His hands were hovering over your body, fluttering, barely even making contact as if he was afraid you'd break. J: Come onn ~ you know he was not worth it, look at you. You fiddle with his fingers. So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day? Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. : Yes Genre:Fluff Word Count: 1643 Warnings:None Gender neutral reader. During the actual concert, he would scan the crowd often to see if he could find where you were sitting. "I want you so badly baby, just wait a little longer" Kim Seokjin You didnt reply to any, but you listened to them all. He just couldn't seem to get the moves down for their new choreography. You didn't even have to look at him to know he was nervous, staring up at the ceiling. You look too cuddly!Stop hitting or Im gonna get bruises!You either stop or Im gonna drop you on the ground!, Taehyung enters the room looking distressed. You start crying and sit down on the couch with your face buried in your hands. I know if someone else wouldve ever hurt you, I wouldve killed them. If you werent public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. I think I like this new side of you baby girl.. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. He wouldnt think of you any differently. Y/N: Im going on a diet so no more takeaway for me. Y/N: So Jimin, I feel like I should tell you Im on a diet from now on. He once told you that he He didnt want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didnt really bother him much. Every time he made an attempt, his face would turn red and he'd stutter over his words so much he'd stop making sense. "Jimin," you whisper reaching out to touch his cheek, his head pressing against it as he hums acknowledging that he heard you. Y/N: I dont know.. You were covered in sweat which caused your already tight shirt to stick to your body, leaving very little to the imagination. He asked you. initially didnt want a girlfriend, because of his busy schedule and he always If I do this.. then I'm going to do this right.". Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. He had grown used to your weird nature and tendencies so he wouldnt know what to think when you suddenly turned savage. That was why Namjoon always did his best to keep an eye on you whenever you went out together, silently conveying the message that you were with him. You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. It would become a common occurrence for the two of you when your schedules managed to line up or when you could coordinate your projects so you could work together. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. When you received Jungkooks text, you could not say no to such a fluffy proposal. Jungkook would for sure be jungshook when you suddenly turned savage in front of him. You two would likely talk about it over dinner and he may ask a few silly questions such as if youre attracted to this person or this other person just to lighten the mood. "Y/N.. Are you sure.." His soft voice trailed off, plunging the both of you back into quiet aside from the audio of the television. Talk to me at least.. ! It honestly wasnt too uncommon for you to wear clothes that were tight fitting or that showed off a bit of skin. Y/N: You never listen to me ! Sometimes I write and make stuff. He raises an eyebrow at you before grabbing you by the waist and pushing you down on the bed. "Keep it pure." Especially her belly and her pretty large thighs/hips? BTS Reaction to: You wanting / wearing their sweater. He'd pepper you with kisses and playfully make fun of you. You gave him a confused look because of his sudden change of attitude. He had screamed and you'd been laughing too hard to see much, though it'd still hung at the back of your head. Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. Namjoon has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at least 30 voice mails. Whenever things started to escalate, one of you would get shy and back off. You wanted to dress up a bit since this night was supposed to be your time to let loose and have fun, but you also were worried about wearing something too extreme. ".. Are you suggesting, we do something else?" He asked. Nothing, its just I was expecting more of a reaction from you., Then whats the big deal? "Jimin, I want you to be my first." It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. You'd been with Hoseok for a while, and it'd never actually come up. Your breath quickened, almost afraid to admit your thoughts. Yah, Im just joking, relax!, You keep making jokes like that and Im throwing my chopsticks at you!Sorry! - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) He turns around facing you and pushes you into the wall causing you to hurt your back. Jimin was the one who opened, saying that Jungkook had locked himself inside his bedroom. Y/N: Just order for yourself, Im on a diet. If anything, you were the one surprised as he would joke around a bit with you before going back to whatever the two of you were doing. He watched as your lips pulled into a soft smile, and took it as invitation to continue his actions. I have the best S/O ever!. Thank you for coming Y/N, it means a lot.. The thought had been in his head for a while, appearing when he least expected. Yah! Yoongi was losing his tough exterior, he'd become nervous. Yoongi released a sigh and smiled down at you. The bathing suit itself was a simple one piece, but it was a bit low in the chest and had straps at the side which showed off quite a bit of skin. He stops as tears start rolling down his cheeks. The trickiest part was making sure that Jin had no idea what you were planning, making sure that none of the others spoiled the surprise either since they all knew you were coming. Looking back at those memories, you realized that you should have been careful about what you wished for. Its been 3 days. Requests for BTS reactions are closed :) home; "Is this okay?" Im afraid of talking to you, Im scared of your words, because they can brake me down and Im already broken. "Please don't go, Jagi.". FAKE TEXTS. Just do it safely. Im taking one of your sweaters, ok? You said, already looking through his closet. Both of them smiled back, and Namjoon opened his arms for you. BTS REACTION: Losing Control (REQUESTED) . Jagi, what are you wearing? You felt your face heat up as you stuttered over your own words trying to come up with an explanation, his gaze making you feel incredibly small. Request box is still open :) (also doing ships and scenarios), Topless? Thank you for the request anon! Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! Kookie! you exclaimed as you jumped into his arms, forgetting about the very thin fabric being the only thing separating your bare form from him. OK, ITS REALLY WEIRD, but I love it. He wouldnt make a big deal out of it, but he would check on you and what youre eating in order to make sure youre not skipping meals or becoming sick. He was scared of being your first, didn't want to disappoint you. You quickly stood up on the bed and raised the phone as high as you can. You heard his footsteps coming closer towards you. Gifs are not mine. As he was talking with him, he heard a soft knock on the door. Namjoon: Then just fucking leave. The farthest that the two of you had ever gone is kissing and even that was barely more than a light peck. I already ate, I dont want it. You can see how dissaponted he feels with himself. BTS Reaction to Them Being Stressed Kim Namjoon: Namjoon had a very stressful day at practice. Jin had walked in a moment later, in the middle of greeting you but he stopped once he saw you. About us doing more than just, hanging out. You could feel him becoming more greedy, pulling you onto him as you placed your own hands over his chest. Then why did he willingly caused you pain, hurt you? You answered. . "No ones interrupting us tonight alright? Its 6:55 and your plan is to what is your plan? Um yeah, let me go get dressed real quick, you managed to stutter out, but his grip on you only tightened. It is exactly who you expect. pls i need some angst/fluff . You sit next to him as he looks at the purple bruise on your arm with a disgusted expression. You could see the physical struggle in Jin's eyes when he noticed you were just in a towel, using all of his willpower to keep from looking down. Once you resurfaced, you glared over at him as he laughed, causing you to push him under as revenge. Taehyung hadnt noticed you at first, too focused on what he was doing to really pay attention to the crowd. Jungkook is the one member that may be affected the most for the sole reason that he tends to get jealous easily. Just put it down for a second and give me a kiss., Game? Jimin was disappointed when he was told you wouldnt be there to cheer him on but he understood. BTS Reactions: You wanting them to stay in bed BTS Reactions: You Watching A Scary Movie BTS Yoongi Imagine: Be My Muse . He lifts it up at you for approval and you shyly nod. T: Y/N.. how many times do I have to call you until you pick up? You immediately felt self conscious and tried to cover yourself as you quickly walked over and set the drive on his desk, turning to leave when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his lap. Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook) Originally posted by poutaes. Jin looked down at his food and then back up at you. Evidently, you hadnt been planning on going out at all today or you would have worn something a bit more modest. Seokie, can you bring me a sweater? You yell from the living room. Namjoon would see it coming, someday, eventually, in the future. Usually it wouldn't take him this long to get a dance down. Was he? Hobi had been trying to get you to try dancing with him for a while but you always had a different excuse every time. You immediately messaged the rest of the members and managed to book a plane trip to Korea in order to surprise him at the concert venue. You simply say. "Its just.. My first time. BTS Reactions: P2. "Okay.. Kim Namjoon. What was Jimin doing home? Namjoon would love that the two of you had such a thing in common and would definitely want to listen to your work. Yoongi swallowed hard, and then you two were moving into a different position. We have other plans now.. "How've you been?" Pretty soon, he couldn't even focus on his game anymore. I would have been more prepared.. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. Y/N: Oh.. no, no. I dont know what Id do without you Y/N. Not my problem that youre being too cute in my sweater. He laughs. You say that every night, why dont you want to eat with me? The hurt look he gave you made you immediately feel guilty, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. If he did it once, could he do it again? Hey hot stuff, he said with a smirk, you know, theres this nice little place just a few blocks down the road. You told Jimin that you couldnt make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. Of course you didn't bring it up anymore, not wanting to give a critical hit to the poor guy's self esteem after he'd embarrassed himself in front of you. He was already wary of someone else trying to take you away from him before, but knowing that you were attracted to more than one gender would just make him suspicious of everyone. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. BTS reaction to you pinning them against bed Anon said: Hi !! Not wanting to make eye contact, you drop your eyes and focus on his shoes instead. Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. " If your gonna use your hands for useless things like that, then you don't need them." . Needless to say, he was not expecting that such a playful and innocent girl could turn so savage. Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. N: I did that, didnt I? Prompt: The boys reacting to their s/o coming out as bi/pansexual? You asked, your eyes closed in calm bliss. Well finish this later.. For a long time, the two of you were too shy to bring it up. You frowned softly and looked down at yourself. Taehyung pulled back in surprise, and for air. Finally, you closed the novel you were reading and set it aside before folding your hands and resting them on your stomach. Have you eaten yet Baby, why dont you stay and eat with me? You forced yourself to smile at him and shook your head. Summary: You are with Namjoon, but Taehyung pays you a visit that will change everything. "Appa's trying alright You had never really worn anything that showed off your body. Why would I be? You were getting that wedding you always wanted, but it would not be under your terms. Im too scared to ask. You may or may not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement. Arent diets for fat people?? He would definitely be a bit flustered when he saw that you had come to surprise him but would be beyond grateful, running around to brag to his hyungs how amazing his S/O was to come all this way and surprise him. I know what I did, Im not finding excuses, I have no proof, I need you to believe me. Y/N!! BangtanBabes. You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. Your hands were holding onto two bags that seemed to contain food. Even so, you eat too little and you already look slim, youre gonna get sick if you keep going on this way. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didnt, he might be a little bit upset. Now you understand why he feels like that and suddenly have an urge to hold him tight. "Really? I love you too much for that.". N: You are already slim, I dont see why you need a diet. There was a small grin on his face before he was leaning in again, his words barely a whisper on your neck. H: I was already loving you, but now I love you like 500% more. You look too cute.Oh, yes you are.Im stating facts, ok? Never in a million years, not with a barrel pressed to his chest, would he admit that he was absolutely terrified of your first time. You had your head resting on his stomach, right above his waist as he scrolled through social media. Once he finally realized what he was feeling for you, it would be easier for him to come to terms with it. BTS Reaction: warming them up A/n: since its cold, and I often tend to mother my friends who end up sneezing or coughing around me. At first he refused to believe it, you were too bubbly and kind to ever say something soharsh. However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. 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