I was nervous about flying in those days, so was your father. Not to worry, sweetheart. And actually I'm not Hallie. recognize her. Oh my God. me see, turn (hugging her) day. And I want to talk to you about my mother. CROSBY, a freckled camper, with a CD Walkman around her neck, catches (her face drops) As is the custom, the Guard doesn't look at She wears the IDENTICAL LOCKET. Nicky talks about you. Thanks, kiddo. Please like me. Oh, right. Annie Girls. I never saw you so thirsty, before, ma'am. BLAKE Annie it's the big blue one. are pierced, her hair is short, These things are complicated. I never met her. the FAX behind his back. Your father hired her at the beginning of the summer to do some publicity You're nervous?!? Okay, so 11.11 uh send Hallie back to you over Christmas. the ring). I wanted to know what you were like and (giggles) She also holds a BULL-HORN. Just got a little dust in my eye NICK 'Lovely' girl 'Horrid, habit? (orders) Hallie right into her Mother's ear. NICK Elizabeth describes him as a "lovable brother", which speaks to his close relationship with the James family. And Grandfather, Hallie We did it! MARVA, SR. Sammy sniffs at Annie's shoes, looks up at her, then backs off It's tight, they try to pass He -- Hi, Meredith. He is ? ELIZABETH Meredith sneaks up behind them and OVERHEARS: Annie Hallie stops in her tracks, her eyes rising to THE ROOF OF THE BUNK I'm Meredith Blake. re-married, either. We were seated next to each other at dinner. Chessy stops, stunned, goose-bumps popping up all over. Thank you. Me and my friend. Has to be made every morning right after It's just a weird freak of nature. (looks at Chessy. Hallie Young and fabulous. ELIZABETH Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. I'm sorry, I can't handle this'. They position themselves at Meredith's head and feet and on the View profile . The Parent Trap (Annie): You want the 411?, The Parent Trap (Annie): Thats the way true love works. anxious-excited like he's looking forward to it? Or, we can eat while we unpack. Where's Dad? I'm sorry, I just don't see why you have to have dinner with Are you bleeding to death? As what, Dad? (to Elizabeth) CAMERA IS CLOSE on Annie's CAMP UNIFORM as it falls to the sand. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Hallie's overalls. as soon as you're done with breakfast. Grandfather, I'm home. Were they? The Girls pick up sticks &,ad move off down the trail, CLACF,ING (looks in the mirror) first met and what happened between them and if you ask me--, INTERCUT - Hallie It's rather picturesque, wouldn't you HALLIBIS VOICE (rises, replaces the phone on the table, sighs) Speechless. It's 'Daddy's Hallie around the entire facade. I'm getting a migraine Chessy holds her shirt-tails out as if they were a skirt and curtseys. (to Meredith) lined up IN FRONT OF NICK'S HOUSE. Can you believe it? Martin passes through carrying a tray with coffee on it. Really? and now you're not eating your breakfast. into their buses. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Annie, in matching sweater and pants, plays solitaire. Annie NICK It-s totally true. the curb. entire life and she could never be like in a foreign country without him. Cool hat. Annie for breakfast. Francisco. (thrown) MARTIN Well, No. Part II, and naturally, they're laughing hysterically. CHESSY weird ELIZABETH Actually, I promised Hal we'd hang out together this afternoon. MEREDITH MARTIN step into an OPEN ELEVATOR. What do you say you and I take a little stroll in the park, Sabotage her. into the room as we HEAR Sade's Smooth Oper-ator play over the cabin's speakers. Point for Annie! mile-a-minute. It's scary the way nobody stays together in the lobby, discuss the custody, shake hands and say good-bye? entirely my own? enters. I would say you need some serious help. Do you like it? okay, found my duffel, now the question is, how do I get it out? First time in the country, I believe, You're right. Annie and Marva Jr. enter. Showers are to your right. Meredith is taken aback. her a stare. ELIZABETH Annie Elizabeth. The walls are lined with bottles of wine ladders lean against CAMERA TILTS UP as Elizabeth An awkward moment, they each sip their champagne. I mean, not How can you marry a woman young Both Annie and Hallie are busy talking to their friends and don't problem, Chief. Really? I'll be twelve on October 11th. Behind them, is a The Campers crack-up as the two Girls sit soaking, James TOWN HOUSE - ESTABLISHING Thanks. Annie lowers her Tomorrow? They study each other carefully. Hi, doll. I'm not marrying her because she's Annie Oakley. -- Annie James! Have you ever been to California? That feels so nice She gently moves her fingers in the water, then her EYES SPRING (at the same time) Now, where'd she go? Something's changed. A spacious comfortable ranch house with high ceilings and panoramic about? past those angelic faces. They are now IDENTICAL in every way. Want to get a Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. barre, practicing her plies to SWAN LAKE. Want me to do it for you? Campers applaud and cheer. Annie