The Hass Avocado is large and symmetrical in shape with black skin when ripe: Fruit Ripens: February to October. I picked up the last Reed from Walter Andersens last week and a little Fuerte. The Florida avocado. Taste Ive read is great. To mitigate the clay soil, the planting area is raised, and the adjacent rock wall is free standing to allow drainage. Based on other research, Id been drawn to trying a GEM avocado tree here in NoCal on the coast (near Ft. Bragg and Mendocino). Avocados love it just above 70. As for the snow, we have had quite a bit of ice the last few weeks, and today it snowed in parts of the mountains, even in the valley (Pasadena/Rancho Cucamonga)! My Reed and Lamb trees held onto so much fruit that I later had to remove some by hand in order to prevent branches from breaking. That sounds like an excellent setup and arrangement of varieties. I have not been able to get a clear answer as to why this is not grown in South Florida. Greg, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Its one that I have thought a lot about, read a lot about, still wrestle with, but have some good experience to share. Thank you so much for your recommendation. The only varieties that I would avoid for the use of shade are Holiday, Wertz, Stewart, Gwen, and Lamb. We dont need a shade tree (probably that was obvious. I sprayed today and will keep it up. I ate my first ever Kona Sharwil today. Sharwils harvest season compared to Reed will likely be more similar to Hass at your location. Or maybe scratch all those and go with GEM or Gwen? I would have preferred a Jim Bacon but couldnt find one. At first, I had a Hass in mind, but found out about the GEM and it sounded more like what I was looking for, especially with the columnar growing pattern. Great to hear! Not always, but usually. Thanks again! In fact, cross-pollination is promoted in the flowers by the stigma of a flower being receptive to pollen prior to pollen being released from that same flower. I also planted a Queen avocado tree in the spot where the Holiday was. D'Arturo Avocado. I cant speak from personal experience about my own Sharwil trees because theyre too young, so this guess is based on what Ive seen in others Sharwil trees in Southern California. Hass beats almost everyone at the length of its harvest season. They seem to be especially common on trees in your neighborhood. But a couple are right on the cusp of that top tier. Fuerte and Nabal are both well known for alternating in this way. So, right now, at the churchs garden we already have a beautiful avocado collection Hass, Lamb, Bacon and Reed. Ill do it again this summer to figure out where not to plant less heat tolerant plants. Our water on the Mesa is exceptionally hard, and Im wondering if perhaps we should try a Lamb or Reed instead, or how salt tolerant a Fuerte is? The only caveat Id make is that Pinkerton and Gwen both seem to like to have a B-type avocado nearby in order to produce their maximum. Four different varieties which were doing very well. This is such a good topic that it deserves the space of a full post. What do you think? Eventually we could put up a larger greenhouse, but Im hoping that we can proceed without having to do that. Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, people here seldom grow avocados, it is just not in our culture which is strange, because people do eat avocados a lot, and you find them in every supermarket. I have been in contact with them for Carmen, GEM and Ettinger trees and late January was told to ask later in April for the trees. The challenge is that many of them have similar harvest seasons, which are spring into summer: Hass, Sharwil, GEM, Gwen. I think, my garden is in the 10a zone. Ive heard people say that too, but Ive never found evidence for it. Thank you! I will definitely stay in touch if any other questions arise. Or consider 'Lamb Hass,' a similar-size tree, hardy to 26 degrees, bearing 10- to 18-ounce Hass . I fertilized more, watered less, and now its in perfect shape. On the other hand, he plants GEM at 10 feet because it is less vigorous than Hass. The variety has been grown in Southern California for about a hundred years, having been brought up from Guatemala by Wilson Popenoe. Would you recommend Carmen Hass and GEM? It becomes hydrophobic whereas the mulch never does.) Greg, what rootstocks would you recommend for GEM, Lamb and Bacon? has a high oil content and is larger than the hass variety. We had problems with root rot our persimmontree died of root rot). In the wild this means a range of flying and crawling insects, but in Western Australia this is . Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Terrific! For those who have a large yard, Martin. I hope I can answer all of your questions on this topic there. Kona Sharwil Avocado. Can I say in between vertical and horizontal? Buddy, youre the best. SHIPPING. Hi Joseph, So I have got as close as I can while understanding that the season is going to be affected by many other things anyway. No one even the owner knows what variety it is, but there is a lot of fruits on it. Hass grow and produce great in other cool summer climates farther south, such as near Morro Bay. They're all from the same Mexican or Guatemalan stock, but they've been bred for the local climate. Such great information for gardening in San Diego! Great article, Im planting a reed, hass and fuerte. So if possible, I would also add a third tree of a B-type flower and keep it small and use it just for the flowers (strip all or most of its fruit each year). To speed up the avocado ripening process we recommend placing unripe avocados in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana for two to three days until they are ripe. As for heat-tolerant avocado varieties, I wrote a post about that some years back and Ill be updating it soon: Haha. Horizontally? I have a space there where its convenient for them to dump. Thanks again for everything. I decided to follow your advice and plant one Reed and one Hass. What an adventure youve gotten yourself into. (I have to confess this is a real problem of our nation.. No information whatsoever about rootstocks in the nurseries And then people are surprised that their cherry or apricot trees dont fruit). I grafted some Sharwils here and there in the spring, and theyve grown more than any other variety I grafted this year (including Fuerte, which people often talk of as being so vigorous). It may have something to do with the Gwen tree being a bit wimpy during extreme weather compared to some other avocado varieties. "The trees are also more compact, which means growers have less costs for harvesting and tree maintenance." The fruit has black, medium-thick skin and an oval shape. But the important thing is that Reeds taste great a couple months after Hass are at their best. Hi Greg, (If youre wondering where to buy one of these avocado varieties or any other variety of avocado tree see my post, Where to buy an avocado tree.). I feel really enthusiastic about it, and grateful for your advice. The state dealt in the Sharwil variety of avocado, which some say is superior in taste and texture and yields more flesh. I dont usually talk about high density because its a term that commercial growers use whereas my website is oriented toward home gardeners. 1 year old Pinkerton on unknown seedling Queen Avocado. But thats actually not why Id choose it to grow as my only tree. Good problems. Avocado varieties are of two flower types A or B and it has been observed in California since almost the beginning that A-type varieties fruit more reliably overall. 'Wilma' cold-hardy avocado fruits weigh up to six ounces (182g). So with just these two trees, Id have the highest quality avocados in the world for most months of the year. One of my Hass is still a baby, so I was considering taking it out and putting the Reed in its place. My second choice would be Hass and Fuerte. The fruit must be of good size. Do you need two avocado trees to get fruit? Spacing six feet apart with ten feet between rows is very workable, depending on a few factors. Please keep it up. Great article, and I agree with your choices of Hass, Reed, and Fuerte, but only if you live in a true mild avocado climate. Im watching them do so in my yard right now. See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). The problem with Fuerte is that it tends to grow horizontally so youd have to be vigilant about training it up a stake and pruning as necessary. I love my Hass. Today, the 'Hass' accounts for about 80 percent of all avocados consumed in the entire world. Sharwil avocados from . Isnt Sharwil a vigorous variety! This way youll likely have some years with fruit on all but some years where the tender ones get some damage. As a matter of fact, choosing the varieties was just the beginning)))) Thanks. Out of those choices, I would go with Fuerte just because it has the most potential for cross-pollination with Pinkerton. Im from Southern Portugal and had also trouble to find reliable sources for avo trees. My experience with Sharwil in my own yard and my observations of other Sharwils confirm that its not the most predictable bearer, unfortunately. We have a central coast house with three citrus trees and was looking for one Avocado tree, I was leaning towards the Sir Prize, with your discussion should I lean towards the Haas as a single tree, or is either a good choice. But not about the persea mites. ): Frank Y, Colin S, gmjford, Rich C, Shawn C, billiame, Jeff R, WLC, John D, Robert B, Doug S, generalkobe, Michele, Soupy, Nick G, Lindsea And Sawyer, Tom K, Nicole R, Debra M, Darren A, BigOrangeTabby, Norma M, Marilyn F, Marty W, Sarah, litng, LiviOnTheCoast, Diane B, Kelly R, kicksavedave, aguaje, Randy B, tomatochild, Warford Farms, Michele G, msassi, cha4les, mmazloff, JJfromOC, tbschulz, Kathryn, Sam B, Sheila D, Khoang, espiro, Duke 360, Chitong C, Adrien P, Greg and Kerry Ann H, Sylmar Dal, Steve McF, Stan, Susan R, socalgardner, tonyram, hvicente, leelindsay, Michelle, Gabe C, James N, Kim O, Minerva M, Vanya K, Phillip T, Vasco O, Anne K, Laura T, Dan P, William D, Robert M, Brownieb3, Seyburn, Vistashaws, Palinka, rourkecarey, pboynton, go2jane, El Heff, acahni, vicksterh, Linda R, ricknoach, ellenstoddard, Rach F, Jen L, Jessica V, MB, eresing, Janbob, LesliePoway, 10445chantel, CynF, kropper8, Helen, Barb, KariAIst, ettie9161, kdonohoe, John B, larayna, Fred, Court, MGvonhoffmnn, saralou, Carmen, rmsoltys, mjbcpa, slee, Damien H, Alethea, Jamie P, immaterial, vasanthak, mattvan01, Possum, dberg001, Jodie B, Richard A, Donna B, cshaw2049, Bobbie D, Kendra M, Steve S, Julianne, Jwaldemar, JCorte, Robin D, Richard R, Caliocean, Sara H, KrisClem, Jerseyguy, Carmen M, Peggy H, HappyBeeSD, randyihenglee, Julie W, Ken K, Marty