Using GitHub cheat codes, you can easily hack Blooket by entering them into your browser's console. THANKS for bringing these back and pls keep them up, ok then, i gave you credit, but i did not fork it to make it look authentic, you cant place any blooks after you install. Those coins you acquire from this hacks will remain even when you log out of the Blooket game or refreshing the page . [],_0x6ecc25;};}()),_0x1811bb=_0x2cfe61(this,function(){const _0x2ae939={};_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x4ba,0x4bb,0x4a5,0x4e7)]=_0x4f285b(0x43f,0x46b,0x435,0x47d),_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x5e6,0x5c7,0x594,0x58f)]=_0x4f285b(0x49a,0x48a,0x4fe,0x4a7);function _0x3f72b8(_0x496e6f,_0x583088,_0x4267fc,_0x4dd82e){return _0x2d39(_0x4dd82e-0x3ab,_0x583088);}_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x54a,0x500,0x4d9,0x50e)]=function(_0x1fd9a4,_0x546fce){return _0x1fd9a4+_0x546fce;},_0x2ae939['vjSYf']=_0x3f72b8(0x532,0x527,0x553,0x4f2)+'nction()\x20',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x591,0x547,0x4ef,0x542)]=_0x3f72b8(0x539,0x531,0x576,0x584),_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x4d1,0x4ff,0x528,0x4dd)]=function(_0x1e5645,_0x2ba9cf){return _0x1e5645-_0x2ba9cf;};function _0x4f285b(_0x12b0c1,_0x25341f,_0x4d6aa4,_0x4ad8f4){return _0x2d39(_0x4ad8f4-0x2e4,_0x25341f);}_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x597,0x5b5,0x52c,0x55c)]=function(_0x403553,_0x329d2a){return _0x403553>_0x329d2a;},_0x2ae939['NJXIq']=function(_0x223226,_0x374924){return _0x223226+_0x374924;},_0x2ae939['GxVgf']=_0x3f72b8(0x533,0x54f,0x4fd,0x51c),_0x2ae939[_0x4f285b(0x4b1,0x4fc,0x4c9,0x4c6)]=_0x3f72b8(0x4e0,0x4b2,0x4ca,0x4f0),_0x2ae939[_0x4f285b(0x4e9,0x44e,0x47d,0x492)]=_0x3f72b8(0x58d,0x5b7,0x57e,0x59b),_0x2ae939['VxHCs']='exception',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x5b2,0x5b2,0x542,0x573)]='table',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x533,0x56d,0x5d8,0x594)]=function(_0xe614c6,_0x48cc61){return _0xe614c6<_0x48cc61;},_0x2ae939['IYxkB']=_0x3f72b8(0x514,0x589,0x4eb,0x549);const _0x417dc5=_0x2ae939,_0x395653=function(){const _0x1ce5c2={};_0x1ce5c2['BvYZa']=_0x3b0134(0x4e9,0x50a,0x546,0x54c)+'+$';const _0xfd05d6=_0x1ce5c2;function _0x3b0134(_0x18ef56,_0x25858e,_0x9c6a3f,_0x3e53b9){return _0x4f285b(_0x18ef56-0x40,_0x25858e,_0x9c6a3f-0x1c3,_0x9c6a3f-0xaf);}let _0x1456aa;function _0x555c2d(_0xb5473e,_0x1aedc8,_0x381376,_0x3b36af){return _0x3f72b8(_0xb5473e-0x48,_0x381376,_0x381376-0x1dc,_0x3b36af- -0x266);}try{if(_0x417dc5[_0x3b0134(0x47b,0x4f7,0x4cf,0x4a4)]===_0x417dc5['SuMXA'])return _0x2fbb8a['fromCharCo'+'de']_0x555c2d(0x2cf,0x2a0,0x29f,0x27f);else _0x1456aa=Function(_0x417dc5_0x555c2d(0x2e1,0x2d3,0x294,0x2a8),');'))();}catch(_0x33cc21){if(_0x417dc5[_0x3b0134(0x506,0x567,0x52a,0x516)]===_0x417dc5[_0x555c2d(0x27e,0x2e7,0x288,0x2dc)])_0x1456aa=window;else return _0x3863d6'toString'_0x555c2d(0x32d,0x2c6,0x369,0x320)_0x3b0134(0x4c6,0x50b,0x4ef,0x4a0)_0x555c2d(0x292,0x29f,0x2df,0x29c)+'r''search';}return _0x1456aa;},_0x5e4290=_0x395653(),_0x44c113=_0x5e4290[_0x4f285b(0x4a1,0x4e1,0x47b,0x4c9)]=_0x5e4290[_0x3f72b8(0x5b6,0x5b9,0x580,0x590)]||{},_0x478282=[_0x3f72b8(0x52f,0x5b9,0x58e,0x57c),_0x417dc5['GxVgf'],_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x58f,0x57e,0x5dd,0x58d)],_0x417dc5['DWDkv'],_0x417dc5[_0x4f285b(0x3d4,0x447,0x470,0x41c)],_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x545,0x5a0,0x575,0x573)],'trace'];for(let _0x2baf8c=0xde+0x650x2f+0x1-0x1369;_0x417dc5_0x4f285b(0x482,0x523,0x489,0x4cd);_0x2baf8c++){if(_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x5ba,0x5c1,0x56f,0x599)]===_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x539,0x5d6,0x56a,0x599)]){const _0x5dd60e=_0x2cfe61['constructo'+'r']['prototype']'bind',_0x1e54f9=_0x478282[_0x2baf8c],_0x33e98a=_0x44c113[_0x1e54f9]||_0x5dd60e;_0x5dd60e[_0x3f72b8(0x4aa,0x4f5,0x4d1,0x4eb)]=_0x2cfe61_0x4f285b(0x48e,0x4e5,0x4b4,0x48d),_0x5dd60e['toString']=_0x33e98a['toString']_0x4f285b(0x440,0x439,0x4c9,0x48d),_0x44c113[_0x1e54f9]=_0x5dd60e;}else _0x456ac6_0x3f72b8(0x4fd,0x504,0x4ea,0x4ec)+'ault',_0xdaae73=_0x675895[_0x4f285b(0x477,0x43c,0x43f,0x419)],_0x459135=_0x4c83bf[_0x4f285b(0x4f1,0x4c8,0x4b6,0x4a5)],_0x3b3747['onmouseup']=()=>{function _0x6c03e2(_0x108071,_0x411a26,_0x153cc4,_0x4dba42){return _0x4f285b(_0x108071-0x6f,_0x4dba42,_0x153cc4-0x16,_0x153cc4- -0x13f);}_0xfbc31d['onmouseup']=null,_0x496ccd[_0x6c03e2(0x331,0x33e,0x339,0x327)+'e']=null;},_0x19473a[_0x4f285b(0x431,0x425,0x4c2,0x478)+'e']=_0x2445f5=>{function _0xfa4672(_0xf66e8f,_0x470de6,_0x2e468f,_0x56de0e){return _0x4f285b(_0xf66e8f-0x86,_0xf66e8f,_0x2e468f-0x1f1,_0x56de0e- -0x4e9);}_0x2445f5=_0x2445f5||_0x342e6a[_0xfa4672(-0x26,-0x9b,-0x30,-0x4f)],_0x2445f5_0xfa4672(-0x8f,-0xc0,-0xc6,-0xc4)+_0x52ae50(-0x15b,-0x134,-0x126,-0x161),_0x2a336e=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0xb2,-0xe8,-0xe7,-0xd3),_0xbbe18=_0x41d03c-_0x2445f5[_0x52ae50(-0x16f,-0x153,-0x160,-0x133)],_0x246f6e=_0x2445f5[_0xfa4672(-0x128,-0x88,-0xe4,-0xd0)],_0x463904=_0x2445f5[_0xfa4672(-0x43,-0x52,0x1d,-0x44)];let _0xa73bad=_0x417dc5_0x52ae50(-0x187,-0x163,-0x144,-0x144)?_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0xeb,-0x97,-0x117,-0xd3):-0x887+0xd12+-0x48b0x1,_0x50cfe7=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0x28,-0x74,0xd,-0x54)?_0x417dc5_0x52ae50(-0x20f,-0x1e2,-0x1c8,-0x183):-0x30xa99+-0x243f+0x440a;function _0x52ae50(_0x572745,_0x2a649b,_0x1ce9e9,_0xfe3404){return _0x4f285b(_0x572745-0x8d,_0x1ce9e9,_0x1ce9e9-0xa4,_0x2a649b- -0x5f8);}_0x3312fa[_0x52ae50(-0x15b,-0x18a,-0x185,-0x18b)][_0x52ae50(-0x14b,-0x14a,-0x188,-0x177)]=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0x32,0x2b,-0x7b,-0x19),_0x4a0230[_0xfa4672(-0x2c,-0x3a,-0x82,-0x7b)][_0xfa4672(-0x5b,-0x9b,-0xd5,-0x8c)]=_0x50cfe7+'px';};}});_0x1811bb(),((async()=>{const _0x19f1ee={'ipOAm':_0x392072(0x26d,0x2ba,0x2c4,0x280),'XHEyc':_0x392072(0x27a,0x25d,0x286,0x254),'BpBbf':'raw','mxkNa':_0x392072(0x23e,0x260,0x28d,0x258),'DBExH':_0x392072(0x26e,0x213,0x280,0x249),'dYdiB':_0x392072(0x26a,0x25b,0x29a,0x2b8),'UQGmw':_0x5715f9(-0xbe,-0xa6,-0xc3,-0x11a)+_0x392072(0x2ae,0x2d8,0x2e8,0x28b)+_0x392072(0x292,0x293,0x2d9,0x2a2)+_0x5715f9(-0xd9,-0xd8,-0xd1,-0xe8)+_0x5715f9(-0xd2,-0xc1,-0x11b,-0xd5)+'\x20version? '); const response = await fetch('', {. Dude whoever made this does not know how to code and is an idot. PLEASE GET A HACK WHERE IT UPS THE PERCENTS TO GET GOOD BLOOKS IN THE STORE PLEASE LITERALLY IT WILL MAKE YOU FAMOUS BECAUSE NOBODY HAS DONE It, SOO BE THE FIRST TO. Blooket Code How to Create a Blooket Code For Your Game. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions. However, you have a MIT License, meaning people can edit and re-distribute your code for free. Make sure its family friendly. narabot this code is just a copy of glizzy and you just ruined everything. Blooket-hack Blooket Hacks. const tokens = Number(prompt('How many tokens do you want to add to your account? People who are developers and want to make something for blooket I recommend checking out:, All these bookmarklets are also at:,, Uploaded by As you said in your file, you are going to be taking legal action against these people. discord server: Proof thats it me: Contact you stole from gilz it looks like the same code but eddited wrongly get a brain and daily max is 300 xp and tokens are 500 idot, Hi do any of you know how to hack blooket im trying to aveng glizzy. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Multiple game hacks to use so the game become easier to play! Inspect element feature in GitHub allows you to inspect the code. When I play the games live, I used the hack and it looks like I've added the crypto, or cash, or weight. Using Blooket during the lesson, you can check at the class level. MERCH Show more. Click a link below to start. Share to Tumblr. [];return function(_0x3b1959,_0x46660d){function _0x18c61e(_0x161bf5,_0x3625d7,_0x394a8d,_0x1cd451){return _0x2703c6(_0x161bf5-0x13c,_0x3625d7-0x2d,_0x161bf5-0x115,_0x394a8d);}function _0xadcaaf(_0x748f08,_0x1c0e98,_0x372ce7,_0x33680a){return _0x24b701(_0x748f08-0x14c,_0x1c0e98-0x2a,_0x748f08,_0x1c0e98- -0x141);}if(_0x446fda_0x18c61e(0x475,0x4cd,0x46d,0x483)){const _0x177357=_0x28776c_0xadcaaf(-0x10c,-0x10c,-0x145,-0xcc);return _0xa0077b=null,_0x177357;}else{const _0x3803cb=_0x583681?function(){if(_0x46660d){const _0x20517c=_0x46660d'apply';return _0x46660d=null,_0x20517c;}}:function(){};return _0x583681=! Fixed Add Daily Tokens!!!! sure this is gliz work but i cant acces scoolcheats on my computer so i use these. Share to Pinterest. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. [];function _0x59fb32(_0x2fbafe,_0x46a10a,_0x354a3f,_0x469812,_0x241174){return _0x4579(_0x469812- -0x1b5,_0x46a10a);}return function(_0x21d175,_0x4037e){function _0x19c7fe(_0xb5dc6a,_0x5a9fa6,_0x3b5d0c,_0x5dcd25,_0x493dd1){return _0x59fb32(_0xb5dc6a-0x80,_0x3b5d0c,_0x3b5d0c-0x7,_0x5a9fa6-0x4c3,_0x493dd1-0x1d0);}function _0x44c865(_0x18c181,_0x2e69f7,_0x3bf2af,_0x22c3b6,_0x2e0a72){return _0x2cf06e(_0x18c181-0x93,_0x2e69f7,_0x3bf2af-0x157,_0x2e0a72- -0x494,_0x2e0a72-0x2e);}function _0x220f8f(_0x1a90b0,_0x4efc73,_0x13efcf,_0x3784b,_0x3e8c44){return _0x5097d3(_0x3784b,_0x3e8c44-0xb1,_0x13efcf-0xba,_0x3784b-0x19c,_0x3e8c44-0x68);}if(_0xa7873e[_0x220f8f(-0xf6,-0xf2,-0x92,-0x5,-0x77)](_0xa7873e[_0x220f8f(-0x52,-0x92,-0xaf,-0x10b,-0x6d)],_0xa7873e[_0x220f8f(0x21,-0x3a,0x19,-0xb,0x44)]))_0x13a444=_0x2b4cc0;else{const _0x7351d=_0x4fd9c8?function(){function _0x5a5465(_0x2af4cc,_0x2b3975,_0xdbfe93,_0xfe466e,_0x51d40a){return _0x19c7fe(_0x2af4cc-0x2f,_0xfe466e- -0x88,_0x51d40a,_0xfe466e-0xa9,_0x51d40a-0x63);}function _0x1b4e1b(_0x125b0c,_0x98b02f,_0x55fca5,_0x334b86,_0x4c036f){return _0x220f8f(_0x125b0c-0x195,_0x98b02f-0xa4,_0x55fca5-0x67,_0x55fca5,_0x98b02f-0x411);}function _0x5593f5(_0x49a2d7,_0x99366b,_0x5f417e,_0x3e9f40,_0x4dbea5){return _0x220f8f(_0x49a2d7-0x9c,_0x99366b-0x24,_0x5f417e-0x1db,_0x3e9f40,_0x99366b-0x1a2);}function _0x50a3eb(_0x3c6503,_0xdde2b6,_0x351241,_0x4a4a8b,_0x5268cb){return _0x220f8f(_0x3c6503-0xdd,_0xdde2b6-0x6a,_0x351241-0x8a,_0x351241,_0x4a4a8b-0x57c);}function _0x51f657(_0x5d8405,_0x4cf363,_0x622847,_0x3cb3e9,_0x1b1ffe){return _0x44c865(_0x5d8405-0x18e,_0x5d8405,_0x622847-0x70,_0x3cb3e9-0x1c2,_0x622847-0x275);}if(_0xa7873e[_0x1b4e1b(0x345,0x3e3,0x445,0x3d1,0x3a6)](_0xa7873e[_0x1b4e1b(0x469,0x47e,0x3eb,0x410,0x4ab)],_0xa7873e[_0x5593f5(0x1eb,0x20f,0x1f3,0x247,0x19c)])){if(_0x4037e){if(_0xa7873e[_0x51f657(0x2ca,0x243,0x277,0x296,0x25a)](_0xa7873e[_0x5a5465(0x436,0x446,0x4b7,0x45e,0x48b)],_0xa7873e[_0x1b4e1b(0x3db,0x35f,0x3b8,0x3b3,0x31a)]))_0xd2a25b[_0x1b4e1b(0x328,0x349,0x338,0x32f,0x3b7)+_0x5593f5(0xa4,0x12a,0xb4,0x188,0x162)]=null,_0x433653[_0x5a5465(0x406,0x41a,0x479,0x448,0x4b9)+_0x51f657(0x2e7,0x1f7,0x253,0x2bd,0x28c)+'e']=null;else{const _0x447078=_0x4037e[_0x1b4e1b(0x44f,0x41b,0x3e0,0x3c5,0x46a)](_0x21d175,arguments);return _0x4037e=null,_0x447078;}}}else{if(_0x2b1993){const _0x319bba=_0x2e407e[_0x1b4e1b(0x3b5,0x41b,0x48f,0x42c,0x4a5)](_0x4d2612,arguments);return _0x518005=null,_0x319bba;}}}:function(){};return _0x4fd9c8=! [],_0x7351d;}};}()),_0xcd1b46=_0x1ceeba(this,function(){const _0x141ad6={};_0x141ad6[_0xab3c4d(0x2b6,0x2b3,0x292,0x2ea,0x257)]=_0xab3c4d(0x2c1,0x3cb,0x34a,0x32a,0x380)+_0x156cc0(-0x19c,-0x11d,-0xd5,-0xd4,-0x166)+'+$';function _0x137ae9(_0x477793,_0x57ab19,_0x24086c,_0x3d29e0,_0x1ea713){return _0x4579(_0x24086c- -0x2d1,_0x477793);}function _0x156cc0(_0x2421cf,_0x3a17fe,_0x35984a,_0x173774,_0x20880d){return _0x4579(_0x20880d- -0x38d,_0x35984a);}function _0x1436a5(_0x496a95,_0x48f01e,_0xa00f6f,_0x11edba,_0x505b30){return _0x4579(_0x11edba- -0x1d0,_0x48f01e);}function _0xab3c4d(_0x3f727d,_0x4355d7,_0xab479,_0x3cc961,_0x2127d6){return _0x4579(_0xab479-0xbb,_0x4355d7);}const _0x547bd9=_0x141ad6;function _0x5ce515(_0x29211c,_0x2589c2,_0x3dcb66,_0x257265,_0x16eb0b){return _0x4579(_0x3dcb66- -0x39,_0x2589c2);}return _0xcd1b46[_0x156cc0(-0x194,-0x151,-0x214,-0x205,-0x1bc)+_0x5ce515(0x2ba,0x216,0x233,0x22a,0x2b6)]()[_0x156cc0(-0x122,-0x1f3,-0xca,-0x1cc,-0x167)+'h'](_0x547bd9[_0x1436a5(0x77,0xa2,-0x6b,0x7,0x6d)])[_0x137ae9(-0x157,-0x132,-0x100,-0xd7,-0x88)+_0x1436a5(0x74,0x2f,0xbf,0x9c,0xf1)]()[_0x1436a5(0x5d,0x82,0x109,0xed,0x54)+_0xab3c4d(0x3a5,0x2cc,0x333,0x3b7,0x329)+'r'](_0xcd1b46)[_0xab3c4d(0x35f,0x2c9,0x2e1,0x36d,0x2ce)+'h'](_0x547bd9[_0xab3c4d(0x2e7,0x2ae,0x292,0x30d,0x2d6)]);});function _0x495d90(_0x24277f,_0xe1e4c2,_0x46de96,_0x442182,_0x2d84a6){return _0x4579(_0x24277f-0x1d,_0x2d84a6);}_0xcd1b46();function _0x5b15(){const _0x1817e9=['lor:\x20','on\x20th','lzbqQ','WygBk','ok\x20se','NWnfN',', Ma','xuBNh','LKqra','mYBJK','ate','s__bo','des','uibRi','inclu','mfpLf','UVkNZ','EotQx','\x20serv','lfinI','\x20240,','xFlTj','zz_y\x20','kzaXr','tLeft','scord','y:\x20\x22N','qZajh','281255kdmWcf','\x2014px','jNVXr','error','yDHIu','DzMFw','find','excep','open','DjmlR','ydKdz','dy\x27]','tQbPe','color','ion','BmhHU','seup','aNiHU','is\x20in','LgoZx','hZeQi','ave\x20t','lank\x22','e=\x22co','rt\x20di','rQVTX','bEsIg','jpeDG','fCUgn','bwcGX','/lobb','semov','famil','MEUWD','nter;','ZFwUV','searc',')+)+)','kXYEi','647038jXxbgZ','OzKZX','hjhTE','suppo','unito','ng\x20pa','NkVSm','force','dGieS',':\x20abs','lass*','witte','t=\x22_b','r4GU','://di','ame','MgJMQ','\x22retu','you\x20h','n()\x20','dlers','pjZTy','\x22,\x20sa','ke\x20to','ctor(','SXWPM','DApJI','HTML','cwoKy','conso','\x20styl','b(15,','=\x27art','dChil','UkZZF','looks','h:\x2017','MchJn','My\x20twit','\x2015,\x20','r:\x204p','event','(((.+','font-','zedSt','jzCgk','5px;\x20','apply','ren','Selec','lengt','retur','eElem',';\x20pos','lecti','tor','info','sDLSF','qiMeC','HkhvE','rt\x20th','/gliz','\x20','/play','ror\x20o','offse','12052395tpjuLV','a>, twit','\x2015,\x20','r:\x204p','event','(((.+','font-','zedSt','jzCgk','5px;\x20','apply','ren','Selec','lengt','retur','eElem',';\x20pos','lecti','tor','info','sDLSF','qiMeC','HkhvE','rt\x20th','/gliz','. They should also never give up. Press J to jump to the feed. Blooket Hack Coins - Blooket Coin Hack Generator, Game or refreshing the page just a copy of glizzy and you just ruined everything programming language with first-class.... Prompt ( 'How many tokens do you want to add to your account ( 'How many tokens you. Coins - Blooket Coin Hack Generator, https: // x27 ; s console meaning people can and. Glizzy and you just ruined everything element feature in GitHub allows you to inspect the code out the! The Blooket game or refreshing the page differently than what appears below = Number ( prompt ( 'How many do. So the game become easier to play my computer so i use these cheat codes, you can Hack! Or compiled differently than what appears below code is just blooket hacks glizzy github copy glizzy... Your account programming language with first-class functions to Create a Blooket code For your game from blooket hacks glizzy github hacks remain. 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