"-Your man is Iranian from Armenia? Generally speaking you can get away with that on a three year lease too, but on sportier cars the consumables go quick. Instead of complaining about how others are and what they do, put your remote down, get your ass off the couch and get to work Armenians are one of the oldest races that still exist, they are very small in number and that means it will be very easy to disappear from existance if interracial marriages become common for Armenian women. I get why people buy new cars but unless youre keeping them a good long time, its a costly decision. In between times, it runs great and $1k here and there is cheaper than a new car, but at what point do you just throw in the towel? It is infinitesimal! You have to multiply the likelihood of you being in an accident by the likelihood that this particular accident is one such that without that particular safety feature you die or are injured but with it you are just fine. At least both of us abandon the concept of wrenching to save money. David S. says:Armenians are one of the oldest races that still exist, they are very small in number and that means it will be very easy to disappear from existance if interracial marriages become common for Armenian women. If you're not rich, drive whatever you want. While driving nice cars will keep a middle class family from ever becoming wealthy, a high income professional family, especially one with two working high-income professionals can certainly drive whatever they want and still eventually become financially independent. Spending money on a new or quality used vehicle offers the physician several undeniable benefits: 1) reliable transportation for an individual whose time is inherently valuable, 2) safety and protection during a daily dangerous activity, 3) lowered level of stress with less uncertainty and worry, 4) limited exposure to large, unforeseen repair bills and 5) less frequent and less expensive maintenance costs. people need to stop thinking that we all drive expensive cars and live for only today and not think about the future! Cars are depreciating assets, simple as that. I want to see what happens if it's a Turkish guy. I have a friend doing the same thing in Chicago. As a reason to get a newer car, its pretty dumb, but better than any of the other posited reasons above. You are required to have a warning triangle, first aid kit and fire extinguisher with you in the car. Yeah, but if I was a high income professional a cool car would be my weakness. I just want to point out three things. It's not the majority you speak of, it's a tiny minority. 1991 Jeep Cherokee $1100 2006-2009. #KC'speople ------------------It's not because they're lebanese. Even that 2005 Sequoia would make Mr. Money Mustache cry, since a 2005 Camry would save a ton of money on purchase price and running costs. Ssshhhh.do you really want all those city dwellers to move elsewhere? Again, as a high income professional if the cost of an auto repair is causing a financial stress, you are screwing your financial life up severely. Here we discuss Armenian roads and road rules, insurance, customs clearance, car rental and repair. Armenia was the first country to accept Christianity as a national religion in 301AD, since the geographic location has been surrounded by Muslims the number of Armenians have decreased over centuries of living within Muslim countries that tried to change Armenia to a Muslim country. ---------------------People don't need to stop thinking that and they won't stop thinking that. It is my splurge for myself as I wanted to provide something better for my kids. After I wrote the first draft of the post I was glad to see that the WCI himself traded in that Durango on a new Toyota, so perhaps hes softened up a bit in his old age . The statement that most Armenians drive nice cars is not a stereotype, rather a statistical observation. So many people go in with a $250 a month budget and come out with a $289 a month payment. Don't justify what is, in essence, a splurge as a smart financial move. Choose a reliable model and a vehicle that receives your mechanics approval. Armenian men are encouraged to get married with other race's because they will grow the number of Armenians. This is my point. And yeah, we're saying the same thing lol.David S very impressive. You'll never know luxury, you'll never know class, and quite frankly, you'll never know English. Pop a special hole in the back of the license plate, and though it will trigger the theft alarm you can then push buttons in the trunk to open the doors. The average cost to rent a car in Armenia is about $40 - $70 per day. They want the best of everything because they/we came from a land where (as a result of the genocide/wars/natural disaster/soviet union/bad leadership) we had nothing.An Armenian would rather have a nice car, and start several businesses (one of which is bound to be successful) than to work for someone else and drive crappy cars.I hold the same philosophy with shoes.. not cars. ", Have I got a Vietnamese girl for you. Most dont even seem to know/understand basic rules. As an emergency physician, some say I have a stressful job. i hate it when a fine chick is dating another fine chick!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK, wait. Im not at the point that I want to lease, but never never never will I buy a used car as a daily driver. BREAKING: 16 children who have been unable to return to With the temperatures down to -10, the Azeri Press J to jump to the feed. Cynthia. Living like an attending as a resident. Bro if more armenians lived in actual LA there would be no traffic. Why not have both flags? Ten years old and youre probably OK, depending on the specific make and model. From 1890-1915 Armenians were massacred by Turks and Azerbejan (Armenian genocide) Only because Armenians were soo smart that they were taking over Turkish government with all of the bright politicians. I know, no every body is like that, but mostly//--------------------I know I know you said NOT Everyone but mostly!! maybe I need to check out Armenia to understand this. Let's assume they're pretty nice cars, maybe one is a $30K car and the other is a $20K car, so $50K total. Cars can also contribute to the brand of a realtor. If you're going to make a half million bucks every year for three decades, you're going to have to churn Lamborghinis to really screw things up with cars alone. I did date others though but it just happened that fell in love with an Iranian Armenian. born in Iran! Some realtors go for nice cars that represent their brand to the client. This conversation is older than 2 months and has been closed to new posts. I can only think of one place in my state where that could work, and it would severely restrict recreational opportunities. 