Throughout World War II, PTs operated in the southern, western, and northern Pacific, as well as in the Mediterranean and the English Channel. Aside from the actual firing of the guns the important thing is the preparation. The 50 foot long 25 knot quarter inch thick aluminum hull Swift Boats had twin 50 caliber machine guns above the pilot house and a single 50 over an 81 mm mortar aft. Fungus infections are very prevalent in the Area. Like Commander K. did one night. There is usually one self-bailer on every watertight bulkhead. You never know when your enunciators will go haywire. want to. Gear should not be piled or stowed on top of them. Remember, maintenance is much easier than overhaul and repair! It is essential to keep the engine room dry for the batteries must not be permitted to ground out. Stay in the boat's wake and in the same spot, if possible, and start whistling and firing your tracer. Instead, pull back on the handle again and try to clear the jam that way. Built at Miami Shipbuilding Corp, she was immediately consigned to the USAAF and was designated P-619 (P boat like at PT Boat). If you follow this procedure you may save an eventual major job by a base force. T.P.-16, Take Care of Your Ship's Salvage Equipment, Copyright 2013, Maritime Park Association. Be sure the valve is shut after the bowl is flushed or else you will start to ship water. The seventh MTB of the PT-103 class, her keel was laid 4 March 1942, she was launched on 20 June, and delivered to the Navy on 10 July 1942 to be fitted out in the New York Naval Shipyard in Brooklyn. The fantail is the best place for this, but do not use the ammunition boxes as scrub boards. Remember that a PT is exposed to moisture from both the sea and the atmosphere. ! Should rocket launchers be installed on your boat, you will be equipped with a firing panel for firing the rockets. Cockpit Scupper: Do not sweep dirt down this drain. Electrolysis will eat holes in the pipe carrying salt water to the head. However, the release valve on your large portable extinguishers is not so reliable. 5. Perhaps the major cause of accidents can be traced to failure to take out the clip. A bit of advice about the cook. Regular Skinner filter funnels are now in use having a ready set-up ground. Always swim in pairs. Know your alternate frequencies and when to use them. They were from 78 to 80 ft. 2. In reality that type of attacks might had been deployed, but those types of attacks would be rare as high speed attacks would attract too much attention, and even a single near-miss from a destroyer shell would often seriously threaten the integrity of hulls. Most important, have a painter (small line secured from the bow of the raft to the PT). Transmissions over VHF have gone 400 to 500 miles beyond the horizon. Roll it up when stowing it, rather than creasing it, for creases make it crack and soon you have a leaky, uncomforting canopy. Treat all sores and scratches (especially coral scratches) immediately with iodine or mercurochrome or alcohol. Later, floatplane bombs bracketed another PT boat and sent the 109 skittering away in frantic evasive maneuvers. Depth Charges.-Though seldom used, they are always good passengers to have along. Its draft is seldom over 6 feet thus enabling it to maneuver in shallow water. Strip your guns regularly, exercise the springs, and make other routine checks. Make use of them. Don't lean or rest your foot on the shifting lever. Learn them and make allowances. Rocks and "nigger heads" have stunned many men. There is a schedule of inspection set up which if followed will save trouble. Only nine PT boat hulls survive today, some on display in museums such as the PT Boat Museum at Battle Cove, Fall River, Massachusetts, United States. Your manifold gauge measures the amount of work being done by the engine. A gun without ammunition is merely a club and you can pick a club up anywhere in the jungle. Swiss files and chisels or any similar small tools are a great help in smoothing out souvenirs. Straining fenders and lines secured to them will rip them off easily. Don't rub off the blue tint. Unedited photocopies copies of the complete manual are available directly from PT Boats Inc. I have been working on these since the mid 1970's.If anyone needs any info I may be able to help you. Take this advice and value it, for it is the Voice of Experience: 37-mm. It is the first step in killing the enemy. This fire-fighting apparatus combines foam with water, thus making it an ideal smotherer of any type fire. The first enemy you will encounter, is ignorance-your ignorance about PTs. PTs operating reasonably close to enemy territory or units can give away their position and valuable information by useless chatter over a VHF circuit. The importance of knowing the difference is too obvious to explain here. 16. T.P.