Thank you, you have helped save countless squirrels! Try a drop of a puppy or kitten flea drops on the back of the neck. She is mossing fur, but the skin where the fur is missing is all blotchy or inflamed (not red, its all black, but almost scaly like growths). I'm not really sure what he has. While it isnt technically flying, the squirrels will run to the top of trees, jump out, and spread their skin flaps to help them glide to their next destination. Putting her on a diet, and having her lose weight didn't help. have tried Bactrim/water solution twice now, with additional anti fungal cream (little bit, rubbed in best I can), told after this to try Ivermectin (tiny dose onto back of neck between ears) after that if no change to try Metronidazole? If they get more than a little dose like you say will it hurt them? Thanks! The care I outlined in my first post would be good to follow for your other squirrels. It's the same with getting a squirrel to try other foods. I will send you tracking as soon as I get it! I have tried only putting ivermectin out when I see them, but they scare away easily and I cant guarantee it will be the infected one that comes back to eat the medicine. Mention that you contacted me on the Blog. Please write to me at and I will put you in contact with my associate in SriLanka. If you send me a picture at I could better comment. Send them to and remind me of this conversation. Im so sorry for your loss The easiest way to tell the black-tailed prairie dog from other prairie dogs is to look for its namesake black-tipped tail. (source). Squirrels don't have it so good. Hi Berenice! Shirl. Do you know where I can post photos of this lesion to have it identified? If it is confined to the eyes you can either consult a Veterinarian about antibiotic drops or if you don't have a Vet that will treat squirrels I would use Colloidal Silver and place drops in the eyes 3 times a day. If you copy and paste your post into an e-mail and send it to I'll forward some PDF files with information that will help! The spots on his stomach have dried up and seem to be healing but yesterday I noticed the skin on his arm was raw and swollen then today after he pooped what was on his arm now it's his head. Do you think the Ivermectin paste would help her? The Rock Squirrel is reported to be a predator that will catch and eat baby wild turkeys and other small birds. The squirrel hibernates during the winter and enters an inactive period in its burrow during the hot summer months. People dont give them enough credit. That's because their ever-growing Incisors teeth will pull calcium from their bones if they don't get enough of it in their diet. Scientific name: Ammospermophilus harrisii. ( Light through glass doesn't count because it filters out the spectrum of light needed for this synthesis.) Two weeks ago I released my 3 females that Wintered over with me. Getting it second hand from their mother is 10 times better than trying to treat a baby with Ivermectin paste, because it is impossible to figure dosing. Last year one of the young males, during breeding season, showed up missing both ears (they were bloody). It hovers above water to search for prey such as crayfish and frogs. An occasional peanut It has dense, silky grayish brown fur on top and white fur on its belly. If you are able to, it would be helpful if you could send a picture of what you are seeing. If you'd like I can send you some "high quality" pictures of the spots so you can see for your self. He did take a little water from an eyedropper, and I just read your blog about the formula recipe, so I'm going to try that next. Not almonds since i read that it can contains Cyanide). Hi Dawn, Noticed a couple of weeks ago, odd behaviour when eating. I noticed today that it appears to be worsening and she is still scratching like crazy. Time is very important! But because I had heard that coconut oil was good for lesions etc. Thank you for your blog. If you send a request to, I'll send you our food lists for squirrels! We are giving fruits as juice because when he is trying to eat he is choking. I believe my squirrel and her babies have good reason to be "in hiding" and will hopefully come back. Identification: Grayish back and rump with fine white spots on back; nose and shoulders are tan to cinnamon; tail is grayish underneath. Thanks for writing! There is no loss of hair, just the nibbling. They have gold or red-brown coats with distinctive zebra-like stripes (hence the name) Their prong-like horns are about 4.5 cm long in males, and half that in females. He healed nicely and has been breeding this season with no problems. Joanna Henrichs, El Cerrito. Since it is a wild animal I'm not certain as to how to successfully give it any form of treatment. Paiute ground squirrels are found in Utah, Nevada, California, and the Pacific Northwest states of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Please copy and paste your request into an e-mail so that I can forward it to my associate in SriLanka. You can check with a vet for a referral or check the internet for a wildlife rehab in your area. I am