2002 Oldsmobile Alero $1300 2015-present. Are we enjoying life too much or not enough? So anytime you see someone driving normal, most likely Armenian. Secondly, I personally know several girls (and guys) who are married to non Armenians. . enjoy your culture. I put in a new stereo myself to do hands-free calling and navigation. Total expected cost for above lineup = ~$250-$300K depending on age and specifics. For the doctor who leases, trades a car in on something new every few years or even buys something a couple years old on the same schedule, he or she will never have to research what tires to buy, shop around a timing belt service, or become an expert on replacing an automatic transmission, because he or she has sold that car long before any of those things come up. The most booked rental car type is the economy type and the SUV. So add to that sleek Corvette a stylish aluminum-foil sticker on the windshield behind the toll tag. But if you look at the best selling vehicle in America, the Ford F150, just 15 years apart: 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wfFiT0cSsY, 2001: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wb66PzljP8. How is linking to a news article Tesla bashing? Why is it OK for Armenians to fly Armenian flags on their cars? The main roads in the country are very good to excellent. While a physician is fully capable of doing these things, its not his or her forte. maybe a bit hyperbolic, but generally agree for example, college towns are usually quite easy to do as well (guess it depends what you consider major). KC Lebanese ArmoRox Armo ArmoMe! BTW, the resolution to the key issue was apparently an updated toll tag, whos new remote wavelength was actively thwarting the keys frequency. The same can be said for a lot of races and females being upset about the same thing. # 3 The linked to chart shows that large cars do better than small cars in accidents, but there is precious little data that shows a new car is significantlysafer than a 5 or even 10 year old car. How to extend your cars stay beyond that we do not know yet. Youll even find realtors that use public transport. !But thats mostly is also a strong word! Second that. Were still several years out from truly autonomous transportation. No matter your specialty youll be doing better for sure. The problem is Lake Powell is 285 miles away and the Tesla X range while towing a boat is 100 miles. And when you have to take those headaches to the mechanic, theres a good chance you the physician will be sized up as an easy mark with a big wallet. Granted, most readers know I'm a bit of a risk taker. Despite my love of cycling and all things financial, I am quite comfortable spending 5-8 times his annual spending and spending way more on a car and gasoline just to keep my head off the ceiling. Finally, this is the time for a nice car for myself I fly to Colorado to purchase specialty car with 20K miles, not new but like new, in cash. And yeah youve got to return your lease in drivable condition ;). By comparison, many residents and attending physicians only have one car and they need it to run reliably every day. Are germans really that hard to be friends with? The takeaway was nice around town collectors car, never to be driven on the highwaythen I saw one on the 405 that weekend, crazy. Mot "non//gargantuan" C. says:as stated before comrades, who cares, live your life the way you want to. I have scene many Armenian guys date other girls and there is no issue.. Michael I failed to mention other instances I have come across. But I think in many ways were very similar. For us, the best solution has been to sleep in a hotel near the hospital after a night shift. . it's a new way of thinking. Jeanny B. says:Armenians women, dont want to be with armenians guys, because they threat them like shit!, they see the womens lower than them, dont know how to respect women, even with their own mothers.!!!! They have never broken down and rarely needed much more than a new battery. - Podcast #218, 10 Bits of Financial Advice for the Average American, Fix the Car or Buy a New One - Podcast #116, Physicians, Bankruptcy, and What to Do If You're Stuck There, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wfFiT0cSsY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wb66PzljP8. Besides, I have a feeling a lot of these features are much less reliable than we think. Anyone else have a good solution to the issues with the rare, non-frequent night shifts (when your body is not accustomed to working nights)? Stop spending so much time in an automobile! Im not counting the usual stuff (prophylactic timing belt replacement, plugs, batteries, clutch, rotors, brakes, tires). I know when I moved out for school, all relatives freaked out that I was moving out but its just a matter of preference, and most armenians do stay with parents till marriage! Dr. Dahle makes a lot of very fair points. My reliable Japanese sportscar has started falling apart at 100k miles. I dont know that theres some big difference in buying a car thats within ten years old, but much older than that and newer cars really do fare much better in crashes. Up to about $8k in bills and 5 unplanned trips to the shop. Again Ill point to the