Yesterday, a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by employees and staff of Houston Methodist Hospital, who objected to the mandatory vaccine policy by the corporation. Copyright 2023 Media. 10 In her interview with Project Veritas that aired . lyrics In a phone call with CBS 62 Chief Engineer, Chuck Davis, he questioned whether or not her actions would even have an effect on news operations going forward. Moss, addressing O'Keefe but referring to King's assertion there's no "fake news" at CBS says, "It's a shame, because over the last couple of months I've seen personally that there have been stories that CBS has run that were proven to be fake.". Most recently, Leo reaped a $1.6 billion windfall from a single donor in what is likely the biggest single political gift in U.S. history.". You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. The veteran journalist added that she is not seeking fame or fortune by coming forward. Moss decided to sit down with Project Veritas founder and CEO James O'Keefe to discuss the behind-the-scenes discrimination and bias after Fox 26 Houston reporter Ivory Hector last week used Veritas to expose how her superiors were trying to "muzzle" her reporting on Hydroxychloroquine. In all matters, we rely on the 1st Amendment to protect our ability to publish newsworthy items after our internal deliberations. Mary Patriot News Last week, a different reporter interrupted a broadcast to accuse her network of muzzling her. And to segregate somebody is completely inhumane.. This is not Ebola its not SARS, its not MERS, Mulvaney said. April Moss took a stand for what's right. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Trump also offered this window into what passes for his soul: Four fifty-four for gas because we have nobody that calls up OPEC and say, [mobster voice] 'That. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Christian Rock WWJ-TV said in a statement that "April Moss objected to WWJ-TV's policies regarding COVID-19 testing and wearing masks inside our station, which are based on CDC, state and local guidelines. Project Veritas Releases Video of CBS 62 Insider April Moss Detailing Network's Corruption. A video of O'Keefe addressing Project Veritas staff on Monday morning has been provided to Timcast News. Daily Wire We do not selectively edit.. Moss' biggest complaint seems to be that she was segregated from the rest of the staff due to her unwillingness to discuss whether she had been vaccinated, coupled with her refusal to wear a mask. Legal experts reacted with shock to new reporting from the Washington Post claiming that some FBI agents were "afraid" of executing a search warrant at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort to retrieve top-secret government documents. Its founder, James O'Keefe, is best known for releasing edited sting-style videos. Project Veritas Interviews Whistleblower April Moss-CBS 62 Detroit (Credit: CBS Detroit) April Moss is a meteorologist for CBS 62 in Detroit. This past Father's Day, April Moss, the weekend weather anchor for CBS 62 Detroit became the second local news personality in a week to announce live on-air that she would be exposing her . "The only change is going to be on our week, {{ }}, The latest local news whistleblower for Project Veritas says COVID-19 tests are discrimination, 'Astonishing' revelations show FBI 'treated Trump with kid gloves': legal experts, Federalist Society leader's 'lavish' lifestyle under scrutiny after $43 million dark money transfer, These are the 12 worst moments in CPAC's decades of depravity, preserve and protect the values of life, liberty, and property. Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) February 24, 2023 The investigative organization has lost a substantial number of its supporters amid the ongoing fallout. CBS 62 Detroit Meteorologist and Multimedia Journalist, April Moss, went public with Project Veritas this week to discuss behind-the-scenes information about network practices regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, editorial double standards and how corporate interests have negatively impacted the public. The audience responded with cheers and chants of U-S-A!, That is why 40, four-zero, Democrat candidates in the last midterm election called themselves socialists, Gorka said. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas interviews April Moss, formerly a reporter for CBS 62 in Detroit. Fast. politics She said during an on-air weather report. ", The doctor assures Moss of the efficacy of the treatment and says that negative reactions "are not necessarily directly related to the vaccine," but Moss tells O'Keefe that behind the scenes "my producer in my ear was saying, you know, 'move on to the next question.' [1]. By Kevin Eck on Jun. Lower. In 2011, a New York City businessman identified by Esquire Magazine as three-time bankrupt Donald Trump made a speech on the stage of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). And speaking of a brand new week, it appears that Moss may be planning on leaving the station - or getting fired. Rule #11 We do not manufacture content. In