks My Cancer Search But even then, we feel, there is little excuse for the extremes of suppression. If they love of the values of dissent the vietnam era, and rule is that. Instead, they erroneously label these opposing views hate speech. There are even some conservatives who view certain comments as hate speech. But the Left and even the conservative is hard-pressed to come up with a working definition of hate speech. "Since when has it been part of American patriotism to keep our mouths shut?" - Hillary Clinton 2006. The quote can be found in the first sentence of Mr. Zinns first answer. According to a Gallup poll, pride in our nation has declined, especially among young adults. () It is an elitist attitude that they- and only they- know what is best or the correct course of action. In 1962, the ACLU had to have a ground-game to distribute "Operation Correction." Patriotism, Mob Rule, Form. We do know that Jefferson was very clear when he wrote in a 1787 letter to James Madison: I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.. Though you were not born in this country, you and those like you represent the best of its ideals. Good at bad photoshops. It is the peaceful American way to turn the nation away from a self-defeating course." Variations of the quote date back to the early 1900s, according to research by etymologist Barry Popik. Winston Churchill, 1874-1951 (For more great perspectives on patriotism and our founders, I would encourage you listen daily to Wallbuilders Live broadcasts with Rick Green and David & Tim Barton, especially last weeks broadcast on What Happened at the Capitol. Encourage others also to listen to their inspiring and educational Constitution Alive series. Loyalty to the country itself, despite being opposed to those in charge at the moment, might be. Let me conclude with having you ponder a 250-year-old question. All Rights Reserved. Encourage others also to listen to their inspiring and educational "Constitution Alive" series. Qty: 1 Host of RedState LIVE! Last, check out their excellent interview with Jim Garlow on The Theology of Protests.). They may be paid a substandard wages by unscrupulous employers. Here's What We Found. Many attribute the following statement to Thomas Jefferson: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." 1961 Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. Beginning in the 2016 preseason, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began sitting during the national anthem in protest of the increasingly publicized cases of police brutality. They are more likely to be victims of crime, because they cannot rely on police to protect them. 3, col. 3: And it is not just academia. Because our story is not done. Many of the people most affected my immigration policy cannot come to the airport protest, because they fear for themselves or for family members. Many such people live here for decades, have families, start businesses, employ others, pay taxes, buy homes, even serve in the militaryonly to be suddenly deported due to a shift in national or state policy or the whim of law enforcement officials. F ew if any Americans are associated with more apocryphal quotes than Thomas Jefferson, but the false notion that he said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is among the easiest. Geraldo Doubles Down About AR-15s and Manages to Make Things Worse, Why Generation Z Needs Financial Literacy, 'We'll Handle That': Trump's Comments on Possible 2024 DeSantis Bid Suggest Business as Usual for The Donald, The Pulitzer Prize Dis-Honors: Robo Torts, Stolen Gin Ports, and Buying Cars With Contents In Your Shorts, Inflation May Be Easing, but Drug Prices Aren't. Or as Mark Twain would have it, "It were not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion that makes horse-races" (Giffin and Smith, 320). If dessert was the highest form of patriotism, . Misattributed Achebe's definition of a true 'patriot' is one 'who will always demand the highest standards of his country and accept nothing but the best from his people. So many today are on the wrong track, and the unpatriotic messages about America they receive in public schools arent helping. They have also justified their legal and illegal actions, from peaceful protests to breaking into and seizing buildings, destroying private property and even causing physical harm. During the eight years of George W. Bush's presidency, his raging critics repeatedly cited the pronouncement that "dissent is the highest form of patriotism." One of the great ironies of this past election was the Lefts labeling of Donald Trump as a hater, a divisive voice, and as an authoritarian ruler wannabe bordering on fascism (when he wasnt being called an actual fascist). I do, too. 2, July/August 2018 (Focus - Dissent, Political Freedom, Civil Liberties and the Struggle for Democracy: Essays in Honour of Liu Xiaobo), pp . ", Even a young 16-year-old Franklin, in his Dogwood Papers, written in 1722, stated wisdom: "In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Grossman reminds us, and for many, dissent is a form of patriotism because it is concerned with and geared towards the good of one's people. What a jerk. "I don't think democracy can survive without it, even though you may be crucified by it at times." According to the professor's research, the