W, YGrow, Palinka, Ramona, rclevin5, vgapeyev, Avos in L A, Richard S, Peter K, Robin, DavidSD, Judy C, Rodman, James N, Tim S, Jamie M, Betty W, Gregory C. Learn how you can support The Yard Posts here. Its single disadvantage is its black color, which has been associated in the minds of the public with poor quality fruits, wrote, Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? I have two questions, if I may See his website for details: The trees have a tall, upright spreading habit. A couple of practices to consider from the UC IPM page: Excess fertilization, especially with quick-release formulations, may increase persea mite numbers and damage during late spring and summer due to increased foliar nitrogen. (See more on this from a paper by Peter A. But unfortunately, there was a huge heat wave in July-August 2022, and the young Hass died of sunburn. Should we take all the trees out and start new? So since youre buying from Subtropica, Id get any clonals they have, if available, and then plan to wrap the trunk next winter to protect the rootstock and graft union area from cold. Greg, thanks for the article and all the comments. I wrote this post with someone just like you in mind. Riverside to Thanks for the feedback. Would you still recommend a Hass and Reed for us? Contemplated stopping by Fallbrook and talking to a grower, but returning on Sunday meant I was a bit eager to get home. The tree bears regular crops of large, round fruit of exceptional eating quality. Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? Hi Robert, Youd likely still have a window with no fruit, or no great fruit, sometime in fall. Two main varieties on offer. Hass avocados make up 95% of all the avocados eaten in the USA but you may be surprised to learn that the humble Hass is one of the newest varieties of avocado and didn't even exist before the 1920's. Also I was thinking of grafting Lamb Hass onto the Hass so I can extend that season. Were planting literally thousands of sharwil avocados in 30 gallon root pouches, mostly above ground. Hi David, If you live in a cooler area I think it calls for some adjusting. I am looking for a variety that would : Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. Do remember how heavy the fruit is, and that it will cause branches to bend down significantly. The funny thing is that when I have given people some wood I didnt give them fruit because it is identical to Fuerte so there is no need. We have a large greenhouse and I was hoping you could suggest some avocados that might be easier to grow and fruit here? Having grown up in San Diego and having a father who loved Avocados, I was never without. But first let me say thank you. I see a lot of posts about cold tolerant avocado trees, how about heat tolerant (besides reed)? Home Depot in Whittier has mainly had Zutanos, Bacons and Hass while Lowes hadnt had anything. I have two questions for you: The tree looks healthy and fruitful: auspicious for your plantings. (I fear the size they grow but now that I have experience I realize that avocados are easy to prune and bounce back.). I am jealous you are growing all those Hawaiian varieties and am interested in what you have to say about taste once that time comes and how the trees are doing. If I was going to do it again here in the Southern Vic, I'd just go for Hass and Reeds mostly with maybe three Bacons and an Ettinger for a pollinator. We might be on to something. Which town or area are you in? Hi Greg, Our hydrangeas have always been pink, not a hint of blue, no matter the quantity of theSoil Acidifiermy mother added.I think our PH is around 7, not less. Its green-skinned fruits weigh 8 to 20 oz and mature in winter and spring. Ettinger, Ive never had a tree-matured Sir Prize. Both ornamental and fruit trees are being affected, Its only about 8 miles to the Tijuana River valley from here which Im told is having a serious problem with shot hole borers, hope Im wrong but that may be the problem. The fifteen-gallon avocado trees Ive planted have all continued to be far bigger and productive earlier than five-gallon trees planted at the same time. If I didnt feel the need for lots of space, I would, no doubt. I live in San Diego, about 7 miles away from the coast. Jan Boyce is an A-type avocado variety, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil, and Nabal are Bs. We have acreage The Land located above Hilo, Hawaii, at 800 foot elevation. Really, grafted avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much too soon. There are a lot of factors that go into the long term performance of a tree, but all other things being equal (health of tree, scion variety, rootstock, care), I also see no theoretical reason that a younger tree would somehow jump ahead of an older tree. 100% Hawaiian Sharwil Avocados. There is a lot of great info here. Both have excellent tasting fruit. I am familiar with Fuertes history and that it grows wide making dense planting difficult and that some years the production is very low. Will likely be going with a Sir Prize based on that fact, but Eli at Subtropica has all available, its just so tempting to get all three and just try to plant the reed on the other side of the property. 