I am the boss here, so you will do everything I ask you to do exactly when I say it. Okay? By: Annika G., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender:Male Genre:Dramatic Description: A character talks to a younger version of herself (or himself). Here, let me just take this blindfold offthere you go! I refuse to wear my glasses, even though it makes my mom mad, and I probably need them. There are five of us, and Spencer, he takes a lot of work. Hmm, what is trendy now? They all balance on a tightrope struggling to remain steady over the sea of death. Listen buddy, Im gonna stop you right there. Second Place Winner! Genre: Dramatic. He didnt want anyone else to look at me. And two years later, it gets run over and your parents try to tell you that he ran away, but you heard them talking about how nice the man was to come tell you. I wear normal clothes. Wait, what? I know she saw the end coming, but she kept folding. - So he departed thence, and found [Nothing can be concluded from this word as to previous acquaintance] Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was ploughing [It was in the winter, consequently (Proverbs 20:4.See Condor, p. 328). *sigh* Okay, then. Ive let everyone down. I like learning. Third Place Winner! Thank you. Alone. Watch another video performance of this monologue here! I could tell you that I'm gonna make you my house mouse. He answers that he does not want money from people. (Smiles but then frowns again.) (In a very nerdy way) Statistics show that the easiest way to get someone to like you is to be popular. She's not rich and she doesn't live in . YOUR. How can I impress him? And oh yeah, she likes the Rolling Stones. It is the cause. Third Place Winner! Gender: Male Genre: Dramatic, (Actor should be over-the-top enthusiastic, acting out the pitches, bat swings, and catches.). But, through the numbness, I still manage to find a way to cry. Get the T-shirt. I would be too if I had to go in there. I mean, shrimp? Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. To look at my eyes and see your eyes. Of course, she had no clue. But me? Why should I promise my loyalty to a country that isnt loyal to me? And one day, Ill have me a kid, and I will love him, and always treat him good. Julius Caesar is one of the most well-known Shakespearian works. Pero, I just cant get over him hes all I think about! Dorothy and I had too much knowledge. The troll grunts something unintelligible and pulls your pencil out of his pocket. People always feel the need to point out how short you are. THAT took forever. I have dreams. Genre: Dramatic. (The leprechaun goes back to his work making shoes and sings this song. A big distraction for me is drawing. Youve been with me for so long, through everything, the ups, and downs, and during all of the struggles that come with growing up, you have been my best friend. No never mind its a long story. It I was desperate to be accepted by either group. The second time I remember being hurt is when I was maybe 9 or so. Acting is an amazing thing. Instead, she is brought to a training facility for girls to be sent to brothels in Europe. Its a side of her we havent seen before the real her. Friend groups got more complicated, so was lunch, seating choices, there was so much homework, and the teachers were really different. Have I tried it, you ask? Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a 2008 musical tragicomedy produced for the Internet, telling the story of low-rent supervillain Dr. Horrible, his hero nemesis Captain Hammer, and his romantic interest Penny. And as if all of this wasnt enough, theres one last cherry on top. Hello, and welcome to Fencing 101. I cant be like you, and I dont want to be like you anyway. Of course, he wasnt talking clothing, he meant skin tone. By: Sophia Blakely, Age 17 From: Ontario, Canada Description: A ghost of a soldier attempts to dissuade living soldiers from continuing to fight in what he believes to be a losing war. It was made out of gosh darn hay! Why cant you see me? Ye humans are bleedin thick! No puedo itsits a pimple! They were never accurate anyway. Anyways, Ill be there in five minutes. Yeah, I know this flight to England costs a lot of money, but he is worth it, anything for my hubby! But you cant tell anyone ok! But shes great. I have done the state some service, and they know't. No more of that. Third Place Winner! (sigh) Youre very pretty. Henry is the father of Terra, who has gone missing amid the riots. But I was thinking more like drums. Dont think about me too much! Its so worth it. Why dont you go ahead and take a seat hon. Im going to tell her I dont want to do this anymore. I hate her. Deoxyribonucleic acid. I feel like Im going insane, and I(Gasping for breath and trailing off)I (Wiping her eyes) You gotta