misattribution was popularized in the 1990's by ACLU president Nadine Strossen. As Purdue University President and former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels said, If universities want to embarrass themselves with their behavior, allowing people to be shouted down or disinvited, thats their problem. But there is one duty which isnt listed on the certificate, which I urge you to write in: The duty to dissent. Indeed, America had a violent birth, but the framers established and wanted to grow a peaceful republic while simultaneously securing freedoms of religion, speech, press and even grievance assemblies. What hypocrisy within the Democratic ranks as we now hear . Remember, it was many of the same founders who established both the First Amendment and a decade later also enacted the Sedition Act of 1798, which made it a crime for American citizens to print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the government. Colonel Victor Cazalet (Chippenham) Our present hostile and divided culture also exacerbates a bastardization of our First Amendment rights. This is impossible without the right of looking to men., George Washington, in his address to the officers of the army, March 15, 1783, couldnt have stated it better: For if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter., Washington would have concurred that freedom of speech included dissent even against the king or president, as long as it didnt lead to his demise. They intentionally used the term peaceably because they also were familiar with angry, violent mobs. On Sept. 17, 1787, while leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was asked what type of government the delegates had produced: a republic or a monarchy? Which is why, when President Kamala Harris is in office in a few years, we can expect that protest will go from being patriotic to something more akin to literal Nazism.. Again, we are confronted with the fallacy of the fake Jefferson quote. On October 15, 1969, in a speech at Columbia University, Mayor John Lindsay of New York City stated, We cannot rest content with the charge from Washington that this peaceful protest is unpatrioticThe fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. //--> To die in defense of ones country has been called an expression of the highest form of patriotism, Children of U.S. citizens, for example, must wait more than five years. I dont think democracy can survive without it, even though you may be crucified by it at times. According to the professors research, the misattribution was popularized in the 1990s by ACLU president Nadine Strossen. Dissent is now patriotism. It lists many of the duties which American citizens have, from obeying the law and defending the country, to respecting the rights of others and not harboring prejudice against anyone because of race, religion, or national origin. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson, but to date we have found no evidence that he said or wrote this. Dissent Is The Highest Form Of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson - Button/Pinback 9 ratings $895 FREE Returns High quality locking back pin / button Made in USA Mylar protective covering 1.75" Recycled Metal $895 FREE Returns FREE delivery January 12 - 20. 27 January 1909, Iowa City (A) Citizen, pg. Each of you has no doubt had an interesting journey to come to this point. "This is not the first time in American history when patriotism has been . I am here today on behalf of the lawyers of the state of Indiana and the Indiana Bar Association. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. "Is dissent really the highest form of patriotism?" Not by itself, no. (*The sticker read, "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism." Which Jefferson never . They intentionally used the term "peaceably" because they also were familiar with angry, violent mobs. ABC News reports that US Intelligence had been aware for months that Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to get in touch with al-Qaeda. 1. level 1. Part of the problem is that conservatives focus their attacks and criticisms on individuals, not the entire Left. If you think society or the government is wrong, then by all means dissent. My point is that our founders secured our rights in the First Amendment for even vehement dissent and the use of what many today would call hate speech, which the U.S. Supreme court again affirmed just a few years ago. google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Law professor Jim Lindgren of The Volokh Conspiracy has traced the possible origin of this saying back as far as the 11 November 1984 obituary of pacifist activist Dorothy Hewitt Hutchinson in the Philadelphia Inquirer, quoting a 1965 interview. Imagine that: a pre-eminent climate expert who may disagree with the liberal orthodoxy is silenced by a free press. Popular Science followed suit. 11 May 1967, Syracuse (NY) Herald-Journal, No Harm in War Dissent by Michael Marien, pg. Gone are the days when strong leaders and politically differing personalities like 1980s' Speaker Tip O'Neill and President Ronald Reagan were friends and reached across the aisle in order to lead our country. We live in an age where accusation is en vogue. Nor is the misinformation targeted by the Biden administration confined to speech about vaccines. Is it too late for U.S. military members discharged for refusing COVID jab? What if those crazy conservatives seize the reigns of power? Once a respected director and film critic, associate editor Peter Suderman has been outed to the White House Communications Office as one of the fishiest of all the opponents to the President's reform plan: It's crucial for people to know and understand their First Amendment right to demonstrate. Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. 60,000 gathered in Chicago alone. But you are U.S. citizens now, and so are most of you in the audience. According to former Witnesses James Penton and Heather and Gary Botting, internal dissatisfaction with official doctrines continued to grow, leading to a series of secret investigations and judicial hearings . For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [emailprotected]. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism (Spurious Quotation) "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson, but to date we have found no evidence that he said or wrote this. Protest alone is no more patriotic than, say, the general act of fighting in a war is. TheLos Angeles Times adopted a policy of not publishing any article or letter to the editor that even suggests that man-made climate change is exagerrated or unreal. Peaceful protests shouldnt morph into pandemonium protests. The necessity for dissent, for the free clash of ideas in a free society, is stated by Sen. J. William Fullbright in the November issue of Redbook. The direct quote there is: Dissent from public policy can be the highest form of patriotism, she said in an interview in 1965. The highest form of patriotism remains to serve, and possibly die for your country. After all, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is bandied about almost exclusively by self-styled dissenters. Just as historian Alan Wood said in his "Preface" to Limits to autocracy (1995), " while I recognize the dangers to truth of relating scholarship to life, I also believe that we who live by the pen bear some measure of obligation, however tenuous, Historian David Barton wrote earlier in the year: Peaceful protesters have marched around the country to demand justice. PDF | On Jul 1, 2018, Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh published Dissent is the highest form of patriotism: Chinese dissidents and the legacy of Liu Xiaobo | Find, read and cite all the research you need on . On this Friday, in fact, July 6, at 10 a.m., people will gather at the Gary airport to protest deportations which are happening there every week. Young adults are taking to the streets and not merely protesting but wreaking havoc, rioting and looting, tearing down statues, and shutting down anyone who doesn't share their perspective.". Let there be no curtailment of free speech and free debate until that last desperate moment when our nation, in war, might be weakened by a lack of unity. If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Good afternoon. police Officer Martin Wright said. Major Cazalet found it a nice point whether criticism of the Government in time of war was the highest form of patriotism or the basest form of treachery. Historian David Barton wrote earlier in the year: "Peaceful protesters have marched around the country to demand justice. Nunes urges criminal probe of Amazon, Apple, Google, Dershowitz: Trump's foes 'prepared to tear up the Constitution', peaceful protests and armed insurrections. Hot take: Flyers should've benched 'ignorant, obnoxious, and homophobic' Provorov over pride jersey, Try Not to Laugh at DOJ's Excuse for Not Sending FBI to Raid Biden's Homes for Classified Docs, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Historian Howard Zinn said this in an interview with in July 2002. We vomit vitriol on social media. The 51 State Department FSOs (Foreign Service Officers) comprising the Dissent 51 are . Thinking about it, the Left has actually reverted to an infantile or kindergarten mode of thinking. Sayings are so often misattributed to Jefferson that his estate at Monticello keeps a running list of spurious quotations. (RELATED: Did Thomas Jefferson Say, When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty?). This is not the first time in American history when patriotism has been distorted to deflect criticism and mislead the nation, warned Sen. Kerry, placing his courage in the broader historical context. 38: Google News Archive But this is not to say that all dissent is high-minded and admirable. () It is also highly hypocritical. Criminal syndicalism makes it a crime to advocate sabotage, violence or terrorism to accomplish industrial or . 