concerned about a itchy hairless rash below her neck. Once he has observed other squirrels for a few weeks, you will be able to open the cage and let him start exploring his surroundings. Once they zero in on an object and move in to grab it, they can get it with pinpoint accura. Regarding your Revolution/ Ivermectin question and the condition you are seeing. Thanks again so much Bill for what you do. It seems that every time a few get this they die and I wont see any affected squirrels for a while and then it starts again. January we had below 0 temps. Thank you! Not sure if I've replied. The Southern Flying Squirrel is a small nocturnal species that is native to most of the eastern half of the United States. Keep me posted as to whether it works so that I can help others with the same problems. Squirrels do make their rounds. In December we had 3 days of poring rain. It's hard to keep him out of it while I'm eating it but I haven't given him any. Ive noticed that she is getting sores on her belly and itching a lot to where she has a bald spot now. My wife and I were married in Greenfield and I went to college there. I do wildlife rehab and in my 7 years have never seen what is happening to my babies. Hi, Amy! He has always had plenty of fresh veggies fruit acorns nuts flowers buds branches, yogurt at all times and for at least a month I've added wax worms, super worms, crickets, and to his water which he drinks plenty of I've added vitamin drops, calcium drops, and colloidal silver. It's not unusual for females to break out of their normal routines at this time of year. Do you have any thoughts on what it could be? Is there a way to send you some pictures of my "pet squirrel" is what I call her since she's been coming to my home for 10 years to treats and snacks and eats out of my hand but Friday oct 5th she showed up with a bald patch, I was concerned maybe a fight but Saturday it had spread and today Sunday the 7th it has gotten worse. White-nosed Syndrome in Bats There are a few types of genetic aberrations that cause the white coats. S/he looks big and healthy otherwise and competes with the other squirrels for peanuts or squash seeds. A few squirrels in my yard have hair loss that looks more like the dermatophytosis photos you posted than mange/mites -- no scabbing or crusting that I can see. Lauric and Capric acid have proven by study to effectively treat them. Townsend ground squirrels are found in high desert shrublands across the US. She is a bit of a pig and eats them all. Blue Dawn will kill fleas and lice also. Kind of like the commercials for Psoriasis, "Oh, my psoriasis is so much better because of Blah-Blah medication!" So, that is another possibility on a newly released squirrel that shows up with patches of hair missing. I made a few phone calls looking for help and advice but living in a rural area as I do, it wasn't easy to find supplies in a hurry. I'm still worried something is wrong and If can help in anyway I would like too. Merriams Chipmunk is found in central and southern California. I just have to tell you how excited I am to find you. If it was after egg shell it's nothing for a squirrel to gnaw a new access to the chickens and their eggs. However, if global warming lets the treeline move upwards then the limited habitat of these animals will shrink even further. Windows are open in his room as long as its nice out. The longest recorded glide of a Southern Flying Squirrel was 200ft, but they usually make much smaller leaps. Will look into that. Since she still lets me touch her I touched the spot, and she flinched in pain. Researching if they are mites, mite poop, flea poop or what? Is it okay to continue with coconut oil on her wound or/ and suggest the course of action to be followed so that she can be cured and grows her hair on her tail back. Lol his back feet arent strong enough. And, they are eating and drinking milk properly. Hope Bill can shed some light on this. You would have to actually seek out the squirrel, get it's attention and start throwing food to it. Sorry about the delay, I've been spread pretty thin lately! Does this look like a skin disease or can they take this much fur off to line their nests? So, write to Shanaz and see what suggestions she gives! When you start feeding them again and hair production resumes the new hair pushes the old hair out of the follicles and it falls off. The Alaska marmot is found in scattered small colonies in the mountains of northern Alaska. He would not eat it, but I came home from vacation and his hair was growing back, and is almost all back now! I would do two things. If I am feeding my black release she will position herself so she can see in all directions, and is always on the alert. One comment - there's what I think is a persistent typo in your blog - you mention 'collodial silver', but of course it's 'colloidal silver'. The Douglas squirrel, also known as chickaree or pine squirrel, is a cousin of the American red squirrel, and the two share overlapping territory in northern reaches of the Pacific Northwest.. The fact that the squirrel is friendly is a big plus! I started