let me go. In . You recognize me. Buh-bye. Genre: Dramatic. I also help elders get up when they fall downafter I push them. By: Astra B., Age 16, NYC, USA Description: A nomad tells his sister his philosophy on life and why he chose his lifestyle. The zoo is closed? Youre so kind and supportive of me. Maybe its an art to not care. Huh? Im sorry for many things. We walked into the room carrying our masterpiece hidden by a cloth. I went to my room and I could tell they were still arguing. I grabbed the nearest object and smashed that little stinker till he was flatter than Flat Stanley himself. It took about a roll of paper towels to clear away the bloodand tears if Im being honest. But some days you dont hear it. Once you go down the line of wanting to make a black child have a black doll, read obligatorily books about black characters, have black parents etc etc, you are starting down the same path as the Ku Klux Klan many years ago and it's not better but more of the same. Sometimes I think you forget what growing up was like for me, and what a miracle it is that I am here, because if you remembered, youd never complain. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. He wasnt even that nice-looking, anyway. I mean most people are, but I always find comfort sitting in it. Sixteen-year-old Eva quietly tells her older sister, Analise, about a time when she went to the bakery and first met Merek, the bakers son. I dont care. I have more chores than any of my other friends. What about now?Dangit. So, when this loose behaviour I throw off. I didnt talk when we first met, I felt weird with strangers in my house. In this particular scene, Brutus is discussing his own betrayal of his friend Caesar. By: Thandie C., Age 12, USA Description: A middle-schooler talks about racism among children/kids from their point of view, in front of their class for an English assignment. Dont you look at me like that, I do not want to have another shrimp incident. No! Instead of I like Gaston, hes so cute. When I walk to the door that is clearly a sign I no longer wish to be here. Yes, you are alive, but sitting around in your house all day, starring at a tv, youre not experiencing anything except for whats next on Fuller House! You need to wake up from your fantasy world Ray. (Pause.) They are telling their friend who wants to help what they feel and why they still; continue to use drugs. Not very Devon is it? I say. Hes easy to spot because hes the biggest kid in our grade. Julia shows the audience her pain, anger, guilt, and sorrow as she begins one of the lengthiest monologues about death on the list. For foils sakes, children, raise your hands! Chained to the ground by everything Ive got going for me. Always tell her Im the best babysitter. Cast Away Quotes Showing 1-2 of 2. Her sorrow compounds on itself the longer she speaks, and she apologizes for secluding herself during a time when he (and she) needed someone the most. Listen to me, we have never, ever had an opportunity like this before. And now, nobody can stop m- (phone rings) One second please (answers phone, starts whispering) no, no, Mom, I cant talk right now. I used to run outside all day and night before I came here. Howard is unaccepting of her and refuses to believe that death is ever for the best. The day you left we said wed text every day. Do I look oversize to you? I figured everything would be okay and I could find a cab to take me to my aunts but then I realized that I left my bag on the train which had my phone and all of the money that I could bring. Mom and dad say Ill be happy when he is born, just like I was with my little sisters, but I highly doubt it. One thing is for sure, when I grow up, Im not going to be like them. Theres a small gas leak in the spaceships cooling system, which makes a high-pitched squeaking noise. By: Joy Seon, Age 12, Illinois, USA Description: A villain tries to persuade you that they are the good guy. Genre: Dramatic, (Harold could be talking to a photo of his wife, or kneeling and placing flowers on her grave.). Secondly, youve met Kathys mom, and you guys totally hit it off! Okay, calm down. Then the truck driver walked past me and headed for the bathroom. This is my first video diary after becoming the first earthling to visit the planet Venus. Back in the day, if we wanted to go to space, we had to build our own rocket ship. Now, cacao looks delicious from the outside, but boy, is it disgusting. (laughs) Thank you for saying that. Her name is Eve. Mom!? You though, youve been through so much. Strong support is provided by Samuel L. Jackson and LaWanda Richardson (the real-life spouse of Jackson)as Lange and Berry's attorneys, David Straithern as Lang'es husband, and Daisy Prince as Lange's daughter. A blanket of obscurity. Everyone called him Sticky