one segment OKeefe discussed an interview Moss had with Gayle King of CBS This Morning which reflects the disconnect and lack of self-awareness among national legacy media on how much their agenda is pushed. She called it a human rights issue.. Project Veritas journalists working undercover on their own or by, with and through idealistic insiders bring to the American people the corrupt private truths hidden behind the walls of their institutions. Green on the outside deep, deep red communist on the inside.. Very disappointed [Donald Trump] has decided at the last minute to drop out of #CPAC his choice sends a clear message to conservatives, the official CPAC Twitter account posted. She made accusations about "discrimination" at the station to Project Veritas. Doc. gospel IMPACT! podcast URGENT: Brave Insider April Moss THREATENED with Termination by CBS 62 "The only change is going to be on our weekend weather . Digital Subscription - $9.95/Month* Digital Subscription - $19.95/Quarter* Digital Subscription - $34.95/Semi-Annual* This is the second instance a local reporter went off script in defiance of a large network in recent times. '", Trump wasnt the only speaker of note. Throughout this website, there are in-depth and honest discussions of Project Veritas success, mistakes and the lies opponents tell about OKeefe and his organization. This past Father's Day, April Moss, the weekend weather anchor for CBS 62 Detroit became the second local news personality in a week to announce live on-air that she would be exposing her supervisors and co-workers to the conservative media watchdog group Project Veritas. Rule #1 Truth is paramount. (RELATED: Local Fox Reporter Says Live On-Air . Rule #9 Subject Anonymity. We do not distort the facts or the context. Moss also shows a May 24 email allegedly from parent company ViacomCBS that reads, "Vaccine Hesitancy: we are using the power of our brands to encourage viewers to get the vaccine when available.". Project Veritas offered this summary of highlights from their video interview with April Moss: It's time we show her how much that means to ALL OF US. Moss: Im watching my country disintegrate and if I dont stand up and do something when Im able to, I just dont know that I could live with myself No longer is true journalism being executed anymore It is one of the greatest crimes really in history right now. )The Newsworthiness of the statement alone by itself. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider I see the whole world hurting, Moss concluded. We cannot turn away from them. We maintain one-party consent when recording someone is inherently moral and ethical. Price. Washington Post reporter Ben Terris caught that CPAC's mobile app had made a pretty glaring mistake, pairing a picture of Sen. Tim Scott, South Carolina's junior Republican senator, with presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson's biography, reported. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. EIN: 27-2894856. So I dont find myself saying, Oh no, this is fake news! RESILIENCE - Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. All Rights Reserved. Download Telegram . Moss covered instances in her reporting where she was stifled and discriminated against because she wanted to report the full facts and get deeper information about the COVID vaccines and dig deeper into the adverse reactions that were occurring because of the vaccines. I did," he said. Moss was not comfortable with this and refused to give her permission. This marks the second journalist in as many weeks to step out of the shadows, detailing how media outlets are covering the Coronavirus vaccine along with the many hidden interests at play behind closed doors. Especially because I knew they were going to begin to encourage [pregnant] women and children [to take the vaccine]., I feel its the greatest crime in history today.. This year's meeting is already being ducked by many big-name right-wingers, overshadowed as it is by groping acusataions against its founder Matt Schlapp. Project Veritas is a far-right group claiming to investigate and expose corruption. Its not about me this is not easy, she told OKeefe. Lower. Rule #12 With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. Join Project Veritas. Project Veritas has just released their interview with former CBS 62 reporter April Moss exposing the network pressuring her to get vaccinated or continue with weekly testing when she didn't want to, as well as how they didn't want her asking certain questions about vaccines to doctors she interviewed: republican "The other way around, sure. Her employer told Insider she objected to its policies on COVID-19 testing and mask-wearing. groping acusataions against its founder Matt Schlapp. news CBS 62 Detroit Meteorologist and Multimedia Journalist, April Moss, went public with Project Veritas this week to discuss behind-the-scenes information about network practices regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, editorial double standards and how corporate interests have negatively impacted the public. