Next to this is a small crack in the wall that we can squeeze through to find a Crypt entrance. Jump up to grab it and climb hand over hand out to the middle of the pole. Travel by a Broom or a mount in Hogwarts Legacy is best since it's quite the distance from the waypoint to the . My purpose for this guide is to help you complete Tomb Raider with a 100% game experience via a step-by-step walkthrough. Wait for one of the handholds on the next higher ring to approach and jump up to grab it. ). The weight and feel of the melee kills are so realistic and beyond what we have seen in a VR title to date!If you enjoy this video please:SUBSCRIBE, Like, comment and turn on notifications. Here you'll find a step-by-step guide on completing the Cursed Tomb Treasure, including the rewards you get for completing the quest. ). II - In response to me bringing her Tower intel, May wants to meet outside of the nearby church. var postemail8809='' * Encrypt Email script- Please keep notice intact. 2.1 Find a Way Into the Prophet's Tomb. Here you'll find SECRET #5a crawlspace containing a large medi pack. * Tool URL: Once the mechanism is re-activated, climb up the central column and then shimmy along the ledges on the tower's outer wall to reach the Challenge Tomb's reward, the Skill: Divine Bounty. Head up the path and go through the cave. This will be an intense sequence, climbing up and around the oil refinery tower . Now Casey only concats me if im not tuned to 61 (but cant anwser him), and as soon as i turn it to 61, he repeats the "im gonna contact . A brief flashback now which serves as an introduction to the puzzle and collectible gameplay, Sun, sand, and brain-teasing await in the catacombs ahead. Leap across it and hit X to latch on, triggering another QTE. for (i=0;i