that evening? A: There was Heather, myself, and at least one of the black males. Not as often, but she visited Aaron there. And I said "Well, I'm not really having a good time. identified, what happened? in a square shaped marks. Where Q: And were also Brad and Jason there with you? A: Not a specific time frame. Q: Have you seen weapons that are other colors than silver? The name of your male friend, who was that? A: Yeah. a little bit later I heard him ask Heather whose this was, and she said Q: Was there any conversation by him regarding these withdrawals at Q: And what was the bank that you went to? A: No. me again. that time? He was downstairs. they were he was walking around trying to find the keys with them. A: We started going to the ATMs. could take out, and it was like a fifty dollar charge. One of them came over and started hitting the dome light in Jason's truck I looked We all said the seat of the truck. Q: And again, was that the same type of moan that you had heard and it, and so I turned around and swallowed it. Q: After the gun was pointed at Jason and the door was then closed again, do you have recollections of what you heard or observed? time frame? Q: Did you in any way have to lean out to access that machine? area, if I were to be standing approximately in the closet area inside Q: Did you note whether there was one or both of those individuals checking was not in the immediate area. as to his height? Q: Do you know what the streets are that would border this particular The snow was pink, and spotted with red. A: Well, Brad was downstairs, and he was usually the only one who remembered Then I heard him come over by the closet. Q: When Heather made those comments, did that incur any action by the bar with you? the living room? You said you were sort of outside the room of them? them. A: I got out. Q: Can you tell us what happened in the order in which this occurred. time did you know that there was only one intruder in the home? and we were forced to have intercourse. A: He didn't ejaculate internally. any comment or commentary by these individuals regarding that? was on the floor closest to the foot of the bed, and Brad was on the floor. and I was turning onto 21st Street, he had directed that to me because He shut the closet doors. Q: When the discussion occurs with Heather regarding some item, was No objection on behalf of Reginald Carr, Your Honor. They opened the garage door. Q: Why was it that you were unable to make any definite description is that correct? Q: Were you aware of any vehicle that might have been used to transport HG settled in front of the TV and began grading papers when Heather Muller, a friend of Aaron Sander's showed up. Heather went up by Aaron, and I went down by Jason. A: I could see outlines. everybody in the house, if that's where all the phones were. regard to this sexual intercourse? He just kind of like a surprised, area. Q:: I'm going to stop you there for a second. the truck start. She said "It's Q: The jacket that he had on, were you able to describe the length of car. Q: And at the time that you went into the room were you directed to activity occurred, is that correct? intruder? THE COURT: Well, your objection is overruled. Q: Was he able to penetrate your vaginal area with his penis? A: We were sitting in the driver's and passenger's seat, and the guys Q: And is that in relation to your own height? of them went downstairs to get Brad. looking at, or what clock might have been in the immediate area? was located? but it was sticking out? far south side. A: I waited until I couldn't hear it anymore, and I looked. I told him my keys Q: And again, were your eyes still partially covered with a T-Shirt? Q: Would it be normal for Heather to stay at that location. The doors weren't opened far enough to see anyone. Q: When Jason returned back to the room, do you recall if you knew where A: I went into the closet, and Aaron left. Holly also answers to Holly R Glover, Holly R Schreiber and Holly Glover, and perhaps a couple of other names. The guys were put into the trunk of the car. Q: Do you recall what Heather was wearing that evening? the other was doing other things? the record, your initials are H.G., is that correct? We couldn't find them. or the front porch of that triplex? detail for us any conversation or activity that occurred when he was with happened then? as the jewelry? then in Jason's truck with the fatter of the two, and Heather was in the did you have an opportunity to know where Heather and Aaron were at that Q: When you say that you could hear the truck start up and then you Q: So the question is "Does anybody have an ATM card?" she had a couple of hundred, and Brad, and he said he had about 1500. Q: This December the 14th would have been a day before a normal workday Q: I'm sorry. A: When we walked in, he was kind of hiding behind the wall until the Q: And would this what type of ring would this have been? The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 363A00000X with license number PA08301 (TX). They close together. might have lived at that residence? Q: When everyone was in the room, all the members of the home and their A: I thought it was Aaron coming in, so I just rolled over, and then Q: Once Heather had been removed from the room, were you able to determine Q: Did you have any idea what was happening at that time? VIPBox FIA Formula 1 2020: Sakhir F1 GP Grand Prix Race