'Greengold' and 'Murashige' are other green-skinned cultivars recommended by CTAHR for commercial planting. I dont have a lot of firsthand experience with avocados in your area so I try to be keep quiet about what will grow well there and how to do it. 1) which two varieties would you recommend as being good pairing for quite heavy clay-y soil?! You found an avocado tree in Nice! (Then again I let mine hang until June.). Give your avocado tree about 15 feet of space from other trees and plants. But at least it was grown in Southern California. At the same time I have not been able to taste one and am surprised at how difficult it has been to find, so I wonder how accurate those old articles are, what downsides it might have that have made it less popular over time. From your experience what avocado tree should I plant? They have smooth, glossy skins and high water content. I have lost a couple in the past that I didnt wrap. Should I plant a Reed to complement my other trees? This way I still have the varieties (and I hope I get as much fruit as possible from them) but Im not wasting space and water on a lot of unproductive foliage. In that case, the tree needs to be kept cool and hydrated as far as possible. Here is how some of my trees looked after that record heat of July 2018:, I just want to say your posts and YouTube profile videos have been an amazing tool for me! While Dusa is the global standard today, it does not perform best in all conditions with all scion varieties. Many thanks in advance for your help and advice! For example, GEM (and some other varieties) on Dusa is a poor performer if the soil pH is high. Thank you. I just bought a house in Covina, CA, and Im looking to plant two varieties in the same area (about 10 apart) once our cold spell is over. Reed also stays green when its ripe. Hi Greg, They have plenty of space, but Im leaning towards the GEM, since its so easy to get a hold of Hass at the markets. Grows the best long-term in the ground. Both varieties are a rich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as "healthy fats," which means it's not a bad idea to eat an avocado every day. Pretty much. Tree 1: Im really leaning towards a GEM. We do not have a lot of wind problems where we are located, either. I have a Reed on Dusa that is doing very well. Elizabeth. The same occurred with my newly planted atemoya: the leaves turned black, and the tree dried to death. But Im game to attack it with a fun and practical twist: Im imagining that I just moved into a new house with a blank yard . Small seed - Sharwil seeds, possibly the smallest of all commercial avocados, are Our greenhouse has 14ft ceilings. Oh yes, I found an avocado tree in Nice!!!!!!!!!!! Craig. Is there another tree of comparable size that complements the GEM in season that could happily share this space? Lamb Hass Lamb Hass is a California selection bearing spring and summer fruit. In my (very limited) gardening experience, I noticed that choosing the right variety is not everything, one has to be sure it will function well in the conditions ones got. Whats your take on planting it as the only Avocado tree in my yard? Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. It seems that I should have bought the first Ettinger I saw five years ago. Hi Greg, I live on the California Coast in between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, were at about 800ft elevation and 1 mile inland from the coast. So sorry to hear about your trees. I would be happy to share with you if you are interested. A single fruit can weigh over a pound and the tree grows to reach just 8 feet indoors, or 15 to 20 feet when planted outside. On June 10 and 11 last year (2019), my yard reached 100 both days. It stops a month earlier than a Reed but the Fuerte starts up the next month. Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, andReed also stays green when its ripe. GEM is more consistent, so growers can make money every year," Arpaia said. I finally managed to buy 1 Hass (on Duke 7) in a local nursery in June 2022 (they sell avocado trees only in May-June). Then youll still be lacking in winter., This is when I realised the tremendous importance of the rootstock (some rootstocks have three times bigger yields than the others!). This makes me very happy? Theyre hard to find these days. Ive only eaten them once though, a handful of years ago up in Carpinteria. The answer depends on a few things. Sun exposure. Highlights. Avocado oils are considered heart-healthy and good for your skin. A good companion for GEM in your allotted space of 12 by 12 might be Pinkerton or Sir-Prize to get fruit in winter before GEM is ready to pick in spring; or Reed or Lamb to get fruit in summer into fall after the GEM harvest is done. Weve been in our San Diego (San Carlos) home a year and are finalizing landscaping. Our climate is supposed to be similar to South California (I have never been to California though))), we have no frosts, summers are a little more humid than in California. I never feel like I have a palate that is refined enough to give a sufficiently florid description. Im glad youre happy with your Zutano. Edranol, Ettinger, Hass, Sharwil and Zutano were mid-season flowerers. The variety was developed in Australia during the mid-1950s and it became the main commercial avocado grown in . Hi Elizabeth, I have been trying to research this for a while now trying to figure out the best combination for me. Stay sharp! As for Reed, it can handle the heat fairly well as far as Ive seen. 2 years old Fuerte on unknown seedling I also like Maddock. Your email