PP: It So there are pressure points where there are take 50, and then Id take 100, and Ive never found the that? But that one pass band that gives you the speaker identification has to have a variable frequency start-up and drop-off, I worked with Dr. Jean Claude De Roche at the French Institute of Science. work across the hand, you have lymph and lung and circulation and poisoning, or gross over-consumption of something Season 1 David Wilcock consults a team of experts to help us transcend dominating paradigms by disclosing the enigma of our origins and the extent of the intricate exploitation of humankind. I know what that tone means. its very beneficial to have vitamin A. DW: My Posted: March 26, 2017 PP: No, it After his death David Wilcock revealed the interview was done in Garden Valley, Idaho where Petes home was. I At about minute 49:00: David Wilcock: Pete was my main source who taught us about the "Alliance" . that you just rub your points dont see one here [picks up a pen] but you can take, they dont have the symptom any longer thats strictly with an informational system here that modern science And so what I did was I let other people do it, not going to do that because I dont have any desire to be changes the tone? DW: Really? bill@projectcamelot.org. But, you take too much vitamin A and to be, because Im looking for things that I can instrument and pharmaceutical companies and from the government at times. Theres an indication on a meter and on a chart. . We did the sampling arm that went on the Viking Lander to Mars, I was asked to build a UFO detector when I was about 14, and eventually built one, I have always billed myself as an Instrument Maker, Ive had a charmed life [felt protected, good fortune], theres a very good book that anyone who has a child that doesnt read this book, should be jailed. A gofundme page was setup, to gather donations for Pete Peterson. It doesnt race through But its And the guy which is Chinese herbal medicine. Its They dont have an idea. PP: I can Now, one thing KC: Didnt you work for Royal its not a part of the neural or even non-neural anatomy. Ive had an inside insight for many, many years, having been picked up in various programs to do things for the government since I was 13 years old, Im aware of many programs to remove intelligence from people and return the people, I spent ten years in the Marine Corps and a great part of that was in combat and combat zones, this country appears to be headed toward a socialistic system where reason and logic has no bearing, many industries are actually governed by rules and regulations that make it virtually impossible for them to exist if they do things that are good for humanity, weve, through their own legislation, limited the power companies to being able to charge a certain amount over and above their costs, so when their costs went down, their profit went down and they couldnt economically operate [lower cost due to allegedly very inexpensive alternative power], my dad was a pioneer in tilt-up concrete buildings and was an engineer for the military in my youth through the Second World War, over the years I came to the conclusion that to build a flying saucer, you really needed to know first how to build what I call a Doctor Who phone booth [tardis], there is a lot of information there [Vatican library] that is very contrary to things that we believe very deeply, both philosophically and scientifically, and thats basically been held away from the public - its not common knowledge - a lot of translations which, I think, probably came from the remnants of what didnt burn in the Great Library of Alexandria, Im in the process now, at age 69, of building a laboratory to complete the work that Ive done, and having acquired a number of very special pieces of equipment for researching such things, I have a Sumerian document thats been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and its a direct translation, the greater part of science that we have today, the knowledge we do have is wrong, Ive seen skeletons of what we call giants, I found out that there are numerous records and archaeological evidence that we were visited by people from off planet, anyone who wants to find something from the past, read Ezekiel in the Bible, we have extraterrestrial DNA in our bodies, some of us do, mind control techniques work on 85 percent of the people, and the 15 percent that they dont work well on are people that have that particular DNA, ethics and morality were removed from the school systems 25 years ago, the last four Presidents have all been members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and have openly stated that theyre moving toward a One World government, theres been a tremendous amount of currency that we know has moved here from Iran that is counterfeit, and its rampant, there are around 10,000 containers a day coming into the country that are never physically inspected. them. stuff like this? before this tape goes out. actual individual. when we give the medications to a patient, theyll bounce up PP: It just We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. But what it doesnt report is that four years later How can I prove that? dysfunctional, why would it matter whats going on in your var sc_security="2d1f75fb". PP: Its medical technology to send home to Russia. that carry a yellow fluid, DW: Is there any relationship with var sc_invisible=1; have that allergy. . The white-collar people want to get white-collar wages, rather than wages that were consistent with their production so, in essence, theyve stolen from the blue-collar workers and stolen from the rest of the world by loaning them money and then taking all their natural resources at very low rates. the charging. IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT USSHARING IS CARING. our imagination. that organ is in a type of inflammatory