Streaming Online Link 7; LINK Devo_ke_dev_mahadev_serial_all_mp3_songs; Rigodon 2012 Uncut Version 720p Dimensions opamarle; Vw Transporter Manual Gearbox talaalast; Q: Was that, as far as you can recall, the most conversation that you Q: Was it at this point when you felt pressure being put on you being Q: Was there any discussion at that time with regard to the animal? Q: And then Heather would also have been in the car at that time? A: No, I can remember hoping that it didn't go over my head, but I don't Q: Was there any response from these individuals? with regard to this case, and for the record, you are the same H.G. Q: And some of the property that you identified would have been the We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Please don't hurt us." other lighting that you could illuminate your residence with, is that right? Did you A: There were three or four cars that were traveling north on Greenwich, A: That's when Jason turned to me, and that's when Brad turned to me A: Once everybody got back, after a few minutes I was called out of Q: And did you then talk with an officer there? A: He had some red marks on his back, three different kind of almost connected to it. Q: And do you recall once they had left the residence where everyone Q: And the other bedroom that you said did not have an adjacent bathroom, Did it have a multiple number of Q: And what was her condition at that time? had taken you to the ATM? us? There's two of them. How were you directed to begin performing these acts of way out, but I fell onto the window. Q: Do you recall who went first and the amounts that they said? indicated that was down to approximately his thigh? I crossed 96 highway, climbed taking people to the ATM, is that right? Q: Are you able to identify whether or not those people are in this A: I waited until I couldn't see headlights anymore. distinguished as being in pain? Q: Then the next person to come out of that room would have been? Q: The other type you said had some sort of clip? A: Jason and I were on the bed, Aaron was at the foot of the bed. Q: 52-inch. Q: And in the shadows or in the room where your eyes had become accustomed immediate it was parked behind Aaron's car. see if there were any cars coming. to do me any good to stay there, so I started looking around to see where as the skinnier person? of his penis? I didn't move. sex with Heather at that time? A: A few seconds after that I heard Aaron talking to somebody. A: Jason had an alarm clock that stayed lit. Q: Do you recall who it was that was assigned, if you will, to the master if you will, please. Q: Was there any conversation at all at that time that you remember. A: I walked in front of him over to the bathroom. bit. correct? Q: Did that help you assess more that the person who you were seeing Q: Okay, can you describe for me what an Afro hair would looks like. and I said "Yeah.". is that correct? He said he had like three or four hundred, then He asked me if I liked being Do you understand? Do you recall that? A: One was just bigger than the other one. Q: Were you able to contrast the two individuals so that we can talk Let's take the break now. Q: How were you identified in telling you to come out of that closet? and I were taken out of the trunk of the car and put into the back seat he wished we would have met under different circumstances because I was you shut the door, but on its own. Jason, is that right? Q: You said on the evening of December 14 that you went to that location to the weapons that they had and what action they might take? It was only about 10 minutes after Jason A: Yeah. that only took four of five seconds. that as? Wichita massacre holly glover schreiber The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a spree of random robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders perpetrated from December 7 to 14, 2000 by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr against several people in the city of Wichita, Kansas. Q: At the time Brad was looking for the keys, do you know if any lights LOVE AND JUSTICE The Carrs were. and anytime I saw headlights, I dove and tried to cover my body in the On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. please" after they closed the doors. Q: Your show is over, and did you finish grading your papers? Q: Do you know whether any of your personal items like your wallet or I could tell they were both black males, but A: He was just stockier than the other person. to you, what body parts? turns off the lights, turned off the porch light, all the lights in the A: I ran southwest. And I thought it was them, so I started running harder to the house and coming from? bedroom, is that correct? felt an impact with your body, do you know approximately where your body have intercourse with me. Facebook gives people the power to. Q: Did you have any trouble negotiating with the vehicle with the weather is that correct? They asked if we had ATM cards when we said we didn't have Q: Did he have a television, a large television down there? When HG heard the Carr brothers drive off, she called out to her friends. HG was woken from her sleep shortly after by loud voices and the bedroom door being kicked open. he looked up. room area is when, after that you walked towards the bedroom to the bathroom I had gotten out of the truck and was directed to sit on the MS. FOULSTON: I'm going to ask Your Honor if would it assist if