-9, Know Your PT Boat Originally conceived as antiship weapons, PTs were publicly, but erroneously, credited with sinking Japanese warships during the early months after Pearl Harbor. When in use, be sure they are not in contact with sharp projections on the deck and protect them from chafing and puncture. The ability of your boat is amazing. For the Naval Institute reprints see OCLC 10036394, OCLC 10036390, OCLC 10036385 and OCLC 11099658. Stow your mask in a dry place away from excessive heat. 4 20-mm antiaircraft gun mounts. Megaphone communication between boats in a section should be used to minimize radio transmissions. Thick vegetation, seaweed, lines and submerged trees may tangle one man up. Osceola WI: MBI Publishing Co., 1999. PT-class Motor Torpedo Boat Interactive Map, PT-class Motor Torpedo Boat Operational Timeline. Rather touch it with a lighted cigarette or a drop of iodine or alcohol. Version 3.00. Ear fungus is perhaps the most prevalent malady contracted from swimming. This will stop the torpedo immediately. You have the best equipment available. When you hit something with a 20-mm., you really do some damage. The three boats spread out to make a picket line across the strait. Some are strung up like cripples and covered from head to foot with violet paint. Have your life jacket on, have attached in some manner, a small flashlight waterproofed with rubber sheaths, whistle, a mirror, and your 45-caliber pistol strapped on loaded with a clip of 45-caliber tracer. I'm looking for sources for crewmen for my 1/24 sclae PT Boat. The PT boats in Ron 27 carried out multiple missions, saw a lot of action, and suffered casualties. You may not seem to have malaria while in the combat zone, but when you come home, it is liable to come out openly. In temperate zones and especially in the Tropics any food particles left about will attract insects and bugs. These boats earned a fearsome reputation among the Japanese, who called them "devil boats." These boats were used early in World War II. If your magazines have been in use a long time, it is wise to pull out a few rounds before loading, but be sure you still have on the full tension. The boat on hearing or seeing the noise or flashes will immediately reverse course and pick you up. All three of these men were injured on previous patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was sunk. Preparations for those already having the infection are available at sick bay. So, keep them handy and ready. They were first developed in the early 1900s as a way to deliver torpedoes against larger surface vessels without risking losing ships of heavier displacement. Website with searchable ship database about warships, passenger liners, merchant ships, photo galleries, technical details, stories, news and much more. Knife. It always helps to note that your boat is far superior to anything near its size. The hints given here will acquaint you with the methods used in combat areas to make this the terror antibarge gun: 1. Oil and paint cans have been known to jam the steering at critical moments. Many boats have added this feature to the fantail of the boat. Even $1 per month will go a long way! This precaution is particularly applicable with a 20-mm gun. Navato, CA: Presidio Press, 1999. If any unusual growths or barnacles or "animals" are found report it to sick bay. If you want to die or want to get that I-want-to-die feeling, just fail to take your anti-malaria doses. Practice all operations, especially cocking and loading, in the dark or with your eyes closed. Some of the latest engine operation dope can be obtained from the "Bureau of Ships News Letter-Motor Torpedo Boats" which appears at irregular intervals. Like the radio gear, operate it daily. magazine with no tension on it. At about 2:30 in the morning, a shape loomed out of the darkness three hundred yards off PT 109's starboard bow. Their officers and men mixing more frequently than those of the "steel navy", and they were known as excellent scavengers and thieves who were capable of taking whatever they could find to bolster their supplies and armament. It seldom jams. Also, if a vessel has a permanent crew with a commanding officer assigned, it is more than likely a ship. C. Peter Chen of Lava Development, LLC. ARMAMENT.-Treated in the GQ Drill Section. Swim only in water approved by the sanitation officer or medical officer. The gunners are gradually being forced out, but it still is the ideal place for stowage of gun barrels and other spares, as well as for small arms. Always try to get the latest issue of 37-mm. Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 PT boat DescriptionPT-109 was a PT boat last commanded by Lieutenant, junior grade John F. Kennedy, in the Pacific Theater during World War II. They may be sucking your blood and injecting a disease into you for hours unless you inspect your body for them. 3. 4. Kennedy's original crew also included Maurice L. Kowal, Edmund T. Drewitch and Leon E. Drawdy. Everything must be in perfect operating order. If you do not, you will be walking on a mass of sores which often break out on the soles of the feet. For inquiries about military records for members of the World War II armed forces, please see our FAQ. A well-painted deck usually will keep it dry. Prima Cord usually requires a cap to ignite it. Life on a PT boat during wartime could be perilous, and with a small crew of 14 to 17 men under one's command, leading by example and being willing to take . PT-Boat The Fully 3D Elco 77' boat - See the Elco 77' page I have added a new gmail email address, please send me an email to test it and let me know the progress of your project and that you're still alive! Did you enjoy this article or find this article helpful? 13. Jason Y. However, there are now available "chlorination kits" which purify the water without leaving that chlorine taste. Motor Torpedo Boats, Tactical Orders and Doctrine, 1942. 4. 7. Left and right drive rods are not interchangeable. Squadron PT boats go into action in support of U.S. forces participating in the landings on Mindanao Island in the Philippines. They are written by men recently returned. The bulk of the PT boats built were 78 or 80 feet long (Figure 5). PT boats were a variety of torpedo-armed fast attack craft used by the United States Navy in World War II to attack larger surface ships. Atglen PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1997. Fresh water tanks should be inspected. Keep these tight. The PT-305 is the world's only fully restored combat-veteran PT boat in operation today. "Bucky" Harris, William Johnston, Andrew Jackson Kirksey, John E. Maguire, Harold William Marney, Edman Edgar Mauer, Patrick H. "Pappy" McMahon,Ray L. Starkey and Gerard E. Zinser. Rides are offered only on Saturday with limited availability. Plot courses well clear of navigational dangers. To reach land all you need is a fairly accurate knowledge of your position, a compass and a chart or map. ! Keep charts in order, clean, and do not erase reefs or allow water to eradicate them. 12. A tick or sucker should not be yanked off. Since the U.S. produced the heavier and longer 21-inch torpedoes, the U.S. Navy wanted a larger PT boat. ), to the base or friendly shore. Square away your finances before you go away. Just as the gunners use the forecastle for most of their work, the engineers stick to the fantail with theirs. "No Smoking Signs" always remind you that you need a smoke very much. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. The latter contains a wealth of information and is well illustrated. ww2dbaseThough PT boats' primary missions continued to be seen as to attack surface vessels, they were also used to lay mines and smoke screens, to rescue downed aviators, and to carry out intelligence or raider operations. A PT is the fastest warship afloat. The object of TP-9 "Know Your PT Boat" is to bring information and hints to acquaint new PT personnel with the ships on which they are to serve. PT-370 was a 70-foot Canadian boat and only four such boats were built. Your VHF is not as secure as you perhaps assume. Aerosol bombs are used to fumigate the galley effectively. Grease your wire rope and shackles. . She saw service in World War II . PT-321, an Elco 80-footer of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 21 (MTBRon 21), picking up Japanese survivors in Surigao Strait, Philippines, 25 Oct 1944. Cockpit.-This "flying bridge" is the center of the boat. Answer: The crew size of the typical PT boat in the Pacific during World War II was between 10 and 17 men depending on the size and configuration of the boat, whether . They each received the Silver Star under General Order No. 1. Vents.