address will not be published. This variety is productive in both coastal and inland areas. You can always try a Hass too, and just prune it to the size you want. I am curious to see if it will fruit consistently. You just have to do a little pruning to make sure they share sunlight and space. Your help would be most welcome, Thanks. I could swear that I read somewhere that Reed trees will get very tall if left unpruned. I could do that! I was surprised this past weekend that I found the Lowes in La Mirada had 10 Reeds in 5 gallon containers. Theyre for my parents and theyre concerned about consuming yield from two trees, but maybe after a few years, theyll be up for another! They grow far better in the mild temperatures near the beach than they do in my yard which is twenty miles from the ocean. As you get closer to the ocean and farther north, the Reed season gets later and longer because of the cooler temps. I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! Best regards, As good as some other avocados are, nothing pleases me quite as much as eating a high quality Fuerte. (Theyll both produce some without a pollenizer.) We can all hope, cant we? Id like to plant an avacado tree in my front court yard. Still, taste is subjective and theres no accuracy in saying any one variety is the best tasting to anyone but yourself. Im also always unsure what Im going to find at these types of stores, which is why I always have a look when Im shopping there. Theres likely to be at least a little variation in your yard. 7. Marin, known for cultivating new crops, also grew Isabella grapesthen sold the resulting wine to sea captains, off what is now Vineyard Avenue in Honolulu. Im sorry but even though that farm has Sharwil avocado trees growing, the trees are too young to have a substantial crop and so they havent started selling the fruit. 96 9GreenBox - Pineapple Guava - 2 Pack 1,083 From what I hear it is a great tasting avocado but they dont seem to produce much up here. I hate to hear how many avocado trees havent thrived for you, but its great that you havent given up. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. All I can say is wow! No matter your choice, Im excited for you to get a tree or a couple going in your yard. The worst infestations Ive seen have been on highly fertilized trees. Lambs are also highly productive, taste very good, and mature in summer into fall. What I would plant after these is less solid though. I like the way you put that. As I recall, the Tijuana River valley is where they were first noticed some years back. Green gold can not compete with shawil but makes good quac. I have to plant them in a line of north to south. I was there last week visiting a few friends and their avocado trees. About five years ago it started to get bad infestations of mites, it then started to get cancors on the large branches and trunk that had a white powder around the edges. Thank you. I have been watching this tree for years since I work in the area, had some fruit once they turned black and they taste exactly like Fuerte! But there are a lot of B types whose fruit I love so Im starting to keep my B types smaller or graft them into A types and eliminate their whole trees. This is according to these articles of course. We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. I think Ill pick a few avocados that you mentioned (knowing me Ill get to the store and come back with seven) Call me crazy but I just ordered 10 thermometers that record the max/min temp on my property. I figured there had to be one. I have learned so much from your website, Thank You. by Greg Alder | Mar 23, 2018 | Avocados | 167 comments. Aside from their physical differences, the main difference between Hass and Fuerte avocados is their textures. Option 2: Sir Prize. I read that Duke 7 (American) and Dusa (South African) are to this day the best rootstocks. That day gave me a chance to compare the heat tolerance of multiple varieties: But the distinctive smooth texture and nutty yellow flesh of a perfect Fuerte is so appealing to me that I dont even want to adulterate it as guacamole. Good for your skin twenty miles from the ocean eating quality a high quality Fuerte very tall left! Beginning ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) thanks you just have to plant less tolerant! Conditions with all scion varieties density because its a term that commercial growers use whereas my is. Choosing the varieties was just the beginning ) ) ) ) thanks up in San Diego San! Past weekend that i read somewhere that Reed trees will get very tall left! All those and go with GEM or Gwen at 800 foot elevation wave! Returning on Sunday meant i was surprised this past weekend that i have. ( Theyll both produce some without a pollenizer. ) raised, and the tree bears regular crops of,. And summer fruit grower, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil and Hass while hadnt... 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Been brought up from Guatemala by Wilson Popenoe much from your experience what avocado tree about 15 of... For you to get a tree or a couple going in your yard go... Ripens: February to October year and are finalizing landscaping tree bears regular crops of large, fruit!, such as near Morro Bay bit wimpy during extreme weather compared to Reed will likely be more to...
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