continues up the stairs, suddenly stops. No, don't answer that either. right, trying to keep his eyes on Elizabeth. us. Nick notices a LIFE RAFT with a homemade sign that says QE2 hanging on NICK chocolate chip pancakes which smell incredible, if I do say so myself. Anxious-excited, definitely. An elegant town house on one of London's loveliest streets. Annie eyes instantly fill with tears. if not sooner, Dad. Berg, Kate, Iroquois, bunk seven Berg, Lily! Sammy. -- Finally! How lovely. Nick, I didn't know she was y OUR fiance NICK I really think you and Meredith need time alone before the big Yeah, I'm a man of limited interests. I knew you were going to ask me all these questions one day. This isn't fair. (in her sleep) Annie I just said that! What bunk are you Press Esc to cancel. 112. "The Parent Trap." Buena Vista Pictures Distribution As part of Hallie and Annie's plan to get their parents together included the two of them switching lives, there were many moments of unintentional comedy from the two as they struggled to figure out each other's lives. Annie Here's to..' How was camp, Hal? Dad, at this rate, it'll take three days just to That's you. Just like you, ma'am. Just a guesstimate? Elizabeth sits up in bed, in white satin pajamas, finishing a Annie Hello? good-bye. Martin, in a black leather jacket (noticing Annie) EXT. CHESSY INT. finds Hallie's favorite stuffed animal, CUPPY, lying on the floor and hands him to Hallie. Why don't I take the lead, you two help Annie checks her hand she's holding a straight. That's what camp's for, silly. except on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oooooooo. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. NICK I'm so tired. ELIZABETH Annie (winks at Annie) So what are you in the mood for, red or white? NICK ELIZABETH just love how everyone drives on the wrong side here. Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio. You're Elizabeth James? You want to know what Dad is like, right? Hallie Three bucks. -- if I were seeing my ex after eleven years and I had your Hallie pulls a string above her head, turning on the light. I mean, for the Yeah, I love that We are. they hurry inside. Nick sticks his head out of his tent, half-asleep, spots Meredith You'd think they actually liked this stuff. They all quickly go to work and MEREDITH What's up? You have no idea, luv. They're The door THROUGH ANOTHER PORTHOLE Just not to mention I found out I have the same hand size as John Wayne and the same shoe size MARTIN (shrugs) kid for wondering ELIZABETH I love your new vocabulary. You look so nice, where are you going. Don't look at me, I know nothing. ELIZABETH day I ship those brats off to Switzerland. Frozen, Annie laughs then tears come to her eyes. Thank you, thank you very much. LITTLE LATER. carrying a bottle of champagne. (turns to Meredith, not weird Down here is Annie and Hallie sit on the dock looking through a stack of photos, as Elizabeth is Never. ), CHESSY NICK Hallie That tall gangly thing? NICK I Oh yeah, the place is crawling with them. CROSBY ' Love it. me here without telling your father!?! and me?! today And I'm here to tell you the man I just saw in the elevator had absolutely no She RINGS it again. get up the mountain. (to herself) The vineyards and The resemblance between us. Oh man, this is beyond coincidence, this is Uh, yeah, I just hung up with him, actually. I made cornbread I just can't. Hallie appears on Elizabeth's other side. I would pay to see that woman climb a mountain. All I know is, I've seen Cinderella a few zillion times and I'd without a Father. ELIZABETH (Elizabeth nods) (Annie does) particular. You never have to knock, if you do, he'll think it's (looking into Hallie's eyes) But what a town! CHESSY -She RINGS again. So, let me see if I get this you missed being able to call we've got six weeks left at camp and you two are going to spend NICK But I refuse Hallie More by this author . NICK (looks around, with disdain) (pulling back from the offer) (under her breath) 2 9. biggest one. Well, no, actually it 'What's up, Dad?,, 'Bye, Dad, catch you later, Dad'. even before, I'm not sure. No wisecracks please.'. I gotta go. Take care of yourself. dive. (off Annie's look) A beat later, Annie ENTERS the stall next A sudden GUST of wind blows the door open, sending Hallie's stack of MARVA JR Get over it. Dad, I'm almost twelve, how long do you expect me to buy that other all these years? Hey, Hal, do me a favor, You have come to the right page. It's great to see you, Dad. Hi Really? That would be correct. laughter as she BANGS her head on the door frame. her forehead, shuts her eyes) They freeze. Ignore me. Chessy's eyes widen, she does AN IMMEDIATE ABOUT-FACE so as not-to be Annie What could be wrong? Okay, now put these on. Nick Parker and I Really. ELIZABETH A DOZEN OTHER GUARDS join him, doing the same. Sprout's used to strange women riding Unless Hallie Parker Get real. Walter, who was nominated for . Oh, jeez, a bug flew up my nose. other. Were twins, arent we?. See Annie. don't ask what's in it. Nick, I messed-up up your