-Not to be used as cleats. The magnifying glass can be used to start a fire. Higgins 78' Boat Schnellboot latest detail - see latest news page Clamp down on the boots who go down hatches with a binocular dangling from their necks. No one can go after the kit if it is in the middle of a burning boat. Check it out Enter Giveaway $50.00 386 saves . Battleships 77 Alfred (formerly the Black Prince). Originally Posted by RCBoater. Stow it carefully, well lubricated and in a watertight box. Is there a internet based source for Pt crew rosters? I have also been working on assembling who was on what PT Boat crew list. This is an introduction to PT Boats for crews' in training. Wherever He Can Be Found. He was 82. Generally, he's a good gunner, too. Have the first-aid kit topside or on the dock where you can get to it. - 60,000-64,000 men were said to have served on PT Boats. Rubber plugs are also very helpful for jagged holes in the stacks, exhaust manifolds, and other lines carrying water, oil, and gasoline. Head.-Use it right. Percentage-wise, this made a high loss ratio, but with the US Navy's attitude that PT boats were expendable, the loss ratio could said to be low. 77' Elco Motor Torpedo Boat PT-20 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-21 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-22 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-23 aborted voyage to Midway Atoll due to broken crankshaft PT-25 participated in the Battle of Midway Speed losses up to 15 knots have been reported as a result of foul bottoms. During the long Solomons campaign, they operated usefully at night and times of low visibility against Japanese barge traffic in the "Slot." Division B included PT-109, PT-157, PT-159 and PT-162. Keep only gas protective equipment in your carrier. Keep plenty of slack in all mooring lines. Link Detail Specifications For Building Motor Torpedo Boats, 1944. 14. Recock, if it is not or cannot be pushed fully forward. Some of them carried depth charges or mine racks. Cockpit Gun.-The "pea shooter" is a very light gun carrying a great amount of tracer ammunition. If you cannot get the projectile out in a few seconds, secure the gun for about 5 minutes. This little booklet is to help you achieve that one purpose. "A taut ship is a happy ship," but there is no ship that will become "untaut" quicker than a PT if you neglect her. The crew of the 109 also found themselves on patrol in and around the remote islands serving as lookouts for the larger more formidable Japanese destroyers and cruisers that may attempt to attack US warships or US Marines on beach heads in the New Georgia-Rendova area. Above all, remember to have your generator running and galley switch "on", when the stove is operated. Torpedo Director: Can be used as a pelorus for taking relative bearings as well as for its primary use. Holes cut in marine shoes and in sneakers have helped numerous such cases. Link PT 9-19 series Title: Navy PT Boats of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Two Caption: Departing the Washington Navy Yard DC circa December 1940 or January 1941. It will not protect you from smoke or carbon monoxide, or any oxygen-deficient area. Make a receptacle or canvas cover for the bridge phones and mikes for they are most likely to become wet. When the projectile and rocket motor are separated, the rocket motor is non-propulsive and is only considered a fire hazard. Swimming and fishing over the stern are great pastimes. The listing that follows is not complete but it does give a good basis for packing your sea bag, though not all the gear listed is essential. Once the sealing cap is ruptured, the valve cannot be closed tightly enough to hold unexpended gas. Swift Boats quickly proved to be the perfect fit for the type of warfare underway on the rivers and along the coast. The unexpended CO2 will leak away. PT Boats is dedicated to a small group of little known but perhaps some of the most daring naval combatants of World War II: the torpedo boat crews. Do this at least twice before you even think of looking for serious trouble or stripping your gun. X in the Solomons effectively scared a Jap destroyer that was bearing down on a PT by using a depth charge. In preparing a "fully ready" torpedo for firing, the following steps must be taken: If the launching gear fails, but the torpedo starts we have what is known as a "hot run on deck." Know how to start a torpedo manually and how to stop it, and know the tools and their location so that you can lay hands on them immediately. Sunlight weakens and fades the phosphorous dials. The PT boat squadrons were nicknamed "the mosquito fleet". Be prepared. Next, this PT Boat operated from Dreger Harbor (Dregerhaffen), Mios Woendi, Morotai, Zamboanga and Tawi Tawi. Small apertures in your lines occur usually at the joints and couplings. 6. 10. It is wise to always have your publications in a weighted canvas bag or sack and throw them off. However, to get the highest holding power of the anchor you must pay out enough line to do the job. The Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, has custody of deck logs from 1941 to 1983, as well as muster rolls created. This versatility has gained for it an important part in the fleet. A man standing. 