They really think youre cute, so dont be afraid to tell them you like them. This is someone who you have met before. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. But why? TAROT DECK: I suggest you to buy the original Rider Waite deck, PLEASE dont buy an artistic/not original deck as your first deck, memorizing cards meaning is WAY EASIER with the original Rider Waite deck, its also cheaper than artistic or personalized deck. They remind me of nature a lot. You might have pointy eyebrows. 4 of Cups, Page of Cups, 4 of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, The Fool, 8 of Cups, 5 of Cups, The Star. Its not always a bad card and generally its not related to an actual death, it will just bring a change in some aspects of your life or in a relationship. They will see a very big progress in you. Sex could be very healing for both of you. You might meet really fast and both of you wont even notice it(?). It could be either a positive or negative card, it means that those who act good will be blessed with a positive change, those who act bad will be punished for their action. I heard Im here, its ok from your energy so you might be someone who tends to take t on he mom role in your friend group. It announces an obstacle in a situation or that someones not being honest to you. Women tend to see the King of Cups as this man whos a good husband/father/boss. I get the feeling that they could fear your energy. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. The King of Cups also demonstrates that your person is really in tune with their emotions, and even if they may have been afraid to get deep in the past, they feel differently now. Someone you lost. Many of you who have chosen this pile also chosen the 6th pile most likely. Its related to a happy state of mind, creativity, new projects and love stories. Yeah, Im not planning on coming towards you so soon lol, stay mad. Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. You guys tend to go through many awkward situations where you feel like a total fool to the point where you get so embarrassed you dont want to get out of the house. Nice to see you. You can evolve together and learn a lot from each other. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. If you want to feel free, then free yourself from this part time job/role you chosen to take. Theyre going to be an empathetic and sensitive, theyre always going to be supportive toward you and your goals. Like The High Priestess, it suggests that the cards are not able to answer your question. Id invite you too but I dont know who you are yet. Im not gonna apologise for the lack of seriousness I have right now since I know you dont give a fuck anyways. Pluto in the 12th house: you need to explore with your spiritual side, work on your internal dialog, try to sleep well, analyze your dreams and trust your intuition, your spiritual gift will guide you through the healing process. It can be hard for them to pick one goal to accomplish, when theres so much they feel capable of doing! Zoo, cups of tea drank in the park, church, religion, tradition, folklore, you watching them sleeping, blunt energy, victory, infinity, nephews(? You might get to meet them while they are attacked by someone verbally or even physically. It suggests to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude e to stay focused on your goals. Right off the bat, this person gives me major sagittarius/virgo vibes. Now Im not saying that it cant last forever, but ofc, there is still so much more to see and feel. They might try to fit in with others. This person may have actually been one of your soulmates, but ultimately, you were not meant to be together. The World (XXI) : Like The Fool, its a card referred to cycles, ending a chapter, receiving gratification after hard times. When they think about you, they feel a warm ray of sunshine in their chest. You will feel guilty by the fact that you reacted so defensively at their opinion and youll also feel stupid. I would recommend you to pray for this persons well-being. You always hesitate to speak up, thinking everyone will judge you, but for nothing. This is someone generous, passionate, loyal, and perhaps a bit full of themselves ;) Theyre definitely ambitious with a lot of lofty goals for themselves - and they have the confidence to succeed. Take a break, breathe and then start building your walls against the ones who want to mess you up. I tried to create an apposite blog for witchcraft/spiritual stuff but tumblr decided to be a bad bitch and marked my blog as a spammer, so I decided to post this guide here on my main blog. Let me tell you something, they faced a lot in their lives and they worked their asses off for those money you see. They may also ask for your help a lot, I just heard a soft, deep voice(?) I heard Shes very quiet from your person. Your dream can bring you money and can give you a stable/rich life. You have me for example. a reading on your crush? Option 2 (middle) They are serious about their commitment. I feel like you couldve reacted impulsively towards them at some point, like they/someone else kept you under pressure and you just bursted with emotions, may them be anger or sadness or panic. They might be someone who was raised in a wealthy family but who didnt get enough emotional support from their loved ones. They are very good at manifesting and getting whatever they want. 1. And if you just want to help support me so that I can continue to make more readings, all feedback and tips are super appreciated! capricorn vibes here. * DISCLAIMER: There aspects arent strictly connected with homosexuality, astrologys pretty complex and aspects/planets in signs could mean many different things *. Now Im talking for the girls who grew up without a father or who didnt have a good relationship with their dads, this person will be what you need in life. They can have a very lost look in their eyes, like, they are not even conscious of what if happening around them. They may sometimes have bursts of anger or offend you when youre giving them constructive criticism. Many of you most likely have many Aquarius placements and feel awkward when expressing your sadness or fear or love. Pluto in 7th house: establish healthy relationships with others, define healthy boundaries with others, open up, establish 50-50 relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. The energy feels quite new, so you dont know this person so well, yet. and I totally forgot the lyrics before I searched it up hahaha. Curious about what does a person thinks about you? There could also be some sort of obsession coming from their part. Youll know important informations about your relationships and your love life. Take your time, meditate, and pick one of the following groups (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) using your intuition. Your counterpart seems to not really pay attention to your body. I have 3 piles in the image below. I heard scatterbrained for some reason. I feel a lot of earth behind this person. Thats what it seems. Your counterpart will surely love it. In the past, you may have gravitated towards a specific type, possibly not putting you in the best situations. Either way, youre their confidant and they really trust your judgement. This person will see you as a boss basically. You can both read someones story by just staring at them. If you would like more information on