Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-point-university/1731299-if-you-are-seriously-considering-hpu-please-read-this-academics-are-not-what-you-think.html#latest, http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/19459878#Comment_19459878. Pinterest. My overall experience at this school has been up and down when dealing with academics, roommates, and just living on my own in general but so far this being my first year its a good place to be. Even amid a so-called post-truth era, truth telling is seen as a virtue. I chose High Point because they offered me a Presidential Scholarship, but unfortunately, it was nothing that I had hoped it would be. That seems very odd to me. Sometimes when kids are right out of high school, they are lacking the maturity to self advocate. 1). Jesus knows that those who hear Him need . HPU is super expensive too. Yes, not a bus, a trolley. The more you donate, the more you get away with and the more youre favored in the housing process etc. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We are both going to state schools close to home in the meantime. The fiat currency supply is contracting. Attending HPU really made me cherish the academics my college prep HS offered. Thank you so much for supporting me! Im sorry if my post came across as blunt. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I envied your blas attitude and I feared that my over-excitable nature would ruin a friendship before it began. High Point has ten schools: School of Dental Medicine and Oral Health; Congdon School of Health Sciences; Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy; Webb School of Engineering; Wanek School of Health Sciences; Nido R. Qubein School of Communication; David R. Hayworth School of Arts and Design; Earl N. Phillips School of Business; School of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences; School of Education. Women's lacrosse assistant coach Lauren Norris was selected to coach the 2013 Israel National Lacrosse Team in the 2013 FIL Women's World Cup. the first round of the Hercules Tires Big South Men's Basketball championship on Wednesday night.Coming out in full force, the Panthers came up short in the final minute of play, 70-72. would you choose University of South Carolina over High Point mrj1717? Every single aspect of this school has blown us away from the leadership to the education to the sports (Division 1) and club/greek life to the students and families. I wouldnt have made a special 8 hour trip to do this. I did get into all the other school mention and really regret not going to one of them. Overall, if you're a business major, great school, and if you are going for one of the really well advertised programs. [11], The Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac of April 19, 2016, noted that Qubein was the third highest-donor university president in the country from 2006 to 2016. Can someone let me know. It is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Literary societies were the norm on college campuses beginning in the nineteenth century. I have decided to transfer to Clemson University this fall. I can literally remember it like it were yesterday: I was terrified and clutching my red folder like it was my lifesaver in a room where I was drowning. This college has been claimed by the college or a college representative. Early social and intellectual life of colleges centered not on Greek life but on the literary society. -HPU is a member of NCAA Division I athletics and has 16 varsity sports - eight men's and eight women's. -The university attracts 100,000 visitors to the city each year through prospective student tours, family and alumni . Where are you transferring to? But what does it mean to tell the truth? Parents spend thousands of dollars on a sub-par service. I don't know what made God or the Fates or whichever All-Powerful Being decide that we both should be so lucky to not only know each other, but to share so much of each others' lives by being best friends, but I know I will thank them until the end of my days. The support is unlike any other school or community! Nothing to do outside of campus, because the surrounding city is unsafe. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The first question is what the DOJ was thinking. These are the things I wish I knew when I was considering attending High Point University (HPU) in North Carolina. They make it super easy to get the help you need, whether the issue is academic, financial, social, or mental health related. I wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. She remains the Big South Conference Record Holder in javelin with a throw of 52.47m (1722ft). Privacy Policy. The facility also includes HPUs newest eatery, the Butterfly Caf. High Point has accomplished a lot of good things. Ill give HPU a 3 because of the people, the fun, the dorms, the food, and SOME of the professors. I considered adding a fifth academic, but didnt want to have to pay extra money for the credit hours. and onto what is now Montlieu Ave. After the decision was made, the High Point Enterprise declared a victory! In the mid-19th century, the Methodist Protestant Church, which is now part of the United Methodist Church, became active in educational pursuits in North Carolina. Read tips on grants, scholarships, loans and more. Also, your major has a lot to do with rigor. [rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Ffiles%2F2016%2F03%2F05%2F635927542718791011-982236973_Lazy-Person.gif&ho=https%3A%2F%2Faz616578.vo.msecnd.net&s=836&h=cac76f96cb2336ad0306290ef81eb875343b1117de37a9efd0fc35597a214b3d&size=980x&c=3844662726 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Ffiles%252F2016%252F03%252F05%252F635927542718791011-982236973_Lazy-Person.gif%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Faz616578.vo.msecnd.net%26s%3D836%26h%3Dcac76f96cb2336ad0306290ef81eb875343b1117de37a9efd0fc35597a214b3d%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3844662726%22%7D" expand=1], [rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Ffiles%2F2016%2F03%2F05%2F635927544523622905-634742491_b2910680-800d-0133-0c58-0e76e5725d9d.gif&ho=https%3A%2F%2Faz616578.vo.msecnd.net&s=1011&h=32935468eb5a93919634feb4c9e45397034ad1951622590c91645e37098fa707&size=980x&c=3889442972 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Ffiles%252F2016%252F03%252F05%252F635927544523622905-634742491_b2910680-800d-0133-0c58-0e76e5725d9d.gif%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Faz616578.vo.msecnd.net%26s%3D1011%26h%3D32935468eb5a93919634feb4c9e45397034ad1951622590c91645e37098fa707%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3889442972%22%7D" expand=1], Remember when used to have fun at After Hours? Some reviews on this site might talk about the stuck up kids, the drama, the party scene, or lack of sports as a reason to transfer. It is home to HPUs mens and womens basketball teams, as well as a venue for major events, speakers, concerts, entertainment, academic symposia and recreational activities. Peer Mentors are undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who apply in the spring to be accepted into the program. Its a shame. Coinciding with the offering of graduate studies, every building on the campus was renovated and new ones were constructed with a campus quadrangle added to replace a former city street that bisected the campus,[8] and by 2004 the university's endowment increased to $40 million. Examples of zero-calorie foods include fruits and vegetables that are high in water and fiber and low in fat and sugar. That doesnt appear to be the case with High Point. A friend of mine told me she got emails and text messages after a small snow storm telling them that all kids were safe on campus and the university had hot cocoa delivered to each dorm. I think there is a bit of protective feel to the freshman housing. I graduated high school with a 3.9 gpa and got a 1280 on my SAT. NACAC elected to resolve the investigation by entering into a consent decree rather than risk litigation that might drain the organizations financial resources and threaten its sustainability. The 3rd stayed and loves it but hes a party boy and can pretty much maintain his high school lifestyle and not get kicked out of school all while studying for a business degree. HPU is always buying more land and expanding its gorgeous campus to make it as appealing as possible to new students. GREENSBORO A Guilford County judge denied a defense attorney's request Monday to suppress public distribution of information in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a deceased High. Located in North Carolina, which is a city setting in North Carolina, the campus itself is Urban. Its like a country club, very pretty, very comfortable and luxurious. 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Theres nothing wrong with that if you just call it that from the beginning. Preparing professionals for the world as it is going to be. "The History of Guilford County, North Carolina, U.S.A. To 1980, A.D." Greensboro: The Guilford County Bicentennial Commission, 1980. p. 235.
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