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Newsweek has contacted Project Veritas for comment. Those who have not received the COVID vaccine by that date would be required to work from home. She said her boss wanted her to ask softball questions such as, "Who inspires her," but she counters that it "would have been careless of me as a journalist not to ask" hard questions about the vaccine. Project Veritas founder James O . Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, who is speculated to be eyeing a run for the White House, sought to cast himself as a fighter against those who have tried to 'cancel me, censor me, expel me, shut me down, stop me from representing' voters in Missouri, ABC News reported. (Factors against releasing the content). Project Veritas CBS whistleblower April Moss hosts interview with her fellow PV whistleblowers including: Show more Loading 18 comments. CBS Insider April Moss Interviews Fellow Project Veritas Whistleblowers At AMFEST 2022. joegecko. biden Rule #7 Verifying and Corroborate Stories Evaluate impact on third parties and Newsworthiness of Statements Alone.We consistently consider the probable truth or falsity of statements, examine any reasons to doubt the veracity of underlying assertions and whether the assertions are newsworthy. NOW WATCH: WATCH: Video shows the 'ring of fire' solar eclipse lighting up the sky across the world, after she interrupted her live broadcast on Sunday to announce that she was going to be a source for Project Veritas, Ivory Hecker, a reporter and fill-in anchor for Fox 26 Houston. After 9 years with CBS, she felt compelled to come forward because: Were in the problematic time in our countrys history where were at. This interview reveals the dark side of CBS, its dishonest news coverage, and prejudicial management practices. At the very least, we will give our subjects an opportunity to elaborate and/or respond. If you look at these Cabinet appointees, they were selected for a reason and that is the deconstruction, the way the progressive left runs, is if they cant get it passed, theyre just gonna put in some sort of regulation in in an agency, Bannon said in an onstage interview, according to the New York Times. Days after she filmed her segment with Veritas and made an on-air announcement about the upcoming interview, CBS 62 responded to a request for comment on the issue -- and alerted us for the first time -- that Moss had been let go from her job. In the interview with King, Moss asked: MOSS: In todays day and age, it seems like the methodology of journalism is under attack right now. We look for individual wrong-doing and judge its public importance. The biggest audience for any Project Veritas video was the release of the hot mic confession by ABC News anchor Amy Robach to her studio crew she had the whole Jeffrey Epstein story, but her network suppressed it because of pressure from the British Royal family. 2017: Steve Bannon says the quiet part out loud about Trumps intention to dismantle the federal government. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas interviews April Moss, formerly a reporter for CBS 62 in Detroit. We use the Twelve Jurors on Our Shoulder rule. Moss was considered essential staff and was allowed to work in the CBS 62 studio building throughout COVID; however, she was required to submit to weekly testing, to which she initially complied. Its founder, James O'Keefe, is best known for releasing edited sting-style videos. Worship 2013: Trump previews his prowess as a nationalist demagogue. Under the guise of a Tinder date, a. But, he said, You saw the president the other day the flu is real. She's also a multimedia journalist who was often the fill-in host for an affiliate show called "Community Connect," which aired over the weekend. As the pandemic waned, Moss sent an email to human resources stating she did not want to submit to weekly testing anymore. CBS 62 Detroit Meteorologist and Multimedia Journalist, April Moss, went public with Project Veritas this week to discuss behind-the-scenes information about network practices regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, editorial double standards and how corporate interests have negatively impacted the public. Courtesy of James O'Keefe and Project Veritas. Once we confirm, we will do everything in our power to protect the identity of our confidential sources. At one point, she referred to CBS news practices as propaganda being pushed on people and said acts of discrimination have taken place with the station segregating coworkers based on health assumptions. April Moss, a reporter for CBS 62 in Detroit took to the airwaves on Sunday to announce in between weather reports that she is blowing the whistle in the mainstream media company's allleged discrimination. There are many ways to support Project Veritas. You know, basically, that's the most selfish thing I've ever seen in 36 years working there. Posted on February 24, 2023 by DRenegade. Project Veritas Official Channel - Contact us Signal: 914-653-3110. She called it a "human rights issue." The Project Veritas whistleblowers who appeared in the video also wrote a letter in support of O'Keefe