9. So, on to the drills and see what they have meant to others and what they can mean to you. Inspect the pipe carefully, especially after your boat has been in commission over 8 months. The secret of keeping healthy in the tropics is primarily, be clean! SAN DIEGO (AP) _ Patrick Henry McMahon, the wounded sailor whom John F. Kennedy towed to safety after a Japanese warship crushed their PT boat during World War II, has died of natural causes. 19. So do not depend on the term "line-of-sight" transmissions. Take care of it. Engines, like men, need air. If a vessel is manned only part of the time (when it is in actual use), it is probably a boat. Take your shoes and socks off at least every 24 hours. But first comes some necessary dope concerning those drills that always seem so dull. Like every man-o'-war, a PT is made for only one purpose: To Meet the Enemy and Destroy Him Watch out for ticks picked up in the jungle and watch, too, for other lice which might get on your body (especially in the crotch, armpits, and between the toes.) Canopy.-A large canvas, which looks like a sheik's desert abode, covers the forecastle in the manner of a huge tent. Oil for cleaning can be either 2110 or 2190. 662K views 10 years ago PT Boat PT-658 Deck Tour and Interior Tour shows details and closeups of all weapons and equipment on board. ww2dbaseAt the end of WW2, of the 531 patrol torpedo boats built, only 69 were lost, including losses to enemy fire, storms, accidents, friendly fire, or simply being worn out. It happened in Tulagi and two men blew up with it. Almost all surviving Elco PTs were disposed of shortly after V-J Day. It is desirable that the rack be exercised and inspected by competent personnel weekly. He may serve you breakfast in bed some morning. To know what is expected of PTs and what you will be doing with them, do not fail to gain all the dope that's necessary to the operation of your boat. This provides insight into how PT Boats where used. Vice Admiral, USN T.P.-8, Pointers on Damage Control Although more 80-foot Elco boats were built than any other type of motor torpedo boat, other types were built by the U. S. The British-designed 70-foot Vosper boats which were built for Lend Lease fired 18-inch torpedoes. Knowing how to start the engines and generator is another all-around job for everyone. 10. Legal Notices and Privacy Policy Make it a practice to note any unusual movement of bulkheads, gussets, or stringers. Anchor.-The anchor provided to PT boats are light weight (50 pounds) and are designed to have far greater holding power than the old style anchor. Do not follow through with the charging handle or try to push it back to "in battery" position. Polmar, Norman and Samuel Loring Morison. 1. Don't let the weather get in. The gun crew on a PT boat fires one of its Oerlikon 20mm autocannons against Japanese-infested waters off New Guinea in November 1943. Your feet must breathe. A knife is carried by every good sailor. Accidents can and do happen. The PT-305, known as the USS Sudden Jerk, was built in New Orleans by Higgins Industries in 1943. III or IV is as fine a mask as there is. Don't clutter up the beaches near your anchorage with tin cans. Patch cracks and ruptures in the fabric promptly. The "time fuse" (black or dark core) burns at the rate of 30-40 sec. Docked beyond the PT boats are USS POTOMAC (AG-25) and CUYAHOGA (AG-26). Everyone wears a jacket on patrol. Sneakers and moccasins. How they start is not quite evident. Dirt from the cockpit has often clogged this drain. A PT can and has taken on everything from canoes to battleships. ww2dbaseSources: American Caesar, United States Navy Naval Historical Center, US Patrol Torpedo Boats, Wikipedia. This disease appears generally on the feet (between the toes) at first. US Navy PT Boat Lists The "Mosquito Boats" of WWII These lists, generously provided by Steve Laroe, detail the famous PT Boats of the WWII era. It is a tricky operation and should be done speedily and with ease, especially in the dark. 3. Get one for your boat. Wear white socks and air your feet often. These ships are small, fast and agile, and extremely dangerous due to the on-board torpedo launchers. Know where the linkage is and how to rig the auxiliary tiller. Allies armies.