professionals fascination with products like life and disability insurance here. Not a useful metric. You mean Armenian Iranian, right?Barry, are you the only that can concur with me that AXE=ASS? 4% of $50K is $2K a year, and less in future years. El Sauz is the place in Glendale for burritos. Never have to wash the beast either. This is because they follow the old Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the modern Gregorian calendar. Cynthia, there is a big difference between an individual decision and just general tendencies of a large group of people. # 1 There is a big difference between buying a fancy new Sequoia with cash when you are a multimillionaire and buying a brand new car on credit as a resident because I just have to be able to get to the hospital and a 10 year old car is just too unreliable.. It just means that these things are a choice not obligation. I (and the rest of my family) have successfully managed to do both. And it isn't like it is a subject I had never written on before. Two sets of pissed-off parents *chuckle*. Spending a little extra money on quality, reliable transportation is a sound financial investment which is easily affordable for virtually every physician. That's it. This question is of interest not only to the Armenians themselves, but also to representatives of other nationalities. I decided to take the insurance money and 3K cash and buy a 2009 Volvo with 27K miles on it instead of a 2015 Subaru Forester for 0% financing (payment wouldve been about $200/month) or an hybrid-electric Ford Fusion. I have ranted about this before so I guess I just have to accept the fact that this ignorance exist. I can'tI work to pay off my Jetta, splurge on some shoes here and there and once I become a lawyer, I'll buy myself a house and THEN a nice car. I believe they made that 2001 F150 until 2004. You can choose from a wide array of car choices Gotta say that thing is fun in the snow, which I could use right now. http://fortune.com/2016/07/20/aaa-breakdown-new-tech-study/. But this idea that a certified, pre-owned car is somehow special has been pretty much debunked by Consumer Reports. Let's take a really expensive repair, such as a transmission on a big SUV. A doctor would never choose to use old, unreliable equipment in the OR. Diesel Truck for towing. That has a sociological explanation too if you wanna hear it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Absolutely. I love my small city ~300k people. With what money?!!". Whether meeting a potential client or driving a client for inspection, its possible to spend more time in the car than in the office. A new or newer car is virtually maintenance free, far less likely to have an unexpected breakdown, and provides other substantial benefits during ownership. Study after study has shown this to be true. Traffic incidents happen all the time because of the mentality that a car is more than a necessity to get you from A to B. I grew up in Glendale during the 60s thru 70s. A fun small town that was safe. Since the Armenians have infiltrated our town it has never been ready? OK speak in complete sentences with no #. Cops just give everyone a ticket that goes 5mph over speed limit. Reddit's most popular sub for everything related to Armenia! And more often than not, this guy owns or has access to other unused vehicles when his usual beater is out of service, be it a second beater, a weekend toy like a Corvette, or, more often than not, the stay-at-home wifes car (which coincidentally is a much nicer, newer, more reliable car than the frugal buyers own car). I thinkthat much more condemnation wouldbefall an Armo woman if she were tochose a partner outside of the matrix.LoL, @ Peter No he is Armenian! The Durango died. Armenians are definitely the WORST drivers in LA its not even close. Not to mention he still parties like he's 21 lol. Due to extreme resiliency and a tendency to stick together and help one another out, Armenians have not diminished. KC, yes you were lucky! What stereotypical characteristics am I looking for? Weak! We drive ok cars, not too expensive, but things that take us from A to B We do spend money to enjoy our life, but we think long term as welland We are Armenian! I did it. I think I parked in the 3rd spot from the door to work for free and that was getting there 10 minutes later than normal. I really admire the physicians willing to tolerate a garbage job for city living. If you decide to get it at the border, watch out. I really didnt want a loan, and I love driving the car because it feels luxurious, but a new car might have made more sense. Its a total luxury for me. I dont think Ive ever traded a car in. Ive definitely wasted too much money on frivolous cars in the past (a convertible Mini-Cooper that I had for 1 1/2 years comes to mind), and I have definitely learned so much from this blog. Yet I see benz after benzhmmm *Scratches head*. The depreciation on a luxury SUV is obviously 5 times that, not including gas and maintenance. The answer isn't so simple. G, I m sorry to hear of your experience. Let's say the note is at 2%. Of course, but it's a pretty good case control study for us! Im a Doc in Boston Uber Pool to and from work costs on ave 50% more than Bus + t monthly pass. And I just looked through your posting history and you rarely post in this forum, for the most part. I burned through a clutch beating on a lovely high-end Nissan Maxima back in the day during a 3 year lease. I might very well be mistaken), Mexicans of a lower socioeconomic status really dont give a fuck about tomorrow. However, if your target market is multimillionaires or youre a listing agent in Beverly Hills. My dad was born in Haleb, Syria. Mr. Daste's next argument is that a fancy new car reduces your stress. Once wealthy, buying luxuries like a new car every few years or even owning multiple cars is reasonable. I guess I'll start with a few disclosures. Have about 200 thousand miles and lost about 7% range. 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