along with additional whistleblowers, condemning "the removal of James O'Keefe from Project Veritas" as "extremely disappointing and shocking.". Hecker was also terminated shortly after speaking out, and was on the set during the interview "to support Moss as she bravely followed in her footsteps," according to Veritas. Project Veritas CBS whistleblower April Moss hosts interview with her fellow PV whistleblowers including: FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin CNN whistleblower Cary Poarch HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies ESPN whistleblower Trevor Adams Hasbro whistleblower David Johnson Facebook whistleblower Ryan Hartwig, Donate:, Twitter:, WWW.THEROOTBRANDS.COM/SHOP/TEAMGLOBAL DISCOVER THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE MIRACLE VACCINE ANTIDOTE ON TELEGRAM WWW.JOINTEAMGLOBAL.COM C60 Evo 10% DISCOUNT LINK, Gov Ron DeSantis joins Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday, February 26 at 8pm eastern on Fox News. Under the guise of a Tinder date, a Project . The Contras would become internationally noted for their atrocities. Because, I think, theyre not talking to us over at CBS.. James O'Keefe established Project Veritas in 2011 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Privacy Policy | For corrections contact, for support contact Privacy Policy. We don't let mistakes or setbacks discourage us. The photo op apparently was all that went well, the Atlantic reported. Rule #3 We adhere to the 1st Amendment rights of others. "They're the biggest crime family: Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Diebold. But, for historical context, well set the stage with these stirring words uttered in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan arguably the first major beneficiary of CPACs far-right extremism. Here's more from Project Veritas:. Sounds like another day in Amerika. For the struggle here is not right versus left but right versus wrong.". Are you going to see some schools shut down? 1 All citations are to the electronic docket unless otherwise noted, and all page numbers The political news website owned by the Independent captured some of the countless examples of wingnut exuberance. Our purpose is to elicit truth. D Souza Media Make your stand. Hecker's alleged evidence of bias included a boss telling her that she "failed as a reporter" for allowing a doctor to tell her during an interview that he successfully uses hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients. A Detroit CBS affiliate said that weather reporter April Moss, who promised to produce proof of discrimination at the station live on-air Sunday, was fired after refusing to wear a mask. ", Stetson University law professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, an expert on campaign finance, told POLITICO, If millions of dollars in dark money are sloshing around, it makes it really easy for people on the inside to take a cut That behavior is, unfortunately, now showing in the judicial nominating process.". In video featuring Hecker and O'Keefe, there is more undercover, secretly recorded footage than there is in the one featuring O'Keefe alongside Moss. In this new interview with April Moss of Real America's Voice, Melissa McAtee former Pfizer employee and whistleblower adds detail to her previous interview with James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.McAtee says that, during her employment with Pfizer, the Pfizer 'Covid' vaxx was produced with unprecedented secrecy, in which unmarked lots of ingredients labeled simply as "A . You know what,we put our faith and hope and trust in God. Manage Preferences I was called a seditionist, the radical left said that I should be resigned and, if I wouldn't resign, I should be expelled from the United States Senate. Moss also interviewed CBS This Morning host Gayle King, asking her, "You have a lot of voices out there saying there's fake news. Mulvaney said he was asked by a reporter, What are you going to do today to calm the markets? Im like, Really what I might do today [to] calm the markets is tell people to turn their televisions off for 24 hours.. Deeper into the pandemic, CBS corporate began to demand data from the lab on the testing Moss underwent. Hawley, who played a prominent role in objecting to the Electoral College results in Congress, received a standing ovation for referencing his opposition. Dinesh DSouza "Their solution is to make you, all of you, less free. April Moss is a News Reporter for CBS News and also a meteorologist. CBS Insider April Moss Interviews Fellow Project Veritas Whistleblowers At AMFEST 2022 Embed 2.66K 18 Enjoyed this video? Her station required Moss to work from home while others were allowed on-set. "I can't believe you did that," Chuck Davis, chief engineer of CBS 62 WWJ-TV, allegedly told meteorologist April Moss on the phone.. Davis was referring to when Moss went live on-air Sunday during her weather report and stated that she will be interviewed by Project Veritas to reveal how CBS is allegedly discriminating against its employees. 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