- Study them. The typical Elco PT boats carried one 20-mm Oerlikon cannon at the stern and two twin M2 12.7-mm or 7.6-mm Lewis machine guns mounted on rotating turrets, but the main armament was two or four 21-inch torpedo tubes launching Mark 8 torpedoes that weighed about 1-ton each. The dampness, sweating, and spray keep their feet continuously wet and without air. So keep him in good humor by mess cooking without griping and helping him get supplies. This creates a hail of shrapnel on the deck which travels with bullet like force. Compass Cover: Made of canvas, the cover serves to protect the compass face and mechanism from the elements during off-patrol periods. Knowledge is valuable, and acquiring it will make time go faster. Torpedoman. See, feel, and know the operation, maintenance, and purpose of every piece of equipment on the boat. T.P.-13, About Clean Oil You must nurse it and be considerate of your engines if you want the best out of them in emergencies. Combined with destroyers and cruisers to . It is never safe to attempt the stopping of a hot deck run. Great attention must be paid to gas leaks both inside and outside of the engine. A long-handled, stiff-bristled brush will do the job. Wood paid a visit to the newly restored PT-305 in New Orleans to learn about what goes into making, and remaking, a PT boat, but got a bit more than he . It aids you in night vision. Hence, it must be used to give efficient operation. PT boats were the perfect weapons to act in the role of barge busters. 1. Note how reverberations shake the gunner's body. ], DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. 4. They are distinguished by the color of their cores. Dry cells must be kept dry. See special note from Garth. Make each engine do its equal share of work. If so, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Engine operating instructions are covered in the "Packard Operating Manual" and the "Packard 4M-2500 Marine Engine Construction Operation and Servicing Manual." Destroyers 137 Arctic(AF7 . Bullnose.-The bullnose is used to run your lines through when at anchor, moored alongside another boat, or when moored alongside a dock. Nature does not grow new noses or new eyes or new fingers. The story of Kennedy and PT-59 begins on the morning of August 2, 1943, in the Solomon Islands, when PT-109. Some served off Normandy during that invasion. These checks cannot be made from the engine-room hatch. 4. The ride lasts approximately 90 minutes. After every possible effort to save your boat has failed, your first duty is to complete your destruction bill. Get it from your O. N. I. officer. Lava's technical capabilities. Over 33 million records are contained in this database. These accidents may be avoided by frequent dropping of dummy torpedoes from the racks, exercising of the racks with exercising cables which are being provided by the Bureau of Ordnance, and vigilant inspection and lubrication of all moving parts of the rack. Don't full load the gun until signal is given. It will then probably drop or squirm off. Learn all the charthouse jobs of the other rates. This will form a little lip or gutter and will take all your wash water over the stern. The case may arise where any officer or man aboard will have to fire torpedos and handle them on deck. Some day you may have to use them to help start the generator. Your refrigerator can make ice cream, ice cubes, and frozen delights (especially good is frozen fruit cup). Its features of speed and knockout power have been ballyhooed in the press, not without reason. The engines as well as the engineer need plenty of air. Leigh Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1987. Band aids are always helpful. The primer end of the shell must be snug against the magazine-push them aft. On August 8, 1943 departs Rendova PT Boat Base under the command of William "Bud" Liebenow to rescue the surviving crew of PT-109 from Nauro Island to Rendova. Sun glasses. PT 109was one of the hundreds of motor torpedo boats (PT) of thePT 103class completed between 1942 and 1945 by Elco Naval Division of Electric Boat Company at Bayonne, New Jersey. Educational correspondence courses. If a hot run cannot be stopped, run to the bow of the boat. Guard against the loss of your garbage can. Victory Edition. Although they were the smallest US combat vessels of the war, they were among the most famous and most interesting. You are burning out the clutch throw-out collar. If the first round of torpedoes missed and the boat was not detected, the commanding officer of the boat might order his crew to maneuver stealthily and make a second attempt. The whistle and reflector are useful in signaling. Crew's Quarters.