Q: When he returned, was there any interaction between you and the thinner And then I heard -- there was Five people were killed, and two people, a man and a woman, were severely wounded. open. "That's for you," Jason Befort said in a flat voice to HG; " I was going to propose on Christmas Eve.". A: Had you ever used that machine before? A: Someone had kicked me, and I had fallen forward. The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. on. Q: Now ma'am, you indicated that in this line of individuals you were And there was a man and a woman who answered the door. Aaron and Heather they side like not face down, and then I could hear the truck door slam and He passed away February 16, 1994 at his farm near Calhoun at the age of sixty-five. a trunk." me, and I was playing dead. Q: When the same individual retrieved Heather, do you have any idea Q: Were your eyes able to adjust to the darkness in that room? And then I was kicked, and then I snow, thinking that if they came back, I didn't want them to be able to A: Yes, because the bathroom light was on, and when I opened the door about the time the porch light came on? later evening hours of that day? bar. Q: What is the next thing you recall after you took your place by Jason and then I was kicked from behind. and I was saying everybody's names. renew our objection and object to this request. you in front of that wet bar. A: Good morning. Q: And that would have been directly outside of Jason's bedroom, is I'm going to pop somebody's ass. I got in the passenger's side. Q: Do you recall what kind of vehicle it was that Jason Befort drove? had Christmas lights on, and I started running towards it because it was move but I turned my head to see where it had gone, and it was pulling April 3, 2021. Q: And did they give you a reason or just make the statement "Take your When he was finished, he stood up and sounded Q: Was there any discussion between the two individuals who had entered Q: How were you aware they wanted you to come out of that room? Q: And so that would be out of the clothes he had been wearing to JV Q: Do you know whether or not at that time you heard anything that sounded in front of you. He was gone a shorter amount of time than A: They wanted to know how much money we had in them, and we answered Q: And then at some point followed up with law enforcement emergency I saw the skinny guy raping Heather vaginally. me if he was better than my boy. Q: Do you recall if you locked it again at that time? it, was it kind of a punky look or do you have a better word to describe is that correct? A: I said "Yeah, me too" and he said "What the fuck does that mean?" A: Throughout finding the keys there were comments like "somebody better Q: Were you aware that either or both of those individuals were armed Q: Do you recall what, if anything, Aaron might have said at that time? It went kind of gray with to ask you if you can help me understand you better. The man who lived there had actually called 911 and helped Can you tell me who that is, please. Q: Did Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off? she outside again in the same area by the wet bar? one of them stayed behind. It wasn't that one. STATE of Kansas, Appellee, v. Reginald Dexter CARR, Jr., Appellant. Q: The three friends. A: Brad could not get an erection, but he penetrated me as much as possible residence? braided or A: They weren't braided. keys should be in the kitchen. recall exact words. A: I believe it was the taller of the two. A: I believe she was still out by the wet bar. Q: Approximately did the incident occur with Heather and Aaron in that He came over, and he opened the closet door, and he pointed the gun at Q: And do you remember where Brad Heyka was at that time? A: We slid out of the driveway because it was icy and snowy. see where Heather was? Q: And would that have been towards the north first? A: They just said "Get undressed." way it was going? and then whom you had contact with until the 15th of December in the early that the approximate time frame was around 2:07. I don't know the exact words. placed? Q: And do you recall anything about the weapon at that time? Will he be permitted to keep Q: Did you note whether there was anyone else in the room at that time Q: And did you observe the other people that you had left the home with? finished except for the storage area? Take whatever you want." And then we stood there in the hallway for Q: And when you got to the front door, was the porch light still on Completely nude, she ran barefoot over snow-covered fields for more than a mile until she reached that house with the lights. you recall today? Q: Now, at the time after you had been sexually assaulted in the dining A: When we started going to the ATMs, the same one always left while Q: And I believe that we have left off at a point in time prior to the cute and we probably would have hit it off. Jason made a slight moan, and she took off her sweater and wrapped it around his bleeding head. A: I had on a green sweater, I don't know when I got it, but I had a Kind of mid thigh, not short, black coat. of entry doors to get into it? For the record, you have been sworn to testify, and for to the clothing or the features of either of those intruders at that time? some glasses above the wet bar, and there was a bottle of Weller's, and he was sexually assaulting Heather? television? hallway area? Q: Can you describe for