feeding oil rich Avocado to my captive squirrel every day, starting in August. We have a mix of gray, black and red squirrels. The first sign, is the loss of use of it's rear legs because the bones are so weak and fragile, that they cannot stand of use the legs. My question is how do I help my little boy in the mean time? A daily Nut Square would be great also to provide vitamins and calcium. Apon inspection I seen little White hard bumps that they stayed real still for me while I used their tooth brush & my fingernails to scrape them off. (The other squirrel, is obviously beyond repair, even though he appears to be not that old and has been Isolated from the possibility of becoming in contact with any other animals wild or domestic) They would treat the symptom with a bunch of toxic chemicals that would destroy the squirrels immune system and weaken him to the point that any minor infection would kill him. Besides that, it is poorly absorbed through the gut! He has recently developed a dark patch on both cheeks just behind the whiskers. She was cautious not agressive, semi domestic. This is a fantastic site for all squirrel lovers !!! It has what looks like an indurated inflammed inner lesion which looks like one puncture mark. Ditto on all the nice things you say about Billl!! Other than that, even fixed animals can have their ups and downs. I was so thrilled because we had our worse winter ever here in the north east last year. Bill. These ground squirrels also secrete special scents that help them communicate. I have a couple suggestions. Given his age he very well could have peripheral vascular disease. My heart was breaking not knowing what to do I bought kitten formula and an eye dropper & proceeded to try and save them. She does east Avacado every day (after her good food of course) Ha! Ooh good point! I was guessing that she wasn't getting enough nutrients and this was causing her immune system to be compromised? When your medication arrived. I wanted to give you a sneak peek of what will be available soon for stubborn conditions: They said it was most likely a head injury. With body and tail combined, ringtails measure around 24 - 34 in. I have no idea, but speculate that it is a scent she picks up in the air that sets her off. They are found in mixed hardwood forests, as well as suburban and urban environments. Almost like a big scab texture. Thanks for writing! Just trying to figure out the easiest/best way to make sure the squirrels get what they need, and that it's going to do the job. They can live fine with an occasional bite from fleas and such because they don't bur rough under the skin to live and lay their eggs like mange mites. Hopefully this is the problem with your lil friend. About a month ago i went to her cage to take her out and she looked dead!i took her out and notices that she is breathing,i put her on a warm blanket and started feeding her with a bottle and within 2hrs she was herself again.i changed her diet thinking she did not receive enough nutrition,but a few week later this happened again!Today this happened for a 3rd time now and she also bit her tail off,she bit it in half!Please please can anyone help with advice?Information about them as pets are not really available here. I have a wild squirrel that has a skin disease but not like your photographs, can you email me so I can send a photograph. Bill, Can I put frontline on baby squirrel for scabies ? Last week I could find that on his right and leg there are two hairless patches. This type of ground squirrel is very inconspicuous. She is wild, and usually scared of everyone due to some issues with cats in the area, but trusts us, though I could never imagine getting her to a vet, nor would I want to, b/c she just turned up after a week and looks like something went really wrong! Hi Renee! Indeed, many of the 40 proposed Red subspecies are thought to actually be colour variants. It has all the good stuff in it! But I also noticed she seemed lethargic. White is a 3-star WR in the class of 2022 that is currently (for now) committed to Tennessee. Ways theyll eat it and like it? It is also known as the shadow chipmunk. How can I best help them? The syringe does have the past in it. Some hurt a little some don't. I would continue to wait and see. Withholding food will not kill your squirrel, but hunger will drive them to try new things. There can be a real war in the mornings. Bill, Worried about a squirrel I have been amused with this past year when I believe she was a baby or shortly thereafter. Mite are treatable, Warbles, or Bot Fly larvae should not be treated in wild squirrels! I have to take her for a heart sonar tomorrow as well as blood tests,the vet does not seem to think its a skin disease because she is not scratching and its only on the front paws,they seem puzzled by what wrong with her. Topically, you can apply as often as you like. If it is Mange, you will see it do a lot less scratching in 2 days, and by the end of one week, you will start to see hair starting to grow back. The Ringneck Snake is a species of small North American snakes that belong to the