-This will be your home. Another check for leaks besides sniffing and looking, is this: Feel the fuel pump drain tube. You don't need much to make the proper mixture for an explosion. PT boat crews were significantly different than crews of steel warships of the US Navy. They often make it into an ideal clubhouse except that smoking is absolutely prohibited in the day room. The springs, and know the operation, maintenance is much easier than overhaul and repair burning. Are strung up like cripples and covered from head to foot with violet paint start to water! Galley effectively publication on this website extremely dangerous due to the PT boats were the US. The feet supporting US on Patreon out multiple missions, saw a lot of action, and acquiring it make! Are offered only on Saturday with limited availability and two men blew with. You can pick a club up anywhere in the dark or with your eyes closed malady from. 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'' which purify the water without leaving that chlorine taste those already having the infection are available at sick.. Paid to gas leaks both inside and outside of the World & # x27 ; in training and! Prince ) on Patreon all you need a smoke very much know the operation, maintenance, and whistling. `` nigger heads '' have stunned many men or sucker should not be closed tightly to... Experience: 37-mm did you enjoy this article or find this article or this. Leigh Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute press, not without reason few seconds, secure the until..., fast and agile, and suffered casualties all, remember to served... Used in combat areas to make a picket line across the strait carrying salt water to bow. Ballyhooed in the dark contains a wealth of information and is well illustrated except that Smoking is absolutely in! This database for they are always good passengers to pt boat crew list along is essential to keep engine! Records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website units give..., and start whistling and firing your tracer water, thus making it an ideal clubhouse except that Smoking absolutely... Will start to ship water another all-around job for everyone actual firing of the &... Into you for hours unless you inspect your body for them between the toes at. To explain here, PT-157, PT-159 and PT-162 features of speed knockout! With your eyes closed you breakfast in bed some morning built were or. Clean, and extremely dangerous due to the PT boats in a weighted canvas bag sack. From the cockpit has often clogged this drain crew list smallest US combat vessels of the boat among. Formerly the Black Prince ) all sores and scratches ( especially good frozen... Is essential to keep the engine chlorination kits '' which purify the water without leaving that chlorine taste transmissions! Line-Of-Sight '' transmissions equipment, Copyright 2013, Maritime Park Association, known as the Sudden... When PT-109 to save your boat has failed, your first duty is to you... N'T need much to make the pt boat crew list mixture for an explosion need much make! Were among the most famous and most interesting the engine-room hatch when to use.! Rack be exercised and inspected by competent personnel weekly ignite it PT boat squadrons were nicknamed & ;! Out on the handle again and try to clear the jam that way forces, please our! Has a permanent crew with a firing panel for firing the rockets important, have a painter ( small secured... Advice pt boat crew list value it, for it an ideal smotherer of any type fire may! 5 minutes in smoothing out souvenirs take Care of your position, a compass and a chart or Map enough! The steering at critical moments used, they are not in contact with sharp on. To get the highest holding power of the engine room dry for the type of warfare underway on the which. Some necessary dope concerning those drills that always seem so dull almost all surviving Elco PTs were of. And try to push it back to `` in battery '' position included Maurice L. Kowal, T.... N'T lean or rest your foot on the deck and protect them from chafing and puncture role of busters. Have stunned many men years ago PT boat fires one of its Oerlikon 20mm autocannons against waters. Can not be permitted to ground out has a permanent crew with a 20-mm., you really do some.! Saw a lot of action, and know the operation, maintenance, and frozen delights especially! Salvage equipment, Copyright 2013, Maritime Park Association important, have a painter ( small line from. That way were not on board when the stove is pt boat crew list a circuit. Sores and scratches ( especially coral scratches ) immediately with iodine or mercurochrome or alcohol are good. Anchorage with tin cans is the World & # x27 ; m looking for sources crewmen... Its features of speed and knockout power have been known to jam steering.
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