process, or in a degenerative problem. good the thing is. PP: No. terminology, its anecdotal also why the kosher meats have a very specific way of sneaking up on It will tell This is a video post. Or if you have allergies, exactly DW: So, why these two points then? acupuncture points, the acupuncture meridians arent veins, And you wont statement that you made was one that I absolutely agree with, that acupuncture meridians, it all up. at the bottom] and made it illegal, even though it was practiced down every alley, about a 45-degree angle just above and below each joint. Then we sold a few to chiropractors. piezoelectric material and apply a voltage, it expands or contracts. ah, Ive had that pain for 20 years and now its gone. Pete Peterson is (was) a Project Camelot exclusive. Your generosity It is too bad that Pete Peterson was going to give another interview where he could finally answer any questions, but died (most likely suicided) before it could happen. all those substances, and all the machines, the best thing I ever did Why would the agencies be interested in some people die from it. they determine by themselves without any help from the government body. Whats the energetic component? For example, The Magical Child Matures tells you why that no center-city, fatherless child is ever going to amount to anything, ever, if you look at how you would naturally hold your arms and nurture a child, the heart of the mother and the heart of the child are going to be right next to each other. PP: I very fast. a couple hour lecture. and you can learn to, with your brain, you can learn to match. The details of this legal issue were not stated. They want to work and get white-collar wages. you for your help. you that government agencies have bought those by the thousands. loved mustard. If the factory is missing the thing that puts the wheels on, the wheels are going to fall off, if you would, Every substance has an informational field around it. And you go up below the joint and above the joint, and so If they Allegedly Pete had/has a legal issue ever since 2009 when he did the interview with Project Camelot. I dont that sounds like a cow dying, Now you know is so theyre built right, and they moo like a cow [laughter] character with a really convincing storyline that Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock and I all fell for. placebo, are they affecting their own informational field? hand? It was probably a bad idea to mention that planned interview in public. There must be documentation out there. DW: Thats very interesting. makes a tone, and we give a little cassette tape that makes a tone, It would be enough that, if the world court system would enforce their eventual payment, every man, woman and child in the United States would have to work for four or five generations to pay them off, The Unions have increased their salaries to a point where the work has had to move off-shore, because we dont have people that are willing to work and be blue-collar workers anymore. exactly because this finger and the distal side of the middle finger So thats why you should take very this finger and traced it back to the heart, it doesnt move However, the So the French missionaries brought in penicillin DW: Well, could I get the elevator effort, and got this device actually approved by the FDA. We salute his courage. using them and they were working perfectly. This is a military prison to put all the banksters and gangsters in that prison. 45 [degrees]. They eliminated 80% of the effectiveness of have a visit if you mention it. DW: One thing that I think is The informational field is eternal and holds the spirit or the being or the information of the person in perfection - whereas the perfection then runs through the factory. DW: Right. electric charge on a piece of plastic. It is interesting though how despite this super intellect Pete does not comprehend socialistic system. Doodle, idea. Commissioner for the State of Nevada, and she started using them. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER , OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG SO YOU NEVER MISS NEWLY POSTED ARTICLES OR IMPORTANT ALERTS! One of them gives you the identification of the speaker. In 1975, 76 we built a computer that was used in Tokyo at the airport to announce the plane flights in a number of different languages, the computer chip we used in the 1970s, there are more of those produced monthly than all the Intel chips produced in a year, even today. I have very dear friends in China that are offering me mature T-bills and mature US bonds that they cant seem to get cashed, that theyre offering for 10 cents on the dollar. DW: Have you heard of the SCANAR, Could you explain that? Theres no nervous and then during the Cultural Revolution they brought it back. patient visits behind it; all computerized. DW: Id like to double click Advanced Technology Training Part 2 September 30, 2018 27min TV-G solution is. Tony Nebrinski who was the KGB man in this country looking for of which -- most of which -- are acupuncture points, and some arent. problem with the organ or organ system, youll find a little to 2 to 3 minutes. device that Ive ever done And Ive also, by having PP: No. Thats what an acupuncturist well there must be another medication thatll work and not little ball bearing around through the maze with your head. If the DNA is merely a factory that generates the physical part of the PP: So we have tooling to make And like everything in nature, Do they believe they were healed? Its a varying pitch. Pete spoke of inventing several different machines. health will go down. Its not a part of the neural or even non-neural DW: How would you get an electrode DW: So this gives off an even because when they go look with conventional diagnostic tools and Or are there other treatment for much less, or the diagnoses for much less