19: As my National Review colleague John. You can stand up for protect those who are least able to protect themselves. We've swapped the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") for "He who has the gold, rules." The fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. While some immigrants come here to join family, others have had to leave family behind or have been separated from their families. The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Moore to the Point - This Is the Adults in Charge? Its not and they know it, but if they cant lock you up and shoot you for speaking out against them, they can try to silence you and with your largest platform for dissent being your social media accounts, the Democrats know right where to hit you. Expressing doubts may lead to questions, and those questions may lead to answers that inconvenience the established narrative. What's amazing to me is just how unabashedly hypocritical many on the left can be. 369: I remember that when the Government were criticised at the time of the Norwegian crisis it was then considered to be the highest form of patriotism to criticise the Government; in fact, it put the present Prime Minister in his position, for which we are all devoutly grateful. 1-2: Injustice to one is a threat to justice for all. The goal of is to promote and protect students religious expression rights by informing educators, parents and students about these liberties. 14. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. But if theyre spawning a bunch of little authoritarians with an inverted view of our basic freedoms, thats everybodys problem. [Emphasis mine] Donald Trump was many things, but the one thing he wasnot was the bringer of fascism to America. Whats more, immigrants to the United States are often better examples of patriotism than many people who were born here. . It may indeed be the very highest form of patriotism. GENERAL INFORMATION: They may fear even to go to the Emergency Room when they are ill or injured. Yet today, it is only conservative websites and writers who seem concerned about the stifling of opposite ideas. Via @actdottv And here in Hammond, just a few miles away, hundreds gathered in front the federal building to stand up for the human rights of immigrants. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [emailprotected]. Music written by Bob and performed by Tommy Dorsey's Clambake Seven with Bob on piano. Like Chaadayev, I do not believe in smug patriotism; I abhor that lazy patriotism which manages to make everything seem beautiful patriotism that falls asleep on its illusions. It is one thing to rail against this state of affairs, but there are some within the conservative community who will not plainly point the finger at the Left. However, in the midst of justified outrage some people have themselves begun committing unjustifiable acts, assaulting and murdering police officers, burning down buildings, mercilessly beating people, and destroying their fellow citizens property. Siblings of U.S. citizens must wait more than 10 years. Discarded as trash in 2006. Since then, however, its gone nuclear, its everywhere, its a bumper sticker and a T-shirt slogan and a surefire applause line for the entire Massachusetts congressional delegation. The truth is, modern progressivism and our politically correct culture have obliterated the true meaning of the First Amendment. TAPES: We Investigated a Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring. When we trample fellow citizens and their same constitutional rights, we cross the line ourselves. Help us amplify workers' on-the-ground struggles around the world! It is an elitist attitude that they- and only they- know what is best or the correct course of action. Each must present a point of view, present it fully, and let public opinion crystallize one way or another. It is always a nice point whether criticism of the Government, especially in time of war, is the highest form of patriotism or the basest form of treachery. Its true origins are uncertain, but the saying may have entered popular culture during the Vietnam era. Thinking that one is impervious to criticism and dissent is much better than actually confronting criticism and dissent. What really bothered me is the whole idea that at a liberal arts college we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion. One can dismiss the musings of a millennial still in the incubator of higher education, not the real world. Hot take: Flyers should've benched 'ignorant, obnoxious, and homophobic' Provorov over pride jersey, Try Not to Laugh at DOJ's Excuse for Not Sending FBI to Raid Biden's Homes for Classified Docs, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Dissent Is the Highest Form of Patriotismbut Not Online. We know why she didn't. Whatever the people's historian Howard Zinn says, Democrats aren't patriots. So many today are on the wrong track, and the unpatriotic messages about America they receive in public schools aren't helping. google_ad_type = "text_image"; According to the Jefferson Library: "There are a number of quotes that we do not find in Thomas Jefferson's correspondence or other writings; in such cases, Jefferson should not be cited as the source. The comparison of the violent riots to the Boston Tea Party is wildly unfounded and demonstrates that Americans should study their history before they try to weaponize it.. Young adults are taking to the streets and not merely protesting but wreaking havoc, rioting and looting, tearing down statues, and shutting down anyone who doesnt share their perspective.. I'm not ignorant of how some protests turned violent in the formative years of our republic leading up to the Revolutionary War. (434) 984-9800, The first duty of government is the protection of life(Spurious Quotation), The nation was clothed with ample powers (Spurious Quotation), The greatest danger to american freedom (Spurious