Ricky. Well, for instance, it means that each person is unique. Normally one of my friends has a lunchbox and shares with everyone, but not today. YOU KILLED PATRICK AND YOU WANT ME TO HELP MOVE THE BODY? By: Kielle W., Age 16, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen wishes to overcome his/her fears. Ill stay on the line with you until the police get to your house. But when it comes to my skin condition, those, those get to me. Everyone has to face the consequences of their actions and I guess I have to face mine too, no matter what it may be. Anxiety hits me from every angle. But what do I say? Our hands were so sticky from all that glue that when we touched anything, it became one with our hands! But it was all worth it! When the murder happened, there were only three people in the entire gas station, me, the gas station attendant, and that truck driver. Obviously its not going well, but at least Im trying right? I watched Halle Berry's performance maybe twice and then started working on my own interpretation of the piece. But, good morning! He said he still loved me, he just didnt want to be tied down anymore and mom, I respect that and were still friends. As I attempted to swim up, a huge object pushed against me, sending me farther down. Hello? I dont. Do you get my drift? I could mention offhand that I am, in fact, an Eagle Scout. I believe that Ive made my case clear. And yeah, surgery totally sucks, but beauty hurts, right? Theres this one song and I think it goes like this, A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido. I think maybe the band members were poor and couldnt read or write because also, their clothes look like they came from the free box. Not she or he, but they. (panic) Uhor orbuild a huge ice-slide and rent out sleds and skis! By: Janisha Pyakurel, Age 13, Texas USA Description: A child shares their gender identity with a parent. I hated that tie that I had to clip on to my plain button down shirt each morning, I hated the time it took to press my khaki pants just for them to get a coffee stain from eating breakfast on the go, or having to re-press from all the sitting I was doing. Thats weird. Shed been yelling at me almost every day for the littlest things too. He taped you to the back of his car because his tail-light was out. (Beat. Covid/19 is the imposter, and the spaceship is the quarantined area. I have since learned that girls are impossible. And if Im being honest, the bad things outweigh the good. You are a monster. Tinas dog, Fizzy (played by an actor), has just returned from the afterlife. I wanna be your class president cause like prom sucked last year. Just this once. He calls them big ideas. If he brings one up, its best to just agree with him, no matter how absurd it sounds. I watched him enter the bathroom, but when I looked back at the check-out desk, the attendant wasnt there. The science teacher was teaching us about watersheds. A boy named Conan Doyle. Stuck like that forever. Oh, I dont know why he does it. I guess Ill just turn it in. I was better than everyone else and that is how I like it. You will have a deadly weapon for life. But in the end I was punished for it. Shawn, stop trying to light Cindys hair on fire! The sky used to be blue. Who does that? By: Saturn Davis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Age 17 Gender: Female Genre: Comedy Description: A heavy girl gets asked to the homecoming dance by the finest boy in school. And I hate these lines that rip through my body. In this monologue, Ty tells Vic about a dream Ty had, and Vic tries not to listen because the image is much, much too real. See doesnt that sound scary to you? Im totally pumped. Hahaha (Serious) But not really. (Kid has taken all those things.) Doesnt matter if its a big thing or a small thing. When we heard gunshots, and screaming ringing through the halls, we knew it was real. Who would even buy such a stupid thing? Im sorry but even just thinking about it makes me pity him, the old me. In this scene, she is attending her high school reunion and feels the need to defend her life choices. When I was young, I had this dream about how my life would be, my ideal perfect life, two kids, a husband, a house. I thought I could always tell what they were saying, always know what they meant. Its just that everywhere, all around me, all I see is dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead! Pedro was mad I woke him up so he hit me. The day I found out he was going to die, I was unfazed. You have to get through it, so you can read the more exciting part? Hes mostly harmless beyond the thumping on the head thing. Again? I used to brag about being fearless, but I cant imagine what would have happened if I didnt get scared that day.
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