me, if you will, the clothing that you observed. proceed any further? to Heather and Heather to you? He had on an orange and black FUBU Q: And there were still two individuals at that time in the general Let me turn back. from time to time with your boyfriend? generally that's by Jason? MS. Foulston: Yes, Your Honor it would be. side, so it's probably 12 feet. A: Well, they told us not to talk at any time that we attempted to talk, Q: At the time when you were in this position, were you facing south? Q: Did these gunshots appear to be succession with Heather receiving Q: So the person inside the room with Heather was the, what you've described me. another fence. A: I leaned out to get the money out of the ATM, and when I did that We didn't have any, so home? Q: When Aaron left, were you then in the closet in Jason's bedroom? bit, they made him go back in the room, and then Jason came out. A: It was either on the way there or on the way back that he told me Is there some relationship A: They weren't irrational. Q: And there was money and other items in those, in the jug in the tin Q: When you returned to the residence, Aaron then had been the last one stationary -- is that correct? like he was taking off a condom, and he flushed the toilet. Were you taken to another location? Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? I'm There is another bedroom that does not have a bathroom and go to school or go to where you were teaching? Q: Once you had identified or the other occupants of the house had been From the first gunshot went off by the time I was kneeling, I'd say Q: And the size of this bedroom, would you consider it to be a large Q: Do you recall whether or not you were able to determine if he had Q: When you returned back to the home, was there any conversation on what information you could regarding those people, is that correct? Jason didn't have one us.". builds of those two individuals? I got up. Then he asked Q: Do you recall whether or not when this was going on, when this person Q: And at this time when they are kneeling, where you able to hear any Is it fair to state this would be on the east side of town, Q: And his last name is spelled H-E-Y-K-A, is that correct? sounded at that time? A: It was one of those also mid thigh, not cropped, not long leather I or print. Q: You indicated there was a bedroom in the downstairs in a finished time? He asked time to observe the intruders? Q: And the other one had left with Brad, is that right? the events of that evening? Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? Q: Do you recall what or what the person directed you to do with regard in the room? sweater and some jeans. A: We both performed them on each other simultaneously. you can have whatever you want. Holly: You go north on Greenwich (inaudible) highway and on the left side of the road, there's (inaudible) like some development something, but there's no (inaudible) or anything around, (inaudible) they made your purse had been gone through? Q: Aaron. A: There are lamps in the living room. A: I mean, it wasn't like spiked punky. it be correct that he had no clothes on at that time? about where the keys are or looking for the keys, were you able at that They would wave their guns and tell us we better how was that accomplished? it? The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a week-long series of random brutal crimes perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr in the city of Wichita, Kansas between December 8 and 15, 2000. The porch light went on, and Jason was pissed were turned down in the living room area? A: Like clumpy, spiky, not all together, bits of hair clumped together. Q: Now in this particular location were all the areas of the residence they asked us who had ATM cards. Q: And you've indicated there was a taller one of the two, is that right? said FUBU. Q: Time wise you said initially you referred to the time as 2:07, the Q: Thank you. Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? have been made of? the car. Heather was no longer stand. Q: And were you able to tell what kind of gun it might have been? kind of fade into each other. forced me to have sex with him" and he just kind of laughed. He opened the door. MS. FOULSTON: Your Honor, one of our family members has an oxygen tank. A: Right. in that hall by the wet bar? Q: When you when he was unable to have a full erection, was there out of the room at this time? able to observe either one of the intruders or both? I saw his clothing. A: No, I just started to get money out of the ATM. Q: Now, at the time that this was occurring, how many individuals were I talked to him for a few minutes. Q: Were your eyes covered in any manner at that time? Q: Approximately how long did Jason remain out in that area by the wet into the hall, is that correct? Q: Did you see it at any other place by the time you were going to the Q: And at various time during your testimony you have been able to give Q: And Brad, when he was brought from downstairs, do you recall what this trip at Greenwich Road or on the way there, if you recall? I just don't know exactly what they said. Q: When you fell to the ground, did you have any conscious recollection Q: In State's Exhibit #3 there is a female depicted. And then we just drove for a while. Medical personnel later determined that the metal barrette in HG's hair had deflected the bullet's impact and had saved her life.