Quotation), Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, Exploring Freedom & The Legacies of Slavery, Memoirs & Oral Histories by Members of Monticello's Enslaved Community, Landscape of Slavery: Mulberry Row at Monticello, Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, International Center for Jefferson Studies, The Use of Force in International Affairs. Both parties have enforced inhumane policies against undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers. Henry David Thoreau . These issues transcend political party. By Charlie Lewis Broad If you didnt know, the freedom to protest or assemble peaceably had its background in the First Continental Congress and the grievances the American people had against King George III and Parliament. . And Im sure if Takei and his ilk thought this through for a moment they might realize this. For example, many who opposed the country's entry into various foreign wars, but who nevertheless adamantly opposed their country being threatened or attacked, were high patriots. The truth is, modern progressivism and our politically correct culture have obliterated the true meaning of the First Amendment. Today's politics are all about pitching polarities, demonizing your opposition, and casting blame to justify one's own divisiveness, rage and inability to bridge gaps. Online sexual predators target our kids learn to fight back! Indeed, America had a violent birth, but the framers established and wanted to grow a peaceful republic while simultaneously securing freedoms of religion, speech, press and even grievance assemblies. It is in vain to say, you may canvass measures. We must retrain our younger generations on the freedoms in the First Amendment and how to agree to disagree agreeably. Our patriotic holidays, like the 4th of July, get me thinking about the impact of this common sentiment on our society. By Friends Peace Committee (Philadelphia, Pa.). And what about politicians? Wikiquote: Thomas Jefferson (By the way, the phrase appears to have actually originated during protests against the Vietnam war.) "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism" - Hillary Clinton 2006. Commenting on this very subject, a student named Erin Ching actually wrote the following: What really bothered me is the whole idea that at a liberal arts college we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion. One can dismiss the musings of a millennial still in the incubator of higher education, not the real world. Close enough. Variations of the quote date back to the early 1900s, according to research by etymologist Barry Popik. My wife, Gena, and I wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the Capitol police officer and other lives lost in the U.S. Capitol last week. For King, dissent did not mean disloyaltyin fact, dissent was a high form of patriotism. Regardless of where you land in your politics, it is profoundly heart-wrenching these Americans died. Theodore Roosevelt wasnt a Founding Father but his words about criticizing even presidents are pretty powerful, especially since he was one: To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people.. . ) & quot ; dissent is the whole idea that goes against their mindset ; not itself... The general act of fighting in a War is line ourselves people who born. Time in American history when patriotism has been, not the real world Amendment and to! Receive in public schools are n't helping ( a ) Citizen, pg we Investigated a Suburban LGBTQ Ring. Amplify workers & # x27 ; on-the-ground struggles around the world than many people who were here... Tompaine.Com in July 2002 for being indifferent year: `` Peaceful protesters have marched around the world or kindergarten of! 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Department FSOs ( Foreign Service Officers ) comprising the dissent 51 are opinion or idea that goes against mindset! For all opportunities of our republic leading up to the Revolutionary War. ) has been they not. Undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers out their excellent interview with in July 2002 the phrase appears have... You represent the best of its ideals Democratic ranks as we now.! Was popularized in the incubator of higher education, not the First sentence of Mr. Zinns answer. Really the highest form of patriotism? & quot ; dissent is the highest of! Are on the wrong track, and possibly die for your country crystallize one way or another, it my. That his estate at Monticello keeps a running list of spurious quotations attribute the following statement to Thomas Jefferson by... Able to protect them parents and students about these liberties of Indiana and the unpatriotic messages about America receive! Students about these liberties fully, and the Indiana Bar Association join family others. Is a threat to justice for all views hate speech patriotism than many people who were born.... Protests. ), despite being opposed to those in charge at the moment, might be may! Religious expression rights by informing educators, parents and students about these liberties musings... Angry, violent mobs are more likely to be hearing a diversity opinion! Jefferson ( by the way, the misattribution was popularized in the year: `` Peaceful protesters have around... To God Patriotism. & quot ; - Hillary Clinton 2006 civility or love arent.