your reading, message me for a tip-based extended reading! The Hierophant (V) : Like the High Priestess, this is a card about secrets and things that are hidden, in this case the card shows you that a secrets going to be revealed pretty soon or a conflict will be solved. I get so many situations. You were left scatterbrained and you surely didnt deserve this shit to happen to you, so please take care of yourself and just throw this piece of shit away if they did you THIS wrong. Its also referred to a marriage or a long term relationship, to your father or an older man in your life, to a teacher, mentor or a guide. This pile will not resonate for the most of you, but for the people who are in situations like this. I dont get the feeling that you got hurt previously, but as me, you just arent the type to like very cheesy and romantic things. Theyre literally a Tsundere if you know what those are. (your current energy / near future): What does this person thinks about me? tarot reading: Life lessons tarot reading (how to unlock a situation): Why did we met? It suggests you that your problems will be solved in the right way, you just have to trust the universe and allow the divine energy to guide you. Im pulled in all directions. For others I get exactly the opposite, youll be arguing on who is gonna pay. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. Do you have any aqua/Aries placements in your chart by any chance? Im afraid to risk everything I have. But Azul Ashengrotto's wrists have been bare for many years. hello, my angels! If theyre a man they might also look like Carlisle from Twilight. Im sorry. Relax (love)// There is an answer to the darkest times// Its clear we dont understand it// But the last thing on my mind// Is to leave you// I believe that were in this together// Relax, take it easy. I get the feeling that some of you might have speaking issues and you might not be able to express yourselves the way you want to express yourselves. The High Priestess, 7 of Wands, Knight of Swords, Knight of Wands, 4 of Swords. they are good with money. Youre someone who they know they can trust for sure. Death, The Magician, 3 of Pentacles, Devil, 7 of Pentacles, Judgement, 9 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles. Do you guys have a crush atm? Butterflies represent metamorphosis or major life changes, as well as innocence and play. Words-> Chopin, calm, relaxed, summer, fun, open, kind, friendly, more open, You know, I can sing too!, nice, bubble, green, no worries, no tears. Hello and welcome to todays reading. Your future spouse might love rock since I couldnt get any non-rock song lmao. Well meet at some point, but not now. In a love reading it reminds of a strong feeling, true love and honesty. I sense that this person is going to be extremely strong and with a deep personality. They can be younger than you and they might feel that you are a lot better than them. A tarot reading about love and relationships! Its like 100 people are trying to talk to me at the same time. King of Swords, 7 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups. In presence of bad cards, it could be referred to a dream thats not going to came true or false hope. You will say things to each other that will fill holes left from past trauma, and I think this will be a really healing relationship. This person is someone really good looking if you ask me but they tend to act very childish. They dont seem to have an opinion about you, but you sure have a big impression about them lmao. Youre gonna be someone very mature for them, you might even be older than them. I feel like your person will be like oh cmon, please, I dont wanna pay! And youre gonna be like aint got no money motherf*cker, do I look like a piggy bank for u?. I will ask you to not choose any more than 2 pictures because things can get confusing. Long eyelashes regarding the gender. This fight will probably come all of the sudden because youll be tired/your person will be tired of the smoke/smell/etc you/they make/do. This may be someone whos a writer, a poet, a lyricist, or a journalist. At the beginning of the relationship this person is going to be quite closed and introverted, theyre going to need some time to open up. You're readings are so insightful! As soon as I inhaled, I mean, took a deep breath I tasted alcohol which is kinda weird to be honest. Only 2 or 3 people can relate to this. Ill ask you to please pick only one pile, because things can get pretty confusing, but its alright if you pick 2 piles :), feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox. Pluto in 4th house: understand and nurture your emotions, heal the relationship with your family, understand your roots and practice unconditional love, heal your inner child, feel a sense of belonging with your community. My Venmo is TiannaRoseTarot . Btw, you might meet online or come from different countries or at least, be very far from one another, 3 of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of pentacles, Ace of swords, 6 of wands, 5 of cups, The Emperor, 2 of pentacles, Your future spouse has been through a lot in life. Youll think they come from toxic place and now theyre obsessed with power. Its like you can communicate through telepathy with this person. We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. They put a lot of energy into their career and their finances and might not even search for you at the moment theyll meet you. Interested in my cards slapping you full on in the face? SoI want to have a family. It reminds of a situation of peace and clarity. They faced lots of change through their lives and they learned a lot from these changes and challenges. There are 3 piles in the image below. It might be your common theme. Perhaps you wanted this connection to be only a friendship and thats totally fine. Its a positive card and announces a period of calm and peace of mind. Page of Swords, Ace of Wands, The Hermit, 4 of Cups, The Hierophant, Temperance, The Magician, The Empress (your future spouse might actually watch tarot readings on YouTube lol), Well, you seem to have gotten a god/goddess right here my friend. Aaaaaah look at all the lonely people, Where do they come from?. You have to try to leave the past behind because youre no longer living in the past, so stop looking at your demons, stop judging yourself so much, stop arguing with yourself or others if its not the case. On that note, Id expect this person to be impulsive and determined - assertive and goal-driven. met her in september and thought she was really familiar. 8 of Swords, The Moon, 7 of Swords, Strength, The Emperor, Ace of Swords. Perhaps you chosen this pick a card because you want to see if they are sorry about what they did or if they know you are sorry for something YOU did. Argh, life is so hard. They are intelligent, but they dont wanna change anything in life. Do you need advices about some issues in your current relationship? Quite stubborn lmao. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. Most of you wont even notice it (? ), you were not meant be! You who have chosen this pile also chosen the 6th pile soulmate pick a card tumblr have. With homosexuality, astrologys pretty complex and aspects/planets in signs could mean many different *... A strong feeling, true love and honesty, creativity, new projects and love stories from.... 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