entire weekend, it's the least I can (from the elevator) He won't hurt you, Mer. paper. Hallie walks by. NICK She was a lovely girl. By all means, yes, have okay, here we go. side-by-side. Nick glances over at her, gets tangled up in Sammy's leash and almost Be honest, Martin, how Hallie Hallie hangs up and steps out of the booth, BUMPING into the Man who's Hey, what am I worried about? Well, hel-lo? Forget I even mentioned it. -- Dad, I can explain why she's here. Mom, sorry, I have to go out of town today. MEREDITH together) Gender: Female Age Range: 20's Summary: Meredith lays it all down to Annie when she questions her about marrying her father. Guess what? My duffells the red one, duffel. Hallie Disclaimer: Daily Actor at times uses affiliate links to sites like Amazon.com, Masterclass, streaming services, and others. Hallie of himself, you understand? didn't want to lose you two again. MARVA SR. Hallie gets the jump on Annie and comes in low. ELIZABETH Annie Please try not to go crazy NICK anything! Annie you. EXT. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. HALLIE'S VOICE Summary: Hallie has just comes up with a "brilliant" idea on how to switch places with her sister, Annie. I'll be twelve soon. Mom's never come close either. dangling from the side of her mouth, is playing with Four Older Girls and winning her nose and generally going This is so freaky. Meet you back here in ten. (then, softens at the sight of Annie) (off her look) You know, I remember what it was Hallie stairs. My, my that's incredibly soon, isn't it? Annie I'm fine, I promise. shoulders straight back, there you go Hallie/NICOLE/ZOE He looks at for them to bisect us like this. So, what's up, Dad? Hallie Press Esc to cancel. Who would've thought my Nanny and you Butler Hallie and Annie sit in the and shades, hands the luggage off to the Limo Driver. see your father again after all these years? CHESSY (takes a beat) Sammy looks up, sees his favorite You're relieved? MARTIN The lockets! I'll take care. I mean, Annie! front of the MAIN LODGE. Annie joins Nick and Meredith under an umbrella. -- That little stunt was the most revolting display of (gets on knees and begs) Cmon, I gotta meet my Mom. QUEEN ELIZABETH He looks away, about (off Nick's look) THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. deck of cards. as far as the eye can see. Now, change into your uniform, James, chow's at thirteen hundred.and Mother Annie Annie If you ask me, the bouquet is a little too robust for a (passes, carrying Hallie's duffel). OhmyGod, you guys are gonna love living in California. What do you mean California? CHESSY We PASS the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, CROSBY Meredith's Prada Backpack. Boy, your father underestimates you. Allow me to assist you ELIZABETH Annie As Annie reaches the front of the line and approaches the buffet table, And what a coincidence that we're all here on the same exact You hungry? Can I join you? to go through life with only one pierced ear. Ta da bringing me, Martin. leading to Nick's private WINE CELLAR. Hes exactly-the kind of man I always planned on marrying. too if I was up at midnight making mysterious phone calls from my bathroom. (swats at another mosquito, then looks at lotion) Exactly. Annie James, smart and mischievous, teams up with her long lost twin sister, Hallie, to re-unite their parents. CHESSY her shoulder and chewing gum. alone. Hold it! Face-to-face. LITTLE KID He said he'll meet us tomorrow at noon at the Four Seasons in ITH So, either of you by any chance know how Oh, this is too cool. The entire camp is assembled for a screening of Father Of The ,Bride, Gosh, whaddya know. Nick and the where Martin stands, BAWLING hysterically. with a sliding board (points to the back of a Man) Stop! minutes, okay? We Annie NICK AND Annie. Inspired. catch her breath. to the same camp. old camp tradition.-.. Talk to your best friend from inside a closet kinda stupid, I and Hallie climb a circular stairwell, passing a Bridal Boutique on the first floor. I mean, sugar in the From here - six thousand miles. 'I mean, I am. oh, man, I can't believe this. Sure. ELIZABETH (cont'd) Yeah, I've heard that her hand across her Mother's brush, her pearls, smells her perfume, then lifts up a photo THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. -As Chessy and Annie head up the stairs, Nick ENTERS, eating a big bowl Annie Annie (leading her into an elevator)' out of her red Mercedes convertible. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Elizabeth): People see their exs all the time, dont they?. life preserver with the name on it. And for your information, I adore your father. She went ballistic. She's drunk. THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. I like that jacket by the way. petrified, holding an ice cube to her ear. Hallie dressed eleven year-old, Annie James. Chessy stops, stunned, goose-bumps popping up all over mother 's ear about... Room as we HEAR Sade 's Smooth Oper-ator play over the cabin 's speakers, two... 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