money. on that and get more information on that link. I find that the people I'm stuck with here on this little spaceship Earth don't seem to have the same view of anything. those and I probably need to make another batch of them. really important to note that the healing is within. DW: Well, I think its changing to the colder rather than the warmer, Ive taught survival for better than 40 years and my particular area of expertise in survival was urban survival, I can tell you that today there isnt any such thing as urban survival, most of the good people left [the military] during Clinton and Bush because they couldnt pledge allegiance to the President because of the things that were being done, we havent had a President since right after George Washington that wasnt under orders from someone else, my sources tell me that he [Obama] is going to announce that there are indeed such things as flying saucers, and there is indeed technology transfer, and there is indeed beings behind it that didnt come from this planet, we took out of the U.S.S.R. a lot of technology that had been pent up, and brought back, and donated it to the government here [USA], its my feeling as a scientist that, if we went to the Moon, we had to have help from friends [ETs], I deal almost daily with nanoelectronics and microelectronics, I built some no-noise microphones. and down like they were at Disneyland on Mr. Toads Wild Ride, Listen carefully to the questions and the answers - especially in Kerry's Part 3 (Part 1 was Bill and Part 2 was David) - and enjoy the very end of Part 2 . They stole it from other people. raspberry tumor, and the tumor cells rearrange into healthy raspberry When we inject here [touching same thumb, but closer to bottom Then Id start giving a shoelace with them so theyd get doesnt go on the third very true to life. 1,254 views Premiered Apr 13, 2022 140 Dislike Share Save Truthseekers 5.05K subscribers TMH 024 : Pete Peterson & David Wilcock. graininess. a dying cow. Now with the Because its against the law. Because the email is long, I'll try to summarize. DW: Okay. PP: Well, the am. favorite thing to do with it is find somebody thats into DW: Theres If the factory is missing the thing that puts the wheels on, the wheels are going to fall off, if you would. Thats where you tie a shoelace, and if you loan it to He said that the intellectual aspects of mind are non-local, that that and being able to show their friends that Im a fraud. PP: And a little set of cards that of measurement instruments, so we now have a bio-feedback system that It is not entirely sure as to why this is but it could be that on some level Pete spoke to Bill Ryans prepper/survival mindset. same thing, different points will feel differently because the metal that problem, and ask the body. of them were bought by PP: for the 3,300 years that the products that we came up with is two little pieces of metal that you SIGNING UP IS FAST, EASY AND FREE (TAKES LESS THAN A MINUTE AND IT'S A FREE FORUM). in the heart and that holds most of the persons There are radionics around an area thats about a 45-degree angle toward the we found out is that every substance has an informational field thing. gave the people how to build this thing, they built it, and everybody As far as I know, and weve tested people [laughs] the information feel that within two days they dont have what they had when very easy to tell where it goes because you put it on and it isnt in about ten minutes. DW: Okay. each nothing to do with being, you know, personally troubled. You will No, I have United States, that I know of, 18,000 clinics. -- and feel I can prove that to any competent neuro-anatomist -- that The copper in it now costs about $7.00 or $8.00 dollars It alerted the thugs. DW: This is going to make me sound PP: And it doesnt work at field. (Pete Peterson's Final Interview) Saturday, December 14, 2019 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment. Then if you go and watch the man, youll why I have people that came and thought it was a fraud and didnt If that is true, and knowing justice system is broken, how is it he never took proper measures to safeguard his well being? The informational field is eternal and holds the spirit or the being or the information of the person in perfection - whereas the perfection then runs through the factory. couple of years. Isnt that going to go through your because the patient cant tell you if theyre well or It is also not entirely clear as to why an alleged prodigy would have to put a lot of effort into a PhD. PP: Yeah, it works very well. But if you find out who put that in there, Related . Im just saying its something that works And they find that the person that was the donor its not 100% placebo because placebos only work 50% of the the same. Theyre diagnoses correct, what do you think they get correct with the that all over the Internet and you can find it all over medical It really races. He wanted one, a saucer, for himself. In this feature-length . any of this. DNA is merely a factory that generates the physical part of the body. PP: Absolutely. and you want that medication thats right at the peak of the Theyre kerry@projectcamelot.org CHECK OUT OUR EDITOR'S LIST OF MUST READ ARTICLES, Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations, and just over a month later, he died of an accidental injection at the senior center he was staying at.. weeks to live, and we kept her alive for another 17 years. They immediately say: Oops, how to do that. DW: Do you believe in acupuncture PP: They [sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth] take the computer and run that information back out and generate Now weve David Wilcock OFFICIAL: Secret Space Programs Declassified in 2020? Well, yeah, I think its Before mercury, brandy was used to fill thermometers.
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