harmless colubrid family. It is so difficult to find expert information about squirrels on the internet. I don't know what to do, and there are no vets here who will see him. Luckily the bites don't get infected, but they sure hurt from being so deep. Bigger bird Predator Red tail. Susan would also receive this comment to you! I gave my flyers a powder called "Rep-Cal" , which is a calcium with Vit. Thank you for the distinction, and for the treatment suggestions. It also feeds on juniper berries, fungi, and a variety of seeds and small fruits. Hello, If you see no change after 3 weeks, you should start to give him some of the coconut oil that Bill sells on his site. I'm kind of at a loss as to what to tell you, because I have never kept or had a neutered male before. So, our squirrels are generally our squirrels. I've used Colloidal Silver 10 PPM for years to treat all kinds of conditions in Squirrels including mange. I have researched myself into oblivion finding that some full spectrum lights do not provide the UVB and reptile lights are too potent, and on and on. Flying squirrels are unique in two ways. The squirrel you described sounds like it has Dermatophytosis as opposed to Mange as this Blog Article outlined. Bill. If you know trees that contain leaf nests, (Drays,) or dens, put one nut meat on those trees. (A tip on raw coconut: When you break open and take out the fresh coconut meat, cut it into squirrel sized chunks and place it in a freezer bag in the freezer. Bill, I have a squirrel I am trying to nurse back to normality after being diagnosed with Squirrel Pox. Most of them eat from my hand. He is about 4 weeks old and has hair on his head and tail and it looks like some hair is starting to grow on the rest of his body. Second, I would start giving the squirrel a drop of Carnivora two to three times a day for two weeks, then a drop per day thereafter. Found baby squirrel in driveway appears bird got to him and then dropped him - couple of toes gone and injury by one ear. Bill. She is about 9 months old. If your finger or hand is in the same location the nut was in when they made their move, they might accidentally bite you. Maybe she was moving them or they came out of the nest. Thank you for taking up your time to assist myself and others like me in their quest to get these little ones big enough to be returned to the wild. Black-tailed prairie dogs are small rodents with a height of about 16 inches. In the meantime, I would put out a heavy bowl in an area where he feeds and put a half cup of filtered or distilled water and two teaspoons of Colloidal Silver 10 PPM. First of all, thank you so much for keeping your wonderful and very informative website. Bill, We have a young squirrel who comes daily for nuts and fruits. PS. Found just 4 days ago by neighbors in their wooded yard. Tell me what is going on in an e-mail and send it to :>) You can relax. I've had an un-releasable squirrel for the last six years, and I'm only aware of one molting or shedding time per year. Oral and topical Raw coconut oil and topical application of Ionic Silver. I do have a squirrel trap (very useful for catching feral kittens), but these squirrels are in no way tame. He has not seemed interested in solid food. My guess on the lethargy that is made better by feeding, is that the squirrel is wore out from dealing with this condition. Lol! Take it back and ask for a fresh one! I am so heartbroken as he was my little baby buddy for 10 years and I miss him terribly! Bill. Thanks for your interesting blog. Bill. Harriss antelope ground squirrels are found in New Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. He seems to want to lick the areas where I put it. Bill He is miserable. I leave in Michigan. ( The avocado makes their hair really soft.) Was very aggressive before surgery, has calmed down alot. Yes, pictures would help. Hi Shirl! February 2013. Good luck! I would also start feeding coconut out of the shell because the Lauric Acid and Capric Acid in the coconut oil is anti fungal. Dark glass prevents the solution from reacting to light, which silver does. I have pictures that I could send to you, to see if it looks the same, if you contact me by e-mail at: hmmm, have hear cocoanut oil. The latest squirrel I'm worrying about. I would be so devestated if she developed rickets. Humboldts flying squirrel is the third and final type of flying squirrel found in North America and the United States. What can I do to help them, they bring me so much joy. These substances are destroyed if the oil has been refined, processed or hydrogenated. She anxiously awaits reply. All the SPCA' in my area are closed and it seems like an emergency :( !!!!!! The two other squirrels I tossed a treated nut to sniffed it and suddenly bounced straight up two feet in the air and darted away like it was going kill them (I used apple-flavored). This is the first time I have ever seen her or this condition in our neighborhood. This year and within the last 2 weeks I've counted 5 squirrels 1/2 naked with more squirrels beginning to miss hair. 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